View Full Version : HALO B, my first field report!

06-28-2003, 08:23 PM
Hey everyone,
I am not sure why I am doing this, I guess im extremely bored :)... but today, I played some illegalball at my friends house and got to use my Halo on my mag for the first time ever! My first impression: Great. If thats all you need, exit this thread now, more details following

When I first put on my new amazing cool halo (which is not that heavy as it is generally claimed to be, I mean its HEAVIER, but not heavy) I was worried that it seemed a little high on my PF mag. I then realized a 12v is almost exactly as high, but with the flat bottom of the electronics/motor area of the hopper it looks like the hopper is actually shorter than the Halo, which just slopes upwards. Today in the woods, I found the halo most useful (probably more useful in the woods than speedball; not talking about the speed of the hopper though). It gave me the advantage to shoot my gun at any angle, after just running around and jumping and running, and prevent ball breaking :) I dont have level 10, but I have never chopped, even with monthes old big ball and todays team colors. By far the greatest advantage was shooting at any angle. It actually plays a big part in dense woodsball if you really take advantage of it (most people I see dont). There are just so many more possibilities of shooting points in the woods than speedball, which basically offers you a very distinct, uninterrupted line where you are either there, or not.

All in all the halo was great, did everything I asked, and ... was great lol

My elbow kind of sucked though, slid around on the hopper and gun, didnt fit right on the hopper. My good elbow was shot to death and broke

06-28-2003, 09:12 PM
yea, i dig my halo too. i never realized exactly how much i needed it untill i bought it. when i was usingmy ricochet i would hear my lvl 10 kick usually once or twice a game, if not more. but my 1st day out w/ my halo i didn't hear my lvl 10 peep a word. i don't know about the whole shooting at any angle, although i don't doubt it would work to a degree. the only part i saw anything like this was when i was in the snake, and i was crawling on my stomach, i shot 3 (which normally i don't think 3 would be able to get out) w/ my gun "ghetto style". another thing i noticed about it that would prolly back that claim up a bit is when you take off the hopper. people complain about it spilling all over, but if you take it off upside down, it will actually bobble a ball up and down (almost all the way out of the feed neck). i give the halo a pretty good rating as well

Frank (the spank)
06-28-2003, 09:40 PM
I like to impress my friends and hold my E-Mag upside down and rip 6 or so shots. Halo's are great :)

06-28-2003, 09:50 PM
thanks for telling us about a hopper thats been out for 4+ months

06-28-2003, 10:06 PM
thanks for telling us about a hopper thats been out for 4+ months

Perhaps, but many do not know of it yet, and he only wanted to be helpful. Besides, as he stated, he's bored.

Now go be a poopy-head someplace else:D

06-28-2003, 10:21 PM
Dye-Baller is the official AO advisor, counselor and motivational speaker:rolleyes: :)

06-28-2003, 10:32 PM
Originally posted by Frank (the spank)
I like to impress my friends and hold my E-Mag upside down and rip 6 or so shots. Halo's are great :)

I assume you have a warp? If so, you dont need a HALO to do that, and if you dont, your full of crap ;) :D

06-28-2003, 11:48 PM
eh? with a powerfeed you pop the halo on an elbow, and you can fit 7 balls in the neck and PF. why would he be lying?

06-29-2003, 11:06 AM
A gun cant shoot 6-7 balls upside down without a warp. If I am wrong somebody please slap me, and prove it.

06-29-2003, 01:51 PM

First off get a Halo then talk smack. I can, and have many times, turned my center feed EMAG with Halo b upside down and fired 5-6 shots. One has to know how a Halo works before inserting foot into mouth.

06-29-2003, 01:59 PM
Yes, they can shoot short amounts of balls while upside down... it has to do with them force feeding the balls that are between the feeding mechanism and your marker.

Think of it sort of like those old popping balls kids toys that when you roll them across the floor it pops the balls up. Just reversed. :D

(Note: that is not exactly how it works, but a good visual. ;) )

06-29-2003, 02:08 PM
Squid you rooking cookie you just got owned!

06-29-2003, 02:35 PM
1) I have a blue HALO B and have had it since they were released, and even with the new board.

2) SHartley wouldnt own me.

3) I CANNOT turn a halo upside down and have it feed. It wont do it. Hell, I just tried with paint leftover from a tourney this weekend. Doesnt work. Thats a load of crap. When you turn a halo upside down and shoot, you can get a max of 1 shot to come out. Owned?

Frank (the spank)
06-29-2003, 03:35 PM
Dude... I do it all the time.

Do you have an old Halo or is it working properly? Maybe it depends on the gun setup... ::shrugs::

I can usually fire about 5 rounds upside down on my E-Mag.

06-29-2003, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
2) SHartley wouldnt own me.
I don't think he was talking about me specifically. ;)

It is too hot today to “own” anyone anyways, all I want to do is sleep. :)

06-29-2003, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
1) I have a blue HALO B and have had it since they were released, and even with the new board.

2) SHartley wouldnt own me.

3) I CANNOT turn a halo upside down and have it feed. It wont do it. Hell, I just tried with paint leftover from a tourney this weekend. Doesnt work. Thats a load of crap. When you turn a halo upside down and shoot, you can get a max of 1 shot to come out. Owned?

This is assuming you turn it on first in the upright position so that it 'loads' the stack and tube thingy

I do this all the time...

06-29-2003, 04:22 PM
Although I have never tried it, the only way I could see that working is if the loader was full. As soon as there are no more balls in the paddles there would be no more balls to push on the stack and there for no balls would feed. The only thing forcing the balls are the paddle, there is nothing in the feed tube moving them along. I would be shocked as hell to get 5-7 balls out of a halo (without a warp) when it is turned up side down. As soon as I send this I will run downstairs and try, but to me this sound impossible.

06-29-2003, 05:14 PM
Dude, how in the hell can YOUR halo possibly defy gravity and mine cant? :confused: :rolleyes:

Frank (the spank)
06-29-2003, 05:24 PM
It's force fed. There are rounds in the stack and balls in the spindle/paddles.. you hold it upside down and everything is forced into the breech with spring tension. When you shoot the balls in the spindle/paddle spin and pushes the stack of paint. When the spindle/paddle is empty it no longer can force the stack into the breech.. so you gotta turn it over and load more.

You get like 5 or so shots. I've never needed it in a game, but it's cool to impress your friends, lol

My Halo is the newest, came from the factory with th new TE software loaded. I don't think it will be too much different from yours.

06-29-2003, 06:03 PM
But as soon as you turn it upside down all the balls fall out of the paddle. Again, the loader would have to be full, and what I just tried I got two balls out with it upside and I had to overfill it just to do that.

Frank (the spank)
06-29-2003, 06:24 PM
You'll get a couple of shots if it's not full, but thats about it.

Oh and a tip to everyone... DO NOT USE black shelled or half black shelled paint!

I used it for the first time last time I played, well first game my batteries died.. which was odd since they were almost new. So I changed batteries and next game it kept jamming and the red LED flashing. Come to find out the motor would not stop spinning. It would just sit there and spin forcing that stack of paint down even when I was not shooting...

When I got home I re-produced this, blue and pink shelled paint worked fine.. black and pink would keep spining the motor and the red LED would flash.. NOT good. Then I chekced the FAQ for the Halo.. 1st question was about black shelled paint and not to use it, lol

So.. stay away from the stuff. I now have half a case of half black half pink Blaze paint that I don't know what to do with. I have an original Viewloader 1, I think for kicks I'll shoot up my backyard with it, it will be a good test for my lvlX as well :)

06-29-2003, 07:21 PM
Maybe there are like 10 balls stacked in the halo and neck, and a few in the gun, that way it can force feed about 5-7 before losing contact with the stack of paintballs. That means there still would be paintballs in there but there is nothing to push them

I dunno, all I know is that it works :)

06-29-2003, 07:23 PM
Dude, there is no way that its possible. Get some vids and I will believe you.

06-29-2003, 08:51 PM
judgung by the number of people who say you can, i dont doubt it, but i too would like to see a vid

06-29-2003, 09:23 PM
Well i hope ya'll r happy. I used mt halo once, then i was making a movie for school a few days later and we taped a small battle and i was puttin my stuff away and i droped it. the next week i went p-ballin and it worked fine but once in a while it would make a weird zuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun sound.

06-30-2003, 09:17 AM
The Halo can feed 5-6 balls upside down, depending on how long your stack of balls is. Now assuming that there is paint between the hopper and gun there are several other shots that are not in that "stack" of balls that are held in place.

There should be a ball in the breech, and 3-4 that are lodged in the Halo. These are above the feedneck of the Halo, and are held in place by the spring and the plastic piece wit hbeads on it. They push the balls in that stack forwrd until the paddles cant reach them.

Dont you guys notice that when you take the Halo off your gun and turn it upside down, it holds several balls in place aroudn teh feedneck area, but not yet past the sensor?

06-30-2003, 09:32 AM
ok squid, there's 5 people here who say it does it. what's more likely...they all are lying and they're wrong and you being just 1 person is right? or you the 1 person is wrong and those 5 people are just telling the truth?

i haven't done it, so i'm not gonna say if it works or not, but if you read my 1st post, it does back up what they're saying, so i'm gonna say i believe them. yes i know i said almost all the way up out of the feed tube. but....

i just did an expeirement-have you ever tried to get the balls to move enough to get it to feed (while it's not on gun, upside down)? it does nothing it does nothing, then it spills balls all over the ground all of a sudden. where it bobbles the 1 to the top of the feed tube is if you have 2 missing. i had to remove 2 of the to get the stack to move enough to get it to feed. keep in mind this was done by hand, and the reverse manner, all that was in there was the ball stack. next time i tried it a little differently- i put about 50 in the hopper placed my hand over my elbow, turned it on, filled up the ball stack. turned it upside down, and removed my hand from the stack....i had 6 balls in my hand as soon as i did that.

so here's my input on it (based on just observation, not actually doing it). yes it will work.

06-30-2003, 09:40 AM
No problem, I typically assume people to agree with the masses to not feel as bad if proven wrong. I have a halo, I have paint. NO, it does NOT defy gravity when I turn it upside down.

06-30-2003, 09:45 AM
Its not defying gravity. IT just forces the balls up. After it feeds a few upside down, there WILL still be some left in the feedneck of the hopper, unable to reach the gun. Your gun shoud however shoot several balls if the stack of balls is full when you turn it upsdie down.

What setup are you using?

06-30-2003, 09:53 AM
Ok, I took a full pod, filled up the halo, turned it upside down, turned it on, nothing. Flip it rightside up, let some paint go through it, stick my finger across the hole, turn it upside down, uncover the hole, one ball pops out. Setup? I am shooting an angel.

06-30-2003, 11:03 AM
squid- ok, 1st, maybe you're halo just won't do it...i'll agree with you on that. you said you've had it for a while, so there may be a tad bit of wear that won't allow you to do it like us newer halo owners.

but if you have air, just try it. put the halo on your gun, fill it, turn it on, then turn it upside down and try shooting. 1 thing you maybe doing wrong is that at least me, i turn it on before i turn it upside down, you said you turned it on after it's upside down. 1 thing i find is it will vary on how many balls it feeds, sometimes i get 1 to pop out when i do it be hand, other times it spills paint all over the place, why i don't know, other wise i would tell you. you said you're shooting an angel...what's the setup though, not just what is it. i have yet to meet an angel that's not vert feed, so that may be the problem, maybe not. i have a powerfeed, so the fact that there are more in the ball stack may have an effect on it (i keep my elbow on the hopper). i'll get some air later tonight and see if the actually feed setup makes a difference. the more i do this, i think it's actually kinda gambeling when you do it. the eye won't always see the 1 that pops up. i will always see 1 pop up when i remove my hand from the elbow, uncovering the ball stack...some times the eye sees this and spits out the entire stack, other times it doesn't.

06-30-2003, 12:01 PM
I know a guy that has a PB shop in Oklahoma City and he is good friends with and was in the military with the guy that designed the HALO and he said that it was in the design of the HALO to be able to do that. Also the dude at the PB shop showed me on his angel that it does work. He could get up to 7 ot 8 balls to shoot with the gun upside down with only about 20 balls in it to start so it dont have to be full. Ill ask him to make us a stupid little mov to prove it if he can. I seen it i believe it and so should you.....

Im sure you all have seen this but notice the guns used in these movies (http://www.odysseypaintball.com/halovideos.html)

06-30-2003, 12:42 PM
Well, MINE doesnt do that and thats all there is to it.

06-30-2003, 02:24 PM
OK, I have an almost brand new HALOb and I've got your back Squid...
the HALO does keep pressure on the stack and cone, BUT, that pressure depends on there being balls lined up on/in the cone. When you turn it totally upside down, the balls in the cone will fall out and then there will be no pressure at all on the stack- no feeding. It DOES work if you turn the HALO over only up to 90 degrees or so.

06-30-2003, 02:27 PM
Thanks man, its not everyday somebody that the general AO populace likes agrees with me.

06-30-2003, 08:50 PM
All of the disagreement and he just now tries it.

I just got my HALO and was intrigued by your guys little discussion so i tried it for myself, and i ahet to say it Squid but about four or five would pop out of the stack, maybe you only get one because your tension spring is weak because you have an older one.

But i just did it and it worked, Sorry

06-30-2003, 09:08 PM
No, I tried it long ago in the thread. It doesnt do it. Its not outdated, its got new shells, and the newsoftware. Im NOT the only one who doesnt think it works, and for me it doesnt.

06-30-2003, 10:12 PM
i can get only one shot when it is upside down. (virtfeed)

06-30-2003, 10:41 PM
ok, heres what i think. think of the halo as a warp. it pushes paint from a stack into a marker. if you dont fill the warp up (IE turning a halo on upside down) then it wont feed. the design of the halo SHOULD allow this to work. it would also depend if the eye sees the first ball and detects a miss in the feeding.. i dont know a whole lot about the halo, but what i do know makes me think it is possible...

07-01-2003, 06:24 AM
i say we all just give it a rest, the majority here says it works, but if this keeps going it's gonna turn into 1 of those "my momma can beat up your momma" ordeals

07-01-2003, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by TheJester
i say we all just give it a rest, the majority here says it works, but if this keeps going it's gonna turn into 1 of those "my momma can beat up your momma" ordeals

It already has. I am not the only one who *knows* it wont work.

07-01-2003, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-

It already has. I am not the only one who *knows* it wont work.

Well since many of us *KNOW* ours work, maybe there is some tiny difference we arent noticing here. Such as paintballs, I noticed heavily that others feed much faster than whatever brand (for ex. PMI vs Iballz, Iballz was MUCH faster). Maybe there is something we are missing

But nonetheless, it works for me, so therefore I *KNOW* it can happen, and apparently it does to other people also

i like tictacs
07-01-2003, 11:04 AM
Originally posted by Clockwork_Orange
Dye-Baller is the official AO homo

i fixed it for you

07-01-2003, 11:09 AM
Originally posted by FalconGuy016

Well since many of us *KNOW* ours work, maybe there is some tiny difference we arent noticing here. Such as paintballs, I noticed heavily that others feed much faster than whatever brand (for ex. PMI vs Iballz, Iballz was MUCH faster). Maybe there is something we are missing

But nonetheless, it works for me, so therefore I *KNOW* it can happen, and apparently it does to other people also

Smart ***.

07-01-2003, 11:35 AM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-

Smart ***.

I was being serious. If you are talking about the *'s though, thats cause you used them, but the paintballs thing... that was a serious suggestion.

07-02-2003, 05:04 PM
i find this thread funny. well i just bought a halo and i filled it up.......turned it upside down emptied out so that the only balls left were in the neck then turned it right side up and 7 balls fell out of the neck....... therefore i think what there talking bout is possible. but hey what do i know.....