View Full Version : Hardline from vertical adapter to valve...

06-29-2003, 03:50 AM
I've seen pictures of a hardline run from a mag vertical adapter to the valve on punisher's customs website and I was wondering how he does it... does he use flare fittings and then steel line?

If anyone has one of these and would like to clarify how it's done I would greatly appreciate it. :D

Thanks! :D

06-29-2003, 04:10 PM
Pun ran a stainless steel hardline from my grip ASA to the bottom of my foregrip, and then from the foregrip to my valve. He didn't do any flaring of the tube, and the tube actually is loose in the 90 degree elbows. When gassed up, there are collets on the elbows that pop out, sealing the line from leaks. Without gas the tube slips in and out quite easily; nice for maintenance.

I've had no problems with the system and am very happy with its performance.

06-29-2003, 11:31 PM
A company called toxic toyz out of Germany used to sell them. Very nice if you can find one.

06-30-2003, 02:07 AM
Hey Vircolac,

could you possibly take some pictures or draw a little picture of the the collets on the elbows and how they work? I am interested in trying to make something like this and any and all info is greatly appreciated!

Thanks! :D

06-30-2003, 04:46 PM
but no scanner, unfortunately!

There's really nothing to see, anyway. I'm almost 100% sure, but you may want to ask Pun himself, that the fittings are simply 1/4 in. macroline elbows with a stainless hose instead of the hard plastic one you think of when you think macroline. I've had some sealing problems with plastic macroline before, but the stainless set-up Pun made for me has yet to leak. I think the real hard part would be cutting/bending the tubing; its pretty strong.

The seal occurs when the line is gassed up. The collet pushes out, and an O-ring behind the slip collet completes the air seal around the tube. Its almost impossible to move, twist or disturb the tube under gas pressure.

You can get 90 degree macroline elbows at www.countypaintball.com.

Good luck!

06-30-2003, 10:16 PM
Awesome... I'm going to try doing that! Thanks for helping me out man!
