View Full Version : Halo TSA reviews

06-29-2003, 01:45 PM
I was wondering if anyone who has played with a Halo TSA has any comments on how it performs, thanks.

06-29-2003, 07:28 PM
I got one. It spun great for about 2 hours, got new batteries in it and it stopped working. I never even put paint in it. I most likely got a bad seed or I did something to it but what I have no idea. The LED just blinks green over and over and nothing else happens. They are pretty nice and fit on a warp feed greatly.

06-29-2003, 08:27 PM
They aint bad, but they sure aren't what I expected. I used a friends today on his cocker and it kept up great, but we were only hitting like 11 at most. Anyway, its actually large, the one we were using was Frontman which looks kinda like a banana boat (:confused:) with a point at the end. It holds 200 balls so I spose they want the fronts to keep down on reloading or something, and it has one button to turn it on and off, looks on the button are crappy though, heh. The feedneck is actually quite thin too, and the looks just dont do it for me. All in all its quite big, kinda ugly, and quite fast, id just go for the Ev2 or B though guys. :D

06-29-2003, 08:37 PM
That would be a backman version. They hold 220. The front version only holds 180 and I don't think those are available yet.

06-29-2003, 08:56 PM
TSA is basically a revvy with better shell.

06-29-2003, 09:01 PM
and spins either direction depending on which way the hopper is tilted. Plus it activates on sound .... not on an electronic eye.

06-30-2003, 12:53 AM
what if you have a quiet gun? or someone next to you is shooting and they have a crazy loud gun?

06-30-2003, 02:35 AM
Hey, it was definately the front man version, as it says so on the box and im pretty sure it does on this panel on the back ill check. But my friend ordered a back and it was out so he got sent the front, no biggy, and yes this one holds almost exactly 200, we got it counted. As for the quietness I am not sure with em, I know with a warp most sound activated hoppers dont work. But on a Trix it was working fine and its hella quiet. As for others shooting, I doubt it, had no problems today and was in tons of doubling up situations, if it did happen to go no biggy ya know. :D

07-01-2003, 11:26 AM
Thanks for the info, I took the plunge and ordered one (should get it today or tommorow). The main driving force to purchasing one was to find a loader in the same range of a revvy that the shell didnt shatter after use (my revvy is mostly electrical tape right now). Hopefully the sensor will work on my warp feed, but we will see...

07-01-2003, 12:33 PM
I just sent mine in to OPP to get fixed. They said I should have it back next week. I need to know if it'll work on a warp though. Please give us a detailed report if it works and how efficently on a warp.

paint magnet
07-01-2003, 01:15 PM
How much are these selling for?

BTW, I think TSA means Tilt Sound Activated, so it has more than just a better shell. Has anyone done a test with it against an Eggo? Like filling a pod or something?

07-01-2003, 01:24 PM
It's lid is in the same place as a HALO loader. I haven't seen much of the Eggo but this ones paddles spin both ways depending on which way it is tilted. Feeds just as fast as a revvy although I hadn't gotten a chance to try that on mine. The shell is way tough though. Plus it has the options of AAA batteries or 9v's. They are going for around $69 or so. Not to shabby of a price considering what it has to offer.

07-10-2003, 11:40 AM
I am going to play this weekend with it (warped and non warped) to see how it performs.

To save any confusion if someone purchases one, the back of the box reads:

“adjustable sensitivity gives the user the control to set the sound activation to then preference”

I sent them an email asking how to do this, and they replied saying that the statement was a misprint, and not just with the use of then :)

07-10-2003, 11:46 AM
pics? factory stats?

07-11-2003, 01:06 PM
i have the same trouble with revvys ,,, u know, when u take it off the gun the feed neck just crumbles , i personally think there rubbish wot do u think

07-11-2003, 01:42 PM
Whats the idea behind the spin direction depending on how its tilted. I mean I understand the concept, but what is the problem it is intended to fix? I guess if its tilted to the right, on a partially empty hopper, theres more balls on the right side of the loader/paddle? Does the paddle spin Counter-C-wise in order to push towards the feed neck? I dont know, my revvy seems to feed well no matter what side its tilted to.

Wait, if the hopper is straight up and down, what is the default spin direction? Does the hopper constantly change direction based on the slightest tilt? That seems like a battery killer.

07-11-2003, 07:15 PM
They are going for around $69 or so. Not to shabby of a price considering what it has to offer.

Who are they competeting with though?
At that price, you could get an Evo2 which has a much faster feed rate.


07-27-2003, 11:56 AM
so for $80 you can get a Evo2 with
-Lean left, paddle spins right
-Lean right, paddle spins left
-Two 9V or 8 AAA battery operation
-Set Timer function
-Shot Counter
-Motor Duration (range: 3 to 15)
-Sensitivity Threshold (range: 5 to-95)
-Bolt Style Selection (open/closed)
-Motor Speed selection - 3 options
-Timeout adjustment (range: 5 to-50)
-Capacity 220 paintballs.

Doubtful...i just ordered one to put on my warp..jsut b/c i am an equipment whore...and like to try new things...i will do a fully detailed report on it with pictures.

Load SM5
07-27-2003, 01:45 PM
How do you prime a warp with a sound activated loader? The only way I could see it working would be to dryfire while holding down the priming switch. I don't think the warp spinning is loud enough to cause the hopper to spin. I wanted to try it with my reloader but could'nt make it work well. Let me know if you come up with something.

07-27-2003, 01:49 PM
The TSA LCD has adjustabe sensitivity...soo hopefully we can adjust it really low

Load SM5
07-27-2003, 01:53 PM
Sounds possible....I'll love to hear if it works.

07-27-2003, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by Load SM5
How do you prime a warp with a sound activated loader? The only way I could see it working would be to dryfire while holding down the priming switch. I don't think the warp spinning is loud enough to cause the hopper to spin. I wanted to try it with my reloader but could'nt make it work well. Let me know if you come up with something.

You could also just load like 20ish balls in it, then shake the hopper and hold the prime button...

I'm going to buy a TSA within a week or two, and will let you know how it works out.