View Full Version : English Paintballing (UK)

06-29-2003, 06:01 PM
Ok, I know there are quite a few paintallers on AO living in the UK. So I'm asking for some advice. I'm going to be traveling to England over the summer and I would love to know some places to play while I'm there. I'm looking for fields in the London area. If I can get there via public transportation thats a big plus. Thanks

Bad Dave
06-30-2003, 04:13 AM
Hi mate,

try google.co.uk
look for:
campaign paintball
city paintball (pricey)
Mayhem Abridge
all of these are reachable via public transport

then also look for
NRG paintball westerham, slightly harder to reach but a well run site.

Hope this helps

06-30-2003, 06:26 AM
Originally posted by speedyejl
I'm going to be traveling to England over the summer and I would love to know some places to play while I'm there.

Bring lots of money, as "punter" days are more than a little expensive and if you were think of bringing your own marker, don't! as the "walk-on" (use your own marker) days a very few and far between. Plus if you were to find a site that does have a "walk-on" day you can't fill your tank legally on a commercial site despite the fact you are a visiting foreign national. We have been having a lot of rows about the tank usage for some time now, on paper it is legal for you but the site insurance is invalidated by the use of a non-english tank. If however you hire a scuba tank you can then fill your tank yourself and you are then ok, but some sites will still say no to you using your bottle, sad thing is we are getting more and more like america in our legal system in so far as to sue for anything :( There are a few tournaments around during the summer and some are "ok" with what I have just written but it still is a minefield. As a side note there are a rather large number of american approved tanks here in the UK that people now have discovered they can't use and the same people don't travel to the states to play hence those tanks are for sale...AO doesn't realy have enough english people on it to ask for "who is selling" but you could come back with a couple of tanks at real good prices. http://www.p8ntballer-forums.com/vb/index.php would be a better place to ask for anyone selling tanks, it is supposed to be an american lead board but the majority of the people who actually post are english ;) or click on the link in my signature for Sparklies Forum that is all english apart from about 3 people ;)

Mr Pink
06-30-2003, 06:48 AM
Originally posted by MarkM
or click on the link in my signature for Sparklies Forum that is all english apart from about 3 people ;)

Four! I'm bloody Welsh aren't I boyo :p

06-30-2003, 07:00 AM
well someone has to keep the sheep worried don't they :D

06-30-2003, 07:24 AM
If you could tell me which have walk on days (I checked out the site for most of them and they didn't really mention bringing your own equipment :() that would be great.

06-30-2003, 08:26 AM
Like Mark said, walk-on days are few and far between over here. Unlike the USA most of our sites only cater for rental players - games where you're allowed to bring your own equipment or allowed to bring your own paint tend to be specially arranged affairs, rather than regular events.

Mayhem Abridge do allow you to use your own marker *sometimes* - but as you're likely to be lumped in with a lot of rental players it's usually down to how the marshalls on the day are feeling if you're allowed to use it. Plus they don't allow you to take your own paint, so you'll be forced to pay rental prices for paint £100 ($165) for a box of 2000!

The Rec-ball forum at the P8ntballer site ( http://www.p8ntballer-forums.com/vb/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=5 ) usually has details of most of the walk-on days taking place at various sites, but you still might have a problem using your own marker if you've got a DOT bottle - unless you've got a friend out here you can borrow an HSE or EN marked bottle from.

Sorry to say that our green and pleasant land is a desert when it comes to recball/walkons. :(