View Full Version : Houston, We have a problem

06-29-2003, 09:17 PM
I just got my barrel I ordered from palmers 4 weeks ago. It looks great. But when I went to install the nubins and barrel o-rings, I noticed they had milled the nubin holders backwards. My plastic nubins won't fit unless I turn them over on the wrong side. So in other wards they messed up when making the barrel.

I paid $166 for this barrel, how should I handle this? Obviously I have to do something but what and how?

Mega Man
06-29-2003, 09:21 PM
Contact Palmers and tell them whats wrong, then see if they will replace it or just get your money back.

06-29-2003, 09:35 PM
Huh. That's hard to believe that Glenn's people would screw up a barrel THAT badly. They would have either a jig that holds the barrel blank, and forces the mill to follow a set pattern, or a CNC machine that can only run on the program provided. I doubt the CNC wrote it's own program to make a mirror image.

Call Palmers Pursuit right away, and get this straightened out. I'll bet they would want to know that it happened.

(just a thought...are you sure YOU aren't putting the nubbins on upside down? I know, I know, but we all make silly goofs sometimes.)

06-29-2003, 10:09 PM
My guess is that this is the first time someone has tried to put the plastic nubbins in a Palmer barrel. If you think about it, the pattern of the grooves made no difference when they used the metal nubbins. This might be a mistake forever and just no one noticed. At any rate, give Lori a call at Palmers (916) 923-9676 and tell them what happened. Also, it might not be a bad idea to take a pic of it if you can and send it over to them just so they have an understanding of what's wrong.

Hell, post a pic here if you can.

06-29-2003, 10:51 PM
Here are two pictures of the barrel, you can easily see the problem.

1) This is my previous barrel, see how the nubin fits fine.
2) This is the nubin put in the only way it will fit on the new barrel, notice how its upside down.

06-29-2003, 10:55 PM

3) This is the new barrel with the right side of the nubin down
4) And this is a comparison of the too barrels. Notice the difference in mill patarn. New one is on bottom.

So do think I will have to pay for this to be fixed?. All I know is for $166 I better not.

06-29-2003, 11:03 PM
I remember when I had a mag i had to do some shaving with a razor to get the plastic nubbins to fit in just right. Try that.

06-30-2003, 12:04 AM
Looks like Palmers hasent changed there design for use with the plastic nubbins, I dont know why they would have done the groves reversed in the past but it wouldent make a diffrance with the wire style nubbins.

Doc Nickel
06-30-2003, 12:13 AM
I agree- Notify Palmer's (politely, there's no need for screaming :D ) of the problem.

Palmer's uses a collection of machinery, including older NC "tracer" machines (precursors to the modern computer-controlled stuff, still used because they can be had- and fixed- dirt cheap) and newer 2-axis and 3-axis CNC mills.

Chances are the plot was programmed for one of the automated machines, and as already noted, it's entirely possible you're the first to try a plastic nubbin in one. Palmer's, actually, doesn't sell all that many barrels- they're made on an as-ordered, when-ordered basis.

Anyway, I'm quite certain that they'd like to know the milling is incorrect for the newer plastic nubbins, and I'm also certain they'll take care of it one way or the other.

Or just slap a wire nubbin in there and go play. :D


06-30-2003, 12:16 AM
I guess I could just get some wire nubins, but I've so many bad things about them, I fear them more than the boogie man. :eek: Worst comes to worst that is what I have to do.
Thanks for the insite.

06-30-2003, 12:38 AM
well their product support and communications are great so you should have a problem returning it. for that kind of money id be pissed if i couldnt. my question is $166...

i got a custom 12" centerfed, nickel plated and vented for a little under $120 to my door and i still thought that was a little high. why the price increase i wonder

either way when you do get it straightened out youll love the barrel, a little heavy but they shoot great.

06-30-2003, 01:07 AM
You should just use the wire. Plastic nubbins are only good for the old school superbolt. There's really no benefit from them. I swear by the wire nubbins. They last so much longer and are so much more reliable. If you really need to stick with the plastic, call up the shop, but IMO, you should just use wire nubbins.

06-30-2003, 08:33 AM
I got a parts kit that came with 2 wire nubins. And I have a micromag , so I have no ned for them. PM me your addy and Ill mail em to you.