View Full Version : The worst mistake i ever made...

06-30-2003, 02:38 PM
Was buying a Worr Gas.

I got my first one about a three weeks ago. It had a small Leak out of the regulator. I talked to WGP and they said that i would have to send it in to be fixed. I told them i had a tournament that i wanted to use it in before i was going to send it in, they said that would be fine.

So i goto the tournament, and get the first 4500psi fill for the tank. I screw it into my emag, and the gun goes full auto (even with the electronics off). So i determine the thing is totally hosed, and goto my backup 3k flatline. I sent it in on the 10th of june, and they got it on the 13th.

Last friday the 27th i got it back. Two weeks turn around isn't bad. On the packing list it says they completley replaced the reg. Reason being the first one was defective. I can live with that. Well yesterday i put air in it, and guess what another leak.

Now it it leaking from the threads around the guage. I tried to tighten it down, but the leak only got worse. So now i'm going to have to remove the guage, and put some new thread sealer on. I don't mind doing this, but i don't think i should have to.

Couldn't WGP even test these things for leaks before they send them out? Am i just unlucky, or do they just have no quality control?

On the worr path

06-30-2003, 02:49 PM
i have heard many bad things about worr gas .

there are quite a few threads on them on pbnation.com
if you need more info.

06-30-2003, 03:02 PM
Good to know about the tanks, and I hope you have better luck with it.

06-30-2003, 03:13 PM
Join the crowd. I have a Worr Gas got it back in Feb. and it worked great. Then I go to use it and at 1500psi it starts leaking out the front of the reg. I too called them and the said send it in. I said to my self let me try and fix it HA HA HA they put them togeter that you cant take them apart because the must locktite the very small set screw in so you can not get it out. Also when I called I asked if they sold a parts kit for it and they said no. So that means every time you want to do anything you have to send it in what I think is BS. So when I get mine back it will be sold. Hell I would have bought a Flatline back in Feb. but like everything AGD has it was out of stock and to my surprise it has not been in stock for the last 6 months. All of these companies want to charge you a ton of money for tanks but they cant get a 1cent part in the reg to work. I am sorry but to me they just makes no sense.

06-30-2003, 03:13 PM
If this is the worst mistake you've ever made you're doing pretty well in life. ;) :)

06-30-2003, 03:46 PM
maybe i should have said worst paintball mistake...:rolleyes:

06-30-2003, 03:54 PM
Yeah I've heard a lot of stuff about leaks in the worr gas system. Good thing I heard about it before I ordered a new tank. The ACI bulldog works great though.

06-30-2003, 04:00 PM
while we are on the tank rant,

this is the same reason I sold my AIR for a flatline. it takes fancy pants parts to get it apart. In anycase like that has been said in other posts this is not the first time this has happened.


06-30-2003, 05:02 PM
i seem to have bad luck with pb equipment also

06-30-2003, 07:17 PM
2 System X tanks crapped out on me. Love my PMI, can't wait for my Flatline.

06-30-2003, 08:07 PM
my AA raptor just crapped out on me for the second time. first time it was leaking right out of the reg (had to replace reg seat, piston o ring, and pin), and this time it was leaking out of the guage and fill nipple. i had to even replace the guage becuase it was broken and re-loctite everything. air tanks just take so much pressure that all aspects have to be perfect for them to work.

06-30-2003, 08:27 PM
My gosh-darn Flatline tank and reg has YET to fail for any reason...I just don't know what's wrong with it:(

That's too bad for you AlabamaMan, hope everythings works out.

07-01-2003, 12:03 AM
yeah my flatline always seems to work too :D

07-01-2003, 08:15 AM
yeah, i was hesitant for a long time to get a flatline, but then i did and haven't looked back. it is awesome, it hasn't leaked or anything.. and it's light- and a lot smaller than i expected.

07-01-2003, 10:08 AM
My flatline actually failed once. When some idiot tried to fill it through the output. :rolleyes:

AGD fixed it for me. :) I use a scuba tank for fills now.

07-01-2003, 10:16 AM
My crossfire always works for me, screw ins for life, well until I can afford an adjustable