View Full Version : Check these 'mags out!!

06-30-2003, 05:41 PM
Those of you who buy into the "PC paintball" point of view are going to hate these.


These guns are obviously airsoft AEGs that have been gutted and had a 'mag installed.
Now I assume the fellow who made these chose "mags due to both their perfomance and the low profile construction that permitted them to be installed easier.

Now i can certainly understand the desire to have a paintball gun that does not look like a water faucet, but what a waste of a good airsoft gun!!

"Trench Raider"
who plays airsoft as well as paintball

06-30-2003, 05:43 PM
Well thats cool if you like that kind of stuff... I would like one but there is 0 point

06-30-2003, 05:46 PM
thats cool, very $$ tho

06-30-2003, 05:52 PM
you are not kidding. Recall that an airsoft AEG runs 250-300$ depending on the model. Add that to the cost of the 'Mag and any other parts you used to make one of these.

"Trench Raider"

06-30-2003, 06:10 PM
interesting. It's not my boat. I bet they did a lot of work and did a good job on those mag setups though. I just hate it when people make things look like guns, it makes paintball look bad. I say just buy airsoft, it's cheaper and won't get paintball in trouble.

06-30-2003, 06:33 PM
Eh, not my style. To me, it seems like all these realistic gun kits (like the ones for Spyders and Piranhas too) just make the guns heavier and bigger. Personally I don't want my setup to be unruley, and despite what people say I just have a thing against military style pb guns.

06-30-2003, 06:59 PM
that top left says it has a sluggo boddy, whats the point of having a sluggo when your just going to cover it up with that junk?

06-30-2003, 07:05 PM
I think that those are super sweet. If I was into the Scenario game thing that would be my gun straight up.

06-30-2003, 07:31 PM
sheesh. 900 bucks.

Mega Man
06-30-2003, 07:40 PM
saw those guns @ D-Day, only one that actually looks like it has mag blood in it is the "tommy gun", the grip gives it away. None of the others what so ever look like mags, and the one at the top that says sluggo? I was gonna make it a point to talk to those guys about them, half me wants to say that those arent mags, just screwed up signs, but never know, I never did ask them about it..., they did have a Sydarm their though, very coo.

06-30-2003, 07:59 PM
I wish people wouldnt do that, its the crazy "war game" people that continue to give paintball bad press. The tourney guys in general might not be upstanding individuals whom one would want to consider a role model, but at least they don't pretend that they're killing people. Knowing several veterans personally, war isn't something that people should enjoy themselves to be involved in (not in terms of service to one's country, which is of paramount importance, but in the sense of the act of warfare), at least in my opinion, so it shouldn't be emulated like that.

06-30-2003, 11:08 PM
"Syntax Error" I'm not trying to start a flame war with you, but I take issue with several points in your post. I represents the whole "PC paintball" attitude that I have grown to despise. Allow me to refute several of your points, but please don't take any of this personal.

I wish people wouldnt do that, its the crazy "war game" people that continue to give paintball bad press.

Paintball began as a wargame and at it's most basic level it still is one. Recall that a wargame simply is: "an exercise that simulates or represents armed conflict". Our hobby (I don't think it's a sport) involves teams attempting to shoot other players with airguns to acomplish a goal. To do this they use military style fire and manuver tactics. Recall also that wargames do not have to be realistic to still retain that classification. No one would argue that science fiction table top games like "VOID" or "Warhammer 40,000" are realistic simulations of combat. However they are still wargames.
I feel that anyone who claims that paintball is not a wargame and considers it "a game of tag played with markers" is in denial or has a PC motive.
Wargaming in it's various forms (table top, board games, omputer games, and skirmish games like reenacting, paintball, or airsoft) are a legitimate form of recreation and are not inherently harmful or promote violence or "warmongering" as the political left would have us believe.

but at least they don't pretend that they're killing people.

So you never played "cowboys and Indians", "Cops and robbers", or "Army" as a child? You have never played a violent video game? Such games serve as an outlet for the aggressive impulses that we all have.

Knowing several veterans personally, war isn't something that people should enjoy themselves to be involved in

I'm a veteran myself and saw action during the first gulf War back in '91. I hated having to do the job my country called upon me to do and was scared sh-tless almost the whole time. However I am intelligent enough to draw a distinction between miitary based hobbys like wargaming and actual combat. Wargames do not glorify war or make it more acceptable. And I'm not alone in these views....I know quite a few veterans of military service (some cobat vets like myself) who enjoy wargaming as a hobby.

so it shouldn't be emulated like that

Opinion noted. However would you also bar historical reenactors form doing their thing? Their hobbies are also wargames.

With all due respect I think you are falling for the myth that wargaming is only done by militia types, warmongers, and crazy vets. I don't hold this against you. I only think you are ignorant of the subject you are talking about.

"Trench Raider"
who besides playing paintball also does airsoft, plays table top miniature wargames, and has been involved in various historical reenactments (WW1, WW2, and the "Civil War) since he was 16.

07-01-2003, 10:21 AM
I'm normally against anything "PC". If you can't see you are blind. If you can't hear you are deaf. What's wrong with those words anyway? However, at least away from the paintball field I refer to a paintball gun as a marker. Why? I am truely worried that paintball will be banned, again. It has happened before. We need everyone to do everything they can to promote paintball in a positive light. Even if it means doing silly things like calling a paintball gun a marker.

I fully understand your point. I've just been around long enough to remember when paintball was banned in some places in the US. :(

07-02-2003, 12:31 AM
The problem is this: I have a real problem with dishonesty and was brought up to think that you spoke the truth...even to evil. Calling an "airgun" a "marker" in an attempt to mislead the oposition is dishonest, self-deluding, and futile.

You see, the opponents of the game (the political left) are not fooled by such misdirection. They see past the lies and see paintball guns for what they are: glorified airguns. Calling them "markers" and trying to distance the hobby from anything resembling mil/tac-sim has no effect at all.

having said this, the danger to paintball is a bit overstated. The gun grabbers are more interested in passing new restrictions on real firearms to worry much at this time about paintball and airsoft guns. This of course excludes areas were the left is firmly in control and has passed draconian firearms laws and can now move on to new targets. (NYC and New Jersey spring to mind)

"Trench Raider"

07-31-2003, 08:51 PM
yeah there cool, but if you get seen with one of those in public you'll get you head blown off by a cop

07-31-2003, 10:10 PM
I would definatly pay 900 dollars for that Thompson....if i had an extra 900 layin around :D

07-31-2003, 10:36 PM
Those my friends, are in every senerio player's wet dreams.

08-01-2003, 12:41 AM
uhh Wow.. If I were walkin in the street with one of those I would definately get shot by a cop... and also how do you play airsoft?

08-01-2003, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by Trench_Riader
I'm a veteran myself and saw action during the first gulf War back in '91. I hated having to do the job my country called upon me to do and was scared sh-tless almost the whole time. However I am intelligent enough to draw a distinction between miitary based hobbys like wargaming and actual combat. Wargames do not glorify war or make it more acceptable. And I'm not alone in these views....I know quite a few veterans of military service (some cobat vets like myself) who enjoy wargaming as a hobby.

Ok I read this the first time around and didn't post but as it has been brought to the surface again, the reason for quoting the section I have, is quite simple. What the heck were you doing in the military if the act or thought of war scared you sh-tless, and hating your goverment to actually get you to do what they were paying you for. I am all for having a military deterent but populated by people who understand the risks and actually want to be there...it can be said that someone without fear is a danger to his/her comrades but come on, there are degrees of fear. No offence intended but you did put your thoughts online for all to see. I had no desire to be in the military in my youth but later on did infact apply but for one reason only I was turned down despite the recruitment officer trying to get the decision overturned, so I am not against the concept of enlistment.

Jack & Coke
08-01-2003, 01:02 PM
Originally posted by SyntaxError

I wish people wouldnt do that, its the crazy "war game" people that continue to give paintball bad press.

I respectfully disagree!!!

Paintball gets "bad press" from idiots like this:

http://www.foxnews.com/images/96221/2_21_071703_hunting_bambi.jpg http://www.foxnews.com/images/96221/2_23_071703_hunting_bambi3.jpg

Hunting for Bambi (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,92070,00.html)

Although, it's a hoax, it's "bad press".

Paintball gets "bad press" from idiots like this:

Woman shot with paintball pellet while driving (http://www.naplesnews.com/02/12/florida/d867767a.htm)

Paintball gets "bad press" from idiots like this:

Teen arrested for shooting paintball at patrol car (http://osceolasheriff.com/Press_Releases/2002/July/Jul%208a.htm)

Paintball gets "bad press" from idiots like this:

Teens arrested for firing paintball gun (http://www.eagletribune.com/news/stories/19990507/LN_003.htm)

Paintball gets "bad press" from idiots like this:

Pair arrested as paintball vandals (http://www.enquirer.com/editions/2003/01/25/loc_paintball25.html)


I watch news all the time and can not remember the last time I saw ANY press, good or bad, about a paintball scenario game (which is where you'd most likely see the use of these types of "realistic" gun kits).

08-01-2003, 01:44 PM
Originally posted by Trench_Riader

Paintball began as a wargame and at it's most basic level it still is one.

ummm, i thought that paintball markers were first used to mark cows or trees or something... then people came up with the idea of a tag type elimination game; but in this game, using paintball markers, you could tag people from longer distances

08-01-2003, 02:56 PM
I know its a lie in saying "marker" to a degree. We are shooting paintball guns. It is the PC way to go about it, but I hate pc. We still say Cap Guns, and they dont shoot a projectile, and they arent considered very dangerous. But the image of a gun is thought to be bad. I live in a hippy city, and I tell everyone when I say I run through the forest shooting my friends with little balls of "Soy-based, biodegradable balls of soap." I actually have some of the hippies come play, and they have a blast. I guess the mere thought of getting dirty in the woods is always fun for a hippy.
I'm with Hi-Tek in what he was sayin that we need to not get these guns banned ever. I'd seriously cry... well, maybe sob a little, if they got banned. What would I do with all my spare time and money? I'd probably start heroin... yeah, tell the guy who bans them that we'll all start doing heroin if they pry our paintball guns away out of our cold dead fingers.
And anywhere PB gets bad press.. i hate it. My grandparents called paintballers, "damn kids with bb-guns" They heard on the news how people were getting thrown in jail for shooting paintball guns. That'd be outrageous if I got a good friend named bubba in jail just cause I enjoy this hobby/sport. Oh well, hopefully everything works out in the end. Cant we just blame all harsh things on smartparts?

08-01-2003, 03:06 PM
Very slick looking conversions. If I was in the market for a new scenario marker I'd get that thompson. I imagine the sluggo bodied one has a sluggo in it because they had to mill out part of the body to fit inside the airsoft gun body.

I always find the war gamers give PB a bad name arguements amusing. The people giving PB a bad name are people that do stupid and unsafe things with markers or use them to assualt other people.

08-01-2003, 06:17 PM
so is it plastic or metal?

03-04-2005, 04:21 PM
As far as calling it a gun or a marker..... Well, you call a glue gun a gun, you call a nail gun a gun - why not call a paint gun a gun? As far as Scenarioball (MILSIM, war-gamers etc.) giving paintball a bad name, I dont believe that is the case at all. If you compare the 2 groups you will find that the tourney/speedball people have that "crazy war-game" mentality whereas the Scenerioball/Recball people are there to have a good time and play an honest game. What gives paintball a bad name are the dumb arse kids who think its funny to drive around lighting up pedestrians while video taping it so that the media gets ahold of the tape, and plays it on the news!
That said, can someone tell me where I can get one of these modified Automags???

03-04-2005, 04:39 PM
I've got my p90 automag.

Unfortuneately I need to sell it this weekend for $ for a next week tournament. Its not finished so its a nice project.

03-04-2005, 05:06 PM
agh, thread resserection

03-04-2005, 06:35 PM
WOW.. I´m a "crazy war-game people"... if only some one could help me......

03-04-2005, 06:49 PM
Wow, I can't believe I'm hearing this crap. I play speedball, but there's nothing wrong with woods/scenario. As Jack & Coke said, it's the fault of pranksters and bad media coverage that hurts the sport. I've met a lot of woods and scenario ballers who are way nicer and more friendly than the speedballers I play with. Also, those games are organized very well from my understanding and usually run pretty smoothly. I have no tolerance of people who are so ignorant that they feel woodsball is hurting the sport. If it weren't for woodsball there would be no paintball. PC is nice to an extent. When you get carried away with it and start taking away people's right to play how they want, then it becomes total bs.

03-04-2005, 06:57 PM
my personal opinion is that markers looking like real guns is terrible for the sport, it just re-assures people who know nothing about the sport that it is violent with people re-enacting combat as if they were really killing people.

.....but thats just me

03-05-2005, 12:09 AM
ive seen them before and ive seen much better milsim guns