View Full Version : Teenagers and Trash Talk

07-01-2003, 11:22 AM
So I was discussing paintball with some of my martial arts and football buddies, and we got onto the subject of trash talking and how the game has changed since it has gotten more mainstream. We came to this conclusion:

The kids now talk a lot of trash. This would not happen in any other sport with any level of direct contact. You almost NEVER have people talk trash in martial arts, because you get put in your place very quickly. And the good guys know what it took to get there and how far they have to go so they are usually humble. But in paintball, kids go around talking to or yelling at people in a way that would get them beat down in the 'real world.'

I stopped playing for a few years in college ($$$) and the first time I came back I had some 16 year old start screaming at me for being a cheater after he bounced one off my leg (he thought it was a wipe and bounces didn't count). At the end of the game I got up in his face and told him to STFU and then suggested where I thought he could go. I think he was shocked and was like "man, its just paintball."

What do you guys think? Is this something that is a concern for you all? I don't remember all this stuff 5-10 years ago, you might get one guy a day that got lit up start yelling, but now I hear it every game it seems.

07-01-2003, 11:29 AM
The only time I yell is when I get hit and shout "i'm out", and the guy keeps shooting me. That pisses me off. This is not a big concern for me, as long as the game is played fair, and no fist fights break out in the middle of a game.

07-01-2003, 11:38 AM
Originally posted by UThomas
So I was discussing paintball with some of my martial arts and football buddies, and we got onto the subject of trash talking and how the game has changed since it has gotten more mainstream. We came to this conclusion:

The kids now talk a lot of trash. This would not happen in any other sport with any level of direct contact. You almost NEVER have people talk trash in martial arts, because you get put in your place very quickly. And the good guys know what it took to get there and how far they have to go so they are usually humble. But in paintball, kids go around talking to or yelling at people in a way that would get them beat down in the 'real world.'

I stopped playing for a few years in college ($$$) and the first time I came back I had some 16 year old start screaming at me for being a cheater after he bounced one off my leg (he thought it was a wipe and bounces didn't count). At the end of the game I got up in his face and told him to STFU and then suggested where I thought he could go. I think he was shocked and was like "man, its just paintball."

What do you guys think? Is this something that is a concern for you all? I don't remember all this stuff 5-10 years ago, you might get one guy a day that got lit up start yelling, but now I hear it every game it seems.

But it is also the fault of the fields. Field owners don’t HAVE to let that go on. And I feel it is up to the Refs and other Staff to police that crap. Fields are a place of business, and as such they need to run them that way. You don’t need trash talk, bad language, yelling and screaming (not involving direct game play), and a lot of the other stuff that folks see at fields.

And I think part of the whole “trash talk” thing with folks now days is the total lack of consequences for their actions. They know they can do and say darn near anything they want and get away with it.

Personally, I will not play with people like that, nor frequent establishments that allow it to happen… be it paintball or anything else.

07-01-2003, 11:45 AM
i will yell alot but in a friendly manner. As in yell are you out? Some times i will get mad when i See people whipe and then i usaly go off, but its just part of the game and were all good friends so we know it doesnt mean anything.

Also another time i will yell is in a turny. Im Always yelling but i really do think it helps bc of the cheating. I mean c'mon your enter a turny to get as far up the list as you can, why let someone cheat and get in a better rank then your team?

07-01-2003, 11:51 AM
yelling is part of almost any team sport... I yell at my teamates more than I do my adversarys. Most of the time its simple, informative things like, watch the guy in the pyramid, he's about to run... or stuff liek that. Sometimes its "wtf kid watch the right side, protect the team, not just yourself" but thats normally when the 14 year old with the angel is hiding in this little bunker shooting at one guy and leaving an entire side open.

07-01-2003, 11:56 AM
I had a similar "overshooting" experience. I told them to knock it off, it continued. Finally, I put my gun down and started walking towards who was shooting. It was some kid, who said "it wasnt me" when I got to him. Well, seeing as he was like 14, I didnt do anything exceptt yell. I think the kid steered clear of me the rest of the day.
The thing is, kids talk alot of trash. And, sometimes their mouths write checks their bodies cant cash. Trash talk is OK, but, accusing people of cheating, deliberately overshooting, stuff like that irks me to the point of real anger. I mean, its one thing to tell another team they are gonna get whooped, or watever, in a joking manner; but, screaming obscenities in my face is just gonna get you hit. And, who's fault is that? Mine? I have little self control, sorry. ;)

07-01-2003, 12:13 PM
notice how you never said anything about how you football buddies are against talking smack? i can see how no trash talk is in martial arts, but football is one of the biggest smack talking sports ever, even ask Chunkwagon from the XFL ;).

it is just a game, and that kid yelling at you probably realized he made a mistake, and decided to leave you alone, and when you yelled at him, he saw no reason for you flipping out. obviously he was at fault.

my friends and i talk MAD smack about eachother. we bash the kid with the purple gun and all, and they make fun of me for using nitro even, seeing how only 3 places within 30 miles of me can even fill my tank. is IS just paintball, and its evolved into an "extreme" sport. and with that image all the courtiessness (sp?) or a gentlemens sport leave, and the smack talk, swearing, and "hardcore" element comes in. its a sad thing, but true. just dont sweat it, and next time some punk talks smack to you, dont say a thing, just make sure hes not on your team the next game

07-01-2003, 12:18 PM
Sam & Soldier...

It's not just paintball where the trash talk comes in. How many times in everyday life have you heard someone from the younger generation show a complete lack of respect for anything or anyone but themselves. And, if you even attempt to correct them, you get a "Who TF are you?". Personal experience has shown that alot of it starts at home. My 2 sons know that if they ever came off like that, there would be major consequences. They're 19 & 24.

I know there have been other discussions on discipline and respect or rather the lack of it on here. But truth be known, if they had to put up or shut up the problem might disappear.


Now we'll sit back and watch the ducks quack.

07-01-2003, 12:27 PM
Being from the "younger" generation(i am only 19), i actually am sad to say that some of us don't know what respecting an adult is. When its in good fun and you are shooting the proverbial dookie with a adult who is a friend its different. When its someone you don't know I find that I just keep respect. No reason to trash talk.

07-01-2003, 12:27 PM
Originally posted by Rebel46_99
Sam & Soldier...

It's not just paintball where the trash talk comes in. How many times in everyday life have you heard someone from the younger generation show a complete lack of respect for anything or anyone but themselves. And, if you even attempt to correct them, you get a "Who TF are you?". Personal experience has shown that alot of it starts at home. My 2 sons know that if they ever came off like that, there would be major consequences. They're 19 & 24.

I know there have been other discussions on discipline and respect or rather the lack of it on here. But truth be known, if they had to put up or shut up the problem might disappear.


Now we'll sit back and watch the ducks quack.
Oh I know that all too well…. and I agree.

And you can also rest assured that if any of MY kids tried to pull that crap either to me, or any other adult I would be knee deep in their rears. I have even taught them that even if the adult is WRONG, they don’t get pissy about it….. they do as asked (of course unless they are in danger) and then come to ME. I will handle the situation, not them.

I think we are of like minds on this issue……

07-01-2003, 12:30 PM
I'm from the "Younger generation" and I talk no smack. Even when I played football, I was the one that had to get my teammates out of the faces of the other players and refs.

Back to paintball-When I play I may joke around and tell some guys that were gonna whoop them. Actually I prefre to play with the older guys for that matter. I don't think you had any rite to get up in a 14 year old kids face and cuss him there no need for that. Infact I'm 15 and I can almost say for sure you wouldn't do that to me, because A I don't over shoot and B I'm a pretty big guy. :)

In the actual games I yell alot, but thats because I'm a back player and thats my job, I never yell obsenties to the other team however.

I think smack talk has no place on the field unless its just in a friendly manner.

07-01-2003, 12:42 PM
I'm 15, I got into paintball when I was 13 (right around the big "mainstream boom", correct?).

From the time I first played until now, I have followed proper ettiqute (sp?). Thanks to this guide I read on the net for first time players. When I would get an elimination on someone, I would request a paintchack rather than yell "YOU ------- CHEATER! YOUR OUT", when I suspected someone was wiping, I took it up with the ref after the game, I never intnetionally overshot.

After playing a few weekends like that, I had earned the respect of the field staff/regulars. I can now just go and use the chrony to set up a new part I got, then play one game to test it, and the guys wont charge me.

New players need to have it explained to them that it really is all about respect. The game is much more enjoyable if you and everyone else are treated with respect.

Then, there are kids whose personality just dictates that they can't respect others. I know a few. I have played paintball with many.

Then, there are the kids who simply have no respect for anyone, they are the ones starting flame-wars online, the ones taking off their masks as they walk off the field, the ones overshooting because its "funny".


07-01-2003, 12:49 PM
Did I say ALL of the "younger generation"? --- NO, but it happens alot more than it should.

And the point was brought up that Soldier had no right to cuss him there. Nowhere in Soldier's post did he say that he cussed him. That's not to say that he might not have deserved it though.

And... Big guy or not, doesn't mean a hill of beans to me. If you're doing something wrong someone should be in your face to tell you about it. Using size as an intimidation factor doesn't always work, kiddo.


07-01-2003, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by Rebel46_99
Did I say ALL of the "younger generation"? --- NO, but it happens alot more than it should.

Was that directed at me? I wasnt arguing with you, I was agreeing.

07-01-2003, 01:06 PM
Gah.... I didnt see Square Pants' post.

Nevermind, then =)

07-01-2003, 01:06 PM
I play by the saying, " Make your words soft and sweet because you'll never know when you're gonna have to eat them."

07-01-2003, 01:10 PM
You wanna know what I hate? Stereotypical adults who dont compare the situation to there peers before opening there mouths. Let me tell you a quick story. At the tourney we attended this sunday, I shot a guy who attempted to bunker me. He continued to run, and finally got my arm. The ref pulled him, and wiped my hit off. He pulled his mask off and threw it, screaming, ref, that was f****** bull**** dumb***, he was an adult. He got penalized. End of story. I dont see very many people act like you describe, adult or kids. I suggest that mabe you should play real paintball, and realize that 80% of the teams adult/young are good sports? My team has a mix, and we have never been penalized for any reason. End of story.

07-01-2003, 01:16 PM
Again, smack talk is acceptable, but there is a line. Like I said; dont get in my face. I am short, but, trust me, I can handle myself (I am not saying this to anyone in particular, just a general comment). DONT get in my face and call me a cheater. Trust me, I get hit, and it breaks, I'm out. Now, will I always stop what I am doing to check? No. But, will I wipe? Hell no. I dont mind the smack talk (its in all sports, I used to do it in hockey), but, again, a certain level of respect is lost upon the younger generation (again, a blanket statement). I think the respect part was lost when parents no longer had the right to control their children without DSS stepping in.
True, these are mostly exceptions...but, nonetheless, kids anger me when they do it. Especially when they are like 14 y/o, scrawny as a starving pup. Again, dont write a check with your mouth your body cant cash.

07-01-2003, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
You wanna know what I hate? Stereotypical adults who dont compare the situation to there peers before opening there mouths. Let me tell you a quick story. At the tourney we attended this sunday, I shot a guy who attempted to bunker me. He continued to run, and finally got my arm. The ref pulled him, and wiped my hit off. He pulled his mask off and threw it, screaming, ref, that was f****** bull**** dumb***, he was an adult. He got penalized. End of story. I dont see very many people act like you describe, adult or kids. I suggest that mabe you should play real paintball, and realize that 80% of the teams adult/young are good sports? My team has a mix, and we have never been penalized for any reason. End of story.
You wanna know what I hate? Trying to justify one action by pointing out another action. I also hate the saying “real paintball”. Why? Because if you want to be totally honest about it, the MAJORITY of paintball is played at the rec level. I would call that pretty REAL.

And no one is arguing that 80% of the teams and adults/young folks are good sports. But even if only 3% were not, that is a lot of people, and 3% too many.

I know you may be still suffering from this past weekend, but please keep thinks in perspective and stop trying to take out your aggression on AO. If YOUR team is playing right… GREAT! Then don’t take what is being said personally or that it is directed at YOU and YOUR team. If the shoe fits.. if not….


07-01-2003, 01:26 PM
And your point is???

Squid ... You yourself admit that there's at least 20% that make fools of themselves. Once again, I didn't say ALL. And I never mentioned that ALL adults are perfect in their behavior, either. I won't argue that point because I, too, have seen some adults go off the deep end. AND, I have told them about it! And we're talking semantics here...

But... The attitude you just displayed is exactly what I'm talking about when I mentioned watching the ducks quack. If it wasn't a problem you have then you might not have taken it so personally. I will admit that I don't know you personally and by the same token you do not know me. However, I do respect your viewpoint, just not the way it came across.

Yes, I do know that the majority of the "younger generation" is not at fault. But, along those same lines, I very rarely see their peers doing anything about it.


07-01-2003, 01:30 PM
I feel it is up to the Refs and other Staff to police that crap.

Maybe it has to do with the fact that the refs in paintball (at least at fields) are all kids/teens, where as in other sports generally you get adults as the refs. So the refs will have the confidence actually setup and control the situation.

notice how you never said anything about how you football buddies are against talking smack?

They are guys from work who play flag football. You don't hear trash talking there. Flag football is not marketed as entertainment like the XFL.

I yell at my teamates more than I do my adversarys

We all had guys like you on our highschool teams. We called them names :) Anyway, thats cool if thats your thing and you're on a team. I'm not big on being yelled at to move or whatever in a rec game though.

or a gentlemens sport leave, and the smack talk, swearing, and "hardcore" element comes in.

See, and to me I don't see paintball as hardcore. I actually see it as a relatively unathletic sport with no contact. (begin generalization ->) No we get all these kids playing who would have been lanky skaters in the 80-90's.

I don't think you had any rite to get up in a 14 year old kids face and cuss him there no need for that

Maybe so, but I know if you yell that a guy is a F'ing cheater in almost any other sport you're going to get smacked in the mouth if the guy is a competitor. New freshmen in college use to talk like that at judo practice and they would not come back after they got a concussion from the senior players.

I suggest that mabe you should play real paintball,

I've been playing for 10 years, I know what playing paintball is like thanks.

07-01-2003, 01:35 PM
Originally posted by oldsoldier
I had a similar "overshooting" experience. I told them to knock it off, it continued. Finally, I put my gun down and started walking towards who was shooting. It was some kid, who said "it wasnt me" when I got to him. Well, seeing as he was like 14, I didnt do anything exceptt yell. I think the kid steered clear of me the rest of the day.
The thing is, kids talk alot of trash. And, sometimes their mouths write checks their bodies cant cash. Trash talk is OK, but, accusing people of cheating, deliberately overshooting, stuff like that irks me to the point of real anger. I mean, its one thing to tell another team they are gonna get whooped, or watever, in a joking manner; but, screaming obscenities in my face is just gonna get you hit. And, who's fault is that? Mine? I have little self control, sorry. ;)

It's part of the game, deal with it. People like you are the ones acting like a respectless kid.

07-01-2003, 01:44 PM
It's part of the game, deal with it.

Overshooting use to be MUCH less of a problem. I'm sure its partly because of the faster guns, but I can't help but think it is also this new "every rec game is a tournament" mentality that the less mature players adopt.

07-01-2003, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by Crazy

It's part of the game, deal with it. People like you are the ones acting like a respectless kid.

No, the kid that INTENTIONALLY OVERSHOOTS me AFTER I tell him several times to knock it off is the respectless kid. That is NOT part of the game. His ONLY intent was to anger me. Well, it worked. AND, he didnt have the balls to admit up to it after. Would I have smacked him? No, after all, he was a kid. Did I intimidate him? Yes, I think so. Was the problem solved? For that day, it was. I dont mind being overshot (well, I do, but, that goes with the game sometimes), but, when I tell you to knock it off, you shoot me 3 more times in the back as I walk away, just to be a jerk, then turn around and come after you, whose fault is that? Mine? You probably should've not shot me in the back, to make yourself "feel better", or whetever the reason is. It isnt funny, and, one day, someone is gonna push someone else too far.
And, its true, adults act like this too. We have all seen it, and, I'm sure, participated in it at some point. My point is, if someone tells you to stop shooting...do it. And, dont shoot them in the back, as they are walking away, cuz you're mad they yelled at you. Those type of actions bring nothing but worse actions. And, the last thing our sport needs is being get beat up on the field. Especially over someone's hurt feelings for being yelled at.

Frank (the spank)
07-01-2003, 02:00 PM
I get sick of theses "You're out!" asshats.

It pissed me off enough i got into someones face about it and yelled "You don't tell me when I'm out I tell you when I'm out, got it?!?"

2 ways you are out in a game, you call yourself out or a ref calls you out, not some asshat yelling "duuuhhh oooh you're out!!!!"

One of theses days I'm gonna snap and tank whip the next little crap that says I'm out.

07-01-2003, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by UThomas
It's part of the game, deal with it.

Overshooting use to be MUCH less of a problem. I'm sure its partly because of the faster guns, but I can't help but think it is also this new "every rec game is a tournament" mentality that the less mature players adopt.
I will also add that just because people start doing something on a regular basis, it does not mean it is “part of the game”. A good many fields still use the 3 shot rule, so that shows it is NOT part of the game. It is something that some players DO, but it is not “part of the game”… no more than late hits are a “part of the game” of football.

Football players don’t have to “deal with it”. And paintball players should not have to “deal with it” either (overshooting). I have been on the receiving end of overshooting on more than one occasion, and honestly, if the other person honestly was not intending to do so, I have NO problem with it. It is when they DO intend to do it, or by their wanton disregard for the amount of paint they are shooting at everyone, that I have a problem with it.

And trash talk is NOT a part of the game no matter how you look at it. I don’t however have a problem with folks talking trash to each other IF they know each other and don’t get out of hand with the language… but when they extend that trash talk to everyone around them that I have a BIG problem. And that was NEVER part of the game, it is brought in by disrespecting punks (of ANY age) and be it at paintball, football, soccer, golf, or wherever, it only shows a total lack of class and respect for both themselves and those around them.

Deal with it? You bet! I will deal with it by having them removed by the field owners if need be… but if you mean “deal with it” as in learn to ignore it or let it continue to happen… not on your life! Sorry. ;)

SG Avenger
07-01-2003, 02:04 PM
Personaly I'm sick of kids thinking they can get away with saying whatever they want to say, and talking back to people who are older than them, who've got more experience in certain areas than they do.

Now i'm not some grumpy old man, I'm 24, and I personaly think parents should beat their kids a whole lot more than they do. Argh and after growing up in Orange County, CA only reinforces that.

Of course there are older players who act the same way, yelling and screaming and ruining everyone elses day. Then walk back to their truck and slip back into their wife-beater and get back to their life.

BUT on the subject of rage on the field, hey, It hurts getting hit, and I think everyone is entitled to a little slip now and then.

Frank (the spank)
07-01-2003, 02:30 PM
I agree SG Avenger, I'm 25 and I'm sick of theses spoiled kids.

Watch the Osbornes, see how Kelly and Jack act? They are an extreme, but this is how kids act when they have everything. Theses kids have parents that buy them high dollar markers along with everything else they want and theses kids have no respect for anything. So on the field they talk **** because they do not respect anyone else.

If I acted like this in public as a kid my Mom and Dad would have *****ed slapped my little ***. parents today don't smack their kids.. they talk with them.. work it out.. give them time outs.. and other hippy crap they picked up on how to raise a kid. Kids just nodd to get their parents to go along with it.

This isn't all kids.. but damn the little ****s do stand out.

07-01-2003, 02:32 PM
Wow... My fields never had too much of a problem with trash talk. Sure we take turns shootings friendly jibs at each other, but then afterwards it's our turn to take one or two. It's all in good fun (although I will admit... one time it did escalate to everyone throwing paintballs at each other in set up area).

We've never really had real big fights...

Then again, the paintball community around here is limited to about 100-200 regular players at any given time. So we're pretty tight.

07-01-2003, 02:37 PM
fights seem to be a regular thing in indiana ;)

07-01-2003, 03:26 PM
I would suggest not taking what you hear on the field personally. When the tosterone and adrenaline is flowing you say things you would never say off the field. I yell and scream on the field but anyone who's seen me knows I am a very quiet person. Its the same in hockey.

*edit* After reading the rest of the thread I would say a lot of the arguing stems from the fact that in a tourny if something is at all questionable you argue it. If you can get the team to lose 10 points that may be the deciding factor. Trust me I know about that :rolleyes:

*edit2* Going up to someone off the field and telling them they are a cheater is the stupidest thing to do. If someone is a wiper next time I play him he will just shoot him more to make sure it does not disappear. I have played tournies where unless you shot the person 3-6 times there was a good chance they would wipe and keep playing.

*edit3* Arguing calls in rec-ball is just twibbish.

07-01-2003, 03:38 PM
Originally posted by SG Avenger
Personaly I'm sick of kids thinking they can get away with saying whatever they want to say, and talking back to people who are older than them, who've got more experience in certain areas than they do.

I wish CB could see this and take heed!!!:p


Evil Bob
07-01-2003, 03:39 PM
Kids today are alot less respectful then the kids of 10 years ago, who were alot less respectful of the kids 20 years ago, etc. etc. It seems each sucessive generation is getting progressively worse in regards to crime, attitudes, behavior, morals, etc.

Think about it... 30 years ago, how many fights broke out at a basketball or baseball game? Now its a common occurance. We've recently seen people kill each other over a ref's call at a little league game.

Yes, there is more trash talking now then there was 10 years ago, there was more trash talking 10 years ago then there was 20 years ago, etc. etc. We also have more violent crimes then we did 10 years ago, and 10 years ago there were more violent crimes committed then 20 years ago, more violent crimes comitted 20 years ago then there were 30 years ago...etc. etc. etc.

Back in 1998, I witnessed three young males spit on an 72 year old blind man (white cane and all) who was sitting peacefully on a bench waiting for the bus. They spit on him as they walked by the bus stop, several people witnessed it. When I confronted the spitters, one pulled a knife on me and attempted to stab me, I subsequently broke his right arm in 2 places and shattered his left knee, the other two immediately ran.

Government wants to blaim violent media (movies, games, radio, TV talk shows, etc.) for the lack of morals and respect. Just take a look at Joe Lieberman and what he's proposing as the downfall of modern civilization, they all point fingers at everything EXCEPT where the blaim is due.

It all comes down to how you were raised, you are, afterall, largely a product of your environment. If your parents didn't have a clue about morals, the odds are you won't either. So where do you place the blaim? Yourself? The people around you? Your parents?

You are your own agent, you are responsible for your own actions, get with the program before you have kids and contribute to the further decline in society.

-Evil Bob

Frank (the spank)
07-01-2003, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by 845
I would suggest not taking what you hear on the field personally. When the tosterone and adrenaline is flowing you say things you would never say off the field

yeah, I know what you mean. One time there was a guy that ran to a bunker, i didn't know if i shot him while he was running but he popped out and I kept shooting, he never came up and put his gun in the air or yelled hit, so I kept hammering on his bunker.

then a ref and other players come running over waving their hands telling me to stop shooting. the guy pops up and is pointing and yelling and swearing etc. and is really fired up.

I guess he yelled hit but he had a mask on, is behind a bunker and I am shooting my E-Mag as fast as i can.. he was too afraid to come out with his gun up, lol

after the game he came up to me and wass falling over himself on how sorry he was and how he's not that kind of person etc. which I of course accepted and didn't think that much of it on the field. He was an older guy and I didn't mind all that much. But when little kids say you're out and call you their ***** and "owned", well.. they're just asking to have their head taken off.

07-01-2003, 04:00 PM
Sorry if I offended you sam. I didnt write that in spite of the weekend, there is a difference between being a little depressed and angry. I didnt read a single reply, not yours, not anybodies. I read his post. He referred to "teens" as the trash talkers of the sport, which to me is highly stereotypical. Not once did he mention the adults that talk the trash. Sorry for offending the rec ballers, as I enjoy that occasionally as well, however not many recballers talk a lot of trash.

EDIT: I appreciate the level of maturity/seriousness you presented in the reply, in regards to my reply. Most would have just flipped the switch and flamed away.

07-01-2003, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
Sorry if I offended you sam. I didnt write that in spite of the weekend, there is a difference between being a little depressed and angry. I didnt read a single reply, not yours, not anybodies. I read his post. He referred to "teens" as the trash talkers of the sport, which to me is highly stereotypical. Not once did he mention the adults that talk the trash. Sorry for offending the rec ballers, as I enjoy that occasionally as well, however not many recballers talk a lot of trash.

EDIT: I appreciate the level of maturity/seriousness you presented in the reply, in regards to my reply. Most would have just flipped the switch and flamed away.
Hey, no problem. It's all good.

07-01-2003, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by Evil Bob
Kids today are a lot less respectful then the kids of 10 years ago, who were a lot less respectful of the kids 20 years ago, etc. etc. It seems each successive generation is getting progressively worse in regards to crime, attitudes, behavior, morals, etc.

Although there is question as to the authenticity of this quote, it is probably accurate enough for illistration purposes:

"Youth today love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority, no respect for older people, and talk nonsense when they should be working. Young people do not stand up any longer when adults enter the room. They contradict their parents, talk too much in company, guzzle their food, lay their legs on the table and tyrannize their elders."

It sounds just like something you might hear today. It is credited to Socrates! Every generation says the same things about the previous one.

Originally posted by Evil Bob
We also have more violent crimes then we did 10 years ago, and 10 years ago there were more violent crimes committed then 20 years ago, more violent crimes comitted 20 years ago then there were 30 years ago...etc. etc. etc.

Actually that is not true. The violent crime rate per capita is less now than 10 years ago. We just hear about more of it.

Originally posted by Evil Bob
When I confronted the spitters, one pulled a knife on me and attempted to stab me, I subsequently broke his right arm in 2 places and shattered his left knee...

Your not taking any of this personally, are you. ;) I'm glad to hear that you were willing to get involved. I would have too. :)

07-01-2003, 04:12 PM
When the tosterone and adrenaline is flowing you say things you would never say off the field

COP OUT. Thats the same mentality as the obnoxious drunks. You are responsible for your behavior.

Maybe a lot of the problem stems from the fact that this is one of the few things were you get such a wide range of ages and maturity competing at the same level.

Not once did he mention the adults that talk the trash.

In my 10 years of playing I have *never* had an adult talk trash to me. I'm sure some do though.

07-01-2003, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by shartley

You wanna know what I hate? Trying to justify one action by pointing out another action. I also hate the saying “real paintball”. Why? Because if you want to be totally honest about it, the MAJORITY of paintball is played at the rec level. I would call that pretty REAL.

And no one is arguing that 80% of the teams and adults/young folks are good sports. But even if only 3% were not, that is a lot of people, and 3% too many.

I know you may be still suffering from this past weekend, but please keep thinks in perspective and stop trying to take out your aggression on AO. If YOUR team is playing right… GREAT! Then don’t take what is being said personally or that it is directed at YOU and YOUR team. If the shoe fits.. if not….


Jeez Shartly, you telling someone to relax is like a dead man complaining because you stink! This guy has a perfectly legitimate complaint - that the issue isn't age - and he isn't justifying one thing with another, he's providing an example where the age argument doesn't work. If you didn't get so wrapped up in taking what HE said personally, you'd see that.

There are lots of people in this world, and a lot of them are selfish and walk around with a disregard for others. They think everyone ELSE owes them, and they think they have the right to lie, cheat, steal, and yell obscinities to get what they want. And some of them have children and pass on their poor attitude. If you don't like what you see in the youth of America, go home and look yourself in the mirror. Fix what you find there, and then worry about the other guy.

And for all you kids, the only way to deal with people who are less than honest, or less than polite, is to be polite yourself, and if need be, remove yourself from where they are (helps to let the other players and refs and field owners know WHY you are going to another field).

I've been there, seen it, done it. So can you.


07-01-2003, 04:31 PM
I would never yell at someone older than me at a paintball field. Number one I would look like an ***. Number two people would think I'm a stupid kid with no respect. If I do something I usually say sorry.
I've noticed that kids that are ten years younger than me are swearing at me and just act like they don't care. Just talk to them and act like your going to talk to their parents that will scare them.

07-01-2003, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by UThomas
When the tosterone and adrenaline is flowing you say things you would never say off the field

COP OUT. Thats the same mentality as the obnoxious drunks. You are responsible for your behavior.

Maybe a lot of the problem stems from the fact that this is one of the few things were you get such a wide range of ages and maturity competing at the same level.

Not once did he mention the adults that talk the trash.

In my 10 years of playing I have *never* had an adult talk trash to me. I'm sure some do though.

alot of the pros are adults, and when i watch the pros they talk thier share of smack.;)

07-01-2003, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by FatMan
Jeez Shartly, you telling someone to relax is like a dead man complaining because you stink! This guy has a perfectly legitimate complaint - that the issue isn't age - and he isn't justifying one thing with another, he's providing an example where the age argument doesn't work. If you didn't get so wrapped up in taking what HE said personally, you'd see that.
I didn’t take anything he said personally… LOL There is more to what I posted and why I posted it than you are realizing, but that is okay. HE knows why I said what I did and since I was talking to him, that is what is important. ;)

Besides, how many times do folks tell ME to relax? Hmmmm I guess I have that same option. Relax Fatman. :D

Originally posted by FatMan
There are lots of people in this world, and a lot of them are selfish and walk around with a disregard for others. They think everyone ELSE owes them, and they think they have the right to lie, cheat, steal, and yell obscinities to get what they want. And some of them have children and pass on their poor attitude. If you don't like what you see in the youth of America, go home and look yourself in the mirror. Fix what you find there, and then worry about the other guy.
Oh, I agree to a point. But if YOU are not the one lying, cheating, stealing and yelling obscenities, why the need to go home and look in the mirror? That makes NO sense. LOL Yeah, by all means fix your own problems, but if those problems are NOT what this thread is talking about, how would that fix anything? It doesn’t. LOLROF

Originally posted by FatMan
And for all you kids, the only way to deal with people who are less than honest, or less than polite, is to be polite yourself, and if need be, remove yourself from where they are (helps to let the other players and refs and field owners know WHY you are going to another field).

I've been there, seen it, done it. So can you.

That is one way yes. And a darn good one. But folks also have the right to have the problem FIXED at the field and STAY. :D Sometimes just leaving is NOT the answer… you would spend your entire life leaving places. ;)

07-01-2003, 04:58 PM
I talk trash to the other team and wave to them from cover, but it's all in fun. No one really takes that stuff to heart where I play, it's nice.

07-01-2003, 05:03 PM
This weekend i was playing a game of woods ball. 5 people attacked one side so they sent more people over there. But when they came they got lit up by many people ripping on the trigger. But one really big guy (im big but not really big like this guy) got hit by id say 5 ball that were already in the air. It wasnt just my paint. He got this urge to talk about kicking my arse. So when i get off the field he comes over talking about kicking my arse (witch would bother me because he is an adult and i would like some money).

Then a little later in the day i got shot off on the break running to the 50. The reff lets me out and he just unloaded on me. Now i would have kicked his arse but i would have been the one getting my arse kicked.

Evil Bob
07-01-2003, 06:01 PM
You're right HiTech, Socrates was very smart and observant person, I too have read that statement before.

Nope, not taking any of this personally, I'm too old to bother with taking things personally these days, especially in on an online forum :)

Per capita, yes, violent crime is down, largely due to the fact that the average longevity is steadly increasing, meaning we have more people alive in the US now then we did 10, 20, and 30 years ago. Once you break it down to the individual age groups that are committing the actual crimes, in this case males between the ages of 16 and 21, the violent crime stats are up big time as a whole.

-Evil Bob

07-01-2003, 06:09 PM
Originally posted by Evil Bob
Once you break it down to the individual age groups that are committing the actual crimes, in this case males between the ages of 16 and 21, the violent crime stats are up big time as a whole.

Are you sure about that? I question that. That's not how I remember it. Did I use that enough? ;) Nothing personal, right? I don't want anything broken! ;)

07-01-2003, 06:47 PM
It has changed a lot....

I had the same experience, of leaving and returning to the sport... Seems like everyone was in my face for tearing it up, especially the young ones.. Lots of trash talk in general.

The view may be distorted though... If you leave your home field, and then return years later, only the old guys remember you, there are a bunch of new young kinds who have no idea who you are and dont give you the respect yet. After a few bunkers, though, most kids will stfu the next time around...

07-01-2003, 07:29 PM
liek i always say: don't talk, take it on the field and let your gun do the talkin for you:cool:

07-01-2003, 07:33 PM
I get to comment on this from the other end of the spectrum, just for now.

I have not played paintball long, I really really love the sport. The first time I played at my local field there was a fairly young kid setting teams, calling games, general instructions. This kid can shoot - and often will yell downfield to "check your gun" for a hit, and is often right. The first game I played I thought I really dont like a kid telling me what to do. When he shot my hopper twice from across the field in seperate games with single snap shots... well, I admitted that this kid has more knowledge of the sport, the players, the fields than anyone else there. Now I know this - its the field owner's son, he has has participated in literally dozens of tournaments and done well in them... Don't just judge people by their age, sometimes there are other factors.

BTW - my trash talk when I walk out is simple "I suck" - this way anything I do is considered good, I don't have a reputation to live up to, I don't talk something I can't do - and I'm amazed at the amount of people who hold martial arts experience and play paintball - as do I. Keep this in mind next time you are harrassing that skinny little punk (that skinny little punk is not me, Im the shorter, fatter, balding guy who follows that punks instructions)

07-01-2003, 11:53 PM
First off I agree with Squid's point about this not being a young/old issue. The pushing matches/in your face episodes I have seen have involved adults. Most the kids that I have played with have all wanted to have a good time (there are always exceptions of course).

I also agree with Shartley's statement about not having to put up with it/not playing at a place that lets this sort of stuff go on. There is a wonderful speedball field near me that I love. It has since been discovered by the adrenaline crowd and there was too much ego flowing. I now avoid that place because of those issues.

Finally I disagree that kids today are less respectful than kids of the past. A symptom of age is that we forget what it was really like in the glorious "old days". I'm not saying that you (not anyone in particular) personally were disrespectful of your elders back in those days but there was probably still plenty of disrespect to go around :). Also someone brought up the issue fights over Little League calls. That is not the fault of the kids playing but of the PARENTS!!!! Yes it is totally nuts but we can't blame the youth for that! :D

07-01-2003, 11:59 PM
Originally posted by Lohman446
(that skinny little punk is not me, Im the shorter, fatter, balding guy who follows that punks instructions)

Sorry for the double post but I had to comment on this. I agree with you! One of the best things about this game is to give into the sheer insanity of it all. This weekend I played in a big game (not that big really as it was limited to 60 people) and I spent about half an hour of it following the lead of a 12 year old (20 years younger than myself). My buddy that I was there with wanted to guard the base and I found it boring so I figured I'll just see where this kid leads me. Turns out he led me into a painful ambush (after a series of successful adventures) but that is what makes this game fun!

07-02-2003, 12:20 AM
Originally posted by UThomas
When the tosterone and adrenaline is flowing you say things you would never say off the field

COP OUT. Thats the same mentality as the obnoxious drunks. You are responsible for your behavior.

I never said you werent just that you should not take the things people say to you on the field personal. When people take it off the field that is when trouble starts. If you call me an ahole on the field I won't confront you after the game and get up in your face because you said something. Its like taking offense to something said on the internet.

07-02-2003, 12:45 AM
No we get all these kids playing who would have been lanky skaters in the 80-90's.

I have a name for this brand of youngster: "A jersey wearing K3W1 D3WD". They are a product of the internet age were there is seldom acountability for one's action. They are also a product of the far more permissive style of parenting that dominates these days. Now don't get me wrong, I don't lump all young players into this catagory but they certainly make up a large chunk or at least a highly visibly minority.

Recall that if you dig deep enough all stereotypes have some basis in reality. That's how they become stereotypes.

Finally I disagree that kids today are less respectful than kids of the past. A symptom of age is that we forget what it was really like in the glorious "old days".

I never would have dreamed of behaving like many of the youngsters of today do...and I was not a particuarly well-behaved child. However I did have the advantage of a proper upbringing. You can also rest assured my own children would never behave in such a manner.

Respect. Restraint. Humility. Following the rules.
How hard is that?

"Trench Raider"

07-02-2003, 01:36 AM
I honestly don't see the point at all in where this thread has gone. I can't believe some people are even getting mad because people say "Get out" when they shoot them. Please!

Bah hum bug I'm old and I'm mad at all of these young whippersnappers because they shoot me more than once and when they do they say stuff loudly. Please understand what I'm saying here, saying "Get out" is one thing, and being disrespectful to elders is another, but has someone else looked at the thread title?

People are always comparing tournament paintball to other pro sports, what about football where people spend more time rehearsing their victory dances than actually practicing? Or when they spike the ball and yell in the other teams faces? Same deal, except to an incredibly less extreme. I haven't seen any major complaints filed against Trash Talk in the NFL and it's been going on for decades.

07-02-2003, 01:51 AM
People are always comparing tournament paintball to other pro sports

That would be a valid point if paintball were a sport...let alone a "pro sport". But that's a whole other argument...;)

"Trench Raider"
who thinks the whole idea that paintball being a "sport" was created by the industry as a marketing tactic and was latched onto by players to whos sense of self-importance it inflated. But that's just his opinion...others are entitled to be wrong! :D

07-02-2003, 08:32 AM
Originally posted by Trench_Riader
I never would have dreamed of behaving like many of the youngsters of today do...and I was not a particuarly well-behaved child. However I did have the advantage of a proper upbringing. You can also rest assured my own children would never behave in such a manner.

And I didn't either but that doesn't mean there were some kids that were disrespectful of adults when we were young. Difference is that we are now the old ones and feel that we are entitled to respect. I guarantee that nearly all of the teenagers you run into are probably respectful and quiet. They are just going about their day like everyone else. The ones, however, that stick in our minds is the group of punks in a car pull up next to you while you are running, honk the horn repeatedly, flip you off, then go tearing down the road content that "they showed you" (for what I can't imagine) and that they are pretty darn tough (although logic says that randomly flipping someone off from a car is not all that tough). These same kids are probably fine individually but feel the need to crow a little in a group (heck they are teenagers after all and are trying to find their place in the world).

As far as paintball being a sport it really depends on how you personally pursue it. Heck lacrosse isn't even a sport the way I play it anymore. It is a past time that I occasionally do. I've gotten past the age of competitive sports, however, as work and family don't give me the time to get into any sort of competitive shape:D

07-02-2003, 09:35 AM
what about football where people spend more time rehearsing their victory dances than actually practicing? Or when they spike the ball and yell in the other teams faces?

As I already pointed out, pro football is televised entertainment. Despite that, there was a huge out cry from sports writters when an elite athelete (Terrel Owens) did the sharpie thing, since it was considered degrading to the other team. And that is a far cry from some skinny 15 year old yelling at a guy that he is a fing cheater in rec ball or whatever.

07-02-2003, 10:13 AM
Originally posted by aaron_mag

And I didn't either but that doesn't mean there were some kids that were disrespectful of adults when we were young. Difference is that we are now the old ones and feel that we are entitled to respect. I guarantee that nearly all of the teenagers you run into are probably respectful and quiet. They are just going about their day like everyone else. The ones, however, that stick in our minds is the group of punks in a car pull up next to you while you are running, honk the horn repeatedly, flip you off, then go tearing down the road content that "they showed you" (for what I can't imagine) and that they are pretty darn tough (although logic says that randomly flipping someone off from a car is not all that tough). These same kids are probably fine individually but feel the need to crow a little in a group (heck they are teenagers after all and are trying to find their place in the world).

Heh, that EXACT same thing happened to me yesterday!!! LOL.

07-02-2003, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by oldsoldier

Heh, that EXACT same thing happened to me yesterday!!! LOL.

Glad I'm not the only one that seems to get targetted! :) Oh well. At least it motivates us to run hard and try to catch them for a brief few moments.;)

EDIT: Funny thing happened to me the other day. I was playing paintball and one of the fathers of the players was someone who caught me water ballooning when I was like 11 (I hit his car and wasn't as fast as I thought I was). He took me to my parents and I got grounded (didn't help that he knew my parents :D). I told him to come out and play paintball so he could finally get revenge on that little punk who ballooned his car but he declined. Too bad he still looked pretty fit. He would love this game!:D

07-02-2003, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by aaron_mag

Glad I'm not the only one that seems to get targetted! :) Oh well. At least it motivates us to run hard and try to catch them for a brief few moments.;)
LOL And don't even get ME started...... targeted? Heck sometimes I feel like they have someone spying on me and when I leave my house they all hit the roads. :D


07-02-2003, 11:47 AM
Originally posted by Frank (the spank)
I get sick of theses "You're out!" asshats.

It pissed me off enough i got into someones face about it and yelled "You don't tell me when I'm out I tell you when I'm out, got it?!?"

2 ways you are out in a game, you call yourself out or a ref calls you out, not some asshat yelling "duuuhhh oooh you're out!!!!"

One of theses days I'm gonna snap and tank whip the next little crap that says I'm out.

I remember playing a friend one time. I hit his harness that was sticking out and he didn't notice. Told him to check his harness and he called himself out.

Someone telling you're that you are out could be their dumb way of saying that you have been marked and didn't see it.

It's no reason to get all hot and bothered about it though.

07-02-2003, 01:20 PM
First off, I almost never see any kids talking trash. It's always tournament players that do that. Always whining about how they werent shot, and a bunch of other crap. Tournament players are the biggest babies on the planet. Who else throws their gun like a little child? And secondly, if another team is talking trash, they are over confident. Let them make mistakes that will get them shot.

07-02-2003, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by shartley

I didn’t take anything he said personally… LOL There is more to what I posted and why I posted it than you are realizing, but that is okay. HE knows why I said what I did and since I was talking to him, that is what is important. ;)


Besides, how many times do folks tell ME to relax? Hmmmm I guess I have that same option. Relax Fatman. :D

Don't worry, I'm relaxed. Maybe too relaxed!

Oh, I agree to a point. But if YOU are not the one lying, cheating, stealing and yelling obscenities, why the need to go home and look in the mirror? That makes NO sense. LOL Yeah, by all means fix your own problems, but if those problems are NOT what this thread is talking about, how would that fix anything? It doesn’t. LOLROF

I'll agree, logic is on your side. But I think experience is on mine. There is nothing like playing clean in the face of a poor sport. I guess I'm speaking in larger terms, not so much in terms of the individual. I have found that by focusing on being a good sport myself, I don't have to deal with the poor sport, he gets dealt with in due time. On the other hand I've never been able have a positive effect by actively pursuing a poor sport. In that sense, focusing on *my* sense of right and wrong *does* have an effect, though not a direct one.

That is one way yes. And a darn good one. But folks also have the right to have the problem FIXED at the field and STAY. :D Sometimes just leaving is NOT the answer… you would spend your entire life leaving places. ;)

I agree. I've never had to do that, actually. Though I'm, prepared to. I almost took my daughter out of a basketball game after their coach called ours a MFB and asked me to step outside because I was being vocal when their player slammed a girl smaller than her into the wall, and then strutted and grinned about it. But we held on and we won. It was OTHER parents (none on our team) that called the league and had the other team censured. I guess its more the will than anything. To play the game fair, to play it right.


07-02-2003, 03:57 PM
Good post. I think by reading it, I did not understand exactly what you meant by “looking at ourselves”. Your post now gives it a much different feel and meaning than I took it as when you posted it the first time… and with that said, I agree with you on that point. :)

07-02-2003, 04:32 PM
Frankly, this post is stupid. That is because in my experiance the number of jack(you know whats) is even throughout age barriers. I have seen some teen kids get in peoples face, and i have done it to. If i play a tourny that i payed to get to, am paying to play, and pay for most of my paint, then im going to get pissed of if someone doesnt notice a hit and call themselves out, because that would mean a split second less for me and my team to try and win. At the recball level, i have seen more adults and 20 somthings go off than any other age group.

I work at a field, i saw something like this happen. Guy runs towards one of my teammates while hes getting paint checked, asks for a surrender, teammate turns, shoots and then turns right back. This was legal, and it was also illegal for this 20 something to move on a neutral area or player. When i pulled the guy who had gotten hit, he had some choice words to say to me. Right after this a 9 year old who was playing (amazing btw) started talking some serious trash to a guy, and the guy got pissed off. He freaked and tried to bunker the kid. Kid wrapped around and shot him. he was also really pissed off.

If a kid is better than you and trashes you, and then whoops you, let it go. I am sick of corgial people ruining my playing with complaints after a surrender order and then getting shot. I wouldnt surrender someone, and i dont surrender, so there is no point in asking. People who dont pull themselves or get a check when they get hit annoy me more than anything. If i hit you, and it breaks, you are out. no complaints, and no finishing shooting your lanes. If you take too long im gonna shoot you again. thats not over shooting thats the amount needed to get the other person out of the game. 1 should be enough but sometimes it isnt.

I am one of those disrespectfull kids that will trash you on and off the field, i dont care how old you are. If you earn my respect you deserve it. I dont care if your are 7 or 80, put up or shut up. Try and get physical with me and i will brawl OFF THE FIELD. none of this on field fist fights. Take out your anger towards me on the field. I dont respect people just because they are older than i am, why would that make sense. Respect hitler, dont trash talk him, he was older than I, I gotta respect my elders. That stuff doesnt cut it. if you cant play the game and talk the talk, most of all walk the walk to back it up, you dont need to be playing tourny ball. Even rec for that matter, if your good, people cant do anything when you trash talk them. IF you are a Squid, then STFU and try and learn something about the sport.
I have been playing for a long time and have noticed the small percentages of these people not fluctuate. The sport is growing, the % of asshats is not changing in my opinion.

Somthing to think about

07-02-2003, 07:27 PM
Frankly, this post is stupid. That is because in my experiance the number of jack(you know whats) is even throughout age barriers.

Because your experience differs with my experience and others on this thread, this thread is stupid? Ok...

If a kid is better than you and trashes you, and then whoops you, let it go

Did you even read the thread? I don't think anybody here has a problem with loosing per se, especially in rec ball (emphasis on the REC).

I am one of those disrespectfull kids that will trash you on and off the field [...] Try and get physical with me and i will brawl OFF THE FIELD

LOL! You'll grow out of this one way or another. Adults generally don't stay this seperated from reality.

Truth is you're probably just another guy playing on just another team in a small 'sport' that you'd have a very hard time making a good living at.

Maybe these kids now are reading too many magazines with the tough guy/Xtreme sport image. Damn those old Tippman adds :)

07-02-2003, 08:45 PM
No, just because i have seen so many instances in which adults have acted stupid, a larger percentage then teens. when you go and play you should look around. I dunno about you, but my field is about 70% teens and i think that the percentage of obnoxious people is higher in adult players.

Thanks i did read the thread, and people were speaking about people who would trash talk and then be horrible. If they are good, then you cant really back up an arguement as to why its obnoxious when they are just proving there skills.

No actually i wont. This is the way that i am about everything. I dont plan to make a living playing paintball or get into many brawls. But if it comes down to that i wont cop out. Im a kid playing on a competitive team, where goods that we are equiped with from sponsors help us pay to play, so it matters if we win or loose.

"mabye these kids" that statement right there is blanketing a whole group of people when you are indirectley just trying to indicate that is one of my activities.
This is in reply to the post above mine, i was too lazy to quote, are all kids too lazy now?

Edited to take out sig.

07-02-2003, 09:22 PM
when you go and play you should look around.

Wow, condescending because your experience is different than mine? Now is it my turn to say: "Frankly, this post is stupid"?

then you cant really back up an arguement as to why its obnoxious

The point is not that they are better players and saying "hey we wooped you" and backing it up (which is lame, but kids do it), its that these clowns are saying "you're a f*king cheater" or whatever when in any other activity they would get smacked down for that but for some reason think its ok in recreational paintball.

Anyway, no one any where on this thread that I saw indicated that this behavior applied to all teens. But whatever, read it how you want.

07-02-2003, 10:01 PM
Wow. Kids, adults, little green men from different planets, whatever happened to "sticks and stones....". Seriously, especially adults, if you can't brush off what some punk squables to you, well i don't know. Doesn't being an "adult" mean you're able to ignore ignorant or stupid people? Doesn't some stupid kid talking trash on a paintball field count? Give me a break.

And yes, i know some of you are going to say "what about the bonus balls, bla bla bla". I believe he was talking about trash TALKING. Although they generally go hand in hand, still he's only talking about the stupid things that people say, not do.

07-02-2003, 11:29 PM
i am 17 years old an have been playing for 4 years ...

and i think i haved played enough to see that its not just a teen proplem. Adults and kids do it, so i think it should be dealt in a general way .. not just saying these kids didnt bring them up like this ..or they had to much money.

i admit ... i am one of those players that get a lil hot headed when I play.
i never EVER talk any trash before a game. and rarly in a game. But if i hit someone on a pack ... and thye arent getting out , i will YELL AND YELL till they leave. sometimes i am wrong, for example last year i was playing the fifty and i hit some kid on the hopper twice.. he wouldnt get out .. and i screamed for him to get out. i couldnt find a way to get a ref to paint check him... i hit him again on the gun ..he still wouldnt get out, he looked like some one who was an decent player, so i got another angle on him and i hit him with about 8-9 paintballs.
after the game i felt bad and i went and apologized for hitting him that many times. i also explained that i had hit him .. but he told me that at the feild he played at they didnt count gun hits. i didnt know this when i was playing but it would have been nice if i hadnt shoot him 8-9 times.

at the feilds i play ... it seems to be the older people treat the younger crowd badly ..so the younger crowd talks trash. i personally think its a cycle .

hey Uthomas ... how is the cocker i sold you working for ya ?

07-03-2003, 01:33 AM
Originally posted by TheBigRaguPB4L
Doesn't being an "adult" mean you're able to ignore ignorant or stupid people? Doesn't some stupid kid talking trash on a paintball field count?

Yes it is part of being an adult. It is, however, hard sometimes. We do the best we can. In Oldsoldier's situation the guy, however, was bonus balling him and he gave him fair warning. Eventually you can only turn the cheek so much and then you have to give the punk edification on proper etiquette. :rolleyes:

07-03-2003, 02:16 AM
Originally posted by beefstew
Frankly, this post is stupid. That is because in my experiance the number of jack(you know whats) is even throughout age barriers. I have seen some teen kids get in peoples face, and i have done it to. If i play a tourny that i payed to get to, am paying to play, and pay for most of my paint, then im going to get pissed of if someone doesnt notice a hit and call themselves out, because that would mean a split second less for me and my team to try and win. At the recball level, i have seen more adults and 20 somthings go off than any other age group.

I work at a field, i saw something like this happen. Guy runs towards one of my teammates while hes getting paint checked, asks for a surrender, teammate turns, shoots and then turns right back. This was legal, and it was also illegal for this 20 something to move on a neutral area or player. When i pulled the guy who had gotten hit, he had some choice words to say to me. Right after this a 9 year old who was playing (amazing btw) started talking some serious trash to a guy, and the guy got pissed off. He freaked and tried to bunker the kid. Kid wrapped around and shot him. he was also really pissed off.

If a kid is better than you and trashes you, and then whoops you, let it go. I am sick of corgial people ruining my playing with complaints after a surrender order and then getting shot. I wouldnt surrender someone, and i dont surrender, so there is no point in asking. People who dont pull themselves or get a check when they get hit annoy me more than anything. If i hit you, and it breaks, you are out. no complaints, and no finishing shooting your lanes. If you take too long im gonna shoot you again. thats not over shooting thats the amount needed to get the other person out of the game. 1 should be enough but sometimes it isnt.

I am one of those disrespectfull kids that will trash you on and off the field, i dont care how old you are. If you earn my respect you deserve it. I dont care if your are 7 or 80, put up or shut up. Try and get physical with me and i will brawl OFF THE FIELD. none of this on field fist fights. Take out your anger towards me on the field. I dont respect people just because they are older than i am, why would that make sense. Respect hitler, dont trash talk him, he was older than I, I gotta respect my elders. That stuff doesnt cut it. if you cant play the game and talk the talk, most of all walk the walk to back it up, you dont need to be playing tourny ball. Even rec for that matter, if your good, people cant do anything when you trash talk them. IF you are a Squid, then STFU and try and learn something about the sport.
I have been playing for a long time and have noticed the small percentages of these people not fluctuate. The sport is growing, the % of asshats is not changing in my opinion.

Somthing to think about

Exactly the attitude I am talking about. I dont need to ear ANYONE'S respect. Trash talking is fine. However, dont get in my face. That will only result in us both being ejected.
I do NOT have to earn the respect of a kid. He has to earn MINE. You know what I have done in the past? You know my life story? Have you EVER served beside me, sweated through the same crap I have, been miserable and laughed about it with me? No? Then, why do I need YOUR respect? Thats the attitude I am talking about. I am not here to earn yours, nor are you here to earn mine. I, however, will give you the benefit of the doubt, and assume you are a decent individual. That is usually squashed as soon as the mouth opens though.
I am not surprised by the "you gotta earn my respect" attitude by alot of people in PB these days. It is a fast paced game, adrenaline runs high. It is just unfortunate that people cant respect one another. They gotta name call, shoot in the back, and do stupid stuff to make themselves feel better. Thats truly sad. You do that, get a REAL life, outside of PB and video games.
Beefstew, your post upset me. I dont owe you ANYTHING, nor anyone who thinks like you. Look around; alot of us "older folks" have sacrificed so you can continue playing. Hell, YOU owe ME respect. But, with your attitude, you can keep it. I am done here.

07-03-2003, 02:37 AM
Since when does being an adult mean you can work through any situation calmly and logically. You ever see parents at a peewee football game or a little league game? Biggest buncha phycos I've ever seen. One thing I cant stand at places I play are the no name "tourney" teams who grace the recfield with their presense and act all superior. Their guns will be down half the time an when their up they have to spew 10+ rounds into you before they quit then flip out if they get tagged by a single hopper hit. Coarse I've grown a little since I was 16 so this is no matter anymore, but I hate the thing were a bunch of guys buy some jersies and all of a sudden its like they just jumped on Normandy or something, its paintball! I agree that their are not enough "beatings" in the family:) I got smacked for a ton of stuff these "kids" do now. "Kids", I'm 22 but I feel so old when I see a fourteen year old toting an angel. I hate it when one of those punks goes out of his way to walk over to me and tell me what HE thinks of MY gear. I'm 6'2, 245lbs and some pimplefaced little maggot is going to lecture me on what I should or should'nt have bought with MY MONEY! I think what alot of these kids are forgetting is that "respect for your elders", in many cases, is just a thinly veiled illusion to avoiding agravating those higher up on the food chain. I know its just a game but the pb field isnt just some alternate universe devoid of consequense. "Tread lightly!"

07-03-2003, 09:51 AM
Doesn't being an "adult" mean you're able to ignore ignorant or stupid people? Doesn't some stupid kid talking trash on a paintball field count?

Should I have to if I am paying money to play at the field? I expect hastles at the office, that can be a part of the job, but do you like people yelling at you at a place you go to relax and have fun?

hey Uthomas ... how is the cocker i sold you working for ya ?

Worked like a champ, thanks! I let my friends shoot it and then ended up putting some other stuff on it and selling it. You know how it goes :)

One thing I cant stand at places I play are the no name "tourney" teams who grace the recfield with their presense and act all superior.

Amen to that. A couple times we had a team practicing want to take on the walk on's. They are like "we'll give you 2 to 1 player count." Well, of course the walk ons got smoked and I think I shot one guy on their team before I was shot in the back. We played again, same thing. At this point I go up to the 14 year old ref and I'm like "dude, I didn't pay money to be cannon fodder for a tournament practice, change the teams, the walkons aren't having fun." And he switched it up and all was good while the tourney guys were *****ing.

As an aside, the jersey phenomenon was just starting when I went to college, and I was shocked to see it full blown when I came back.

Other thoughts:

-Adults can be a-holes too. Its not exclusive to teens.

-Its the refs job to call people out, not the players. The players should call paintcheck and thats it IMO.

07-03-2003, 10:20 AM
theres nothing worse that can ruin the day than the usual whiner, that just thinks the world is out to get him so that he can get shot and left behind in a game. people need to say something if they think it and then leave it at that and stop complaining and have fun.

07-03-2003, 10:31 AM
One simple question....

Aren't there any SMALL players here? Everyone brags about being 6'2"+ and over 230 lbs. As I mentioned earlier, It doesn't mean a hill of beans to me how friggin' BIG you are. If you're in the wrong, you're going to hear about it. Take your size intimidation someplace where someone actually cares.:rolleyes:

All you are is a bigger TARGET! :p

And all it is, is just another bit of trash talk.


07-03-2003, 11:01 AM
I'm small...well, in height...not in girth...

07-03-2003, 11:21 AM
Originally posted by oldsoldier
I love that word. LOL :D

07-03-2003, 11:25 AM
I just don't understand why people get so upset over trivial things. I could understand if you had your 12 year old son there and they were yelling obsenaties at him. When some stupid kid starts yelling at me on the field, i shut him up with my team. If i can't do that, i just ignore him. Big deal. I guess i'm just to easy going. Besides, people that are doing stuff like trying to yell at me are trying to get a reaction out of me and piss me off. Most of the time it annoys them if you ignore them. Some times people are just trying to be jerks. Get over it. I can do it, so can you. haha.

07-03-2003, 11:28 AM
Hey oldsoldier- Not to ruin your point, but what exactly have YOU sacrifcied so i can play? I have Been playing for years, not to say as long as you, but i started playing before i was old enough to get on to a insured field. This disrespect you speak of has to do now with you NEEDING my respect, you said you did not, but then, in my eyes you contradicted yourself by starting a ramble about experiances that you have had through out your life. Who are you to say i havent gone through more hard times then you have? why do I somehow owe you respect? what have you done for me? Its not that i am saying this as an excuse to be disrespectfull, which I am not, Im just saying that because you and the people around you are older than some players does not make you more experianced, better, or more deserving of my respect.

07-03-2003, 11:31 AM
You know Neville Chamberlain tried to ignore things also and we all see how that worked out :)

07-03-2003, 11:32 AM
Originally posted by UThomas
You know Neville Chamberlain tried to ignore things also and we all see how that worked out :)

Don't you think that's slighly different than some stupid 14 year old trying to impress someone?

07-03-2003, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by beefstew
Hey oldsoldier- Not to ruin your point, but what exactly have YOU sacrifcied so i can play? I have Been playing for years, not to say as long as you, but i started playing before i was old enough to get on to a insured field. This disrespect you speak of has to do now with you NEEDING my respect, you said you did not, but then, in my eyes you contradicted yourself by starting a ramble about experiances that you have had through out your life. Who are you to say i havent gone through more hard times then you have? why do I somehow owe you respect? what have you done for me? Its not that i am saying this as an excuse to be disrespectfull, which I am not, Im just saying that because you and the people around you are older than some players does not make you more experianced, better, or more deserving of my respect.
I sit back can smile.. because I KNOW. :D I know that this type of thinking tends to change when people get older, have kids of their own, and are dealing with younger generations that think JUST LIKE THIS. :D

“Why do you deserve my respect?” is a question that just seems to never have a good enough answer for those asking it. And no matter what you tell them, you will be wrong…. Until THEY are in your shoes and are faced with the SAME question. :) And for those who say “No, I will not.”… yeah, right. ;) That is why “I told you so.” Is the mantra of the older generations….. because they DID, and seldom does the younger generations listen (as a whole).

It is a part of growing up and aging. It has happened in countless generations before us, and it will continue long after we are gone. :)

07-03-2003, 11:52 AM
Don't you think that's slighly different than some stupid 14 year old trying to impress someone?

Note the smiley face.

But I do think that sitting by and letting certain people ruin things for others with thier attitudes is not a long term solution in life. You have to pick your battles, true, but you going to run out of places to go to if you just keep ignoring or disengaging the issues.

07-03-2003, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by shartley

It is a part of growing up and aging. It has happened in countless generations before us, and it will continue long after we are gone. :)

So true. :)

I think what we are talking about here is not respect but courtesy. Why should you not be courteous on the field? Why should you trash talk in a way that is not fun and playful for everyone? Its one thing to trash talk with your friends. The guys I play with all went to high school together (we play then grab a beer somewhere afterwards once a month or more if we can get the darn wives to allow it). So of course we are mocking each other all the time and trying to shoot each other (unlike most groups we try to get on separate teams from each other). In tournament ball you may have to yell and scream more. I see your point in this. As someone mentioned above, however, we are talking about rec ball trash talking/disrespect.

EDIT: Some may say that I take even rec ball seriously and my adrenaline gets going. Fine....just don't be surprised when you get some else's adrenaline going and they get in your face. You reap what you sow....

07-03-2003, 12:05 PM
Originally posted by shartley
That is why “I told you so.” Is the mantra of the older generations….. because they DID, and seldom does the younger generations listen (as a whole).

I think that could be said about alot of adults as well. People need to learn from their own mistakes. Seldom do others learn from others mistakes. I think it's just human nature. It's just more frequent with younger crowds cause they haven't made enough mistakes yet.

07-03-2003, 12:18 PM
arron- this is what i am saying, im not going to disrespect you unless you disrespect me. This however does not mean that i respect you, but i agree there should be courtesy between all players, even at the top level.

07-03-2003, 12:43 PM
How about this? Do you all know that you can “show respect” for someone but NOT respect them? Personally I would like everyone to respect me, but in all honesty, that will NEVER happen. What I DO expect however, is that people “show me respect”.

Anyone who has been in the service, or held a serious job, knows exactly what I am talking about. You don’t have to actually “respect” a person to “show them the respect” that their age or position deserves. And I think that this is what OS is talking about.

If someone does not respect me, that is their right. But I will not be disrespected, no matter what they think of me. And anyone who knows me, knows that I will be courteous to folks around me no matter what their age. I do not look down my nose at younger people. But I also understand that kids are NOT my peers, they don’t hang out with me when I am in an adult oriented situation, and most of the time they are not my “buddies”. This does not make me think I am somehow “better” than them, it means I understand there IS a difference.

Heck, I am sure my son would not want me hanging out with him and his friends all the time trying to act like I am one of his teenage pals. Do I joke around with my children’s friends? Sure! Am I often around them when they do things? Sure! Do I actually do things with them? SURE! :D But I am never their buddy or pal… I am still Mr. Hartley. I am still the parent of one of their friends. A cool parent, sure…. But still a parent, still their elder, and still much different than they are.

And you know what? I never have to point out this distinction to any of my children’s friends… even those of my eldest daughter who is 20. And I never hold it over anyone’s head either. It is just the way it is.

Does this make me a bad person? To some, maybe. But you know what? I have never had anyone show a bit of a problem with it.. in the REAL WORLD. ;)

So, respect people or don’t….. but always do your best to “show them respect”… because by doing so, you show respect for yourself and exhibit what a truly fine individual you are… no matter WHAT age. And remember, to a good deal of us out there, it is not about “needing” your respect, but about demanding nothing less than your “show” of respect. :)

07-03-2003, 01:42 PM
Originally posted by shartley
Personally I would like everyone to respect me, but in all honesty, that will NEVER happen.

I agree with you. That is a certainty. :D (sorry I couldn't resist)

Yes I agree with you beefstew but I think everyone agrees on that point. I think that you, Shartley, and Oldsoldier essentially agree. Oldsoldier never said to fall on your knees and weep at being in the ecstacy of his presence. Neither is he saying he wants you to reduce your phenomenal skill:p and let him win occasionally. He is simply saying he expects common courtesy (note the common portion) among players. From what you say you are not the kind of player that pisses him off so it is a really a non issue. I'm guessing if you expect some courtesy among players (namely not bonusing balling on purpose) that you would probably get pissed off at the exact same players he is talking about.

07-03-2003, 05:46 PM
on the small player note .. i am 5,8 and 150 pounds .... so i am not exactly big.

i think respect has different meanings to me.

if i dont know you ...and we just met ... i will show you the best respect i can. because i dont know who you are , i dont know if you are a great person or not. the more i get to know you .. the more that respect will grow, or fall.
i dont reserve my respect for the people i know .. i give it to everyone when i meet them.

i cant help but disrespect some one who doesnt treat me like an equel. on the feild everyone is a player and no one should be treated as anything more or less ( cept for the refs ... they need to be treated extra nice).

but i also realize that in a game like this.. tension runs high , adrenaline is flowing, and sometimes you can yell stuff that is not exactly nice. i dont mean call the other player at your mirror a #@$%&*& ^@#$ .. or anything like that. but say i was to get hit on the break or right as i wrap around a bunker for a nice angle.. i have been known to yell a four letter word once in a while. but i always leave my attitude on the field. if i got hit ..i got hit.
i think the proplem is that after a while players start thinking because tey have this or that.. the get huge egos, and since no one is there to tell them not to do have a bad attitude.

And yes .. its a refs job to pull some one out ... but sometimes the ref is some where else and you have to let the other player know that you know you hit him.

and i hope most of you are kidding about thinking kids should get hit more around the house. some of the most screwed up kids i know where beat at the house.

No sKiLLz
07-03-2003, 10:43 PM
I am one of those disrespectfull kids that will trash you on and off the field, i dont care how old you are. ]

im not going to disrespect you unless you disrespect me.


I LOVE it when kids/adults like this walk on the tourney fields at SC. I just go out to have a good time and practice, but nothing is more fun than antagonizing "tough guyz".:D Among my favorites:

Trash talking spoiled little rich kids who's parents have to pick up them AND their $2000 marker at the end of the day.

Military personell who went out for the day because they joined the service for action but never saw any.

Meatheads who think their muscles help them aim better.

Come on. We can't be the ONLY guyz who say "Yeah, bunker that punk a$$ right there". It's going to suk even worse when I get my handle printed on the back of my jersey.:D

07-03-2003, 11:17 PM
Originally posted by Rebel46_99
And... Big guy or not, doesn't mean a hill of beans to me. If you're doing something wrong someone should be in your face to tell you about it. Using size as an intimidation factor doesn't always work, kiddo.


hehehe right on!
