View Full Version : Getting fed up with the Emag

07-02-2003, 12:03 AM
Okay, I really want to like my Emag, but im getting fed up with my inability to get a good ROF on it. With the trigger set up for a light quick pull, im having severe problems trying to walk the trigger. Granted, Im relatively new to the whole walking thing, but I was able to walk a timmy trigger a lot better when I tried one. That player was shooting awesome strings of paint the last time I played, my marker was barely keeping up with the rental spyders. Now, I can go the hybrid route, but that essentially screws up the e-mode trigger pull, and may be viewed poorly at field when I commence with what sounds like full-auto fire.

I just got back into paintball not to long ago, and went straight to AGD products for a new marker, based upon my old impressions of them. Now, however, I must admit I am seriously considering other markers, including:

Rat Impulse-looks GREAT, and supoosedly there are mods to get it to the point that it just pinches balls, has vision to boot

Matrix-custom ones look good, again a ball-pincher

Timmy-fast, though I hate jumping on the bandwagon

Viking-Great reviews, but EGADS, its ugly as sin. I mean, my VM-68 looks sleek and advanced next to this box, and its shoebox bretheren, the Excaliber. I love good mechanicals as much as the next guy, but im not sure I can get past the looks.

When I got the emag used, it was never a question of cost. $1000 for happiness is a far better choice than $600 for unhappiness. Maybe I'm just doing something wrong, or not exhibiting enough patience. Is there someone who, for a fee, sets up Emag triggers properly for rapid fire? I'd love to try every avenue before I ditch the Emag.

Thanks in advance for the help.

07-02-2003, 12:05 AM
take out the sear rod

and play around with the magnet stack combinations

you'll eventually find the right setup that you can absolutely RIP on

it'll disable hybrid and manual mode, but its one hell of a gun once you get the magnets right

07-02-2003, 12:10 AM
What does taking out the sear rod do to improve the e-mode? Right now I'm running one magnet with a small o-ring underneath, which seems to be the favored configuration, but walking the trigger results in random spurts of fire. I'm just trying to find the benefit of finding the holy grail of combinations for ripping versus getting rapid fire right out of the box.

Again, I really really really (and so on) want to like my emag. If only because I never see anyone else using it. I want them to go "damn, check it out" not "I guess thats why no one buys those things."

07-02-2003, 12:11 AM
Originally posted by sneakyhacker420
take out the sear rod

Why would he want to do that? it just takes away from the marker.

Hey man, i have never shot a timmy or any other electonic besides some spyders. I lurned my emag trigger and i keep up with every gun i came across on the field. Only thing i can tell you is adjust the Hes stuff so its as small as it can be and put maybe one magnet in and prac walking it. You will get the hang of it in time.

07-02-2003, 12:15 AM
You might want to try a different magnet set up.... not everyone can shoot fast with the lightest trigger possible.... somepeople need a little bit more of a return... I would just rent a couple of SCUBA tanks and an fill station and play around all day till I found something that worked... it might just take a little bit of practice...

07-02-2003, 12:15 AM
The only reason I've seen to take the sear rod out is to make it tourney legal (in the eyes of some refs, lets not open that can of worms again.) Im beginning to think that, mechanically, the trigger is simply incapable of keeping up with other e-triggers on some markers, and the only thing going for the emag is the pseudo-full auto hybrid trick. And I can't see using that making me any friends.

Help me before I run to the sell/trade forum!

07-02-2003, 12:32 AM
theres a whole thread on trigger adjusting that BlackVCG made here: http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=83104&highlight=emag+trigger+adjust

maybe check that out and fiddle around.

I'm still trying to perfect this effect on mine "You want it adjusted so that the firing point of the trigger is just before the END of the stroke. You want a bit of overtravel so it fires everytime, but you want it towards the end of the stroke so when you're shooting in rapid fire you don't have to let the trigger go all the way back forward to reset the HES so it can fire again. "

07-02-2003, 12:38 AM
i hit 14.7 bps on a BONE STOCK e-mag trigger

on a finely tuned one... i can get up to around 16 or 17

just gotta learn the trigger... or maybe get a blade trigger

or i'll modify it with my dremel so that it is a custom blade trigger with a very custom feel to it

07-02-2003, 12:39 AM
Thanks skoad. unfortunately, I had alread read it, and while it is an excellent description of HOW to set up your trigger, it leaves it to the user to determine exactly what settings to use. And im not finding them, if they do, in fact, exist.

07-02-2003, 12:40 AM
it would appear you're confused. the viking, and excal are both electronic guns.

07-02-2003, 12:44 AM
Yes, I can see how that could have seemed confusing. I should have said engineering, not mechanicals. I respect the engineering that went into the Viking and Excal, I just thing the looks are somewhat short of where they should be for markers in their price range.

07-02-2003, 12:50 AM
sokey ;-) I am kinda fond of the aka stuff. the looks don't bother me... if you've ever seen my cocker you might understand. (then again, look at what peopel pay for milled spyder bodys (timmys) it's kinda sad. Take a look at the JMJ milled vikings.. they're damned nice looking.

good luck on your marker hunt. If you were me, you'd tweak that emag trigger, they can be really sweet.

07-02-2003, 01:03 AM
Odd, when I screwed around with blazestorm's first emag, I had no problems what so ever walking it. I also had no problems walking a timmy... or fanning a timmy...

07-02-2003, 01:03 AM
I really don't see why walking is "the way" to get a high ROF. I can throw paint as fast as needed by just rocking my wrist and putting my middle finger in the top shoe of the trigger.

I really think you should try different methods of firing. I for the life of me can't walk my E-Mag trigger, but I can shoot 13-14bps all day by rocking my wrist.

Make sure that you have your firing point set towards the very end of the stroke. Also, try different magnet settings for the return. You might need some extra return force.

07-02-2003, 01:08 AM
ah-HA! THATS how you ripped off that nice string in that video! Thats one of the first truly original ideas i've heard. I'll go try that now.

07-02-2003, 01:10 AM
Originally posted by BlackVCG
I for the life of me can't walk my E-Mag trigger, but I can shoot 13-14bps all day by rocking my wrist.

Years of practice... :D

07-02-2003, 01:14 AM
How dare a moderator hijack my threat to make jokes with thinly-veiled sexual overtones directed at long-time AO members. Can't you see im going through a life-crisis here? :)

adam shannon
07-02-2003, 01:32 AM
as a lifetime fanner ive been learning to walk since i got my e-mag(s). for me a lighter trigger setup...spacer and one magnet doesnt return the trigger quick enough with enough force to sustain high rates of fire. you may want to try more magnets, instead of just finding it easier to be a hater because agd gave e-mag users more adjustability than any other marker and leaving it to them to set it up the way that works best for them. if you want one size fits all sell your e-mag and get another marker.

07-02-2003, 01:36 AM
Adam, I want to set the record straight. I am not an AGD "hater" by any stretch. First gun I went to when I got back in the sport was a mag. I'm just not able to find that happy place that will provide me with the trigger speed i desire. If I am unable to do so, then I will probably end up selling it. Saying it the way you did, however, is entirely unecessary.

07-02-2003, 06:10 AM
spare us the sob story my friend. if you want a timmy go get a timmy....b/c quite frankly i think everyone who is a regular here is getting tired of seeing the post about how they don't like mags anymore

nuclear zombie
07-02-2003, 06:19 AM
just keep trying different magnet setup's , and you may want to consider buying a tl63 trigger if you can find one . I have found that it is much easier to "walk" a blade trigger .

07-02-2003, 08:02 AM
First, kill you gas source and turn on the electronics. Sit and play with the trigger while you watch TV or something. If you turn on the safety in E-Mode, you'll get a 'click' everytime you pull the trigger. This is how I learned to walk my E-Mag. And this past weekend I got a few compliments on my ROF. :)

Second, I use all of the magnets with an On/Off o-ring to space it in the bottom of the frame. This makes it a soft pull with plenty of return. It's butter! ;)

Third, if you can find one, I HIGHLY recommend one fo the TL63 Blade triggers. If you don't know what that is, do a search for TL63 by Timmy63. It's a blade trigger for the E/X-Mag and it too is butter!

Good Luck ~ Dave

Edited for spelling

07-02-2003, 09:16 AM
ok try this, dont set the trigger so short and so light, set it a litle longer, actually let the trigger travel some, and leave your magnets the way they are, if that doesnt fit your taste, then try taking the o-ring out. Where is the trigger in length now? how do you like the trigger when it isnt on e or m modes(pointed back towards the gripframe)?

07-02-2003, 09:40 AM
is the ROF set all the way up or is it on any burst mode? this may sound funny but it happened to m...err.. a kid i know.

07-02-2003, 03:28 PM
I have a magnetic frame on my matrix, and I dont even walk it all I do is use my two middle fingers and sorta vibrate my fingers and I can hit 14-16.

07-04-2003, 12:34 AM
Thank you all for the help.

BlackVCG: I tired your technique, and I can see how it would work, but I'm beginning to think my fingers are too long/fat for effective walking. Looking at the emag trigger guard, it looks a little more constricted than other markers.

Icantbelieveit: Why do all forums have people who want nothing better than to be rude and controversial. Please, if you don't like the subject matter of the post, don't read/respond to it. I said I like mags, and I want to find a way to use it more effectively. And there is nothing wrong with timmys, they just take a different route to get to the same place. Why is it a crime to like more than one marker? I can only afford one right now, I need to make sure its one I can use well.

la690: Good advice. I actually got burned by that the first time I went out, max speed was set low, and I didnt realize it. I was like upset, to say the least.

The level 10 has to be the best part of a mag right now, nothing else like it out there. The AKAs run low pressure, and achieve roughly the same thing, I just can't get past their looks.

And finally, personal rant, I am so tired of hearing that Timmys are just milled spyders. Look, what are xmags really, but upgraded classic mags? And Yugos operate on the same principle as Ferarris. Basic operating principles mean squat, its the excecution and effectiveness that count.

07-04-2003, 12:54 AM
Steeratt- Maybe you're confused with how I pull the trigger. It's not really a "walking" method. It's more or less fanning the trigger. Hold your trigger hand so that all your fingers point straight up. Now bend down your middle finger. Put that middle finger in the top groove of the trigger, or wherever it feels comfortable on the trigger. I usually ride the center hump of the trigger or slightly above. Now just twitch your entire wrist back and forth to pull the trigger. My finger never leaves the trigger and you can barely tell I'm moving my wrist, but I'm moving my wrist fast enough that I can throw 13-14bps consistently.

07-04-2003, 01:15 AM
Hmm, maybe I was confused. I was actually rotating the wrist before, moving the finger out of contact with the trigger. I tired what I think is your technique, and it seemed more like rubbing up and down the upper part of the trigger. I've gotta get air in the tank to see if I'm actually releasing the trigger enough to get it to fire.

Thanks for bearing with me and continuing with the helpful advice.

BTW, whats your magnet setup?

07-04-2003, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by BlackVCG
Steeratt- Maybe you're confused with how I pull the trigger. It's not really a "walking" method. It's more or less fanning the trigger. Hold your trigger hand so that all your fingers point straight up. Now bend down your middle finger. Put that middle finger in the top groove of the trigger, or wherever it feels comfortable on the trigger. I usually ride the center hump of the trigger or slightly above. Now just twitch your entire wrist back and forth to pull the trigger. My finger never leaves the trigger and you can barely tell I'm moving my wrist, but I'm moving my wrist fast enough that I can throw 13-14bps consistently.

post the video of you in the horse stable field... he'll like to see that ;)

07-04-2003, 01:21 PM
This is no help I know, but I just love it on the toxic magnetic matrix frame how you have 3 screws to adjust the trigger. One is for rear travel, one is for forward travel, and one is for weight.

07-04-2003, 01:44 PM
Oh i saw that horse stable video, that didn't help much, as it just made me envious. Im trying his technique, but I think I need to change me trigger setup a bit to make it work. I'm still giving it a try, it seems to be the best idea so far. My fingers may be too big to walk the trigger, and fanning doesnt get you the same ROF.

07-05-2003, 12:35 AM
Don't move your finger up and down on the trigger. Just rock your wrist back and forth, inline with the barrel and fan the trigger. I'm able to keep my finger on the trigger and get a rhytmic motion going in straight E-Mode.

07-05-2003, 03:31 AM
In a recent 7man tournament, we had 8 players, mostly 'Mags, but my gun went down for the day (someone filled my 3000psi air system to 4500... ooops!). As we were rotating players in and out, I used three different teammates' X-Mags in various games. All had completely different trigger setups. One was set up for fanning, with a fairly sloppy pull, and a rearward firing point. Being a trigger-walker myself I couldn't get on with that one. The second had a hard-ish pull and a very forward firing point. OK for walking, but it took a while to get used to it to get it to respond how I wanted. The third was simply insane.... a medium pull, forward firing point, and instant return. Not so light that you could breath on it and fire, like some trigger setups I have seen. Very safe, but I could literally tickle the trigger with two fingers and it would respond with a beam of paintballs, no learning period required. Fantastic. I may be trading up for an X-Mag soon, and I will endeavour to set my trigger up the same way!

07-08-2003, 12:12 AM
The third was simply insane.... a medium pull, forward firing point, and instant return

Do you mean the trigger pull was short ? I'm trying to set mine up now and was just trying to get some ideas.

07-08-2003, 03:39 AM
Yup, short..... but not so short or light that it fired when you coughed or looked at it, like some triggers I have used. It gave a bit of resistance and feedback to the finger, which somehow made it so easy to use. And when I say the fire rate was insane, it was achieved simply by walking the trigge- no bouncing or other illegalities.

07-08-2003, 10:28 AM
Originally posted by Steeratt

And finally, personal rant, I am so tired of hearing that Timmys are just milled spyders.

Dude, they take some spyder parts, their bodies are compatible with spyder bodies, not to mention they operate on the same principle. There's a picture of a guy's gun on PBN who made a "timmy" out of a black dragun's internals, timmy body and grip, and other stuff, it just illustrates the point more. Bushmasters are also pretty much spyders with solenoids, but at least their bodies arent compatible with spyders.


07-08-2003, 11:14 AM
Could someone post the video of how the guy rocks his wrist.

07-08-2003, 03:31 PM
Hey i can take a ferrari, rip out its engine, throw in a VW 4 cylinder, and make the car move, but does that mean a stock Ferrari is the same as a stock VW beetle? Though the operating principles are the same, and the parts roughly compatible, they are by no means the same.

Just my $0.02