View Full Version : Equation Barrel?

07-02-2003, 09:32 AM
Has anyone used the Equation 3 piece set? I'm looking for a mulit bore barrel but I really Don't like the freak. This is the only other one I have seen for mags. Any other suggestions would be great too.


07-02-2003, 11:25 AM
I have a 3 insert Equation Multiswitch kit for my RTP. The inserts are nice. They discolor quickly, but according to Equation, that has no effect on performance. The whole thing seems very well made to me, though the slots on my Annihilator are a bit more roughly milled than I would like. I've only used it in one game so far, so I can't really comment on performance, and having never used a Freak I can't make a comparison. If you're looking for something that stands out, it's a good choice - I have never seen one in person besides my own, as they are pretty rare.

07-02-2003, 12:35 PM
I really like the EQ stuff, and I guess their customer service and response time is kind of catching up now.

I have used the 3 piece multi switch, and more recently the bizerk kit with inserts. I HIGHLY recommend the Bizerk kit, its super light, and as accurate as any high end barrel I have fired. The 1 piece barrel with insert also seems as if it would be a more true bore than screwing 2 pieces together.

I run a 10" bizerk, and have no problems with range or accuracy on my SniperII/Freeflow/Rt Pro/Emag/Micromag ( guns have sold/traded. but barrel has stayed with me!)


07-02-2003, 02:16 PM
I used the different sized backs when they first came out and I now use the multi-switch pro system with the inserts. I also have a bizerk. I can honestly say I love the entire setup. The accuracy/consistency is amazing.

07-02-2003, 05:55 PM
Great! I was talking about the mulit switch kit by the way, not the bizirk. What set ups are you guys running? Different tips and stuff? With or without porting?

I was thinking of the unported scope extention with the Sniper tip. I think the sniper tip would look teh best because I have a Minimag Body.

What did you guys pick and how do you like it? Was it what you expected it to look like?

How well do the pieces fit together? Do the different pieces match up well?

07-02-2003, 07:09 PM
I'm using the 10" Bizerk and the Multiple Switch with either the 4" ported silver scope or 6" ported black scope with a black EH 47 tip. I typically need the .689 or .691 bores, rarely the .687 or .693. Looks great and shoots very accurately. Also, don't see too many of them. Highly recommended! I used it for my micro RT and now for the Micro Emag.

07-02-2003, 08:50 PM
Chuckwag, I don't know about the Equation Kits and I'm not bashing or saying they aren't good at all so take this as another opinion on another kit. You ought to look into the Scepter barrel Kit from Powerlyte. This barrel is very versatile and well made. Now I know you are saying, "But it doesn't have a Mag set up with the kit for my marker". You should look at Doc Nickle in the dealer section for his Mag to Autococker barrel adapter. Why you ask????? Because you will be able to use an autococker Scepter Barrel and later if you ever upgade to a ULE body, Newer E-Mag(w/ULE) or an X-Mag then the Specter Barrel will just screw right in and you won't need to get a new back or different barrel. I'm getting an adapter for my Mini-mag and will get a second Scepter Barrel kit for it. I truely believe the Scepter kit is one of the if not the best barrel kit out there. Just my 2 cents. Good luck in you choice. :cool:

07-02-2003, 09:11 PM
I have both the EK-47 tip and the sniper tip. I like the EK-47 tip best. I also have the 10" extension(which they don't make any more) and a 6" extension. Both are ported and make the barrel very quiet. The main inserts I use are .691 and .689 but have been known to use .693 on odd shaped paint. I have also used .687 for small paint. I haven't used the smallest inserts yet.

07-02-2003, 10:33 PM
Equation, in my opinion and experience are some of the best barrels made, period. I own a shop where I can choose any barrel or system to stock, and equation sets are the only ones I will invest my money in to keep in stock. Freak inserts are aluminum which will bend easier if dropped than the stainless steel inserts which equation uses.
As far as comparisons to other barrels/kits. I have had more than a few customers who do not take my advice, and have bought other kits. Specifically a J&J kit, a Sceptre kit, and CP kits. When they show up with the new kit, after playing with it for the day, I say let's compare it with the equation. What always happens is they sell the other kit and buy the equation. These barrels are fantastic!
On the mag back, because it is longer than a regular back, don't forget to make sure your middle piece(extension)is not too long. I have a team mate, who uses one on his mag, with a bizerk tip. This is a one piece middle and tip that will attach to any of the backs.
One of the best things about the system, is no matter what you buy, all the multi switch pieces will fit together. If you get a new marker, just get a new back. I have a pro back with just a sniper tip on it for the super shorty 3-4 inch barrel, and it's accurate, just a little loud.
I have used equation barrels for 2 years now, and because I own a shop/field, I have had the opportunity to shoot a lot of different barrels and kits. I have yet to find another that offers the flexability, accuracy, quality, etc that equation does.
Ok so people won't clog this thread up....... There are a lot of good, and great barrels/kits out there. I could name Lapco, Dye, Smart Parts, CP, etc. These are all fine barrels. ChuckWag was only asking about equation kits, and about info/opinions of peoplewho have used them.

07-02-2003, 11:08 PM
I just wanted to thank everyone for there posts. I almost positive I'm getting the multi equation set. I should be commming into some money soon.

Thanks Again