View Full Version : last thread before I buy WGP please help!!!!!

07-02-2003, 11:14 AM
My faitful mag has finally pissed me off so much that my visa's out and I'm ready to buy a new cocker. I don't want to but I'm at my witts end. I have had nothing but problems with the agd powertube spacer kit (nothing but bolt stick, no matter what spacer used)so now I'm back to the spring. The last time it fired, the velocity was all over the board. So I stripped it down, cleaned everything, replace the cup seal, even opened and cleaned and lubed the back of the main body assembly.

Now the good part. I attached my trusty anti-siphion it took the gas made the click noise like it was powered up, but nothing, no hiss, no pop, no bang not a thing happened whene the trigger was pulled, the thing just sits with no response. I pulled the grip frame and there is air at the on/off valve( the pin shot out under pressure).

I really like this gun, but I've never seen a cocker user miss two weeks of play because no one at thiere field has a clue why its not working.

I need help to stay a mag man
Thanks, Brad

07-02-2003, 11:31 AM
put the biggest Pt spacer in and a New pt o-ring. Oil it up and put the tank on, doesnt fire? turn up the velosity and see what happens. If it has a Barrel leak then go to the next size down with the Pt spacer.

Also have u messed with your trigger rod at all?

07-02-2003, 11:48 AM
Yes the trigger has been adjusted, my mag was one of the first ever made (first 30000) it had the old x style on off disc, whene I got the new drilled one i had to lenghten the rod by one half of a turn. I assumed this was the problem, but I've gone through the adjustment the whole way by turning it out all the way and adjusting it a 1/4 of a turn in each time. After disassembling,adjusting, and reassembling the gun about 30 times, I feel confident in this not being the problem, but aftere all what do I know, my mag doesn't even fire.

Anyone got a suggestion on reseting and adjusting the rod in a different way to assure this isn't the problem?


07-02-2003, 11:50 AM
Why not send it in to AGD and have people who know what they are doing fix it? That's kinda what they are there for. ;)

07-02-2003, 12:01 PM
I'd love to, but I'm in B.C. Canada, It would be four weeks each way for affordable shipping or upwards of $50us (each way)to ship rapidly. So two months without a gun or $100 in shipping to use it this seasons again. There is no service center for theses things here so Your on your own,, Its a tough spot, one I 'd like to get out of without switiching marker brands,

07-02-2003, 12:24 PM
Originally posted by BlackVCG

Automag Classic/Minimag:

On/Off Pin: .750"

Trigger Rod: 1.985"

Check these measurements and then gas up the mag and crank the velocity adjuster until it leaks out the back. See if it will fire at this point. If so, back off the velocity until it quits leaking and then chrony it.

07-02-2003, 12:36 PM
Thanks man I really like to work with numbers to start at. is that 1.985" from the end of the rod to the start of the threads on the hanger hinge?
Regardless thanks for the numbers, I'll caliper it tonight.

07-02-2003, 12:45 PM
When you stripped it down, did you remove the springpack + reg piston? If so, have you tried just dialling up your velocity a bit? If could be that it's not set high enough to fire.

07-04-2003, 04:48 PM
Dude, while I can't offer much support for your mag. :( I can tell you honestly that if you get a cocker. Odds are that you will spend as much, if not more time messing with it. Granted this doesn not apply to all cockers, but as most cocker owners will tell you, you will probably spend a lot of time learning about tinkering and timing it. How do I know? I own a cocker. :)

cky shane
07-04-2003, 07:14 PM
Also, make sure your Reg Seat O ring is spotless and well oiled. Most velocity inconsistancy problems are caused by the reg seat o ring being dirty, dry, or cracked/broken. Even little knicks will cause your velocity to be all over the place.

07-05-2003, 11:52 AM
logit, that length is for the whole length of the rod assembly, not just the threaded part. As little as .002" to .003" will make a difference, it did on my e-mag.