View Full Version : PMI Flash?

07-02-2003, 02:10 PM
Has anyone ever tried this stuff? http://store.yahoo.com/actionvillage/000-7250.html


07-02-2003, 02:33 PM
It's ok.

It's not Evil, but it's ok.

07-02-2003, 05:00 PM
im not saying youre wrong im just curious. is evil THAT good. it seems like everyone is just falling into the evil fad. i dont care much for their gloves either. i mean im sure its a decent paint but can paint really get much better than it is now? im satisfied with my big balls :p they are round and they break on people and thats all i need. wow its hard to explain that without sounding wrong

07-02-2003, 05:23 PM
Personally I've had some of my best rec. games using evil. I shoot it thru a boomstick. Big Ball is pretty good, but I find that it bounces off people more often.

07-02-2003, 05:28 PM
Evil has been out for a long while, its good paint. Thats why people like it.

And its dry ( I dont know why thats good but there isnt any other paint like it, and its good for handling)

I saw ads for Flash paintballs a few monthes ago, "coming soon" ads, but I never heard anything of them since now

07-02-2003, 07:14 PM
Good stuff. Made by RP so has the Advantage shell like Evil. With the colors I've used, it's not as bright or as thick as Evil. Great for rec ball where the hits aren't as crucial as in tournament play.