View Full Version : M-Pack: Vertical vs. Horizonal Harnesses

07-02-2003, 04:03 PM
I'm looking into getting a larger harness (9+ Tubes) for the 7-man events that we have coming up in the near future (IAO, New York and Miami NPPL) and I need your advice.

I'm set on getting an M-Pack harness (http://www.topstitch.net), I love 'em! However, I've only ever used the vertical harnesses like the ones found here (http://www.topstitch.net/vpacks.html).

Has anyone ever used the horizonal harnesses like these (http://www.topstitch.net/hpacks.html)?

How do you like 'em? Would you recommend them over the vertical? If so, why? The more details that you can give me, the better off I'll be. Remember that I'm looking for a harness that hold 9+ tubes.

Thanks in advance for your help!

07-02-2003, 04:30 PM
I have no experience with the "M-Pack" but in general I prefer the horizontal harnesses over the vertical ones because I find that it is easier to pull out tubes when I need them. Its a longer reach to find the vertical tubes and I find that I can operate my horizontal pack blindly much quicker than the vertical ones...

07-02-2003, 04:34 PM
I dig the verticle because your elbow doesnt have to poke out when you reach around to get a pod, instead its lower and tucked in. That way reloadings a little tighter.

07-02-2003, 04:48 PM
i just checked out that web site. I would have to say to go with the vert if you are playing front(because it helps you play tighter)and horizontal if you are going to paly back. But have you checked out the new jt universal packs. i bought one not to long ago and they are sweet. it has a pillow deally for your back and you can put as many pods in it as you want. it really is just a buunch of velcro with these little sleve that you put your pods in. if you need more sleeves i think you can buy them but im not sure where.It also looks like the pods will fall out but they dont, trust me. I played a tourny not to long ago and they never moved. sorry about the this small book:p but you really should check out the jt pack.

07-02-2003, 04:49 PM
I have the six pod M-Pack horizontal and I like them more than the verticals. When I'm kneeling or trying to get into a position which may require me to be on my side or low to the ground I find it easier to reach for the horizontal pods. Plus if I'm sitting down the pod tops don't get caught on anytihng when I have to stand up and run.

07-02-2003, 05:12 PM
Originally posted by NJPaint
I have no experience with the "M-Pack" but in general I prefer the horizontal harnesses over the vertical ones because I find that it is easier to pull out tubes when I need them...I can operate my horizontal pack blindly...

That would be me also. However, I'm only playing rec ball and I really like the ease of putting the pods BACK in the pack. ;)

07-02-2003, 05:23 PM
I also like the horizontal packs. For the exact same reason as hitech. :D

07-02-2003, 05:47 PM
I've got the 10 pod horizontal..i love it..it stays nice and tight even though I'm a big guy..and the M-packs can't be beat...handmade in Redding, California..

07-02-2003, 05:50 PM
I want to add that Richard who is Top Stitch, and his wife are lovely people!

I see them every year at World Cup and we always have a nice chat. Great people to deal with!

07-02-2003, 06:19 PM
M-Packs are amazing!!

i love my pack, it's a 4+3 with the loops cut in half to hold extra pods, so i really get 10 pods into the thing!

my m-pack is soo super comfy i wouldnt trade it for any other pack except another nicer m-pack:D

07-03-2003, 06:20 AM
Personally I like horizontal packs for their greater flexibility and ease of putting them back in the harness, but I only use my horizontal pack for rec ball. Reason being is because with the horizontal pack you can only pull them out one way, and in rec ball Im willing to take the occasional hit when my bunker doesnt provide enough cover to take them out that side. But vert packs are ambidextrous which keeps me from exposing myself that much more during serious play.

07-03-2003, 03:04 PM
I went from a vert to horiz pack. I prefer the horiz because of the easier access to all of the pods as opposed to vert where you need to reach around to get the far ones. But thats my preference. Maybe you could imagine yourself playing and pretend to pull pods to see which pack would suit your style of play. Like alot of the equipment in paintball, its a matter of personal preference.

07-03-2003, 03:45 PM
I personally like verts for small numbers of pods and horizontal for lots. Looks to be a good company though, might have to get my next pack from them!