View Full Version : Surrender!!

07-02-2003, 09:30 PM
So what do you all think about this phrase? When someone yells it at you, do you comply? Or do you try to pull a Matrix and blast him back?

I've learned that it's best to just run by them, and yell "Bang! You're dead!" instead of kindly asking for a surrender, that is unless of course, I come up from behind the person, then I yell surrender, and make sure I have ample cover. Anyone else do this??

Also, alot of rec games dont allow bunnkering, so the banging them out thing works well. I did this a few times, and the ref was just like, "yeah, he could have shot you, so, you're out." Really scares people on a rec field, when yiou run down the middle just yelling "Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! You're all out!"

07-02-2003, 09:33 PM
I shoot them in the pack or the hopper.

07-02-2003, 10:00 PM
I tried to bunker a bud of mine 3 weeks ago. Was running up and ran beside him and yelled surrender. Needless to say i hobbled off the field in pain i never want to feel again. He pulled back, shot me 2 inches below the boys and then said "Sorry" then went on to take the rest of my team out and win all by himself. Lesson learned from that is that i don't bunker anymore. Just shot em.

07-02-2003, 10:38 PM
Originally posted by ASDadam
I tried to bunker a bud of mine 3 weeks ago. Was running up and ran beside him and yelled surrender. Needless to say i hobbled off the field in pain i never want to feel again. He pulled back, shot me 2 inches below the boys and then said "Sorry" then went on to take the rest of my team out and win all by himself. Lesson learned from that is that i don't bunker anymore. Just shot em.

I do believe you got the wrong lesson out of that:rolleyes:

07-02-2003, 10:46 PM
Originally posted by Ov3rmind
I shoot them in the pack or the hopper.

this is what i would do, but 90% of the time their renters so they dont have a pack, and if i shoot their gun i work at the field so i gotta clean it up! so i just back up to about 20 ft & fire away (my field has a 15 ft rule). but that is where i stand on the subject, just back up if you catch them by suprise and shoot, but if you do use "bang" or "surrendor" then only use it in a 1 for 1 situation, cause your not a dam martyr blowing up squads of 10 people.

Recon by Fire
07-02-2003, 10:51 PM
Most rec ball fields accept barrel tags as an elimination. Most rec ballers would also rather be tagged out rather than shot at point blank :)

07-02-2003, 11:45 PM
Hate The Phrase.

It Should Die.

Anyone That Uses It Should Die.

Whoever Came Up With It Should Die.

07-02-2003, 11:54 PM
I told a guy to surrender from twenty feet. He then dropped down and started shooting. The result was two balls to the top of his bald head.

07-03-2003, 03:50 AM
Just folow the rules of the field... If there is no surrender... well there is no surender. Context, its all context.

07-03-2003, 06:27 AM
I have found the surrender rule to be especially valuable when I am out of paint and feeling rather ballsy.

07-03-2003, 07:23 AM
i actually think its a good idea. I dont want to bunker a noob, so i surrender them. Its just easier on them.

Of course, i bunker my friends. :cool:

07-03-2003, 08:01 AM
I don’t offer “surrenders” unless it is BEFORE I go in for the bunker. If the individual is pinned down and my team is closing in, I will ask them if they would like to surrender. But if I am moving in for the tag myself, I don’t offer it.


Because too many times that little bit of a hesitation is enough for them to tag YOU out. Also, barrel tags and “surrenders” can’t be seen on your clothes. ;) “But he surrendered!” sounds nice but can’t be “proven” very easily. So I don’t take the chance.

I believe in playing honorably and with compassion, but not with stupidity. Surrenders should never be a split second decision or be offered in a split second decision…. Because in the heat of the moment MOST people just shoot (to include those you are offering the “surrender” to).

07-03-2003, 08:57 AM
While I see sam's point,

You have to play within the rules of the field. (or a rule every player in the game agrees on.). If that rule is no shooting within 20', as soon as you get within 20', yell "Surrender Surrender Surrender" until they do. Don't get right on top of them and THEN yell surrender. However, if the rule is bunkering OK, then theres nothing wrong with going around the side of the bunker and shooting him. Don't give him warning, that just makes it more likely for you to be shot...just go and shoot him.

07-03-2003, 09:09 AM
Originally posted by Kevmaster
While I see sam's point,

You have to play within the rules of the field. (or a rule every player in the game agrees on.). If that rule is no shooting within 20', as soon as you get within 20', yell "Surrender Surrender Surrender" until they do. Don't get right on top of them and THEN yell surrender. However, if the rule is bunkering OK, then theres nothing wrong with going around the side of the bunker and shooting him. Don't give him warning, that just makes it more likely for you to be shot...just go and shoot him.
Of course you should ALWAYS obey the rules of the field… that goes without saying. But I think most people don’t realize how close 20’ is. You can pull off a bunkering move quite well even at that range. For me, if I can SEE them as I run up to bunker them, I will be shooting at the same time. After all, why keep running at them to “tag them out” if you already shot them at 60, 50, 40, or 30 feet? ;)

I either continue to the bunker and take it over and use it, or continue on to another position. Heck, I am sure quite a few of us have ran by several bunkers (or positions) firing while we go. I have been able to eliminate several people that way (as I am sure others have too). I advise having help from team members when doing this though… LOL

As for actually “bunkering” folks, I have NEVER just ran around the side of a bunker and shot someone. I have always done so from a position to their side and/or rear. This is the wonderful thing about Rec Ball… the chance to move around and get into the best position possible…. And not HAVING to just run up to the bunker from the front and then go around the side of it. That is a place I would never want to be.

I see this done in tourney style play, but not as much in Rec Ball.

Again… by all means ALWAYS follow the rules of the field.

07-03-2003, 09:54 AM
Last rec game I played I went sprinting along a path, rounded a corner and nearly ran over someone lying down.

He'd spent the last 10 minutes carefully crawling up the field and had unfortunately (for him) chosen that exact moment to ease his sore neck by looking down at the ground.

I was about 2' away from him and not wanting to inflict major pain I just coughed and asked him if he'd like to surrender. He took one look at our comparative firepower - me with brand new bling-bling Emag, him with rental Inferno, and happily agreed. :)

07-03-2003, 10:05 AM
hmmm my take on noobs on the field.

I agree with shartly although it doesnt sound like you are bunkering in the true sense. The one thing that scares is the blind newb bunker. I have seen this alot in rec where the guy just sticks his gun around the corner of a bunker with like 6 guys in it and starts blasting away.

When ever I "bunker" is usually a me vs. the world scarnario and I sweep pretty far to there side. About a month ago I was in a 1 vs.3 sistuation. I pulled hard right and some how I missed the bunker on this guy. He was a newb and had his hands up screaming and yelling as if i hit him 2-3 times. I pulled into a close bunker from him and his two buddies where comming to get a piece of me. By the time I popped back up I hit one of his buddes (both his buddes were regulars) but the guy I tried to bunker blind sided me on the left. BAMM i was out. I was so pissed, I have no idea how I missed that kid.

O'well I would have won my first 1v3.:(


07-03-2003, 10:11 AM
Originally posted by gtrsi
The one thing that scares is the blind newb bunker. I have seen this alot in rec where the guy just sticks his gun around the corner of a bunker with like 6 guys in it and starts blasting away.

I hate that! And actually that is illegal at most fields, even rec fields. I have found that most places do not allow “blind shooting”. You have to actually see what you are shooting at, or at least physically AIM the marker. Blind shooting is dangerous.

07-03-2003, 11:02 AM
first time some one ever tried to surrender me, I gave him 3 to the mask, I knew I was bested so I wiped off his mask and walked off, good me

I shouldn't have done that though

later in the day, my side was defending a village and he unloaded on a bunch of us at close range with a full co2 tank. cute real cute, I don't trust people wearing guillie suits anymore

07-03-2003, 11:22 AM
Originally posted by SlipknotX556
Hate The Phrase.

It Should Die.

Anyone That Uses It Should Die.

Whoever Came Up With It Should Die.

oh hell yeah

07-03-2003, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by shartley

I hate that! And actually that is illegal at most fields, even rec fields. I have found that most places do not allow “blind shooting”. You have to actually see what you are shooting at, or at least physically AIM the marker. Blind shooting is dangerous.

I know but most noobs cant seem to keep thier mask down aside from remembering other rules.


07-03-2003, 11:29 AM
Originally posted by gtrsi

I know but most noobs cant seem to keep thier mask down aside from remembering other rules.

This is true. :D I even know some "seasoned" players that can't seem to remember that.

07-03-2003, 11:45 AM
I try to shoot the people on there feet. It doesn't hurt, plus it keep them from shooting you. For field that have a 10 or 20 ft rule, I just shoot them before I get that close.

07-03-2003, 12:12 PM
At my field bunkering is allowed. With that being said I usually try not to bunker the newer players, especially some of the smaller kids. I don't want to discourage them from the sport, or more importantly have their enraged mother come back up to the field and yell at me (has happened before...). Now if it is one of the "regular" players I give them hell. If you walk up to their bunker and yell surrender they are just going to laugh their butt off as they light you up.

While we are on the subject of bunkering people....

A while ago there was the rental kid at the field. He was about 11-12. Anyways one large speedball game he was playing he ended being the last guy on his side. He was hit several times in the gun and leg but continued to blind fire from the corner of his bunker. The field owner (who was also playing) walks up the kid's bunker and tags him with his barrel (no paint was shot!!). The kid seemed fine but a little upset after he recieved a long lecture about blind firing and not getting out when your hit. He leaves about mid-day. Then towards the end of the day his mom pulls up in this SUV and starts yelling at the field owner for shooting him so close!!! The field owner calmly tells the lady that he did no such thing and pulls out the paper she signed to let her kid played and showed her the part about bunkering anyways. Upset, the mother went on to say that her older son has played paintball for years and has never seen anyone get shot as close as 10 feet (lol!!)

Well thats my story....

07-03-2003, 01:27 PM
A few of the fileds around here use a 'newb-friendly' bunkering rule: If you can run up to the front of a bunker and touch it, everyone inside is eliminated. Seems to work well most of the time. The problem is the rare occasion when two people get to opposite sides of the same bunker at about the same time.

07-03-2003, 02:58 PM
I have had instances where the guy tries to turn around and shoot me when Ive asked him to surrender. So, to not put myself in that position again, I stay slightly outside of the distance for a mandatory surrender, then shoot him in the foot or the pack. Anyplace thats well armored and would not hurt with a close shot.

hmmm, I kinda sound like vendetta :)

07-03-2003, 03:10 PM
Well i love bunkering people. I think it is because im fat and the threll of a fat guy running across the field and bunkering someone.

I normaly aim for the pack and if they dont have a pack i shoot them in the foot.

But last weekend i didnt aim well and shot a guy in the ear. It looked pretty nasty. It probably took alot of qtips the clean that one out.

07-03-2003, 03:17 PM
i normally shoot them in the pack or hopper, but once my friend had just got his first revvy, and when i could of bunkered him, i shot him in th hopper and it made a HUGE hole, well thats what he gets for buying BE

07-03-2003, 03:40 PM
I usually try to call a ref over, point to the unsuspecting person and tell them a bunkering is imminent. The refs then walk away and let the people know they've been given the opportunity to surrender. :) If not I shoot whatever will hurt the least. If it's multiple people I don't say a word, just keep running and gunning.