View Full Version : Am i the only one......

07-02-2003, 11:59 PM
I find myself walkin around my house with my cocker when im bored and "bunkering" my family members and my dog. Ill snap shootin around a corner then run up to my mom whens shes on the computer and bunker her (of course with no paint and air).

Am i the only one?

07-03-2003, 12:03 AM
ABSO ***** LUTELY NOT !!!!

Were not alone

Animal Mother
07-03-2003, 12:04 AM
Sometimes I like to run around with underwear on my head and weilding a spatchula like a sword claiming I am the carpet god.

Everyone does that sort of thing.

07-03-2003, 12:06 AM
Originally posted by FiRe
ABSO ***** LUTELY NOT !!!!

Were not alone

Rock on! Maybe we shouyld start one of those dumb clubs, call it CPWRATHBFM (Club of people who run around there house and bunker family members) :rolleyes:

Fire, i dont know you, but you have to come over my house so we can bunker my family. Maybe run around the neighberhood and bunker the little kids riding there bikes and playing football hahaha :)

07-03-2003, 12:10 AM
Hello, my name is Noah and I have an air bunkering problem.

07-03-2003, 12:14 AM
It's normal it's part of your self-discovery as a paintballer... God I hate Freud /matt throws the book out a window then runs around the house bunkering people with underwear on his head yelling: Analyse this jackass!

07-03-2003, 12:15 AM
Originally posted by Python14
Hello, my name is Noah and I have an air bunkering problem.

Yea! Like air guitar.....well not really. SOMETIMES i got around without a gun in my hand and pretend im shooting my friends. God i have problems.

Hi, I'm Colin, and I'm a paintballaholic.

07-03-2003, 12:28 AM
I do that all the time, except I gear up and do it.:) :p :D

07-03-2003, 12:34 AM
Originally posted by AutomagRT1483
I do that all the time, except I gear up and do it.:) :p :D

Nice, we have a hardcore guy here. Full gear is where its at. I scare my dog when i dry fire and where my mask tho, it goes CRAAAAAAAAZY (i have a little west highland terrier, omg it hates my gun)

07-03-2003, 12:34 AM
i bunkered my older brother he shot me with his airsoft but i bunker old stuffed animals and stuff
i wanna join the clubbed to

07-03-2003, 12:40 AM
Originally posted by Automaggin2
Nice, we have a hardcore guy here. Full gear is where its at.

Hardcore all the way BABY!! WOOT WOOT!!!:D

07-03-2003, 12:57 AM
Hi my name is Anthony and I have a severe case of paintball syndrome.:cool: (shades on to hide my identity)

If I'm at home alone it's over... I throw on my gear, snap shoot at the mirrors in the house and display my gun in front of me while I'm on the PC... It's good to be normal!!!:D

07-03-2003, 02:09 AM
personally i like to invite my frineds over, pull out the e-mag. Gas it up in front of them, check to make sure ther is not a ball in the chamber. Then snap shoot them in the nutz from point blank range. It scares them and i love it.

I may have a paintball addiction.

07-03-2003, 03:01 AM
I gear up and gas up then work my way through the house (stuffed animals at key bunkering points), upstairs and finally to my moms room where I give her a heart attack from the bunkering she recieves :cool: , grab a towel from her bathroom and proceed to run it back to the kitchen where I do my celebration dance (a habit I picked up from football). My family thinks I'm weird, but now I know that I'm not the only one with this problem :D

07-03-2003, 03:09 AM
You just discribed my whole day. But i bet no one else practices no look loading with water bottles and soda cans laying around their room!!:D

nuclear zombie
07-03-2003, 07:58 AM
All the time ,you get weird looks when you do that in walmart. of course that's nothing : have you played out full games in your dreams , then woke up analyzing how good you did and any mistakes you made ?

i have ....

07-03-2003, 08:01 AM
i have i have has anyone slept with their marker?

07-03-2003, 08:06 AM
I run around and bunker my dog sometimes. He's actually gotten to the point where he'll run downstairs if he sees me with my mag. :D :cool:

07-03-2003, 10:01 AM
i have i have has anyone slept with their marker?

In fact yes I do.....every night :D. I also stole my brothers from his room and is now currently sharing my bed with my mag.

07-03-2003, 10:01 AM
I've never slept with my marker, but I do wake up in a cold sweat ripping an invisible marker... In one case my Mother has claimed that I sleep walk and start running and sliding to the nearest coffee table or sofa.:(

07-03-2003, 10:18 AM
Originally posted by nuclear zombie
have you played out full games in your dreams , then woke up analyzing how good you did and any mistakes you made ?

i have ....

Yes, and my team lost to a bunch of 15 year old kids. Then the next day a tourny it happened.

07-03-2003, 10:25 AM
I suffer from all of the above, seriously. I usually gear up and run around the house, my gun is always right next to me in bed, I bunker everone, even if im alone. :( Hell, I had a dream I was plaaying paintball on a motorcycle...but the paint was coming from my nipples. That Shizzo was whack yo'!!1!1!?

07-03-2003, 10:33 AM
I don't tend to do it, but No Skillz comes to my house and pretends to bunker my roommates and I.

It can get pretty annoying when he yells, "Your out player, your out. Check it player. Paintcheck, can someone check that guy."

I have heard this goes on at his girlfriends place too!

Ha ha....

07-03-2003, 11:31 AM
HAHAHA OMG.. Paintballs from the nipples!!! Thats crazy funny.. I'd like to see a psycologist analyze that!!


07-03-2003, 11:51 AM
haha me and my friend box(we call him lunchbox) we'll run around the house with out markers and just pretend to shoot, its so friggin lame but when its like 90 ouside its just better to play inside strange huh?

when i get back from playing i'll usually have some air left so i go around pretending to bunker people, my mom gets pissed off cause she doens't like the sound of my mag
she also doesn't like the sound of a black dragun trigger frame heh heh TICK TICK TICK TICK TICK at 10bps hehehehe

07-03-2003, 12:02 PM
I do that 24-7 since I cant keep my hands off my xmag :p

07-03-2003, 12:07 PM
My wife wears goggles while doing the dishes after dinner so I can bunker her at will. Her stupid cat tries to run and hide, but it's no use.

07-03-2003, 12:10 PM
Yes, i have done that before.