View Full Version : what marker for a front?

07-04-2003, 12:06 AM
My teammate is in the market for a new marker, he plays up front with me. He seems to have his heart set on a stock impulse, so that gives an idea of how much money he has to spend. He isnt concidering a mag, despite my reccomendations. So, its his decision anyway, but im just wondering what you all think works best to play front, in that price range, And Why?

07-04-2003, 12:29 AM
the new shocker that's going to come out soon would be a good choice too if you can afford it. I like the low profile.

There's also that new Alien that'll be coming out shortly too, that thing is so compact. I'd say it's the perfect front man marker.

07-04-2003, 12:37 AM
Alien? I haven't heard of those yet...odd.

If he can wait I'd say a Nerve. If not, a Matrix or an E-mag of any sorts with a good tank.

07-04-2003, 01:18 AM
I recomend an electro. Impulses are kinda on the tall side, and i prefer a lower profile gun, like a mag. I'd say the best front players gun out there would me an Xmag but thats like almost four times the cost of an impy and youd have to probably wait..so id say for the price range..an RT Pro would probably be best. My ideas are kinda scattered and arent very fluent, i know...just typing what comes to mind....
What you need in a front players gun is compactness and ease of snap shooting, RELIABILITY and, depending on preference, lightness.
Reliability is very important, you dont want your gun to crap out on you while your about to bunker somebody or your doing something else that exposes you and all you have for cover is paintballs...i have had a particularly bad experience, like short stroking my mag when i was completely exposed and had to dive back into cover (my gun wasnt very tuned in at the time so it would leak down the barrel if you short-stroked it). Anyways moral to the story is: reliability will keep you alive longer.
In a snake, gun compactness can be very important. Mags are compact and impys are huge (in comparison).
OMFG iv BEEN RAMBLING FOR A LONG TIME NOW:eek: ...i need to go to bed (long day)...ok bottom line...if he's willing to get a mag, an RTP is a very good choice (well i think so) and if not impys are cool too...
and you may have noticed i play front :D ;)

-Ryan F.

07-04-2003, 01:34 AM
Sleep Depravation anyone?

You can make nearly any marker seem less tall than it is, I've played several positions, and the Impy has been the best suited overall gun for me second only to a cocker.

In the front you don't really need speed, so that makes a Cocker a good choice and depending on this team mates budget, I'd go E-mag. I offered the choice of a Matrix and Nerve before just off the top of my head without considering the given information.

The front doesn't require to much paint too fast like the back, so most high-end, fast shooting electro's aren't neccesary. I'd so go with a cocker of some sorts of a small, easily tucked electro(ala Emag).

07-04-2003, 02:29 AM
If he can only afford a stock Impulse, I say go Bushmaster. He seems to be set on an electro, so personally I would not recommend a Mag. The problem is stock Imps just aren't acceptable, terrible triggers, loud aluminum bolts, lots of kick, and no LPR. A stock Bushy is just a tad more, but it's, smaller, lighter, has a much better trigger, a delrin bolt, and an LPR.

07-04-2003, 03:39 AM
Originally posted by IceCool32

In the front you don't really need speed [...]

I disagree. When your snapshooting, it helps to be able to get off as many shots as possible in the shortest amount of time so you are not exposed for too long.
Cockers are a good choice for front players, especially with that fire storm kit. Bushmasters are cool too. The trigger on those things is almost exactly like the ones on the Angel LCD's.

I agree with Ov3rmind. I'd take a Bushmaster over the imp.

07-04-2003, 09:00 AM
in the front you don't really need speed is right. you don't need consistant speed at least, you just need speed in shorts bursts for snap shooting. in a long string i can only max out at about 10bps, nothing too impressive, but i can do a 3-5rnd burst at a rate of prolly about 15 with out even flinching. it depends if he's a mechanical guy or an electro guy. mechanical i would say either a mag or a cocker. i wouldn't say the rt pro though for a mag, it seems a little bulky for me, i would rather just buy either a mini or classic, and throw an x-valve in there, bam there you go, an rt in a smaller package. terms of a cocker, i would say like an STO (but those are sold anymore) so either like a free flow or an outkast. for an electro, a nice bushy would be nice, impy's are nice too, but i agree, impy's can be kinda tall some times. so i guess it just depends on how you use them, i know like 4 other front guys who use em, so they def work. but either way you're gonna need something that can take a beating, and roll in the dirt with you (i'm sure you knew that though)

07-04-2003, 10:03 AM
I have played front with both an old Shocker and a Matrix and they were way too heavy for me. Maybe I am just weak:( .

07-04-2003, 12:37 PM
I really love my new lcd. I play front some but it is one of the most comphy guns i have played with. I put a shocktech long drop and a 88/stubb made a nice setup for me.


07-04-2003, 02:18 PM
Shhhh shhhh here's a secret... any gun works in any position;)

Major Ho
07-04-2003, 11:41 PM
Originally posted by MaChu
Shhhh shhhh here's a secret... any gun works in any position;)
Hes right. Use a freaking original shocker for all I care. One of the largest guns on the market(used to be on the market) One of the All Americans used to do so and was quite successful with it.
As for speed, Ill agree with the snap shooting and getting as many rounds off as you can but theres a difference between being fast and being quick.
Pick something with an itty bitty trigger so you can twitch out some snap shots;)

07-04-2003, 11:46 PM
The perfect front man marker is such a scam used to sell products. You can play front effectively with any gun. The pros are a good example they use the gun they are paid to use not the one they want and you dont see them getting shot out because of it. As long as he knows how to took the gun right it should not be an issue.

Functionality on the other hand is a whole different thing. If he has weak girly arms like me you should not get a gun like a matrix because you wont be able to hold your arms up in the finals. I use an intimidator which is much lighter than my friends angel and I forgot my gun at home:D :rolleyes: :mad: :eek: I had to use his for the day and it was heavy! I guess i deserved that but it was the one time my team made the finals and it did effect my performance.

If you want my opinion on a gun to get I would tell him to save his money and get a ebladed vert cocker, timmy, or emag. I shot the Eblade and that is so fast it is definatly going to be my next gun.

07-05-2003, 02:35 PM
Classic timmy/ GZ something around there, bushy if he is in the stock imp price range, Basically needs an electro, and needs it to be smaller (my opinion) to utilize more positions in a bunker, and smaller bunkers in general. Also do forget a small tank! big tank+small gun=big rig.

07-05-2003, 05:41 PM
Ok..i had a decent amount of sleep this time:D ...i guess all you need is something your comfortable with, easy to snap shoot with, and maybe something that is light (depending on person's preference)...i know of some people that like heavy guns because it helps then dive into bunkers. Also, i get into some weird positions while playing front:cool: ..and electro trigger would help with that...oh and also..a conpact gun can help but ive tucked into the smallest bunker on the field with a spyder with a 14" barrel and a T-STOCK (in yo face drop stock)..huge gun..so it's possible;) ...

-Ryan F.