View Full Version : AO jersey

07-05-2003, 11:06 AM
Anyone have the red hex AO jersey... i just wanna see how they look when they come out

07-05-2003, 08:39 PM
you may want to go to the custom sports gear website (customsportsgear.com)...they have mockups of the colors..I've got the blue one and it's sweetness...

Load SM5
07-05-2003, 09:23 PM
Here's mine..they look great.


07-05-2003, 09:28 PM
I HAD a red one...then it and my Dye Invision goggles walked off

07-05-2003, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by Kevmaster
I HAD a red one...then it and my Dye Invision goggles walked off

Yea, i hate it when my stuff grows feet in walks off. One of my All American barrels grew feet and walked off at a local field. Most be all the toxins in the soil causing our gear to grow feet.

07-05-2003, 10:03 PM
i just wanted to see the red hex model all printed out and stuff thanks for the help tho guys

07-06-2003, 10:02 AM
Originally posted by Kevmaster
I HAD a red one...then it and my Dye Invision goggles walked off

Why would someone steal a custom personalized AO jersey? Where could they possibly wear it other than around the house. Thieves can be truly stupid.:rolleyes:

07-06-2003, 10:04 AM
well...I never said it didnt walk off to a different part of my house....I didnt notice it missing until about 6 weeks after I last saw it...so "misplaced" is a very good possibility (as is thrown out by mom)

SG Avenger
07-06-2003, 07:53 PM
About how much do those Jersey's Cost? i've played arround with the site and customisation, but I didn't get far enough to find out a price range? I was interested, but not necessarily 100 bucks interested heh.

Anyone know/remember?

07-06-2003, 08:39 PM
i was wondering that to, they dont tell the price of one on airgun.

Load SM5
07-06-2003, 08:46 PM
$60 if you get the discount code through the online store.

07-07-2003, 12:56 AM
I had a bad experience with the company making these. I ordered mine in the beginning of march and I have yet to recieve it. After over 10 phone calls to the company they finally shipped it and I get it tomorrow or tuesday... so a good amount of time has passed. I don't play a lot of pball during the summer so its pretty much useless until shatnerball. They promised to send it out the same week over 6 times in the past 3+ months of waiting for the stinking thing. It better clean my house for me and pay my bills ... :rolleyes:

of course I understand it not a lot of people had to wait THAT long :)

Load SM5
07-07-2003, 06:35 AM
That is a little strange. Mine made it almost exactly 2 weeks after I ordered it. They do seem to have gotten a good bit more busy and if it's within a few weeks of a major tourney they may have to get in the team orders first.

07-07-2003, 07:22 AM

you have a picture of the back of your jersey?

I remember you wearing it at the Mega Meet, I just forget what the thing looks like in the back.. or is the same as the front, just a large number and your name on the back?

07-07-2003, 07:39 AM
yeh, mine was to me within two weeks...just after the AO Jersey thing started

Load SM5
07-07-2003, 10:44 AM


07-07-2003, 12:41 PM
Mine took forever also. However, they had LOTS of problems just after I ordered mine. I have to say that it was worth the wait! :D

07-07-2003, 12:52 PM
Big problem is, CSG is a VERY small company that makes a pretty damn nice product. There for they get more business than they can handle I think. Give them time, I think thigs will get better as the company itself can get a little bigger.

07-07-2003, 01:50 PM
I'm curious as to just how many people on AO have actually gotten one of those... maybe I should just email Jamie and ask, I'm about ready to get another one from them, but a custom one for me... :)

I got my first jersey from them 6 days after order (PPIG), and got the AO one... about a week after order, since it was the first blue one Ivan had to tweak the colors a little bit.

Awesome jersies, don't think I need to buy any from anywhere else!


07-07-2003, 02:10 PM
I dunno...but one suggestion, be nice, don't bother poor Jamie until after IAO:)

07-07-2003, 08:04 PM
just an update on my disappointed dealings with them

I hate that stupid jersey place... I ordered mine in march and just got it today. They screwed up by not putting my first name just "law" and my last name

they kept calling, apologizing for the wait and that i needed to resend the artwork
i resent it 4 times and they told me once they get it on they will send it out. Well I get teh jersey and NO ARTWORK ON IT AT ALL!! I am going to call them first thing tomorrow now probably ask for a refund because I am definately not satisfied, waiting 3+ months for a jersey that was not even done the way that I wanted it to be and clearly specified it to be

I did email them tonight and I think it was just basically to let them know that it wasn't to order, I am not looking really for them to have to do something about it, but if they offer too I would be happy to accept anything they could do. Oh well.....

07-07-2003, 08:40 PM
thats awfully strange..

when i ordered mine from them 6-7 months ago, the woman (Jamie) was nothing but helpful. She helped me through everything and then when i wanted to get a L and she told me to get a XL, i did and the XL was too big, so she took it back and mailed me a L with $5 to cover my shipping back....

i would have given them nothing but mad props

07-07-2003, 08:56 PM
Originally posted by Kevmaster
thats awfully strange..

when i ordered mine from them 6-7 months ago, the woman (Jamie) was nothing but helpful. She helped me through everything and then when i wanted to get a L and she told me to get a XL, i did and the XL was too big, so she took it back and mailed me a L with $5 to cover my shipping back....

i would have given them nothing but mad props

All our phone conversations were pleasant and I am not really very disappointed with the service because they did keep in contact with me about it. I just am disappointed at the finished product not being what I had ordered. I'll see what they can do about it, I am not too desperate in needing it... I am making my final decision on shatnerball this week so I think i am going there but i get my own different jersey for that anyway

07-08-2003, 01:25 AM
Jamie, Ivan and Heidi are all great people, but the problem is I think that is the entire company:) With the Team POG jerseys I had made for IAO it took 5 tried for them to get the art the way we wanted it. Since Ivan and the only one doing the design and layout I can see how things get screwed up. We have 11 POG jerseys that I am probably going to pick up tomorrow, we'll see how the finished product comes out.

07-08-2003, 09:56 AM
Originally posted by Muzikman
With the Team POG jerseys I had made for IAO it took 5 tries for them to get the art the way we wanted it.

I suggested to Jamie that they send out a jpeg before they actually print the jersey. She didn't like the idea because it slows down the process. I still think it would be a good idea. Although mine did come out much better than I expected. :D Then again, Jamie did manage my expectations properly. ;)

Besides, where else can you get a custom made jersey with personal graphics without having to pay a setup fee?

07-08-2003, 10:11 AM
Originally posted by hitech

I suggested to Jamie that they send out a jpeg before they actually print the jersey. She didn't like the idea because it slows down the process. I still think it would be a good idea. Although mine did come out much better than I expected. :D Then again, Jamie did manage my expectations properly. ;)

Besides, where else can you get a custom made jersey with personal graphics without having to pay a setup fee?
I think verifying the design before printing is a good idea.. heck it is STANDARD in many places, from silk screening to regular printed work. How does sending a “proof” to the customer slow it down as opposed to having to reprint the jerseys 5 times because they were not right?

Also, how does not paying a setup fee help a customer that does not get the product correctly? Saving loads of money is not worth it if the product is not what it is suppose to be.

None of this is saying they are wrong, not producing a good product, or anything like it…. it is only addressing issues stated in this thread that could be associated with any company with any product. And none of it has a thing to do with how busy a company is, how nice the owners are, etc. Those are all issues not related to the production of a product and how it affects the customer.

I hope all the “bugs” get worked out in this process… because I would like them to make me a custom jersey too.

07-08-2003, 12:22 PM
Originally posted by shartley
How does sending a “proof” to the customer slow it down as opposed to having to reprint the jerseys 5 times because they were not right?

Well, if you are assuming that you will get it wrong, then no, it doesn't slow it down. However, if you believe that you will get it right most of the time then it takes time to send the proof and time to wait for the reply. Also, you have to save a copy of your work and have a system to find it again. The easiest way is to create what they need to print the jersey and do it. I still think it is worth the time to make sure you get it right the first time. However, I'm not privy to the inner workings of CSG. Jamie was very nice on the phone. She even explained a little of the process when I asked. :D

Originally posted by shartley
Also, how does not paying a setup fee help a customer that does not get the product correctly? Saving loads of money is not worth it if the product is not what it is suppose to be.

I believe that they will make you a new one without charging you any extra. As far as I know there is no where else you can get a custom jersey made for $65.

07-08-2003, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by hitech

Well, if you are assuming that you will get it wrong, then no, it doesn't slow it down. However, if you believe that you will get it right most of the time then it takes time to send the proof and time to wait for the reply. Also, you have to save a copy of your work and have a system to find it again. The easiest way is to create what they need to print the jersey and do it. I still think it is worth the time to make sure you get it right the first time. However, I'm not privy to the inner workings of CSG. Jamie was very nice on the phone. She even explained a little of the process when I asked. :D
I think we are saying the same thing. :) But you would think that after the first time you produce something wrong, you would think the extra time to send a proof would be worth it….. no matter if you make them another one at no extra charge.

Originally posted by hitech

I believe that they will make you a new one without charging you any extra. As far as I know there is no where else you can get a custom jersey made for $65.
Again, having a company make you something AGAIN does not cover the time it takes to do it right. And heck, every time they mess up, THEY lose money, right? So anything that would prevent them from messing up is a money SAVER, not just a delay. And as I stated, if they have to make it again, how much time did they save? None. And sorry, as a customer, doing it right the 5th time no matter if I paid for each time or not, is not a good thing.

And I will point out again that how “nice” someone is on the phone or in person, is not the point…. Nor should it be. You are not buying “niceness”, you are buying a product. And I have no doubt that most people are nice people.

I am still confused why anyone who prints anything (be it paper, cloth, etc.) would NOT send a proof for verification first. This is standard in most industries. And it saves more time and money than any “delay” would cause. Ever hear the woodworking saying “Measure twice and cut once.”? ;) The same is true with printed work…. Check, verify, confirm, THEN print.

And that has nothing to do with a custom printed jersey for only $65. Something done wrong is something done wrong, no matter if it is $6 or $600. What kind of deal are you getting when you have to have it done over, and over, and over?

Yes, their prices are not bad, in fact, darn good.... but that is not the issue.

07-08-2003, 12:58 PM
Actually, I think they should send out a proof first. That's why I suggested it. :D However, it depends on how many you have to redo. Only they know if it's worth it or not. Since it is such a custom item I think they will find that it is worth it. I do understand their point, if it takes two or three weeks to get to a customer's order and then another week to get the email out and a response back (not everyone is timely answering email) it slows down the process. Then you have to have a procedure for handling emails that are undeliverable and those who never respond. All that said, I would still do it. ;)

07-08-2003, 01:02 PM
Originally posted by hitech
Actually, I think they should send out a proof first. That's why I suggested it. :D However, it depends on how many you have to redo. Only they know if it's worth it or not. Since it is such a custom item I think they will find that it is worth it. I do understand their point, if it takes two or three weeks to get to a customer's order and then another week to get the email out and a response back (not everyone is timely answering email) it slows down the process. Then you have to have a procedure for handling emails that are undeliverable and those who never respond. All that said, I would still do it. ;)
As would I. :)

07-08-2003, 03:36 PM
Well...in the adventures of the POG jerseys, it took I think 5 send backs of the proof before they got what we were looking for. I kinda started to feel bad, as most of the changes were not mistakes, just that people on the team wanted different things in different places and things added, etc...

So, yes, proofs are a good thing...but at the same time, it does slow the process down.

Speaking of which, my jerseys should be done today and I might even be able to pick them up...yippy!!!!

07-09-2003, 10:50 PM
Hi guys...It's been a while!

Shartley I just thought you needed some closure on this!...We do send out proofs before printing but in the case of the AO jerseys we try to curb it because you are just adding a couple of graphics onto a pre existing template. There is very little margin for error. We are not perfect though mistakes do happen but we are willing to replace them as graciously and as quickly as possible. We do hundreds of unique jerseys a month it's a lot of information so on occasion a mistake will happen.

We love working with AO and everyone from AGD and if your at the IAO stop by the booth and introduce your selves!

Thanks for your support!

07-09-2003, 11:20 PM
Hi Jamie, this is Mark Brunner. Thank you so much for taking care of everything for me. I really appreciate your response.

Just like to say the customer service I have recieved has still been great!!!