View Full Version : Preaching/Pickiting at the Liquor Store

07-05-2003, 11:51 AM
We went over to the liquor store yesterday afternoon to pick up some libations for the 4th.Standing out in front of the store on the sidewalk were a couple of Jesus freaks litterally yelling at everyone going into the store.Telling us how drinking is a sin and lets to eternal damnation and all that.
This one guy was getting so mad he was purple with veins sticking out everywhere.He was thumping that bible and quoting scpripture like a Baptist evangelist at a tent revival!It was unreal.
What really got me is that the police were completly unwilling to make the guys leave.
They had been called out because one of the people who came to store had gotten a bit confontational with some customers.The owner of the liquor store called the police and they said it was legal so long as they stood out on the sidewalk.They could say anything they wanted to , as long as they no longer came in the store or within 5 foot of a customer outside.
I really didn't realize you had a legally protected right to harrass a buisiness and its customers that way.HUH!?!

07-05-2003, 12:07 PM
Bible thumpers = ignorance.

However that is a debate not to be had around these parts. I don't think that's right. It's just like a bunch of kids loitering in front of a store, it pushes away customers. Not like you're in front of the church preaching something to them...

e mag
07-05-2003, 12:10 PM
your allowed to peacefully protest just about anything you want. i really don't think it drives business away, you still went in right?

07-05-2003, 02:08 PM
*EDIT* You sir, are a moron. To post, that you would visit deadly violence on another human, simply becasue they are expressing their thoughts without harm to anyone, only proves to everyone that YOU are the ignorant one. Army

07-05-2003, 02:20 PM
*reaches for his .30-30*

*EDIT* And you are the same as the above post. Your following statement only shows that you are also a fool. Nobody is FORCING anyone to do ANYTHING. In fact, your statement reverses itself. You say that no one should force another to do something, so YOU want to bring deadly violence against them. That's one of the dumbest things I read in a long time. Army

i have no problem with religion or anything else ppl believe in. but no matter what it is, it is wrong to force or to tell ppl they are wrong and should be
doing .....whatever.

in this case i would have pulled up a square of side walk right next to them, and then i would of started drinking that case of beer

07-05-2003, 03:09 PM
Its a free country. People can do whatever they want.

How many people you know on the site, say I went drinknig yesterday and than I had an accident? Not just a car accident but something stupid.

Okay well how many people have watched someone die of serocious of the liver? Its not pretty.

People just want you to think about things before you do it.

Where I live we have 7 liquor stores and no seven elevens. A couple blocks and miles away we have a Royal Farms.

Does that really make sense? WHen People are drinking more alchohol than slurpees?

07-05-2003, 03:12 PM
well then youd get arrested for public drunkeness or something to that effect ;) (j/k)

i would have told them to shutup if your going there to purchase a product then how on earth is some wannabe "hulk" with veins pumping going to change your mind?

07-05-2003, 05:40 PM
*EDIT* Your foolish statement only showed everyone your lacking ability to think. Don't post anything like that again here. Army

07-06-2003, 01:44 AM
So far 3 harsly edited posts.....this post is going nowhere good. I believe those people had a right to protest even though i'm sure it would piss me off beyond belief, they still have a right to be there. Bothering business? Nah, if you want a nice shot of Jack Daniels you're going to just walk past em and keep on going straight to the checkout counter without a second thought. They live their lives you live yours.

07-06-2003, 06:01 AM
In this situatuion, i would just put my fingers in my ears and start screaming LA LA LA LA!!!!
Protestors don't bother me. I've seen it, they used to gather right out side our base's gates and do thier thing. As long as they do not break any laws they can protest. It's a fact. If they were to accost you, then that would be something different.
Face it, you just have to live with legal portesting.

07-06-2003, 09:24 AM
WOW , obviously there are some folks out there that don't apreciate religious fanatics preaching to them.
I sure would hate to be a "mooney" around those guys.....
What do you fellas do when a Jehovahs witness comes to y'alls door?
There is no freshly turned , 6 foot long dirt in their yards you think?!?

07-06-2003, 11:26 AM
We have those on the UT Knoxville campus. They stand on the street corners, and harass anyone who walks by.

Blonde girls are going to hell for their lush like behavior and so forth. Everyone is smitten with Satan. Things like that.

Ask spazzed he will tell you about it. They are just yelling to yell, leave them alone, and they will go away. Just like an annoying person, ignore them, and they move on.:p

07-06-2003, 03:07 PM
I always had thought Jesus was a big wine drinker:confused:

07-06-2003, 03:22 PM
I don't agree with what those people were doing at all and unfortunately it instills a negative connotation to other people about those that believe in God. The problem I have is that people look at that and "trash" those people for their beliefs and the fact that they were protesting, but, for example, when it comes to protesting about the injustice this country does and how evil the U.S. is, those same people don't have a problem with it and usually support it.

Seems a bit hypocritical to me.

07-06-2003, 08:24 PM
Originally posted by BlackVCG
I don't agree with what those people were doing at all and unfortunately it instills a negative connotation to other people about those that believe in God. The problem I have is that people look at that and "trash" those people for their beliefs and the fact that they were protesting, but, for example, when it comes to protesting about the injustice this country does and how evil the U.S. is, those same people don't have a problem with it and usually support it.

Seems a bit hypocritical to me.

BlackVCG - Could you elaborate? Much thanks ahead of time.

07-06-2003, 10:09 PM
I think he's saying that some people criticize other's protesting, while they support other reasons of protest. (I.E. a person is protesting at the liquor store and one person doesn't agree with them and has a big problem with them being there, yet if there was a protestor in front of say an abortion clinic, that one person has no problem with it, thus being hypocritical.)

07-07-2003, 12:32 PM
Last time I checked, freedom of speech was there to protect speech and thought YOU didn't like.

Huh, musta been mistaken.

And to those of you that wanted to shoot the people that were preaching in front of the store, got a warm spot all lined up for you...

07-08-2003, 01:50 PM
To elaborate a bit on what Pito was saying, there was a group of these...religous folk. I'd say around 10-15 of them. A couple of parents with their 4 or 5 kids, and some other loonies. Their *children* were (estimating) 10-20 years old. The children were on the 4 street corners holding signs & passing out "literature". Paraphrasing here, but the signs said in no uncertain terms, that us students were going to hell because we're in school. They also said that jobs were evil & that we should quit school & not work, and join their little shindig... Needless to say, things got *VERY* heated throughout the day.. There was a large group of students in the area, hell, there always is.. one of hte biggest ped. areas on campus... Lessee...ehh..what else..ah, cops were called out & eventually made the wackos leave...It was about to get downright ugly. The "leaders" (parents & a couple other adult I think) were yelling at people both in the crowd & as they passed... meh, what a waste. I feel sorry for hte children. And hope the adults get smacked upside the head w/ something large, stinky & dead.

What else do we got..ehhh... this past spring, there were several "hippy rallies" as we so affectionately call them. Basically, the brainwashed liberal student population feeding the same BS as always... They crack me up, just wish they'd go form their own opinions for a change..hehe

Ahh..Every spring theres a guy who comes out & "preaches" in front of the library. I've seen him twice now, and I still can't figure out exactly what he's trying to say. I *think* he's promoting christianity over other religions. Anyways, he's got a daughter that comes with him.. now if she weren't wearing preachers daughter attire, she wouldn't be too shabby looking. Both times I've seen her there, she kept getting hit on, and daddy would ignore it to the point that she got so pissed off, she'd snap & start yelling at everyone. Truly hilarious. :D I love college... :D:DD

Lakeview Bulldog
07-08-2003, 08:46 PM
I hope you guys dont think all christians act this way. The bible teaches it's true followers not to condemn others. People who go out and yell ignorant things are way off base. Especially those guys who said you should quit your jobs. Those people are cultists.

And along with the freedom of speech thing. There is a quote by a founding father I believe that goes. " I may not agree with what you are saying, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it." Freedom of speech is one of the core values that America was built upon. And everyone has the freedom to demonstrate peacefully. Even the wackos.

07-08-2003, 09:13 PM
Right on bulldog, ya cant label all christians as psycho fanatics that yell at people. heres a little thoguht i had, by someone saying a person is forcing their views on them, arent they forcing on them their view, for example, if someone says i am intolerant, arent they being intolerant by making that statement? hope that makes sense

07-08-2003, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by -Jôker-
*EDIT* You sir, are a moron. To post, that you would visit deadly violence on another human, simply becasue they are expressing their thoughts without harm to anyone, only proves to everyone that YOU are the ignorant one. Army

Army, do you actually bealieve i was serious?! i mean cmon i was just makin a joke. they had all the right, but i still think the protestors are the morons.

i know i was being inmature but do you really have to use name calling to try to put me down!?

im sorry for posting that i shoulda used my head, no hard fealings?

07-09-2003, 12:44 AM
but a freedom of free speech so long as it is not slander or libel (print). An American patriot once said "I may not agree with what you are saying but I will lay down my life to defend your right to say it".

As for me thinking that their behavior is indicative of all Christians, of course not. It doesn't matter what religion you are. It's when you become a Fundamentalist that problems arise. That means that if you believe that the [your] Bible [Torah, Koran, whatever] is the literal translation of the word of god then you are in serious trouble.

There are some people out there that actually believe the world is around 12,000 years old because they added up all the ages of the people born since Adam & Eve. These same people also believe that god put fossils in the earth to test our faith. Great image. A prankster god.

It's also interesting to note that the more religious a person is the more acceptable it is to break the most holy of commandments [Thou shall not kill another of gods creations in anger] so long as they are not of the same religion as you. For further proof of this see jihads, the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition.

Face it folks. Religion when practiced by 10 or 20 people is okay but when religions control not only land and money but also peoples wills then it becomes a bad thing.

Again, these are merely my opinions and I certainly hope that I id not upset anyone.

07-09-2003, 10:00 PM
Or the continued wars over "Holy Lands" (whatever you believe it is)