View Full Version : Entry Marker Question

07-05-2003, 02:11 PM
Ok, question here.

My son is just starting paintball and I am looking for a marker for him, my first instinct was he was going to get a used mag (I'm looking at spending $300 to $400 for the whole setup). He went to the field, rented a cheap Piranha, and liked it. I had him try out a friends F5 Cocker and he hated it.

Now he will play with whatever I get him (he has not played enough to refine tastes). I want to buy a good long lasting marker, hence my initial thoughts to a mag. Anyone's thoughts on good mid-range markers would be appreciated here. I am not adverse to mag, cockers, lower end impys or Bushmasters - or am I going about this wrong and should just break down and buy him an E-mag... Is the Piranha a decent gun (the upper level ones). Comments? I know you all have your opinion

Jeez - you think anyone on the AO boards is going to tell me to buy a mag

07-05-2003, 02:21 PM
You should buy a mag :) It will last a long time and it is very hard to break, unlike cockers, which arent so hard.

I would not get a blowback (piranha)

However, if you got a mag, would you get air? That is kind of important

Also, see if he wants a lighter trigger or not

07-05-2003, 02:22 PM
I strongly reccomend a classic mag with level 10. Remember, a higher end pirhanna is still a lower end gun.

07-05-2003, 02:26 PM
Whatever I buy is getting air - and I always lean towards a mag... but thats personal preference as well.

07-05-2003, 02:28 PM
yes i recomend a mag... easy to take apart and clean, very good quality... fast and accurate... just a good gun... i would recomend a lvl ten tho just for short stroking and just to make the gun better

OR you can just go with the emag option and have him set for life:D

07-05-2003, 02:28 PM
u could get a mag and upgrade it instead of an e-mag, they are some of the best guns around but another decent gun IMO is an upgraded M98, they are great beginner guns and can get tons of upgrades to make them better (low pressure kit, e-bolt kit, etc.)

07-05-2003, 02:56 PM
a mag is probably the best way to go. An upgraded tippy or pirhana is still a low end gun. And for that price you can get a nice mag setup.

07-06-2003, 12:00 AM
300-400 dollars? Well unless you were going to spend some money on upgrades later on I'd suggest getting a nice NEW electro piranha and nitro.

Piranha's are nice markers (the best blowback spyder clone type IMO) and with it being electronic he should have no problem keeping up with the other electros.

Get a nice Piranha with a nice reg and it'll shoot just as accurate as any mag.

07-06-2003, 12:24 AM
I agree. My freind started off with an E force (200 is all he had to spend) and it has worked very nicely. He can hit 12bps and he just started playing. Stock barrel is decent. It looks very nice for a cheap gun(kinda like an angel) I would say just go with that, then if he starts getting better and entering tourneys and stuff, get him an emag or impulse or something. Just my 2cents.

07-06-2003, 06:48 AM
Personally, I'd recommend a Classic or a Tippmann. Both are decent markers. Though a Mag has more potential. But, a Tippmann can be used as an entrenching tool and a paint flinger in the same game and in that order. Plus, they are good markers to teach how upgrading can be done. Mags, are like that too, but Tippmann Accessories are a little cheaper.

07-06-2003, 06:59 AM
An update on this - a little bit of looking on e-bay found a fairly new powerfeed Minimag (all four stars), v-force morph mask, crossfire nitro tank, and revolution (9V) hopper for $330 shipped. Everything should be shipped out Monday.

Wc Keep
07-06-2003, 07:35 AM
sell the 9v get a 12v revvy with a warp :D viva agd.

07-06-2003, 08:39 AM
or he could buy a JMJ impeller which makes 9V's feed just as fast as 12Vs with the impeller...

Get level ten, breaking paint isnt cool. :)

07-06-2003, 11:54 AM
I'd get him that MiniMag. Even if he never takes it apart, cleans it, or oils it ... it will still operate fine for years. I used my Mini for three years before I ever knew what the inside looked like :) - as opposed to my old VM68, which I had to take apart at least three times everyday I played.