View Full Version : Real Foregrips!

07-05-2003, 02:34 PM
Why doesnt any company make a REAL foregrip! When your talking about real guns or airsoft guns, a foregrip is allways a real grip. Tommy guns, MP-5ks, some AK variants, and a plethora of aftermarket grips for the M-16, M4 family are all real grips that you can get a hand on. All the ones for mags are just these dinky little things stickin out right next to the i-frame. They look like some weird azz chromed butt plug! I wanna man's grip! Somebody needs to make some kind of "picadily rail" adapter from an M-4 carbine. I dont know, just a thought. Not tryin' to get in anybodies face if you have one of those grips:) The KAPP foregrip extender was a good start to be able to fit a nice grip but their where no good ones to use. What do you think.

07-05-2003, 02:46 PM
RogueFactor... now he makes some real foregrips... LOL!!:D

07-05-2003, 03:08 PM
um paintball besides some safety issues and basic operation has nothing to do with firearms the reason why we put "butt plugs"(yes i know what that is) on our guns is because they are better for paintball use.

07-05-2003, 07:37 PM
umm noone makes those cause they would look like crap... and if you feel like les of a man because of your foregrip you have some serious issues...

07-05-2003, 08:34 PM
if you wanna be a man, you gotta take it like a man...use a butt plug.:p

i would say the reason why in the world of paintball they are all little and intricate is because every 1 wants a small cool looking gun. hence the small cool looking foregrip. some think they look cool, you obviously don't. if you want something different, get 1 made and be unique.