View Full Version : Father/ son painballing .. or any parent

07-05-2003, 10:03 PM
i think its great when a parent plays paintball.
my mom never liked the thought of me playing and spending so much money ... but then when my dad got hooked , she couldnt say very much. its really nice having him understand everything i talk about. Though we do get in a couple of arguments over paintball. like eveyr time we go, we always buy two cases. and i tend to dip into his paint when i run out of mine. i play 3-4 times a month .. he plays 1-2 times a month. he is only 38 ( im 17 ) soo he can keep up with me pretty well. i wonder if their are other pairs of parents and and sons/daughters that play ?

and if so how you got them to start playing or what the shoot and stuff?

my dad has his Minimag, crossfire 68/45 , 16 inch boomstick , 12 inch carbon fiber, 12v revy ... he hates jerseys ..so he just plays with a sweater. when i dont play with one of the multiple guns i have .. he plays with one of those.

he likes to think he is tough when i took that picture

07-05-2003, 10:10 PM
here it is

07-05-2003, 10:15 PM
I play with my Kid...I'm 42, He's 20. I WISH I could keep up with the young 'uns!

We have a great time, and get to "connect" by par-taking in a hobby we both enjoy :)

07-05-2003, 10:18 PM
I tottaly wish my dad would play paintball with me, that would probably be the coolest/best thing ever. But he's about to turn 51, and has bad bad knees.

07-05-2003, 10:19 PM
im 30 and my dad is 52 but he keeps up w/ the best of them. we have been playing for 15 or so years. some of my best memories are with my dad playing paintball. its the stuff you cherish for the rest of your life.

07-05-2003, 10:34 PM
i wish my family would play :rolleyes:

07-05-2003, 10:39 PM
I (24) play with my step son (13). I'm trying to convince my daughters to play but there barrel discipline on the range is poor still (course ones 5 and the others 3).

07-05-2003, 10:48 PM
I enjoy playing with family and friends more than any other sort of play. My stepson plays with me and he enjoys it but he is not totally "into it". He plays when I'm going with my old high school buddies/brother or sometimes just the two of us go. He actually is the only reason I let my brother talk me into trying it at all! The reason I say, however, that he is not totally into it is that he never initiates a paintball outing. For him it is just a fun way to pass the time if there is nothing better going on but not an obsession. I've got an Omen on the way for him to use (currently uses a Tippmann).

Best outings ever, however, is when I actually convince the wife to play. It is totally fun to go as a family. She is actually a pretty good athlete and to be honest does better than me alot of the time (with the Spyder clone she uses). Something about going with the family really makes it complete for me. I'm not sure what it is since alot of times we are in totally different areas of the field. At any rate I recommend it to any parent (although on this board that is preaching to the choir :).

07-05-2003, 10:55 PM
my dad got me in too paintballing but he will naver go anymore maybe its because hes 40 maybe not

07-05-2003, 11:48 PM
My dad doesn't play paintball with me but he is very supportive. Not supportive as in giving me loads of money to go buy the latest gun out. But he's supportive like he drives me and my friends to the field before I got my liscense, he helps me work on paintball guns, and he's always intrested about paintball and has watched me play several times.

Although if he's not off golfing he said he might play next time I go to the field. And also if this helps any there are several father son pairs at the field I go too and they seem to get along and do very well.

Mag Master 04
07-06-2003, 12:00 AM
my dad plays, on my 10th b day he took me and we both bought markers, i bought a spyder compact A and he bought a tippmann carbine...he had the carbine for about 4 years and whould whoop any one u could throw at him...didnt matter what marker they had or what team they were on...it brings truth to the saying its not the marker that makes the player...but now he shoots a TRICK model 98...used to be mine:D and hes jsut a badass now...but its cool that we both can relate on sumthing so sweet like p ball

07-06-2003, 12:09 AM
My son is 1, im 30, by the time he can play im gonna be pretty old. I guess I'm gonna have to keep in shape, because playing PB with my son sound like a load of fun.

07-06-2003, 12:09 AM
i think its cool and all, but i hate playing against father/son groups. ive seen problems when a kid got hit and then a father felt his son was being picked on and went after the guy that shot his kid. anyone how plays alot knows the difference, i guess that pertains to like walk-ons or weekend players. not regular players like you guys all seem to be.

07-06-2003, 12:28 AM
My dads in his mid 50's and plays at Big Games/Events every so often :)

adam shannon
07-06-2003, 12:53 AM
i play with 2 father son combos...and sometimes the one daughter plays. usually they want to be on opposite teams so they can light eachother up.

when i ref games and there are parent/child combos i always tell the parents its legalized corporal punishment...for better or worse you cant smack your kid nowadays...but if they dont clean their room, or do the chores you can take em out on sunday and light em up!

07-06-2003, 04:04 AM
I play paintball with my son, and my two oldest daughters (14, 16, 20), although the oldest does not play any more. I can tell that our youngest (3) will play when she gets older too. She loves everything paintball. It is her birthday today and she is tickled pink that she will be able to spend the morning around paintballers.

Heck, even my wife has played paintball (and may play again at some point), but now just target shoots.

07-06-2003, 04:31 AM
Well, everyone in my family has tried paintball, but none of them have played more than once. I guess it's just not something they could get as into as myself, that and my dad threw out his back playing for his first time. Despite this, they still encourage me to play, but wish I would spend a lot less money. LOL, my dad thinks it's rediculous that I'm buying my third gun in 3 1/2 years of playing (2 1/2 years consistantly). Oh well, I'm glad I have parents that encourage my habits then ones who don't.

07-06-2003, 09:20 AM
Originally posted by adam shannon
...but if they dont clean their room, or do the chores you can take em out on sunday and light em up!

Its actually the exact opposite! If they don't clean their room/behave there is no way they make it out to the paintball field at all!!! You just take off without them and they are grounded :). Never had to resort to this form of punishment but I guarantee that I wouldn't be in the mood to share the special parent/child paintball relationship with a kid that was chronically misbehaving. :D

07-06-2003, 09:34 AM
My daughter has no interest in playing, but I was recently informed her boyfriend plays, so I may get a chance to shoot him. Maybe between the 2 of us we can convince her to try it out.

I do take my two nieces playing from time to time. One has her own gear, the other has a mask, but borrows my backup when we play. I usually prefer to play on opposite teams, to maximize the friendly smack talk. :D

07-06-2003, 09:51 AM
I play and would have liked if my oldest daughter (11) would play. She did try and say's that she likes to play but is still not sure.
Then there is my youngest, that entered a youth young guns top gun at age 6
and 2 weeks ago went toe to toe with her mom and them 3 guys with angles, granted they did manage to get her out but it took them awhile:D ( I thought that I shoot alot of paint):rolleyes:
I now have a son that is 6 months and it looks like he is really looking at my minimag:eek:

07-06-2003, 09:52 AM
I'm 32, my dad is 58...he and his buddies go 2-3 times a year, and invite me to go as well. All of them arent particularly athletic, but they all do have physical jobs, that keep them in shape. They are all decent players too, but have no interest in speedball. Oh well, its fun nonetheless to shoot at relatives :)

07-06-2003, 09:52 AM
I wish my stepdad would play with me, hes like a dad to me. He would be pretty good, but every once in a while I can talk him into playing some rec ball with me.

07-06-2003, 01:33 PM
I wish someone from my family besides my cousin would play... rawr... not even my brother who's going to be a freshmen at college has any interest in playing.

07-06-2003, 03:20 PM
I'm 21 and my dad is 52. We have been playing together for like six years. One time he tore his ACL playing, four months later he was back out playing. He is not that quick anymore but he is a great back player

07-06-2003, 04:17 PM
I'm 20, my dad's 54, and he runs, snowboards, surfs, and plays paintball with me.

07-06-2003, 05:27 PM
As a counter to the "tuff guy" parent photo above I will now post this:D :D
My daughter LOVES to shoot my marker but has only played in a small "kids game" (we turned all the guns WAY down)
and had a blast ))

07-06-2003, 05:42 PM
my dad plays with me, at first he didnt want to play but i made him rent and he was hooked! you now can find him as aegis on the boards;)

07-06-2003, 06:10 PM
My stepson got me into playing. He gave me a Talon for christmas 4 years ago and we've been playing together since, (that is when he has the money to play).

I still have the Talon and it still works.

07-06-2003, 06:16 PM
my local feild and store is run by a father/son pair. the father is like 50 something, and i think the son is like 30

07-06-2003, 06:35 PM
My 13 year old son and I (41) play and it has brought us even closer together. I try not to do anything paintball related without him along. Here he is with one of the most famous father and son combos in paintball!
Not sure about this, but I think taking him with me to the Chicago Open to hang out with the Assassins for 4 days might have moved ole Dad up a bit on the buddy scale:D

07-06-2003, 06:37 PM
i conviced my dad to play with me, he'll be 42 i think or 41 i can't remember
but i'm 16
he's been reading through the latest pb2x and seen all the older people play at a big game we went to and now he wants to try, i think he'll like it

07-06-2003, 07:32 PM
Originally posted by magking1971
As a counter to the "tuff guy" parent photo above I will now post this:D :D
My daughter LOVES to shoot my marker...

Hey! That wasn't the magking marker at the AO Oregon meet and greet was it? I thought you had a classic with a warp and definitely no halo. Has someone been upgrading????;)

Originally posted by skife
seen all the older people play at a big game we went to and now he wants to try, i think he'll like it

Oh he will......just don't come whining to us when the old man has blown your inheritance on an Xmag:D. Seriously if you take him to a big game I'll bet he has a blast.

07-06-2003, 09:53 PM
The classic was my friends that was there at OAO Day.
I had my E-RT but no HALO, sadly I no longer have this marker BUT the X-mag is on order:D

07-06-2003, 09:55 PM
ive only played once without my dad... we always play together im 15 hes 37:D

07-07-2003, 10:36 AM
I'm 39 and play with my 14 yr old son all the time. We enjoy the chance to interact in a common environment. I'm the more dominant player, but he's getting better each time we go out.

07-07-2003, 10:39 AM
Oh he will......just don't come whining to us when the old man has blown your inheritance on an Xmag. Seriously if you take him to a big game I'll bet he has a blast.

yeah he's already talking about selling his r/c helicopter to buy a paintgun.... dun dun dun that thing is worth about 900

07-07-2003, 11:02 AM
My dad used to play with me a good bit, now he says he was just getting me started in the sport. He still supports me though, and spends alot of time driving me to and from practice and tourneys, at least twice a week, so he's still kinda involved with it. I wish he'd get into the tourney scene as well, but he decided he was too old for it:D

Amazing that he can still kick our asses when he decides to play though...its ridiculous in fact...:D

ReTro Boy
07-07-2003, 11:07 AM
"ricktex" is "danielgleason"s dad and my, "ReTro Boy"s, father-in-law.

"txag81" is "savethebird"s dad.

Those are the father/son paintball combos around here. My wife also plays when she's not pregnant.

Sir Chopsalot
07-07-2003, 03:28 PM
my dad plays with my brother and i whenever he is in town but he lives in tulsa. yea since he is in oklahoma we went to d day and we had a pretty good time. i think he is 43 and im 16 and my brother is 11. he needs to get a better gun though, he is currently using a very very beat up tippmann prolite with two inches taken off the barrel with a hacksaw. this used to be a rental gun so it isnt in the best of conditions.

ReTro Boy
07-07-2003, 03:35 PM
Missed you at the Austin AO meet, Chop. You missed a great time!!!

07-07-2003, 03:42 PM
LOL my dad is hooked on paintball and my mom says plenty :rolleyes: He doesnt play much any more cause he did something to his knee and it hurts after a lot fo activity.

Evil Bob
07-07-2003, 03:45 PM
I'm 38 and I play with my two oldest sons, ages 14 and 11. When I started playing paintball in 1982 at the ripe age of 16, I tried to talk my father into play. For many years I've tried to get him onto the playing field, he always had an excuse to not go, wouldn't even turn up at tournaments that were local.

Now that he's 62, his excuse is he's too old. I'm pretty sure I can talk him into driving a paintball tank around, he'd be game for it, he just doesn't want to be shot at directly.

-Evil Bob

07-07-2003, 06:39 PM
mother and daughter play at our field...

sorry for the blurriness, you get the idea though... I think ;) :D

da mom

07-07-2003, 06:40 PM

both shoot vikings :D~

Recon by Fire
07-07-2003, 07:29 PM
I'm 34 and I got my two daughters (14 & 16) into playing :)