View Full Version : Pregame rituals

07-05-2003, 10:09 PM
I was wondering what if any pregame rituals you all have?
I am looking for a little something to give me a "mental edge"

07-05-2003, 10:12 PM

07-05-2003, 10:15 PM
Like before the break or before the actual game itself? Before the break my team all yells stuff, its pretty crazy, but gets ya going for the break. As for before the game I tend to make sure I have pods.....paint...err I mean I usually like adjust my mask like a nut. Its pretty weird, I will undo my headband, redo it, then put on my mask..yea...for like 5 minutes, lol. GETS ME REALLY PUMPED, that or like I just sit around.

07-05-2003, 10:16 PM
before games I fire 3 random shots(my "lucky" number). At the 10 second warning I move my fingers up and down. Not sure why, keeps me focused in the game. I also shake my fingers when I'm on base in baseball, keeps me focused on the pitcher to see if he is going to make a move back to the base.

07-05-2003, 10:18 PM
After starting more than one game with my powerfeed off, safety on, or air off - I fire a couple shots at a bunker, then just prepare to get shot.

07-05-2003, 10:42 PM
not much are team wanders to the starting point
half of the guys usually forgot something
then we just play ball
seems to work we win enough :D

07-05-2003, 10:43 PM
before i gear up, i drink a little gatorade, go to the bathroom, then check that my pods/air is filled, double check that all my equipment is clean and not broken, listen to one song a couple of times. Then our team goes over anything we need to clear up last minute. In the flag station before the game, we go through a checklist together (hoppers....on air....on timers......set plugs......out safety.....off). I just get ready to go, get a good footing and stance so im ready on the break.

07-05-2003, 11:55 PM
i myself am a i growler, if u growl ppl dont know what kinda person u are and just pretty much dont mess with u.:p

07-06-2003, 12:09 AM
I drink Jolt, or mountain Dew.

07-06-2003, 12:16 AM
As a collective group we all put in our hands before we take the field and scream out our team name. Then on the break we all scream like the madmen we really are!:D

But when I'm on the range just before the game, I like to unload my hopper as fast as I can just to let the other team hear how much paint I'm capable of launching at them. Works wonders I swear.;)

07-06-2003, 12:41 AM
I do the thing that people give me crap for: I let fly my war cry. It's more of an in game thing, but it's pretty funny to hear. That and folks never know what to make of some big heavyset dude yelling like Braveheart.

07-06-2003, 12:46 AM
Smoke a cigarette, fill up the hopper/pods, and yell the Special Ed "yaaay" a few times. :D

Animal Mother
07-06-2003, 01:33 AM

Then I listen to Duran Duran..

Dooo doo do do doo do doooo..

07-06-2003, 02:28 AM
lol AM

I have a song i listen to before a tourney...... helps to "forget" about my life outside the paintball world

I just keep my muscles stretched and warm in between games, talk about strategies and changing it up.... along with other information.... But i try not to think too much about it. Watch a game or two before ours thinking about other things then our game. Just having a fun time watching some pball games.

Cool and calm until i'm at the starting station.....
then it's Game time BAby.. sort of a sudden build up on the field

sort of the opposite of getting "psyched up" but seems to work better for me.... plus i guess it could send the impression to the other team, that your gonna be a easy win, then the sudden "surprise" explosion off the break:D

07-06-2003, 03:41 PM
Just before the game, usually it's one of three things.

Deep breath, look at my route plan it in my head, visualise the run, and knwo I can get there.

tighten the screws of my pump gun. Nervou habit from the old days, still carry it over. If I can't do that I twitch the fingers on my left hand and point at the other team if they can see me. Old school.

Or third, think to myslef "Aww man, I really don't want to get to the 50 again... I'm too old to run all that GO GO GO GO GO!!!!" :)


07-06-2003, 04:22 PM
Before anything, test, snowboard comp, tourney, I try to visualize white space, as in, nothing at all, and simply listen to the sound of my own breathing.

07-06-2003, 05:02 PM
While I'm waiting on a field for the rest of the players, I will usually walk my fingers along the side of my gun. Maybe its a nervous tick... I do it everywhere now, my parent think that I have a medical condition because I'm always moving my pointer and middle finger up and down on solid objects...

07-06-2003, 10:07 PM
animal mother, thats my new desktop background! hahahahaha!

what my friends and i do on the drive to where we play we listen to music to get pumped. we listen to "symphony of destruction", ramstein, and a lot of other metal. its great. i let out a warcry and sometimes yell KOWABUNGA at people, but thats just me

i also say to myself in my head "go with the flow..." but thats from skiing

07-06-2003, 10:42 PM
I just like to shoot a crap load of paint at the nearest bunker for a few seconds. Make me feel better and (I hope) it makes the other team wither like lettuce leaves in July...