View Full Version : Bunker Images

07-06-2003, 05:04 PM
I want to make a screen-saver of a series of images showing an unfortunate fool getting bunkered! Does anyone know where a poor paintball-obsessed paintball geek like myself could download a string of images suitable for this? I've looked around, thinking this would be quite common, (its my fav. part of the game which-ever end of it im on!), but i couldnt find any! Please help me, think back, did you see some images while you were brousing anywhere? Thanx! (Remember: i really need a string of images, it would just look better than some patched together.)

ReTro Boy
07-06-2003, 05:22 PM
At the top of this page there is a sticky (Austin TX AO Meet Pics) and there is a shot of Havoc_Online getting bunkered. Actually they were trying to bunker each other...it was cool. That's at least a place to start.