View Full Version : Are electros worth it? ROF mech.

07-07-2003, 09:22 AM
well, heres my situation, i need a gun that can fire fast, over 10 bps, and i was wondering if you can achieve a high ROF with mechanical systems. I'm debating between a: basically stock impy w/ new trigger, a stock bushy, an upgraded cocker, or should i keep my classic mag and get an intelli? remeber, take ROF into considertation, since i'm playing with some higher end guns, thanks alot for your adive

07-07-2003, 09:39 AM
c'mon people, just post your opinions

Wc Keep
07-07-2003, 09:45 AM
i outshot my revvy warp combo this weekend with an emag valve in my benchy classic.

07-07-2003, 10:05 AM
in the same price range id say sell the mag and try and pick up a used emag or get a retro valve and intellifeed if you like your mag

07-07-2003, 10:18 AM
A stock Bushy won't cut it, unless you get a new 2k3... but the logic still sucks. If you go the Bushmaster route, I'd highly suggest picking up a used one with a chaos chip. I've got mine set on unlimited (only possible with PDS) and have little problem hitting 16 bps over a chronograph with a properly adjusted trigger.

07-07-2003, 10:49 AM
everyone i play with shoots cockers, so i'm going with an r/t and lx who knows, eventually after i learn the trigger i'll be able to outshoot them easily, but until then i wait for my valve to come

07-07-2003, 12:52 PM
well i think that a stock mag is capable of that rof pretty easily, but our fingers our not...so to make it a lil easier i think a retro and the new ule trigger, you will hafta wait probably another month for the trigger but yeah....i have shot it and it is super nice. then i would also say go LX if your not already, cause your gonna chop otherwise. a gripframe may help depening on you...do you work better with shorter and chrisper or longer and softer...a 2x will always be longer than a 1x. and if you want another oppinion from me (one you dident ask for) smart parts blows monkey balls, i have owned their stuff but will never do so again.

07-07-2003, 02:37 PM
I can tell you definitely that mech markers, especially mags, can take it waay over the 10 bps threshold. Some people can pull over 10 bps with a classic valve! Thats pretty cool...there are other things you can do to help out...the biggest would be an X-valve or ReTro valve, and an Intelliframe. Those are great ways to increase firepower. However, I would suggest trying out an X-Valved Intellied mag before you make your decision...because the feel of those markers is very different from others, especially electros. Many markers will take you over 10 bps...try out a whole bunch and see what you like the best:)


07-07-2003, 03:17 PM
yeah i know no one will beleive it except for the few who know me, but on a tuned classic valve (RT On/OFF) Inteliframe, warp, and richochet ak setup i hit 17 bps over a balls per second chrono.

without even trying i can break 13+.

mind you i am fast, and its more to do with fingers than the gun.

if i ever find another bps chrono at the feild i will have to bring a video camera

07-07-2003, 03:35 PM
Originally posted by booyah
yeah i know no one will beleive it except for the few who know me, but on a tuned classic valve (RT On/OFF) Inteliframe, warp, and richochet ak setup i hit 17 bps over a balls per second chrono.

without even trying i can break 13+.

It's the truth. He can hit tremendous speed in short strings. I've got a knot on my forehead and three bruises down my left arm as proof. :) I did gog him though.

07-07-2003, 04:07 PM
I cant shoot my Classic Intelli Micromag past 8bps. A R/T classic mag would definately be able to hit that though. The stock impulse's trigger is pretty horrible. If you changed out the stock trigger and adjusted it right u will be able to rip on it. I dont know much about bushies except that the new 2k3 looks hot. Cockers are much easier to shoot fast than a classic mag is IMO. However I always found mine to be really heavy so I got my Micro. Mechanical is always more reliable less to go wrong even with a cocker.

Originally posted by booyah

if i ever find another bps chrono at the feild i will have to bring a video camera

Actually if you record yourself shooting the gun I think someone here will be able to analyze it and give you a approximation of how fast your are shooting. I have to be honest find 17bps a bit uhhh :rolleyes: with a classic valve.

07-07-2003, 07:43 PM
if you get a bushy make sure you get it vaporized or the chaos chip

on my bushy i out shot my egg2 so i think that is pretty damn fast.

vapor works is a awesome company my bushy is +- 2 with all vapor stuff on it.