View Full Version : ~*~NewsFlash!!!~*~ AO's Very Own AGDiva to Play with AGD Pride at IAO! Go Clare!

07-07-2003, 12:35 PM
Yep, it's that time of year again when the Super Bowl of amateur events is upon us, the <a href="http://www.teameffortevents.com/">International Amatuer Open</a>! The event is fast approaching and if you believe all the hype, it's bound to be the greatest IAO ever! Just for that alone, you should have no excuse to miss the event!

However, I think all you AO'ers out there need a little more of an incentive to come out and attend the event. Besides, who wants to travel all the way to Pittsburgh, PA in the middle of a hot & humid July just to watch just a little paintball? ;)

Now, if there were someone playing who we all know is far more famous than Tom Kaye, a lot more beautiful than Amy Schreier, and plays a heck of a lot better than Manny of Aftershock...I know I would <i><b>DEFINATELY</b></i> drive all the way from Tim Buck <i>freaking</i> Too to make the event and watch her play. :D

Which leads us to the Newsflash that you've all been waiting for, the very one that'll send shockwaves, yes...<b>ShOcKwAvEs!!! </b>, throughout the paintball industry, every tournament circuit, and onto every online paintball forum, magazine, and publication.

After making her initial debut with AGD Pride at this years Skyball event, AO's very own AGDiva, Clare (Capo) Benevides, will be playing this years International Amateur Open 7-man (amateur class) with one of your favorite factory teams, AGD Pride! :cool:

And just to wet your appetite a little, check out this pic of Clare (wearing her custom, and very stylish, AGD Pride jersey) at the Austin, TX AO meet!

<img src="http://www.automags.org/forums/attachment.php?s=&postid=891612">

So now you definitely don't have an excuse to miss this event! Travel by train, boat, car, donkey, <u><b>anything</u></b> and make the trip out to Pittsburgh, PA on July 17th - 20th to show your incredible support to the company, the teams, and the player that you all know and love! We can't do it without you!

To see more pics of the lovely Clare, check out this <a href="http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=90747">thread</a> of her and the rest of the AO gang that attended the Austin, TX AO meet!

07-07-2003, 01:39 PM
come on...play novice...i wanna play you guys

07-07-2003, 01:52 PM
I shot Clare. It was great. I shot a superstar. Life is great. :D

Anyways, yeah guys, IAO is going to rock, it is being covered for DVD by 1Shot Productions...and as always, we'll find every excuse to fit in as much AGD, Tom Kaye, Capo, Mag goodness as we can...wait until you see Ultimate Madness.

Okay, pride. Bring a cell phone with you to IAO, and every time your about to play, call me, and we'll rush right over, cameras in tote, and cover your games.



07-07-2003, 02:05 PM
Ditto. :)

Originally posted by Kevmaster
come on...play novice...i wanna play you guys

07-07-2003, 02:19 PM
Originally posted by 1shot
I shot Clare. It was great. I shot a superstar. Life is great. :D

Anyways, yeah guys, IAO is going to rock, it is being covered for DVD by 1Shot Productions...and as always, we'll find every excuse to fit in as much AGD, Tom Kaye, Capo, Mag goodness as we can...wait until you see Ultimate Madness.

Okay, pride. Bring a cell phone with you to IAO, and every time your about to play, call me, and we'll rush right over, cameras in tote, and cover your games.



Thanks! We'll definately make sure to get you a copy of our schedule and give you a ring. Gotta get AGD some publicity! Also, the Lions and Kids will be playing as well. We'll make sure to get a copy of their schedules to you as well.

Oh, and I can't wait until the Madness DVD. It's gonna be sweet!

07-07-2003, 02:44 PM
Yeah BC wants some too!!!!!! Play Novice.

07-07-2003, 02:52 PM
Yea come on, runnin away from AFTICA like that, into a higher category, i see how it is, you are all scared!

07-07-2003, 03:44 PM
Good luck guys!:) I just bought a Pride shirt from Kevmaster the other day, and hopefully it will be here by the weekend to show support for you guys here even though I can't make it out. Just an idea though, maybe you guys should get Capo to come up here to Sam's, for maybe the next big game or get Nikki to make another AO day. ;)

07-07-2003, 03:44 PM
bawlk bawlk bawlk (chicken sounds):D

07-07-2003, 07:32 PM
wow! I didn't expect this! Thanks Scott.. :p

Well, once again, I'll try to not screw things up...I kid I kid..

07-07-2003, 08:21 PM
Go Capo and Go PriDe.......take it to em.......

Go where and take what..... i'm just not that creative:(

07-07-2003, 08:27 PM
Yeah AFTICA. We will see you at IAO. Long live AGD!!!!!

07-08-2003, 08:43 AM
I'm sure it'll be a relief to men everywhere when the long haired beauty they've been drooling over walks off the field, and it is indeed Clare rather than skirts.....

07-08-2003, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by drboo
I'm sure it'll be a relief to men everywhere when the long haired beauty they've been drooling over walks off the field, and it is indeed Clare rather than skirts.....

Ha! Slap! :p

07-08-2003, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by CaPoEiRa
Well, once again, I'll try to not screw things up...I

Don't worry, you're playing with pride. They'll do it for you!

OUCH! :p haha

07-08-2003, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by Riotz

Don't worry, you're playing with pride. They'll do it for you!

OUCH! :p haha

Someone's gonna get ambushed at their hotel. :D ;)

But your probably right. Ha!

07-08-2003, 07:15 PM
Someone's gonna get ambushed at their hotel.
too bad he won't be at IAO this year! Darn! That would have been good entertainment :p

07-08-2003, 07:31 PM
Even if he was you would have to get through me and the rest of Black Cell to do it. And I think that you guys would want to be in better shape to play the next day. Its a little tough to make your games after you've been duck taped to a chair and shoved in a broom closet for 12 hours.

07-08-2003, 07:34 PM
ofcourse you know, he was kidding!
Riotz does need all the protection he can get, he bruises like a summer fruit. I have pics! :p

07-08-2003, 07:45 PM
He was? I thought he didn't have a sense of humor? :) Riotz, of course, doesn't NEED protection. Its just 7+ on one is more my kind of odds than his.:D

07-08-2003, 08:02 PM
can't ya feel the luv!

I don't have a sense of humor, I'm just a mindless driod. =P

Thanks for the back Joel. Now I wish I WAS going. We'll catch you punks if you come to the NJ NPPL! =P :D

07-08-2003, 08:04 PM
He was? I thought he didn't have a sense of humor?

I meant scooter/cootie :p

07-08-2003, 08:16 PM
Oh:eek: I thought you ment Riotz. He can be a tool sometimes, but we love him.

I got your back anytime Jeff, you just give me a call.

07-09-2003, 12:27 PM
I am negotiating for a wingman to help me with the drive. We'd both love to roll up and check out the action.

07-09-2003, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by Albinonewt
I am negotiating for a wingman to help me with the drive. We'd both love to roll up and check out the action.

Excellent! The more AO'ers there, the merrier! :D

07-10-2003, 09:32 AM
Just a little appetizer to wet your appetite. ;)

Amy along with our lovely Clare!

07-10-2003, 01:49 PM
Here's a little taste of what Pride will be seeing from the dead box.

haha i kid i kid

07-10-2003, 02:05 PM
Hey Pride, were you guys in the Motel 6 last year? We were upstairs. I came down to say hello to some bunch of mag guys. As a fellow PBXer I'll stand in and take any beatings that would have come to Riotz... Only I dont go down as easy... ;)

07-10-2003, 10:34 PM
Right next to you JEDI, right next to you. Long live PBX!!!!!

07-10-2003, 11:59 PM
I didnt really think much of Capo. I thought she was just another pretty face.

Until one day, she spent a little time and a few kind words for someone on the board who was having some problems.

She was just as kind hearted, warm and sincere as anybody on the forum. I think shes great.

Just take your time and do a good job. Watch where the paint is falling and go go go.

I kind of like it when Im duckign and you can hear the paint. Plop plop plop. Than I scury for the snap and shoot. Ha ha ha. Paintball is fun!

Go Capo!

07-11-2003, 04:07 AM
Wow. Thanks for the compliment, Star_Base_CGI :)

07-11-2003, 11:22 AM
Another pic of the lovely Clare...

What intensity!

07-11-2003, 04:43 PM
It looks like we are going to rumble at IAO this year. I'm in. I'll buy a drirk for who ever brings Riotz to us duck taped to a chair.:D But for anyone that wants to come hang out with us we'll be a the Sheridan.

07-11-2003, 07:42 PM
haha! yea right.

I'll buy anyone a drink who drags me away from work to IAO duct taped to a chair. :p

Sorry guys, but you would be seriously outnumbered. hehe :D

07-11-2003, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by Riotz
haha! yea right.

I'll buy anyone a drink who drags me away from work to IAO duct taped to a chair. :p

Sorry guys, but you would be seriously outnumbered. hehe :D

Well Riotz, you're in luck.

You live near me
I want someone with me for the drive
I own a truck with bullet proof tires (don't ask)
I have my own kevlar
I own more guns then the rest of the state combined.

And, I can even swing by Home Depot for some Duct Tape!

07-11-2003, 07:58 PM
haha sweet. Cut out some letters from magazines for the randsom note. See you on Tuesday! :D

spore 283
07-12-2003, 06:06 PM
she should be playing with the lions. good luck pride. chester

07-13-2003, 02:23 AM
and I thought I was the only AGDiva...oh well...

07-15-2003, 12:38 AM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy
and I thought I was the only AGDiva...oh well... Shake it baby, shake it!!!:D

07-15-2003, 12:47 AM
yeah man..you know me..when the lights go down..the bootie starts shakin'..

07-15-2003, 01:15 AM
I sure hope you do good out there Clare and the rest of Pride.