View Full Version : Feeling a Trixxy Revolution

07-07-2003, 06:03 PM
Anybody else seeing it now? At my local field it seems like a lot of people are now leaving their Timmies behind for Trixes, although they have been out for quite awhile. I asked a few and they said the accuracy on them is amazing. While I know that Trixxes have very little kick thats nearly the same thing with Timmies. (Other peoples opinions?) I dunno, im just glad im a Mag fanboy, ive seen too many fads go in and out. Oh, and also, I saw another Aoer at Del this weekend, macking it with the all chrome minimag, very nice. And the week before, I saw a ULE Emag, and an RT-Pro with a Red Ule Body, cant wait for my black one! Just wanted to point some things out.

07-07-2003, 06:37 PM
actually it is almost the opposite over here. ive only seen a couple matrixs at our fields. the main gun around here is vikings and cockers(what a surprise).

07-07-2003, 06:43 PM
I've had one for a while and I'm definately seeing them grow in popularity. It used to be that you would never see them anywhere.

They are great markers, I LOVE mine.

07-07-2003, 06:44 PM
i think trixes are gonna be big soon mainly because the gas effeciency problwem is solved, and now they are more effecient than many guns out there. befor, people avoided them because they were huge gas hogs.

but around here its all cockers and angels. ALL cockers and angels

07-07-2003, 06:51 PM
Originally posted by Brak
but around here its all cockers and angels. ALL cockers and angels
i beg to differ...

at ghost, their 'factory team' has all trixies but one

i ref/play there and i see ALOT of trixies, and ALOT of low end blow backs

before the warehouse in stratford closed down.. TONS of mags, a few bushies, and a few imps.. maybe 1-2 cockers a night

07-07-2003, 07:08 PM
the only reason I will get a FF trix over an X mag is the insane eff. Poke around pbn and read some of the posts. These guys are getting 2k+ shots per 68ci/4.5k. Dam fine guns for the guys that sling the paint or your air is paid per fill.

Hell, role a 45/45 conquest with a rico and go for the lightweight setup.

I am really thinking about getting one as soon as ethan is done with the opto trigger and eye.


07-07-2003, 07:26 PM
up here in NorthJersey you see alot of mags:) i think Angel, timmy, cockers, and mags are all tied. Only timmys i have seen up here would be the dragun. All kinds of angels. Alot of lowerend cockers. All kinds of mags, from classic to xmag

07-07-2003, 09:39 PM
Yeah not at my field but i think when timmies die like angels (the gun) that trixes will be the next fad then after that ITS MAGS TIME. Just my thoughts. OR hopes. :D

07-07-2003, 09:44 PM

07-07-2003, 09:51 PM
Southeast has a lot of Impulses. Out of the main players around here about 8-10 impulses, 4 timmys (all high end), 2 matrix, couple Dark iR3s and cockers also.

I really want a matrix now that my brother has one. These things are just silly fast. I guess it's the no kick operation or something but I can pick up my imp and hit about 10-11 bps consistant with 14 bps bursts then get the matrix and it's more like 14 bps consistant at 16 bps bursts.

07-07-2003, 10:01 PM
i really think that the x mag is gonna be a fad soon now more then ever since they finally rolled into production and who knows what else AGD will come out with?

07-07-2003, 10:17 PM
Originally posted by Brak
but around here its all cockers and angels. ALL cockers and angels
That's the exact same situation here. Any teams who are looked up to in this area use strictly Angels or Cockers, and it's reflected on the recballers and smaller teams.

I've only seen one Trix here, but I was incredibly impressed with it. Other than that I see a few Bushys, and about an equal amount of Mags. Timmys are even rarer, and the amount of Imps here I could count on my fingers (I've actually seen a tad more Shockers than Imps).

07-07-2003, 10:22 PM
Originally posted by wobbles82
While I know that Trixxes have very little kick thats nearly the same thing with Timmies. (Other peoples opinions?)
Have you shot both? The only Trix I shot (keep in mind this was without an LPR, so there are even lower kick Trixes) had less kick than any electro I've ever fired. The first time I shot a Timmy it was a stock Classic, and I hated it. Since then I've shot a Classic with all the doodads (Clamshell, Hi Flow Barbs, Delrin Bolt, etc.) and it improved the gun tenfold. As far as kick goes it had very little, but the Trix had none.

07-07-2003, 10:27 PM
i see alot of cocker-head where i'm from.

07-07-2003, 10:35 PM
at my local field(before it closed) it was basically all mags.youd see a cocker or electro here or there but as we called it it was the Mag Field.

07-07-2003, 11:28 PM
I'm sorry to say that in the 5 fields that i play at in my area i have only seen about 5 mags, and my micro is the only one that hits the fields regularly. In all those fields everybody knows me because of the mag. Everybody else around here is using blowbacks, cockers, imps, and a few angels and timmies. I have also only seen one trix that is not used very often anyways.

07-08-2003, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by gtrsi

Hell, role a 45/45 conquest with a rico and go for the lightweight setup.

I am really thinking about getting one as soon as ethan is done with the opto trigger and eye.


a rico? are you kidding me? mine as well use a vl200.

robert heatwole
07-08-2003, 10:52 AM
down here in so fizzy theres alot of imps were i play! ALOT, like 30 a day. then we got 2 vikings (mine beening the best), cockers, angels, we had a truama trix on sunday, timmys and rentals. lol

07-08-2003, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by Surreal
vikings. \never seen a viking in real life

07-08-2003, 12:17 PM
Yes, I get about 1200 shots on my 68/3k. The eye+optoboard upgrade is for free for all ff trix owners, which is great. I love my trix and it is very likely I wont go to any gun for quite a while.

07-08-2003, 12:34 PM
trixies popular eh?? *runs to buy stock in lube*

woohoo im rich ;)

07-08-2003, 12:38 PM
its almoast all cheap blowbacks and electro blowbacks here, other than that at the field i played at it was a mix of cockers a shocker, there was 2 mags a mini and my classic

07-08-2003, 01:23 PM
around my area(fox painball) most people shoot ether angels,cockers or mags. somedays there will be an even spred or very lopsided to cockers or mags. But i agree that trixes are comming into the spotlight. ive have seen more and more of them. but still not more than 5 a day. and i have yet to see someone with a x-mag....what up with that:(
also my teammate has trix and it rocks but it is beastly heavy!!that is its only down side.

07-08-2003, 01:58 PM
Originally posted by Crazy

a rico? are you kidding me? mine as well use a vl200.

not a big diff bewteen a rico and x board, maybe 1-2bps.


07-08-2003, 01:59 PM
Lotsa southeast ppl in here. At my field, its like all spyders. A couple of Mags(fellow AO'ers) I hope to get a mag soon, imps, a timmy, an occasional angel. I needa get out to some bigger fields to see some Trix's and vikings.

07-08-2003, 02:27 PM
If you live anywhere in NC and are involved in paintball then you know of two things. The Matrix Center, and Trauma. I dont think i've ever been to paintball central and haven't seen 10+ matrices, Intimidators are getting pretty popular here as well.

07-08-2003, 02:56 PM
around wisconsin, there are alot of trix recently and close second would be timmys, not very many angels around here anymore.

next big fad is going to be the IR4.

in the college circuits it seems that everyone is turning to Trix's, last year there were mainly angels, I was one of the 2 people shooting a trix at last years nationals, then this year there was a explosion in Trix use.