View Full Version : Severe paint

07-07-2003, 07:31 PM
Has any one used this paint before? Is it any good? got a tourney this weekend and we have to use sever.

07-07-2003, 07:37 PM
not bad not good just decent if it is fresh

07-07-2003, 07:39 PM
severe is really nice paint. only thing is if your using the glitter fill type just make sure you clean it off your lenses quick. when it dries it becomes waxy, and can stain your lenses.

07-07-2003, 08:27 PM
severe sux. its so hard a buddy of mine pinched a ball in his tippman

07-07-2003, 08:37 PM
Waxy, so is it like Zap Chronic? Zap hits very hard and gets waxy real fast. we were chronoed at 260 and eveyone went home with welts and bruses.

07-07-2003, 08:58 PM
Severe makes several grades of paint. They have changed some of the names here and there, but basically they are Competitor (2nds, usually only seconds because of color problem, compare to a lesser Hurricane), Hurricane ( basic field paint, thicker in shell for rental guns and blow backs, decently round for a field ball, way better than nel-splut, or pro-bounce), Tempest (thinner shell, thicker fill than Hurricane, good mid range ball, my most popular with the tourney crowd because of cost and performance), Tornado(has the shell of Cyclone, and the fill of Tempest, good for low pressure markers) Cyclone(their tourney ball, it's better than some, but I think there are better balls avaiable in this price range).
Over all I have found Severe paintballs to be the best price vs performance ratio in their complete line (except their tourney ball) Yes the field paint and seconds are a little thicker in the shell, but so is all field paint, at least they're round, lol. If it is a problem for you girls, then pay a few bucks more and get the Tempest.
I have been using these balls for over a year now at my fields, and have fewer complaints about the paint than with any other brand I have tried that is at or below their price range.
My suggestion at your tourney is get the Tempest or Cyclone.

07-07-2003, 09:06 PM
Thank you for the reply. I hope you dont think im complaning. I have never used this brand or seen it before. I just wanted to know what i might be infor at the tourney.
I think we have two choises of paint.I will try to get tempist or cyclone. thanks again. by the way good info in your post. wolverine

07-07-2003, 09:07 PM
hurricane is REALLY small bore.. when i played with it like two weeks ago, i was getting doubles all the time. sometimes that crap would just roll out of my barrel. MADD drop off and really inaccurate if ur using a medium or large bore barrel. watch out for that stuff, IMO its pretty crappy

07-07-2003, 09:08 PM
most people say it's real hard paint, but the one time i used it, it was the most fragile paint i had ever seen. Noteven one bounce paint. i was filling my pod and one rolled out, fell two feet and broke on my car bumper. i couldn't even run while playing because it kept brealing in my pods and hopper. this was the middle priced stuff. i also tried a half case of the cheap stuff and it was like someone poured 1/4 cup of oil in each bag. balls would seriously shoot out of the barrel and go three different directions. this wasn't just me many of the other 400 people playing had the same problems. this could have been a freak incident but that stuff sucked

07-07-2003, 09:29 PM
its really bad stuff for the price. @ 1 tourny there was 2 differnt qualities, and the "crappy" paint sold out quick, and when we hadda use the "quality" stuff wich really sucked a lot. it was mis-shaped and really hard