View Full Version : bunker material

07-09-2003, 12:38 AM
Im building a field, and I need some bunkers. Anybody know a cheap, durable building material that I could use?

07-09-2003, 12:48 AM
Go to your local wal-mart or k-mart....pallet's are great...as long as you have something to cover the holes in the pallet's with. like pallets with plywood.

07-09-2003, 12:55 AM
I just use Plywood and 2x4's. And i made most of them in a "L" shape. It worked pretty well. Also we got a few spools cause my friends dad works construction, so that was really cool.

07-09-2003, 10:07 AM
get some wooden spools from an electrical place.. generally they are tossed. also, go to your local fence place. I know the one near me has a giant PILE of old fence sections with a sign saying 'FREE'.

07-09-2003, 10:29 AM
my friend's dad works for SBC, maybe i can get some spools from him...

07-09-2003, 11:39 AM
go online and get some inflatibal furniture or mascots, pallets, plywood, make mounds of dirt

There are so many things that you could use.

07-09-2003, 11:48 AM
ok, so if you search for my thread (Home Made Feild) you'll see the feild i created.....we used two pieces of wood and stretched various stuff between them.....like sheets, some camo fabric, masquito netting, some plastic sheeting....whatever we could find...they work GREAT! very small, very light weight, you can roll them up and carry them away, and very cheap!

07-09-2003, 12:01 PM
when i made my feild, we not only set up bunkers, but we dug some trenches too, there really fun to play in, and free. They also provide for some preety precarious situiations if you put a flag near/in them :D

ReTro Boy
07-09-2003, 02:14 PM
Tractor Tires...

Tire stores/dealers sometimes have tractor or large trucks come through and they are glad to get rid of them. They also make great bunkers. The bad part of it is trying to get rid of them when you are done with them...costly and a pain in the butt.

07-09-2003, 06:49 PM
Go to a tire center (local) and offer to recycle their junk tires (watch out for ones with steel cords sticking out). They will be glad to get rid of them, it costs me $4 per tire to dispose of them. Some places, me for instance, will not do this, because I have to be able to document to the state where all the junk tires went, but a lot of places are more lenient.

07-10-2003, 01:06 PM
can't really dig. The soil is hard-packed clay. But the inflatable mascots and tires were a good idea. thanks

07-10-2003, 01:42 PM
Go around on garbage day in your neighborhood with a skateboard. I did this two nights ago and now i have a huge filing cabinet. Two conference type fold up tables, 15 sheets of good sized plywood, about 45 feet of roofing material( really thick and heavy) and I also picked up four whole doors. This was all in one night. Pretty good eh? Also if there are any construction sites go looking in the dumpsters and if someone is there ask if you can have their garbage.

07-10-2003, 03:30 PM
You can get inflatable mattresses for 12 bucks

07-10-2003, 09:04 PM
I wouldn't use the old tires....

Mosquitoes love to breed in them after it rains...

heard of west nile virus?

they can also be a fire hazard if too many are in one place, and hard to get rid of as mentioned before. I would stick with the other things already mentioned.

08-31-2003, 06:02 PM

paint magnet
08-31-2003, 10:01 PM
Yeah, the tires are mosquito hotbeds this time of year. I'd suggest going to a junkyard and picking up any 'interesting' items. Old TV sets, engine blocks and car doors make great bunkers for a scenario type field.

But if you're building something for just you and your friends, it depends on the weather. Plywood rots easily and will break if you slide into it hard, so stay away from it if it rains a lot. Putting a piece of sheet metal between two 2x4s makes a decent bunker but its loud as crap and annoying when its hit :D Although I've never tried it, trashcans of various sizes turned upside down (so they don't collect water) would be interesting. Or pretty much anything you can get for cheap. Having a couple of bunkers that you can see through, like netted ones makes for a very interesting situation. I'm not sure where to get the 'hyperball' type tubing stuff but its pretty cool and fairly easy to set up.