View Full Version : whats up with spike tv

07-09-2003, 01:08 AM
hey i was just wondering about spike tv.I wanna know if they are gonna let them air spike tv and if they are gonna make it a paintball channel thing or not some info would be greatly appriciated

07-09-2003, 01:16 AM
It's on the air. It's just called the "first channel for men" now. Spike Lee sued them, because of the name. He must think pretty highly of himself.:rolleyes:

I dont' know about any paintball channel thing. They might run some clips like the other stations do.

07-09-2003, 01:32 AM
Spike Lee's suit got over turned yesterday. It'll be Spike TV, just don't know went it will change.

07-09-2003, 01:33 AM
oh really cause on cnn the other day it looked like what i had saw spike lee had sued them but then they went back up to the judge and said go ahead and air it i dunno maybe i got thw wordign wrong i was just flipping through the chanels and said spike tv and flipped back and only read a lil

07-09-2003, 01:37 AM
Spike Lee just did it as a publicity stunt. He's a pompus idiot.

07-09-2003, 01:43 AM
hmm i dont think there will be any paintball on spike tv i checked their new website didnt see anything about paintball
here is the website