View Full Version : Who Here Plays Counter Stike?

08-26-2001, 07:37 AM
Who Here Plays Counter Stike and What Name(s) do they Go by?

I play and My Name is TacticalJay.

Aim: TacticalJay
Email: [email protected]
Blue Warp Feed
Blue 12 Volt
68ci 3000psi Stub
Lapco Bigshot
Black CP
Cp Black Flame drop

08-26-2001, 09:50 AM
I play I am:


08-26-2001, 09:57 AM


"Don't mill your tank." - Miscue

Miscue's Profile (http://www.liquidmagma.com/automags/miscue.php)

08-26-2001, 10:19 AM
i ususally play Dust games. BTW, my SN is ThatP8ntballerGuy.

08-26-2001, 10:19 AM
Anyone try Rainbow 6? I have not played Counter Strike, but from the screen shots I have seen, I don't find it as graphically realistic as Rainbow 6. But they seem pretty close. And you can not always get a good feel from screen shots unfortunately.

I used to play that all the time on high speed modems. We used to get hooked up and run teams. We added an extra twist by also conference calling all team members so we would not need to type our conversations while playing... we simply talked to each other. Yeah, I know.... but all is fair in love and war. http://www.automags.org/ubb/wink.gif

The weapons upgrades and stuff really helps the game. I am just surprised that I have not heard anyone asking about it.

Any constructive comments on the two games and comparisons? I am not interested in reading things like "Hey that game sukz!" or any comments like it... thanks. http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

(Oh, and it has been well over a year since I played Rainbow 6.... and that is a long time in the gaming industry.)

“The richest man is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least.”

08-26-2001, 10:22 AM
I was an R6 junkie, was one to be feared. If you've ever seen R6Retreat... I was on those dude's clan, OTB. They pump out a lot of popular mods for R6/RS.

"Don't mill your tank." - Miscue

Miscue's Profile (http://www.liquidmagma.com/automags/miscue.php)

08-26-2001, 10:27 AM
Thanks Miscue....

Could you give me an honest review and comparison between the two games? I have to take the kids school shopping, but I would LOVE to read your comments when I get back. http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif


“The richest man is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least.”

08-26-2001, 05:03 PM
<font face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">Originally posted by shartley:
Anyone try Rainbow 6? I have not played Counter Strike, but from the screen shots I have seen, I don't find it as graphically realistic as Rainbow 6. But they seem pretty close. And you can not always get a good feel from screen shots unfortunately.

I used to play that all the time on high speed modems. We used to get hooked up and run teams. We added an extra twist by also conference calling all team members so we would not need to type our conversations while playing... we simply talked to each other. Yeah, I know.... but all is fair in love and war. http://www.automags.org/ubb/wink.gif

The weapons upgrades and stuff really helps the game. I am just surprised that I have not heard anyone asking about it.

Any constructive comments on the two games and comparisons? I am not interested in reading things like "Hey that game sukz!" or any comments like it... thanks. http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

(Oh, and it has been well over a year since I played Rainbow 6.... and that is a long time in the gaming industry.)


I love Rainbow 6. But the sequel, Rogue Spear, is what you should get.

I'll be happy to beat any and every person that wishes to challenge me.

"A Hungarian mob realized that to be in power, you didn't need money, guns, or even numbers. All you need was the will to do what the other guy wouldn't. When they come in power, they go after Soze. They break into his house, and Soze comes home to find his wife and his kids screaming. Soze then showed them what will really was..."

-Verbal Kint

The Usual Suspects

08-26-2001, 05:12 PM

Thanks. That is pretty much what Miscue stated. I have not had TIME to play for some time. http://www.automags.org/ubb/frown.gif But it is the type of game I DO like to play (that and flight sims).

As I said earlier, can you give me a comparison between Counter Strike and RB6/RS? This would help me out more than just telling me I should get RS. http://www.automags.org/ubb/wink.gif

I am more the "show me" kind of guy. I don't doubt your words, and in fact if RS is BETTER than RB6, I KNOW it is definitely the way to go since RB6 was so great. But please bounce that off Counter Strike for me. That will allow me to also get a better feel for what Counter Strike is like. http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif


“The richest man is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least.”

08-26-2001, 05:26 PM

08-26-2001, 05:33 PM
I never played CS. but i do play AQ2(action quake 2). Its just like CS, from wha ti see in screen shots. You get weapons like sniper riffles, mp2, m4s, shotgun, sawed off shotgun(hand cannon), dual pistols, and knives. i likee the realism of the game. when you get shot in the legs you gimp(cant run as fast and walk jaggedly) and need to bandage (cant shoot while bandaging), and if you dont bandage your health will slowly goto o(dead), get shot in the head your automataclly dead. Anybody else play?

Flip Out

Mini Mag (soon to be powderd red)
10" red cp
AGD Blade IntelliFrame
12v Revvy
Clear AGD Warp Feed
VL Fore Grip
Max Attack 68/45

For Sale...
ss remote
stock minimag barrel
4+1 pack

"I may rock, but im not made of stone"

08-26-2001, 07:54 PM
<font face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">Originally posted by shartley:
Thanks Miscue....

Could you give me an honest review and comparison between the two games? I have to take the kids school shopping, but I would LOVE to read your comments when I get back. http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif



R6 -> Weapon accuracy almost a non-issue. If you have a CAR-15 or so, and dump a clip into someone at any distance... almost guaranteed to be dead. Reload your weapon, and get ready for the next victim. Fast paced, on your toes gameplay. This game allows for very skilled players to completely dominate. I for one could and have single handedly taken on 6-8 opponents (weak ones of course) in maps like Hacienda/Road/Airport and consistently win. Lag is tolerable. If you camp in this game, you will die more often than not. Most maps are well sized and manageable... usually not lop-sided giving one side a big advantage. With good players, psychology and trickery is a huge part of the game. Body armor not very important.

RS -> Somewhat slower game play than R6. Most maps are much larger than R6 maps, difficult to manage. Some maps, you gotta spend a lot of time just looking for people to shoot at. All of a sudden camping and BS tactics come to play. Games often times lag hard. I don't like playing online because of this... too much of an unfair disadvantage. In R6 you can destroy people with very good anticipation and a quick trigger finger. Not so in this game. You are at the mercy of the lag gods and VERY inaccurate weapons in comparision to R6. The body armor makes the game very different from R6 also.

CS - Quake with regular guns and way less hit points. Fun, but I like the R6/RS series better.

Although it's more 'realistic', I find the guns in RS very irritating. I'd like to see a game that has R6's gameplay, speed, weapon behavior, and RS's goodies, like the different moves you can do... etc.

"Don't mill your tank." - Miscue

Miscue's Profile (http://www.liquidmagma.com/automags/miscue.php)

08-26-2001, 08:02 PM
I like CS becasue it is So realistic. Every little thing comes into play. You shoot your gun slow its going to be accurate. If you shoot it fast its not going to be as accurate. You Jump from too high of an area, it hurts your life. If you crouch while shooting you can shoot more accuratly. If you Fairly close to a gernade when thrown, fragments can hit you and hurt you.(All depending on distance) So Im sticking with CS becasue its better IMO. http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

Aim: TacticalJay
Email: [email protected]
Blue Warp Feed
Blue 12 Volt
68ci 3000psi Stub
Lapco Bigshot
12 inch Splashed red AA

08-26-2001, 08:22 PM
<font face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">Originally posted by Miscue:
R6 -> RS -> Somewhat slower game play than R6. Most maps are much larger than R6 maps, difficult to manage. Some maps, you gotta spend a lot of time just looking for people to shoot at. All of a sudden camping and BS tactics come to play. Games often times lag hard. I don't like playing online because of this... too much of an unfair disadvantage. In R6 you can destroy people with very good anticipation and a quick trigger finger. Not so in this game. You are at the mercy of the lag gods and VERY inaccurate weapons in comparision to R6. The body armor makes the game very different from R6 also.


Actually....there isn't very much lag anymore, the patch solved most of it. The only time there is lag is if there is a 56k host, which usually doesn't happen.

08-26-2001, 08:46 PM
Thanks guys. That gives me a MUCH better idea how the games are. http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

Now I just need to find some time again. LOL

“The richest man is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least.”

08-26-2001, 11:46 PM
i tear it up on cs. my name is:
-<{YKF)>-Lurch Ownz All
and your clan is ****ed when i am playin. i've played w/ tacticaljay before, i remember that name. oh well, late

mag needed!!!

this one goes out to the kids who drove 6 hours in a stolen car and missed the tourney!!!!

is it wrong to want to shoot you just so that i can hear the splats hit your goggles?

08-27-2001, 12:32 PM
i disagree with miscue on this one... course then i never liked r6 on anything other than LAN, the lag wasnt too bad but if someone wants to cheat they can do a lot of damage or tk. ive been playin CS since beta1 if you ever see a 'Wolf' or '[Dy5L3X1C]Sick_My_Duck'
its me http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif but usually wolf. CS is for fast action. i work late every day and never seem to have any time for games but i can sit down and play a few good rounds of CS no prob. fast action is what its all about, and you can either function as a team, or if your good enough you can go the exact opposite way and just go buck wild http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif thats fun too. so shartley...dl it!! you'll find the time...

08-27-2001, 01:20 PM
stupid question...where can you get counterstrike at?? is it web downloadable?

08-27-2001, 01:33 PM
Its not downloadable, but you can get it at Circut City or Best Buy. If you have a friend with the CD then ask to borrow it becasue it can run without the CD.

08-27-2001, 08:45 PM
it is downloadable if u all ready have half life u can get it as a mod add on but its like 90megs

08-27-2001, 08:57 PM
i should really install that game =) anyone play unreal T?

08-28-2001, 08:29 PM
I play CS, good game...I go by the same name.

08-29-2001, 12:01 PM
<font face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">Originally posted by -§on-:
I like CS becasue it is So realistic. Every little thing comes into play. You shoot your gun slow its going to be accurate. If you shoot it fast its not going to be as accurate. You Jump from too high of an area, it hurts your life. If you crouch while shooting you can shoot more accuratly. If you Fairly close to a gernade when thrown, fragments can hit you and hurt you.(All depending on distance) So Im sticking with CS becasue its better IMO. http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif


heh, the Half-Life mod is far from being realistic! In real life, on shot with a "Bullpup" no matter where, u'd be struggling in pain on the ground. In CS, you can get hit by one like 10 times until you finally die.

Another thing, when you look down, you can't see your feet lol http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif.

Rainbow Six is much more realistic, there's none of that jumping up and down crap because you can't even jump http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif. When your hiding behind a corner or something, you can lean out instead of moving your whole body out, short of like snap shooting.

08-29-2001, 01:23 PM
Crazy Ivan anybody? http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

09-01-2001, 10:47 PM
I play CS alot, under an ... unmentionable name, to say the least, and I've been pretty into Day of Defeat for a while now too. It's a HL mod based on WW II. Ever wanted to BE Saving Private Ryan? Well, be him or blow him up now! Yeah, except for this one feature, it rocks. See, if you get shot somewhere, and it's an artery or something - wrist, neck, heart - you can bleed to death. So if you take a 10% hit, you can die from it. Kinda sucks... but pretty realistic. Also, has ANYONE tried that Paintball mod for Half-Life? Looks SWEEEEEEEEEET!!!....

68 Classic w/Powerfeed
Smart Parts Magic Box Installed on A.I.R.
Green Small Bore All American 12"
KAPP Air Through Grip & Drop Foward
67ci 3000psi Chubby Nitro
9volt VL
AGD user for life

[This message has been edited by OldSchoolMag (edited 09-01-2001).]

09-03-2001, 03:23 PM
Ya I play CS all the time. I usualy play as BloodinatorX. My dad plays more, his name is Tarzan.


09-09-2001, 05:54 PM
About 2 years ago I was really into the r6 scene. I played a quote "World tourney." on msn and won the whole thing. Although it's a LONG story, I didn't recieve any prizes what-so-ever. (Which were guaranteed to the winner.) BUt to get to the point if anybody wants to play sometimes. Just post a relply and i'll see what I can do.

09-10-2001, 08:13 PM
I used to play Rogue Spear a lot 1-2 years ago. Now I mainly play Counter-strike and WWII Online. On Rogue Spear I went by cooltom65, on Cstrike i by [bfk]Lockawam, and on WWII Online I go by Lockawam. Crazy Ivan, I think I know that name. Do you play on any og the www.teamplay.cc servers?

09-10-2001, 08:25 PM
Dude Counter Strike is the Best!!! I play under the name Shock. Do you play TFC?

09-10-2001, 09:13 PM
I play CS i am one of those GODS ive been playing for some like 2 years. I had a clan but CS is no good anymore bunnyhopping and cheating is too often found made the game loose its realism and fair play. Punkbuster cant stop the cheats anymore. I only play LAN games. but i was


09-10-2001, 11:09 PM
Yeah the cheats really ruin the game. I saw one dude using a hack that let him actually play the game in spectator mode. Talk about the ultimate cheat! He was invisible, had no clipping, and no one could hit him. It was really wierd to see guys runing around desperatly shooting wildly in the air trying to get him, and see hostages fly as they followed him. That guy really pissed me off. Punkbuster is getting better though. Now you can get kicked for accessing the console too much.

09-11-2001, 03:46 PM
I play cs, but just on the LAN, there are always a bunch of games going on. I'll get a ping of like, 11. So it's pretty smooth. And I can play in class cause I use a laptop. My name is gimp, or donkey punch. I really suck.

Have you guys ever played Half Life Paintball? It's a dead mod, but we set up a server on the network. I like it because you can shoot the automag rt faster than the angel. It's a lot of fun.

09-11-2001, 05:18 PM
i play it and it is awsome.

09-11-2001, 05:43 PM
son, dont you need a cd key? i should be getting it tomorrow.

09-11-2001, 06:45 PM
i used to be an RS junkie. i was in all those top 10 clans and such. i got tires of all the cheats so i quit. now i play CS, but it does not even come close to the same realism.

CS is much more tactical. you can't rush the other team shooting full auto and expect to kill somthing. i do that alot on CS though :)

09-11-2001, 08:27 PM
look what some sickminded person acutally had the nerver to make. http://kotisivu.raketti.net/wadez/ter.jpg

09-12-2001, 10:59 AM
I play both R6 and CS (XMetal2001)

09-12-2001, 04:01 PM
Cs is still cool, better than Unreal...uhhh

09-12-2001, 07:44 PM
CS is fun, but i like RS better. RS is much more realistic and fast paste. I meen CS is great too but it gets anoying how guys don't die after you shoot them a coule times. What makes RS alot more realisitic is how you can lean out of your cover, change your ROF, die in no more than 3 shots at most, and it's just so realistic how the guy moves when they are crouched, hard to explain but i love it.

09-13-2001, 04:59 AM
RS has the most cheats it is the easiest to cheat on. The fame script is to simple.

09-13-2001, 02:54 PM
most cheats?? I've seen a hella more people using speed, see through, invincability, and one shot kill cheats on CS. There are absolutly no hacks for Rogue Spear. And wht do you meen by frame scrpit?

09-13-2001, 03:33 PM
Yeah I love in cs you just get headshot with an AWP, go find the guy, and he is some little room shooting at a wall, magically hitting people. Not to mention the people that can mystically take 10 rounds from a sig. Never seen someone use a speed cheat yet though in cs, i have seen it in tfc.

09-16-2001, 01:07 AM
on counter strike

09-16-2001, 06:50 PM
I'm Skank :rolleyes:
I agree with whoever said that the cheating is becoming more frequent and it is way out of hand. I love CS and I just put up with it because its my favorite game. I haven't played rainbow 6 or the expansion rogue spear. With everyone complimenting it, I might have to give it a try. I like realistic games and since you all say its more realistic than CS, it sounds all right.

here's a screen shot or something

09-20-2001, 08:52 PM
ive been playin it since the summer of 99 now...far too long :) if you ever got smoked by 'Wolf' or [CK]Wolf then it was me :) but i still play it...its one of the few games I'll look at. dunno why, its got a certain charm to it. then again, i dont think anything will match action quake :) now THAT was the shiznit

09-20-2001, 10:02 PM
If ya ever get owned by Shock with an AWP. Then it was me. I know the AWP is kinda lame, but it is still really sweet. I love sniping as a CT on assault. I can nail people when they are in a dead run. And I use a 56K. I also am a pretty good sniper at TFC. One dude said I was cheating cause I killed him with one shot while he was running and jumping. Oh yeah, and Q3. That is probably where I own the most. On DM17 it doesn't matter who or where you are. You aren't safe from my rail gun. I also own up close with the rocket launcher. Have you ever pissed people off at lan games? Thats the best. You start hunting one specific person and they get pissed off and start muttering under thier breath. I have gotten people yelling at me to knock it off. Pretty funny. Ok I will stop bragging now. Its all true though.