View Full Version : Pm notification

07-09-2003, 04:16 PM
Ok webmaster or one of the AGD elves, what is up with the PM notifications I have had two PM's from the same person (different pms btw) and both are now deleted and I am still getting the pop up notification everytime I get on the main forum page...something ain't right plus out of every three times of opening the forums I have to login even though I am all cookied up :(

07-09-2003, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by MarkM
Ok webmaster or one of the AGD elves, what is up with the PM notifications I have had two PM's from the same person (different pms btw) and both are now deleted and I am still getting the pop up notification everytime I get on the main forum page...something ain't right plus out of every three times of opening the forums I have to login even though I am all cookied up :(
The Login thing has happened to my Wife here on AO as well. I thought it was a glitch with her computer... I guess it isn't.

07-09-2003, 04:30 PM
nope it isn't, also thank god I have broadband 'cos these boards are so damned slow....I even can watch the status loading bar on the bottom of my browser....all the other websites/forums I go to load immediately

07-10-2003, 09:18 AM
works fine for me... had a few PMs lately and all the notifications went away after i looked at them. site loads fast too. either there's a problem at your end or it's a compatibility issue that webby needs to look at. i'm using IE. are you using a different browser?

07-10-2003, 04:00 PM
No browser incompatibiltys here, all fully updated on a regular basis, perhaps the fact I have to go through a lot more nodes to actually view AO compared to most on here would have something to do with it though, look at my location ;). Last time I complained, on another board, I got the same kind of "oh its fine for me" replys....3 months later when one of the main forum Moderators started getting the same problem the board was closed down and re-coded :rolleyes: Long dead posts being brought back slow the forums down as the cache gets messy (forum cache not mine) When this board was re-vamped (not the header picture) a lot of people said they had problems logging in, it's just that given that the board "should" load a lot quicker than it is is why I am complaining, hell I know it loads way faster than a dial up user as large pic files etc don't slow me down like they used to but again I still have a "delay" that I don't find elsewhere...oh and a side note the board was painfully slow when I had dial up.. so much infact that I could wait as long as 3-4 minutes just for one thread to appear and if there were pics in it even longer, jumping from forum to forum could even timeout with a 404 error.

07-11-2003, 10:07 AM
perhaps a buggy bit of code or a messed up setting somewhere causing your cookies to expire? that might be the the problem with pms and login. as for being slow it's hard to tell. there's so many variables. especially since you're across the pond. it could be something with your computer, something with the site, or one of the points it passes in between.

you didn't answer whether or not you use IE. i remember i used to have problems with mozilla causing format problems. posts would be all different sizes and some of the buttons were messed up. haven't tried it since the update though. perhaps the code for the site isn't optimized for your browser.

07-11-2003, 10:41 AM
Current version of IE6 with all bug fixes installed, so if the cookie code has a bug, then it isn't my end. Plus although no-one else has said other than Shartley that they have the problem then maybe it is just me (I seriously doubt it though) The PM notification problem has now gone away and for the last few times of logging in no issues there (I know that will change ;) ) The speed of pages loading is still bad and although my ISP connection is advertised at a contention ratio is 50-1, according to speed test sites (US based btw ) and "indicated" (PC) connection speeds I don't have any issues there, I "seem" to have no-one sharing my pipeline but due to who I am using (ISP) and marketing currently running in my country I am not surprised that I have the line to myself...so that is in my favour :D

Edit: we all know how slow PBN can be...well that is faster for me than here, so that tells you there must be something wrong ;)

07-12-2003, 08:24 PM
Well looks like some changes have been made, things have been quicker recently (though i did lose all the previously veiwed threads colour change???? but oh well) and to carry on in the Forum 17 line of things, I found the other day a list of all the Moderators and I mean ALL not just the few with pics together with listings as to if they were super moderators or whatever....dissapeared now...so something has happened ;)