View Full Version : Electros stink... maybe?? Maybe not?? Ok, wheres my X-mag

07-09-2003, 09:19 PM
Here's the question - do any of you out there just worry about electro guns... heres why I ask

I look at electronic guns (even mags) and shutter - electronics just don't belong on markers. My dream mag is a ULE mag - ULE trigger - X valve. I don't have any desire for anything with electronics

Is this just me, afterall, I looked at motorized hoppers and could not convince myself they were worth it (yes I do finally own one). Are the mechanical guns going the way of the pump gun or are there others out there like me who beleive a mechanical gun is plenty of gun, even for tournaments and have no desire for an electronic one?

Next question - is building a ULE mechanical mag a waste of time, should I just break down and buy an e-mag and set it in mechanical mode - LOL.

07-09-2003, 09:24 PM
emag all the way baby!!!!

hehe then he'll try emode ocne and fall in love with elec. markers hehe

o btw if you do get an emag you can do both:p try the emch. and elec. thank TK for this wodneful gun:p

07-09-2003, 09:27 PM
So far I'm been totally anti-electro. Although I wouldnt mind having a X-mag (due to being a hybrid).

07-09-2003, 10:01 PM
I feel more comfortable shooting my mag than I do my friends Impulses and Angels. Maybe it's just because I'm used to my mag. It was funny last time I was at my field though, it started pouring down rain and all the people with electro guns ran for cover :)

I do plan on getting an Angel Speed soon though, I like the feel of mech guns but I hate playing keep up with my ROF. I'm just waiting for WDP to smooth out the little bugs with the Speed first. I'll still keep my mag though....

07-10-2003, 01:13 AM
I have owned electros, and most of them have had problems for me. Like on my timmy, the thing where i plug the battery in just broke, so now i have to break out the soldering iron to fix it. But i am going all mechanical soon(2 mags). :D

But eventually i will get like a emag or something, electros just have such a nice trigger pull

07-10-2003, 01:19 AM
then you can play with your emag with no battery pack...how cool would that look :D

07-10-2003, 05:10 AM
Lohmann - I felt exactly the same way you did about 6 months ago.

I'd been away from paintball since about '96 - stopping playing just as the Shocker started to arrive, so didn't have any experience with electros.

When I started playing again I still had my trusty 68 Automag and although it still worked great I decided to build up an X-valved mechanical mag - electros just didn't appeal....too complex, too easy to break, overkill etc etc.

Anyway - got my X-valved mag up and running and it worked beautifully - far easier to fire fast than my old '68 (lighter trigger pull thanks to the Intelliframe, no shootdown during rapid fire and the 'assist' of the reactive trigger).

....but then I saw a post by Tunaman (who has now become my regular paintball gizmo 'pusher' :)) selling off yellow to orange fade emags with ULE frames + rails.....and they were just SO shiny that all my anti-electro bias went out the window and I bought one :)

Now having played with the E-mag a few times (after having swapped out the Emag valve and installing the X-valve), there's no way I'd go back. The jump from the X-valved mag to the E-mag is similar to the jump from '68 to the X. It's just so much easier to fire fast consistently with the light trigger. Plus I can always switch back to manual if the electronics do go wrong. :)

07-10-2003, 05:37 AM
build a ule xvlave mechanical mag...

07-10-2003, 11:11 AM
Electros are nice, but I don't think mechanicals are going anywhere... A ULE mag w/the new ULE trigger would be a super light, fast shooting gun. I went through a bunch of electros, and now I'm back on a mech gun.

07-10-2003, 02:18 PM
whaddaya mean "goes the way of the pump"?!?!?:mad:

i don't own anything but pumps!

nothin beats biomechanical markers... ;)

I'll agree though, i don't trust e markers much... which makes the mechanical mode on the Emag so nice... :D


07-10-2003, 02:33 PM
play stock class, that solves all of your problems

Tom Sparkman
07-10-2003, 03:45 PM
Luddite! :D

Even though I usually use my Sterling or Sniper II, I really like the simplicity and ease of use of my Angel LED. It keeps going and going...


07-10-2003, 06:54 PM
As a teammate of mine used to say. Electros are nice if you need to sling paint. But, nothing beats the feeling of pulling a mechancal trigger and feeling every shot. The whole tactile feed back of mechanical and pump guns rock. Which is why I have a phantom a cocker and an emag. :D

07-10-2003, 07:03 PM
i've always been a fan of the mech guns myself

07-10-2003, 07:20 PM
I was always afriad to own an electro. I thought it would get rained one and have to spend a bunch of money on a new board.

I used to have a nice mag. i like it but unlike acemanpb i could pull the trigger worth a poo. So now i got an angel and loving ever bit of it.

And yes i was one of acemanpb's friend running for cover when it started raining.

07-10-2003, 07:22 PM
Biomechanical: I love it! I don't play pump often, but it is a very nice change sometimes. I wonder, though, if in the near future mechs might be relegated to special games and enthusiasts.

07-10-2003, 08:52 PM
No, I doubt mechanical semi's will disappear or become a special class of play (Like pumps). I think there will always be those that use mechanical over electro. I play with my emag in e mode, and when I want to tone down on the paint usage I switch to my cocker.

And yes i was one of acemanpb's friend running for cover when it started raining.

I thought almost all electro markers have their boards silicone coated or waterproofed? I know I played with my shocker in the rain. At the end of the day I had a good 3 tablespoons of water floating around in the tray and grip frame. No problems with the electronics that day, and is still going strong to this day.