View Full Version : Where can i get Custom "jewels" from?

07-09-2003, 11:12 PM
Where can i get Custom paitnball Jewels. Like the "E-MAG" jewel on the, E-mag body rail. I would like to have some custom ones made for my e-mag to finish off my project. Soo if you guys can throw some websited up it would be very helpful

07-10-2003, 12:02 AM
ehhhhh perhaps http://www.paintballjewels.com

07-10-2003, 05:38 AM
i think shartley said he will make them.. later on,,

07-10-2003, 06:05 AM
Yes, I will be making them later in time. I have to get some other larger projects taken care of first though.

There are also some copyright issues involved with many of the images businesses are putting in their jewels, and I want to make sure I am doing things right. I think most small businesses thing that if no one comes after them for copyright infringement, they are not doing anything illegal. But that is just not the case. I know that if you took copyrighted images and made a calendar out of them and SOLD it (without the permission of the copyright holder), you would be in copyright violation. I need to research on how grips and paintball jewels sold as part of a business fit into that…

(Note: I keep a fully printed copy of all US Copyright Laws and PUBS on my desk.)

Heck, I think technically all the signature images I made for folks here on AO, if put in a grip or jewel (and sold) would be in copyright violation as well… but are borderline, if not clear of such, if simply used as personal signature images (that were not sold). However, you can never tell when someone will enforce their copyrights to the fullest. I have seen movie companies (many of you know who I am talking about) shut down entire sites (yes, personal sites) for even displaying copyrighted materials of theirs without permission. I personally think that is dead wrong…. but…. So be it. What we think is wrong, and what the law is are often quite different.

I just don’t want to do something that I KNOW is wrong (or illegal) no matter how many others are doing it, or have been doing it for a long time. I know that does not mean much to most of you, but it means a lot to me. If it takes me contacting Warner Brothers, DC Comics, and other standard places that folks like to use the images from, and getting their permission in writing, that is what I will do. And if they say no, then I will not use any of their images.

Other businesses may not feel the need to do this, but I do. Thank you for your understanding.

07-10-2003, 06:16 AM
o.k thatnks for the book shartley i was looking for some good reading. any how i am not looking to copy an image. I am looking for someone that can do CUSTOM images and what not

07-10-2003, 06:39 AM
Originally posted by IcantBelieveit
o.k thatnks for the book shartley i was looking for some good reading. any how i am not looking to copy an image. I am looking for someone that can do CUSTOM images and what not
When I get set up for jewels I will be able to do that.

My “book” was in direct response to my name being mentioned as someone who will be offering custom jewels in the future. I did not want any confusion as to what I will be doing, and my reasons for it. And I think it is clear that totally CUSTOM images do not fit in with my copyright issues. ;)

I hope that better explains where I stand… again because I didn’t just jump on here to promote myself, only to clarify since I was mentioned specifically by another member.

I believe the site listed above can do your jewels as well.

07-10-2003, 09:19 AM
How many Balls per second?