View Full Version : venting

07-10-2003, 11:27 AM
Hmm this is very odd and I need help. I just bought a freak and intelliframe. I put the intelli on yesterday and my lx mag cycled properly. Today I tried to air it up, and it was venting out the back. So, I stripped the valve apart, cleaned and lubed everything, put it back together, and it still leaked. I then look on my good friend AO and found how to disable the mags reg (remove the reg pin and spring), so I did that to the classic valve, put it back together, and voila, it still vented out the back:confused: ... I am now trying the level 7 bolt to see if it is lx related....... please help me

full set up
classic valve, lx, 2 shims middle spring
aa rex tank, 600 output
freak barrel, before was a boa express
kapp dz3
pf hl body
blade gloss intelliframe (did not change sear pin when i installed)
omega rail

07-10-2003, 11:44 AM
Originally posted by mark_426
Hmm this is very odd and I need help. I just bought a freak and intelliframe. I put the intelli on yesterday and my lx mag cycled properly. Today I tried to air it up, and it was venting out the back. So, I stripped the valve apart, cleaned and lubed everything, put it back together, and it still leaked. I then look on my good friend AO and found how to disable the mags reg (remove the reg pin and spring), so I did that to the classic valve, put it back together, and voila, it still vented out the back:confused: ... I am now trying the level 7 bolt to see if it is lx related....... please help me

venting out the back is caused by the over-pressure relief valve or a bad reg piston o-ring. There are a coupe things that can cause that over-pressure valve to start venting.

1) velocity turned up to high. turn it down and see if it goes away. if it does, then think about getting a new reg piston (they have the blow-off set to a higher level)

2) bad reg seat or bad reg piston-o-ring. both of those can have a leak out the back. you already rebiult the reg, so it is prolly not the regseat. check the reg piston o-ring.

I am not surprised in the least that it would leak out the back of you pull the reg pin out. that would complettely defeat the internal reg and your gun will be getting full tank preassure. this is not good for the gun. in this case the over-pressure relief valve is doing its job. you have WAY too much pressure goin got the gun, so it is venting.

I highly doubt it is directly related to the LX bolt. there is a side-effect of using LX that makes you turn the pressure up on the gun, this in turn can cause the pressure-relief valve to start venting. but a levl 7 bolt, at the same pressure setting, will do the same thing.

07-10-2003, 11:44 AM
I kept turning it down until it wouldnt even cock, and it continued to do it. When I tried level 7 bolt, it kept double firing, and not resetting, etc... now what??

07-10-2003, 11:46 AM
if i didnt mention, its an adjustable tank

07-10-2003, 11:51 AM
well for starters, put the classic valve back together correctly. it does no good to trouble shoot something when you have it half assembled.

check the reg piston o-ring.

what do you have the adjustable tank set to?

07-10-2003, 12:04 PM
ok, i replaced the reg piston oring, and put the lx back in, cranked the velocity up, and its fine. Now, explain this to me, on 5-23 I paid an airgun tech to go over my marker.... and this happened a month and a half later.... hmm

also, my AA raptor rex tank leaks/vents sometimes when I turn the pressure up .. and it does at some places, say maybe 500, but if i was to turn it up to say, 525, it would stop. Should I try to replace the oring in it too, or take it to an airsmith, etc? thaanks for the help guys

07-10-2003, 12:13 PM
the piston o-rings are really easy to nick. pushing a fairly tight o-ring through threads tends to cut them if you are not REALLY carefull. sometimes a nick will not tottly rip off, once it does it will leak.

as for the raptor. that is a very close design to the AIR valve. I would replace the regpiston o-ring and see if the strange venting goes away.

07-10-2003, 12:29 PM
xen you rock. i am going to go try to replace that oring as well. thanks for the help

07-10-2003, 12:37 PM
im having trouble getting the reg piston out of my raptor, what do i need to do to get it out, and does it matter if there is pressure in the bottle? thanks

07-10-2003, 02:52 PM
it shouldn't matter if there is pressure in the tank. unless you have to take the halves of the reg apart to get at the reg piston. it is posible that the piston comes out the back of the reg and not the front. (which would require you to emtpy the tank and seperate the halves of the reg.)

07-10-2003, 05:38 PM
Hm, I dont know. Ill just take it to the local field owner (bought it there) and ask him. Thanks again xen