View Full Version : how not to install the intelli-feed function on an RTP *pics*

07-10-2003, 08:25 PM
So after a few months of not playing paintball I decide I want to go check out the newly redone field in Navarre, FL.
So I'm browsing back around the AO forums and I remember the intelliframe hopper feed thingamajig. Cool I think, I'll install that baby and have some bad[b]A[/a] action goin on.

It is about 1pm and I finally decide to get out and head down to radio shack, pictures in hand. I get there and they have the roll toggle switch and the earphone extention cord but the screws and nuts are no where to be found. Lowes is about 3 seconds of a drive away so I head over there. Not bringing the roll toggle with me, I guestimate on the size, buy a few different packs justincase (.83 a piece) and head home. Wrong Size screws =-(
"Oh well", I say, "I'll just pick some up later at Ace Hardware and keep it goin." I went and got some food and crapped around waiting on the traffic to die since it is Blue Angels weekend and I love on the OTHER side of the beach bridge.
So I get home and start working again.
I get everything stripped, spliced, hooked, saudered, saudered again, wrapped in electric tape and I leave for the hardware store, I find some screws that fit the roll toggle (sine I brought it in with me this time) and roll back to my house. It is about 6pm now so I figure I have been working on this for about 4:30 hours. Time to put the screws in, yeah they still fit.
I try and put them through the intellifeed frame's holes but, oh no, the head of it is TOO SMALL!
AHHH! but wait, what is that? mm some super glue

My tired, sweaty, hungry, thristy, lazy arse doesnt want to make another trip in the traffic so I decide to screw it and super glue it on since it wont be comming off anytime soon.
I get the plastic cut, run the wires and screw everything back in. Since my airtank is practically on zero I try and screw it in but I just get a WOOOOSH sound from the bolt. Eh, no problem.

I get the grips back on, everything fits perfectly. "Awesome!" I think to myself. The hopper's wires fit nicely back into place with little if no visibly damage.
I put the hopper on and take the safety off.
I turn the hopper on and put my finger where the laser-eye is to simulate a ball in the hopper. I pull the trigger. Nothing happens. WTFH? Oh well I might have a loose connection somewhere. I pull the grips off and check the roll-trigger.
I push it down but it is barely moving. Odd, I wonder what is wrong. I put it under a magnifying glass and I dont see anything wrong with it. I try a little harder but it doesnt work, so I take a little ice-pick kind of tool and start lightly stabbing at it. I honestly had no clue what that would do and I still don't at this very moment.

I took a hammer and hit the ice-pick once(the dull end was on the roll-trigger) and the little trigger underneath went down. Sweet, we are getting somewhere. WRONG, oh so terribly wrong.
The trigger is now EMBEDDED down in the casing.
I got so pissed off I ripped the cables out of the 2 and 3 connectors and tried to pry the plastic casing off/apart to no avail.
So here I am with a non-functional intelli-frame a hopper with a wire sticking out of it and superglue on two of my fingers.
Wow, this day totally sucked.


http://personal.bellsouth.net/s/u/suerob19/hopper.jpg http://personal.bellsouth.net/s/u/suerob19/togglefarleft.jpg http://personal.bellsouth.net/s/u/suerob19/togglefarright.jpg

SO I hope everyone realizes to CHECK IF IT WORKS BEFORE YOU INSTALL IT stuff is still in effect.


got this thing off, here are some more pics


so yeah, time to start again from scratch tomorrow..

well crap, I forgot I have to sauder more of the hopper wire, but that shouldn't take too long =\\\

07-10-2003, 08:38 PM

Hmm...that should be titled "IntelliFrame Gone Bad":)

My grandfather use to have a saying "User the right tools and parts for the job, or else you'll f' something up" - Now I know what he means:)

07-10-2003, 08:44 PM
Hey Keyler where do you usually play? I live in pensacola also. I play at Corry Station and sometimes at Paintball Panic. Go check out www.pensacolapaintball.com and post up in the forums.


P.S. There are three guys that I regularly play with that have intellifeed RT Pro's. I'm sure they would be happy to give ya some pointers.

07-10-2003, 09:59 PM
i was installing my friends intellifeed. Radioshack didnt have the nuts so i took some bigger ones, took a knife and twisted it in the screw holes on the microswitch until the screws fit, and ended up installing it with the wrong kind of headphone extension. It worked perfectly. I dont understand why you had so much trouble. Took me a half hour and went flawless

07-10-2003, 10:12 PM
i aree w/nt2004 my instilation went perfect.

lol you really better the living snot out of that micro switch. but i feel for you..i know how it fells when everything goes wrong.

07-10-2003, 11:34 PM
same problem with me, radio shack didnt have the nuts so i just used some from home buti didnt have any nuts for um so i just loaded it with super glue, it worked but i had to pull the trigger all the way back for it to spins, so i ripped it off and got an egg