View Full Version : Emag total shot counter, duh huh I reset it..?

07-11-2003, 05:18 AM
Well I got used emag in the mail today, so of course I had to take it apart and clean it, tune the trigger etc. I'm sitting there adjusting it when my little brother comes up and pulls the yellow tab and pushes it back in as hard as possible. Then there is no electrical activity at all so I take the battery out and bend the positive contact point back up and to check and see if the battery works I held it up against the contact points while it was out of it's casing. Then I accidently touched the positive contact before the negative. It immediatley went to F/A on me so I took the battery back off.

I look at the total shot counter and it's down to like 6-7 shots. The other thing is that it seems nothing was harmed at all... everything works as it has, it just seems the positive overload reset the memory on the board so good deal?. My question is did I screw anything up internally that I might not know about for some time?

(after tuning I'm back up to 700 on the counter lol)

07-11-2003, 07:11 AM
I think it's a glitch with all emags, where the lower voltage seems to mess with the shot memory.
If you let the battery run all the way down on the gun to the point where the display shows nothing but garbage on it and is totally unresponsive, the next time you power up with a full battery the shot counter will be reset to zero again. :D

07-11-2003, 07:13 AM
yeah but low voltage wasn't my problem really.... more like a lot of voltage with no ground?

07-11-2003, 08:29 AM
"Floating voltage" does weird things. This essentially mimics a low voltage situation that will reset the shot counter on the emags.

07-11-2003, 10:28 AM
Originally posted by athomas
"Floating voltage" does weird things. This essentially mimics a low voltage situation that will reset the shot counter on the emags.


07-11-2003, 10:47 AM
i thought the shot counter was like the odometer of a car, you are not "supposed" to be able to reset it.

my guns has around 20,000 shots on it, prob alot of guys here who have more.

07-11-2003, 03:34 PM
"alot of voltage with no ground" is zero volts. if you have no referance to ground the circuit has no power.

if the circuit was on at all, it found a ground somewhere. it amy not have been a good ground, but it was ground.