View Full Version : "you play with that pack, you're a noob"

07-11-2003, 06:30 PM
On my last trip to my local field, I was playing some speed ball with 5 guys from some local amatuer team. It was something like 7 on 7 and those 5 were together. Of course the team was playing really seriously and shooting a <B>*POOF*</B> load of paint at us and we were loosing every game, so I strapped on my biggest pack, traded my classic mag for my timmy and started playing some serious back ball. Now, I can't afford two good packs, so my larger pack is a cheap 8+1 advantage camo pack that I picked up for $15 on the forums. I kept getting called a noob because I was using it (ya, it does look a little goofy with suspenders over your jersey) I mean but wtf, you can tell if someone is a noob or not by their pack? I'm not really complaining because when I started playing back, we did a lot better, although I was shooting like 500+ rnds a game, but it was BYOP and I had a few cases of house paint :). /rant

<B>*Warning: No Cussing*</B> -Miscue

Animal Mother
07-11-2003, 06:44 PM
So... you still lost? n00b!

hehehe j/k :D

Yeah, they were lame, Wasn't there some pro team that won a big tournament with Spyders?

07-11-2003, 06:47 PM
heh, that would be kinda freaky... spyder team beating an angel or timmy team :D Ya, we still lost :( its hard to play against an entire team, they weren't that bad and they did shoot a lot of paint from their cockers/angel mix.

07-11-2003, 06:51 PM
I think those 5 were idiots, if they were going to play open games, they should at least split up the team, if not its unfair to the team they are playing against(sandbaggin). O well dont listen to them. Anyone thats going to call anyone else a noob isnt worth much.

Bad Company plays pro and shoots Spyder AMGs. They arent all to bad either.

07-11-2003, 07:09 PM
id mess with a person but i wouldnt be serious. like yous walk by me and id be like nooob but then id be like just kidding. are you sure they werent just messin with you

07-11-2003, 08:03 PM
heh, I know when people are joking around they were really condecending towards everyone else there...

07-11-2003, 08:05 PM
they're the newbs!
only a hardcore oldtimer would sport the 8+1!!!
they show how new they are by spouting that crap.
personally, they way the trend has been going lately, i wish the sport would fade back into obscurity,it was fun to be truly hardcore and not a credit card pro. this mainstreaming of paintball is shaping up to be its downfall.

07-11-2003, 08:28 PM
Originally posted by dave_p
personally, they way the trend has been going lately, i wish the sport would fade back into obscurity,it was fun to be truly hardcore and not a credit card pro. this mainstreaming of paintball is shaping up to be its downfall.

Even though Ive only been playing for 3 years, and I like the concept fields.

07-11-2003, 08:34 PM
thats when you bunker them. and if they really get on your nerves kick into malcom in the middle mode, knock them on the ground, just dump tons of paint on them while screaming "whos the noob now!!"*

*i do not relly think you should do this, just bunkering them would be ok too.;)

07-11-2003, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by dave_p
they're the newbs!
only a hardcore oldtimer would sport the 8+1!!!
they show how new they are by spouting that crap.
personally, they way the trend has been going lately, i wish the sport would fade back into obscurity,it was fun to be truly hardcore and not a credit card pro. this mainstreaming of paintball is shaping up to be its downfall.

I have to disagree with you there.

07-11-2003, 08:41 PM
The less money you spend on a pack is more money to spend on paint and marker upgrades.

07-11-2003, 09:32 PM
You use a Timmy and they were calling you a noob for the pack you wore.... or

You use a Timmy and cant afford two packs?

:) Just harrassing you

07-11-2003, 09:42 PM
Originally posted by robertjuric
Bad Company plays pro and shoots Spyder AMGs. They arent all to bad either.

YA.....4th at World Cup......thats not bad at all, you gotta give those guys props.
I love going out onto the field during a tourney looking like a NOOB, toteing my spyder and sporting the old school scott mask covered in camo tape with a plastic goat head stuck on the front of it. It eats people up when you send them to the dead box and your entire setup cost less than their gun!!!LOL.....I love it....I love being asked " dude Is that a damn Spyder???????? uh" LOL

adam shannon
07-11-2003, 09:59 PM
i try to get labeled noob. i love showing up at the beginning dressed in running shorts and a t-shirt. i usually carry my m-98 backup backup. after teams are picked (i love going last...or better when a bunch of guys want to stack the teams and i get lumped with the spyder/tippmann team) i trade in the moped for the ferrari then get to show the kids its not about what you look like.

07-11-2003, 09:59 PM
well i just got into the sport and i have never been called a newbie. i have been given constructive critisizm but never called a newbie. anyways do what little paintball boy said next time just bunker them and shoot bout 25 rounds at them and ask them whos the newbie now.and sometimes its good when you play against the odds helps your game out.anyway thats my 2 cents

SG Avenger
07-11-2003, 10:51 PM
I like being stereotyped as a noob also...

last weekend for instance, I showed up in white shorts and a white t-shirt, and my ugly green bag, I lug my stuff arround in.

I go the first round, in a city field. probably 5 vs 5, pretty fast paced, and end up being the last man on my team and took out the last 2 on their team.

No one expected it, so i threw on the jersey and long pants and brought forth the AGD ownage.

07-11-2003, 10:52 PM
Wait lemme get this right, a group of guys with spyders called you a noob?

07-11-2003, 11:15 PM
no, they had cockers and 2 angels, they were decent players, but classic 16-19 year old cocky kids... Pretty stupid, come to think of it, they didn't recognize that I had my timmy, I've been asked before if it was a spyder *shrug* sure as hell doesn't shoot like one...

07-11-2003, 11:25 PM
whats wrong w/ shorts and t-shirt? i always wear t-shirts, and i wear shorts when playing indoor. :( i'm a nub

adam shannon
07-11-2003, 11:46 PM
im so far deep in impulse country that most of the locals dont even know what it is when i play with the sfl or x-mag...i tell em its "just a mag", that usually gets me picked last...lol.

07-11-2003, 11:53 PM
I hate packs. I never use one, although I will most likely need one now that I'm moving to back player for our team.

07-11-2003, 11:57 PM
I just went back and reread this thread, and I realized, the timmy is taking the backseat to the mag. w00t w00t. bout time. :D

07-12-2003, 12:53 AM
It is just easy to stereotype on clothing. But just surprize them! ;)

07-12-2003, 12:55 AM
You broke out an 8+1 harness to only shoot 500 balls a game? That makes no sense.

Wc Keep
07-12-2003, 10:30 AM
what team was this and at what field??

we were at practice one day at fireball mountain in north hanover and my team was short one player to play a game so we took on some newb guy wearing a tank top and rocking a camo taped up spyder. we start the game against another good team from here in jersey and all i see is this newb make a straight dash down the tape and take out the whole other team. i stood there in awe wondering why we couldnt figure that out a long time ago to beat these guys.

07-12-2003, 10:55 AM
ABC Paintball, no idea about the team name, never bothered asking, they all wore blue Dye Jerseys...

I was averaging 500 rounds a game, I think one game I shot something like 800, its nice to not have to worry about paint. My other pack is a redz Flex Tech 4 pod thingy...

Oh and yes, I was shooting the mag over the timmy, normally its more fun to play with :)

07-17-2003, 12:13 AM
why would what kind of pack you have make you a newb. if someone starts saying that then the next game shot them right between the eyes and they will shut up

07-17-2003, 12:31 AM
Yah... there is a group of guys that go to SC Village in So. Cali that call themselves "The Walk-on (Queens) Kings." They are a quasi-team and shoot Zap seconds or something, but they just shoot constantly. These guys are definately over the hill, but it can be fun to play with them if you can shoot them through the wall of paint they send your way. They pray on the poor N00Bz that go out for their first "Advanced Walk-on" game. I hate playing with them cuz I show up with good "ol' Skool" (my mag) and they like to call me a NOOB. I usually get stuck on their team cuz the ref thinks that I need the help... sigh!

07-17-2003, 12:38 AM
Dont listen to them,Just show them how to play!

07-17-2003, 01:05 AM
If they call you a newb for your choice of pack I hate to see what they deem a person who's good that doesn't wear one at all. If they're the age that you say they're, just be like "yeah I may be a noob, but I'm a noob that can buy beer at least.(assuming your over 21)"

07-17-2003, 04:26 AM
Originally posted by elpimpo
id mess with a person but i wouldnt be serious. like yous walk by me and id be like nooob but then id be like just kidding. are you sure they werent just messin with you

i would do the same...

07-17-2003, 05:57 AM
Originally posted by goat
It eats people up when you send them to the dead box and your entire setup cost less than their gun!!!LOL.....I love it....I love being asked " dude Is that a damn Spyder???????? uh" LOL

Right before I got my E-Mag I was shooting a Spyder E-99, and in my last game with that marker it was 10 tournament players and refs vs. about 30 rentals and 2 or 3 of us with our own gear (A Matrix, Spyder E-99, and 98C w/ flatline - nothing too major). They all had cockers, angels, shockers, and Impulses. Anyways, it was a big field and I got lost. Then I ended up behind 3 refs (Impulse, Cocker, and Angel) and tore them up from 20' with my Spyder. They were so upset you'd think I just killed their mothers.

I let them think it was my awesome move, and not just me getting lost and lucky.

07-17-2003, 07:56 AM
Been playing for a while
First gun was a tippman 68 carbine (great til i striped a thread in the upper reciever this year)
Then bought a automag classic (valve has no serial or stars)and still runs on co2 (now my back up gun called betsy)

got a micromag 3 years ago.

I've had newbies use my two other guns and take out angels, timmys, impulse, cockers, mag etc with them. The equipment can take you only so far. The tactics in a massive rec game are a little different if you can get ppl to spread out and move.

On big games I usually have a group of 10 that sweeps up along the flanks.

Only ppl I call newbies are the ones that have the legs to run fast and create a skirmish line. That way i can amble on in from the flank.

07-17-2003, 11:46 AM
Originally posted by NJPaint
ABC Paintball, no idea about the team name, never bothered asking, they all wore blue Dye Jerseys...

I was averaging 500 rounds a game, I think one game I shot something like 800, its nice to not have to worry about paint. My other pack is a redz Flex Tech 4 pod thingy...

Oh and yes, I was shooting the mag over the timmy, normally its more fun to play with :)

They were there when I went...they seemed like idiots, very cocky. This was back when my mag was all stock in the fall...they kept giving me dirty looks and stuff...I think I'll have to go back with my new baby..

07-17-2003, 12:09 PM
Originally posted by Derman2k

They were there when I went...they seemed like idiots, very cocky. This was back when my mag was all stock in the fall...they kept giving me dirty looks and stuff...I think I'll have to go back with my new baby..

Those sound like some guys I saw at Paintball Depot last fall. If it's the guys you're talking about that's pretty funny. They were trash talking the whole time about how good they were and how much we sucked. I played on their side, and every game after the majority of us had a knock down slug fest they would run in against the few survivors and claim victory.

07-17-2003, 02:37 PM
Originally posted by dave_p

personally, they way the trend has been going lately, i wish the sport would fade back into obscurity,it was fun to be truly hardcore and not a credit card pro. this mainstreaming of paintball is shaping up to be its downfall.

I'm with you on that. I'm tired of the hype and the glitz and tech you don't need. Mostly tired of the morons who've played a couple times and think they know it all. Gets old. I'd rather just play.

Me? I wear an old floppy pack with a pair of suspenders - because if I wear anything else it falls off my fat ***! I tried one of those belts with the wide elastic - first I had to have some kind of extender - then when I tried to get my paint out it was all jammed into my fat and I couldn't get to it! What's up with that?

I don't pay attention to what anyone else thinks of my equipment or clothes - I've played longer than most of them, and if I haven't, they never seem to have an opinion on things like that. I just like to play.


07-17-2003, 03:15 PM
Being called a newb for the pack you where. Now that really does just about beat all, but if you taking guff for your pack is annoying, try walking onto an open class field with a pump or stock gun.

But it's all good after you kick their angel-totin' butts.
