View Full Version : ROF - and who cares

07-11-2003, 09:01 PM
Ok, let me make this clear, my speed sucks, I doubt that I hit 10BPS - that makes the classic valve, a ricochet loader, and playing front good for me.

But there has to be some point out there that you cannot possibly pull the trigger faster than - has this been tested - what is it? Anyone know. What I'm looking for is the limiting factor to BPS

I do not beleive it will be loaders, look at the classic manual where it could outshoot the gravity loaders, as guns improve, loaders will to.

Is there another factor out there? Besides cost that is...

07-11-2003, 09:05 PM
its nice to have the ROF when you need it, but I really dont care.

I need three things
1. reliability
2. consistancy
3. Light weight


07-11-2003, 09:06 PM
I dont really care to much about BPS, I know when I play most of the time accuracy really does count, like you'll catch a player exposed and unaware and you have a chance to get him. The only thing BPS could go for is cover fire, but then again it only takes a couple bps to keep someone's head in their bunker.

07-11-2003, 09:12 PM
Um what about sweetspotting?

If you had 2 equal teams playing each other except for the fact that one can shoot 5 bps and the other can shoot 10 who do you think will win?

In my opinion you can never be too fast on your trigger.

07-11-2003, 09:30 PM
I have found that when I'm playing in a tournament, that having the ability to shoot 12+ bps has its advantages, especially when playing back. When playing rec, its fun to just keep it slow and keep the body moving fast. I only carry a hopper with me onto the field now. I find it more fun that way because I can't "abuse" my timmy's ROF to beat other players.

EDIT: another advantage of a high ROF is that it is significantly harder to wipe 4-5 hits ;)

07-12-2003, 06:23 AM
I never shoot long strings of shots at high ROFs. It is nice to be able to shoot fast, but I have honestly never found the need to shoot faster than my RT Pro will allow me to with my Revy.

I am a Rec Player and if someone needs to dump loads of paint at high ROFs to eliminate me or keep me pinned down so be it. To me it shows that they NEED that, and can’t snapshoot me out. :D And hey, it is their paint they are using, not mine! ;) I have yet to be able to keep someone pinned down with random short burst of shots, or shoot them out by proper leading when they are on the run.

I do admit though that it is EASIER to shoot someone out while dumping more paint at them. That is just not my style of play though. But to each their own.

As to limiting factor for BPS, I think you are correct, it will be the loaders….. and physics.

I think things will continue to get faster and faster (in capability if not in practice), and then folks will realize that the faster you shoot and the more you shoot, the more paint you have to take with you. :D The sport will reach a balance for a top end speed in actual practice. But for capabilities… I don’t care how fast the equipment gets. It is like buying a McClaren F-1. What the car can DO and what YOU will do with it are MUCH different. ;) People sometimes confuse their equipment’s capabilities with THEIRS. ;)

07-12-2003, 07:45 AM
It's fun to shoot fast. I'll admit that now. But, Is it necessarily a required thing? I'd have to say no. Case in point: I was the field once and there was a guy with a WGP Sniper II and he wasn't doing too poorly for himslef.
I think that playing the way you play will suit you best. If you rain down paint, then make it rain. If you believe in "One Shot One Kill" then be Tom Barringer.

I guess I would have to cast my vote in the "Who Cares" lot.

07-12-2003, 12:45 PM
I care......

only in that I feel it's simply another skill to be learned and developed.Just as snap shooting,moving quickly and effectively and "smart" gameplay.I practice my trigger ocassionally around the house as I do other things to improve aspects of my game.I don't wish to "limit" myself in any way.
Do I think high ROF is the most important thing? No. Do I think it's required? No. Do I think it can improve your game? Heck yeah! Everyone always says that skill is the most important factor,well it is.Now take that skill and add MORE firepower.You snapping off 3-4 shots at me or me snapping off 10-15 at you? Who do you think will get more eliminations over the course of the day given equal abilities in all other areas?;)
I typically play rec ball with E-spyders a R/T Tippys.You think those little punks are pulling semi? Guess again.Know what else? They freak when they see me rippping my "semi only" marker.Shaking in thier boots and sweating.(I kinda like that part.)The fact is it's part of the game and you will see it at higher levels of play.(FYI, I often use a single slider cocker against them just for fun,kinda pump like up against full auto.;) )

I'm sorry but I see more post complaining about ROF from those who can't hit 10 bps w/ an electro than those trying to prove thier high ROF.I guess those that can,do,and those that can't......wish they could.:D


07-12-2003, 12:56 PM
Whatever works. High ROF has it's uses, but whatever my RTP/revvy gives me is fast enough for me.

Jack & Coke
07-12-2003, 01:16 PM
"ROF - and who cares"

Hmmm... let's see... my guess would be:

Everyone who chooses to use a semi - especially those who bought an electro.
Everyone who chooese to use a motorized hopper.
Everyone who chooses to use a double trigger.
Everyone who chooses to use compressed air.

IMO, the only people who "don't care about ROF", are those BMF's who play pump in a game where everyone else is using semis.

07-12-2003, 01:22 PM
Originally posted by Jack & Coke
"ROF - and who cares"

IMO, the only people who "don't care about ROF", are those BMF's who play pump in a game where everyone else is using semis.

But those "BMF's" are usually the ones to watch out for.
They're working thier game.

Jack & Coke
07-12-2003, 02:30 PM
That's not the point.

The fact that they choose to play against semi's with a pump shows that "they don't care about ROF" in that particular game.

I remember one time when we needed 6 more walk-on players to form a "private group" (20 vs 20 instead of typical walk-on game of 60 vs 60), but they were all scared of our semi's and our unfair "ROF". See, in this instance, they did care about ROF.

Everyone has their limit of where "who's cares" applies to them. People who say, "I can shoot 10 bps, that's good enough for me... so I don't care about ROF", are only fooling themselves.

Give them a pump in a game vs semi's in a tournament and let's see them say, "I don't care about ROF, I'm good enough to just snapshoot and get a one-shot-one-kill-cause I got mad skillz".

LOL! :p

07-12-2003, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by Jack & Coke
That's not the point.

The fact that they choose to play against semi's with a pump shows that "they don't care about ROF" in that particular game.

I remember one time when we needed 6 more walk-on players to form a "private group" (20 vs 20 instead of typical walk-on game of 60 vs 60), but they were all scared of our semi's and our unfair "ROF". See, in this instance, they did care about ROF.

Everyone has their limit of where "who's cares" applies to them. People who say, "I can shoot 10 bps, that's good enough for me... so I don't care about ROF", are only fooling themselves.

Give them a pump in a game vs semi's in a tournament and let's see them say, "I don't care about ROF, I'm good enough to just snapshoot and get a one-shot-one-kill-cause I got mad skillz".

LOL! :p
Sure, to a point EVERYONE cares about ROF in one way or another. But I don’t think that was the “spirit” of the question for this thread. ;) I think it was more about the ever increasing “battle” for higher ROF.

I don’t think anyone would argue that purposely handicapping yourself such as using a pump marker against semi’s in a “tournament” would not bring out concerns about ROFs. But in a Rec game….. bring it on! :D;)

So…. in what I think the “spirit” of the question was….. I will say again that I don’t really care about ROF. It does not keep me up at night the day before playing a game worrying if I can shoot fast enough.. or as fast as the other players. ;)

07-12-2003, 03:28 PM
I play both rec ball and tourney ball.

Tourney ball. I play mid field or back. Being able to shoot a lane (as high a ROF as I can) is critical in the first 10 seconds of a game. Why? Being up a player (or two) with 6+ minutes left in a game is a HUGE advantage. I find that I rarely need to get on my trigger much throughout the rest of the game, but it is nice to be able to hammer a bunker (8-10 bps max) so I can push my front player up.

Rec ball. I don't see the point of high ROF unless you're out to just intimidate some n00bs. I mean really. Which is why I switch to my pump or my cocker for rec play. I just don't see the point of hammering out a ton of paint when I'm just kicking back having a nice easy day of paintball. (As opposed to tourney play.)

07-12-2003, 03:51 PM
There are certainly times when ROF can be an advantage.People have a tendency to duck in whenever there is a load of paint in the air.
I use a fairly slow marker , and my game is still good.I take more time to hone my accuracy vs. praying for volume to make up for not being able to hit anything.But when someone takes off towards another bunker , there is no substitute for being able to lay down a solid line of paint they have to run to on their way.Its also really nice to be able to keep someones head down with a rail against the bunker while you or another teammate move to eliminate them.
People can say what they want about ROF.It certainly isn't everything in the game.You can make do without it and still be a force to be reckoned with , but it sure doesn't hurt.

Jack & Coke
07-12-2003, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by shartley

I think it was more about the ever increasing “battle” for higher ROF.

I agree...

The subject should have been:

"The ever increasing "battle" for higher ROF - who cares"

...instead of the blanket statement:

"ROF - and who cares"


07-12-2003, 04:30 PM
Everyones right - I frankly said I don't care and I really do care. Let me rephrase this - after ten BPS - who cares?

07-12-2003, 05:44 PM
I haven't shot pump in 7-8 years. So my point was not to say I have mad skills. Quite the contrary.
I have however seen and believe that shooting pump tends to make one more creative or perhaps hungry. Many people tend to sit back and let the paint do the talking.
I have seen duffers older than myself (and to that fact younger, now that I think of it) go entire days with just a PGP 10 shot. They usually hold their own or do better that most.
I usually play rec ball, but I have played and enjoyed speedball. I throw a lot of paint like the rest. I appreciate the need in a tourney enviroment for a decent rate of fire. So I guess it's all in the context.

Also, I am tired of others claiming great rates of fire and debate that goes with that. You know what I really care about.... Having a good time. Did you have a good time? Cause everything else is nonsense.

07-12-2003, 08:16 PM
Originally posted by than205

But those "BMF's" are usually the ones to watch out for.
They're working thier game.

i belive the "bmf" term is short for bad mutha f'er. so its prolly a given that they are not to be overlooked.

while rof is not much of an issue to me as i only play rec ball, the rt on a morlock board or other similar is pretty darn cool.