View Full Version : I swear I want to go to every cocker and untime it!

07-11-2003, 10:17 PM
It is soo irritating, I play in Rochester and everyone and there mother uses cockers(including other reffs and managers of the fields). They come to conclusions about mags with out ever playing with one. I see so many times when damn cockers mess up the field. So I got pissed about them and left my i-mag talk for itself. Instead of letting the "experence" players use it (since they refuse to use it), I lent it out to 4 or 5 different people. That were unbiased under the cocker curse. Well all of them awed it after that. I charged the kids 3 bucks per round to use it, and more came. One of the more experenced players, who was on his team said "that i-mag shot damn good". That made my day, now all of them want mags...lol.

Though it still bugs me how a lot of the good player still say that their cocker with more moving parts that can have more problem can dify physics and shoot futher and straiter. They were like why does everyone use cockers now? Well I said pretty much everyone sales cockers also everyone thought the earth was once flat.

PS sorry about the rant, but the uneducated fools who won't even try a marker already have an opinion irritate me.

07-11-2003, 11:04 PM
you charged them $3 a round?!?!?!?

lol thats not right man haha

07-11-2003, 11:14 PM
i am guessing maybe cause of the paint? you charged them? if not well looks like you made some $$$

07-11-2003, 11:17 PM
you play at compete? thats all i saw there besides the couple people in my group w/ electros

07-11-2003, 11:19 PM
i'd do it if they offered to but, if anything i'd charge like $1 a round...Mooola is Mooola...and I need mooola, i wish i had an i mag and went to the same place u do, lol

07-11-2003, 11:43 PM
I'm guessing that by round he meant game

07-12-2003, 11:07 AM
Well you are in the heart of freeflow territory in Rochester alot of people have been using cockers in that area for well over 7 to 8 years now and swear by them.

I usually don't get any comments that mags suck but people will often ask me questions about them and I try to answer them the best I can.

07-12-2003, 03:38 PM
Eh , the whole cocker vs mag this is a bunch of Hype anyway.As far as distance and accuracy are concerned I feel that nearly any marker , built right and good paint, can be extremely accurate.
I think it really comes down to what you like.I own both and I prefer to play with the cocker most times.Although I really do like the reliability of the mag and especially that it's lighter, the cocker just feels better in my hand.

07-12-2003, 03:50 PM
Well all it is now in Texas, well most popular at least, are intimidators mostly because we have Texas Storm and Petty.

Oh yeah sup hostage, and guess what, looks like Crossfire in Tyler is going to close soon. Dang lack of rec ballers.

07-12-2003, 03:55 PM
this topic has been done to death...what do you care what other people think about your mag, the fact that you were so bothered by this so much shows that you are insecure about something, i used to play with a tippmann w/ all sorts of upgrades that looked like it had been run over a few times, you dont think i didnt get some comments, i just let them roll right off my back till i got through the chrony line and was down the right tape stichin everyone on they're team; mags and cockers; now i have a cocker not because i think it shoots straighter of father but because it felt the most comfortable to me, now all these guys with angels and timmies give me the look and the whole thing starts all over again... the problem with alot of mag owners(stirrin up a hornets nest with this one) is that they have a chip on their shoulders about peoples perceptions of mags... who gives a flyin flip!

07-12-2003, 03:55 PM
It is soo irritating, I write at Rochester and everyone and there mother uses ball point pens(including other reffs and managers of the fields). They come to conclusions about fountain pens with out ever writing with one. I see so many times when damn ball point pens mess up the paper. So I got pissed about them and left my fountain pen talk for itself. Instead of letting the "experence" writers use it (since they refuse to use it), I lent it out to 4 or 5 different people. That were unbiased under the ball point pen curse. Well all of them awed it after that. I charged the kids 3 bucks per sheet to use it, and more came. One of the more experenced players, who was on his team said "that fountain pen wrote damn good". That made my day, now all of them want fountain pens...lol.

Though it still bugs me how a lot of the good player still say that their ball point pen with more moving parts that can have more problem can dify physics and write smoother and faster. They were like why does everyone use ball point pens now? Well I said pretty much everyone sales ball point pens also everyone thought the earth was once flat.

PS sorry about the rant, but the uneducated fools who won't even try a pen already have an opinion irritate me.

07-14-2003, 12:30 AM
wow... i needed that...

07-14-2003, 12:51 AM
what do you expect. you are so close to Pro paintball, all guns have there areas

East coast-Cockers and Trix's
West coast-Timmy and angels
Central-Mags, and a mix

07-14-2003, 01:25 PM
East coast is pretty much mixed in terms of markers (quickly jump on the bandwagon of the latest marker), but living in New York City, you'd be very surprised to see that there are a nice amount of dedicated mag owners in the city ranging from younger to older players. As a matter of fact there's like 4 AOers that live in my area;)

07-14-2003, 01:58 PM
I really don't think that where you live has anything to do with what type of gun your going to buy. Maybe if you live near a bunch of people with mags then you'll buy one. But if you live in texas that doesn't mean you are at higher risk of buying an intimidator.

07-14-2003, 03:46 PM
everyone at my field jumped on the impy/egg/no drop bandwagon. And when someone mentions a new kind of marker they want, everyone wants it. I'm the only person who didnt do that. I played with a friend's timmy and loved the way it shot and felt. So I got one. Everyone at my field now wants a trix unless I'm mistaken. What I see is east coast jumps on the new marker out, period. West coast shoots timmys mainly I think, and the mid I have no clue.

Evil Bob
07-14-2003, 04:00 PM
West coast shoots a whole slew of markers, not any one more then the others.

On the rec ball field I typically see half a dozen mech mags on the field, a mix of electros, and the rest are low end mechs (spiders, M98's, piranhas, etc.).

On the speedball fields it's 90% electros here in silicon valley, I see a good mix of Angels, Imps, Shockers, Timmy's, and the occasional Trixy. On the rare occasion I'll see another Emag/Xmag user.

-Evil Bob

07-14-2003, 04:54 PM
Originally posted by robertjuric
you charged them $3 a round?!?!?!?

lol thats not right man haha

i would have charge $10... i wouldn't want anyone messing around with my beaut... you know... it's like perfect condition... i don't want any knicks/scratches...