View Full Version : Paint to Barrel Match

07-12-2003, 08:01 AM
Ok... Im almost scared to ask this thing. Here it is - how does one determine best paint to barrel match, what criteria?.

And do the multiple bore inserts make much difference. A) I don't even know how to tell paint to barrel match and I expect so many different answers that I expect it is a guessing game. B) A good barrel kit ranges in size by what .007 (from smallest to largest) or thereabouts - call me crazy but I don't see how .007 could make that much of a difference and I don't know how anyone could tell any difference in .001.

I welcome all comments, I was fairly blunt on this and it is not to bash a system or those that use them... just some questions for those that know more than me

07-12-2003, 02:43 PM
Don't be scared, most here don't bite.....most.

Barrel set......Hmm.

Must have on a closed bolt gun or your balls roll out the front.

Other than that..

I see a noticable difference in consistancy (shot to shot grouping) with a better fit of ball and barrel.That will vary quite a bit depending on how consistant the rest of your marker is though.

Most agree a good fit = ball won't roll out but can be blown out by you.That's good enough for most.

As far as .001 , every other insert or back in most cases is close enough to match most paint with it's inherant irregularities.


07-12-2003, 04:23 PM
But thats what I mean on this - correct me if Im wrong I dont have a kit in front of me - .002 should not make the difference in the ball rolling out or not, and I doubt anyone can tell the difference in resistance. I would even think this would be so for .008 or so in difference size.

The backside of this question. I can get hold of a 10" Evil Pipe system for my ULE mag for $150 - Im tempted, but Im wondering if Im just better off buying a high quality single bore barrel - or the Aradus single barrel change size system.

07-12-2003, 05:06 PM
most kits go = or - .002-.004 between sizes.

The Freak for instance starts at .679 to .695.That's quite a range.For instance I usually shoot Blaze/Midnite around here and thats around .682 and I've used up to .693 at some fields.There really can be a large difference in paint sizesThe resistance from loose to tight IMO can be substantial,from rolling right out to one size too tight and it's hard to push the ball out with a stick/squeegie.The tighter fit will also waste less air.

As far as do you need one, if the paint you normally use shoots good enough for you and your efficiancy seems fine then you don't need one.If you shoot many different brands of paint,your shot grouping could be better but your gun is tuned perfectly or you'd like more shots per fill then you might benifit from one.

You decide.


07-12-2003, 05:12 PM
Im leaning towards the evil system, A) because it is really really cool looking and B) - I dont want to buy a barrel now, then another barrel later... etc.

07-12-2003, 05:35 PM
it makes a HUGE difference. trust me. my .686 balls can barely roll out of my .695 barrel