View Full Version : Disturbing use of paintball guns

07-12-2003, 08:24 AM
Here's another "wonderful" story, sure to help promote the image of our game. I'm sure you will all enjoy. I came across a link to the story in a Vegas forum getting ready for my trip.



07-12-2003, 08:25 AM

07-12-2003, 08:28 AM
Non-broken link (http://www.klas-tv.com/Global/story.asp?S=1356380&nav=168XGqk0)

07-12-2003, 09:10 AM
burdick says safety is a concern

the women are not allowed to wear protective gear, only tennis shoes

burdick tells hunters not to shoot women above the chest, but admits, not all hunters follow the rules

the main goal is to be true to nature as possible.

i dont go deer hunting and see a deer with a football helmet on, so I dont want my girl wearing one either.

these are quotes from that video.

are you serious?

these girls are only allowed to wear tennis shoes?!

thats asenine. they should have at least a mask!

and did anyone see the actual site.. with the 4 images in the middle of the screen.. PLEASE tell me that that person did not discharge a marker at that person at this close of a range.

well.. long live the sport of paintball... :rolleyes:

Recon by Fire
07-12-2003, 10:08 AM
I think we should all drop them emails and let them know how much we appreciate them, I just did!

Follow the contact us link to send a message:

http://www.huntingforbambi.com/ (HUNTING FOR BAMBI)

07-12-2003, 10:51 AM
5 GRAND, thats about the most expensive game of ball i have ever herd of.

Well, if the women are stupid enough to participate then.....oh well. Personally i find it disgusting.

07-12-2003, 11:28 AM
:eek: wow thats stupid. Maybe some paintballers should stage a hunt too. Lets hunt the morons who payed the 5k to play that game

07-12-2003, 11:34 AM
Just how stupid can people get.

It's absolutely disgusting and dangerous.

07-12-2003, 11:34 AM
Absoulutely incredible.... I put Jessica Sparks on it.


07-12-2003, 11:44 AM
Like they say man, anything goes in Vegas. But this is just ridiculous. I really hope the SoCal players see this and try to stop it I cannot believe that somewhat rich rednecks somehow got this thing rolling. And to top it off the news just wants to bash it for more than it really is, did you see when she shoots the Marauder at the glass and it shatters? What is that? ( She states also that paintball is popular among younger kids, ...the majority of major players are above "younger") Most of the time it will not shatter...actually all the time, are they even shooting hot? Once again, I say some peoples ignorance is simply pathetic. And hasnt this guy Mike heard of contradictory statements? Thats all he ever says, its perfectly safe, but no safety gear is provided. Ugh...it just makes me mad that somehow stupid people can get away with this and the media just eats it up. : ( We should definately all write e-mails, I just wrote this: Hello,
My name is Matt, that doesnt matter mainly because I just wanted to tell you something. You really are destroying the paintball world, things like this...its sickening. Just because you want to hunt naked women doesnt mean you should go out to your local Wal-Mart and purchase a cheaply made paintball marker and decide to start a business. I understand that this is how you make money but at least make the girls wear protective masks. As of now the paintball world is finally becoming world renowned, and your ignorance to the sport could hurt it in this acceptance of the sport. I just hope that from your constant ignorance you will one day learn that what you are doing here is incredibly wrong, and your being told this by a 14 year old. - Matt)

Animal Mother
07-12-2003, 11:58 AM

I'm all for lap dances and everything... but shooting naked women and pretending I am really killing them? What the hell is wrong with theses people?!?

Ya know.. in WWII the Nazi's would line up the most pretty Jewish girls and use them for target practice... this is almost as sick.

07-12-2003, 01:25 PM
BTW, it's $10,000. I also sent them a scathing email. Everytime I see something like this I see the anti-gunners coming for my 'Mag. I hope Jessica can get them to stop. What's the world coming to? :rolleyes:

07-12-2003, 01:48 PM
This is utterly disgusting. I can't wait till one of them gets shot in the eye and sues them (hopefully shutting the whole thing down).

A wonderful line from their website:

Originally Posted by the Website
Women are screaming with fear as our Team Bambi hunters track them down and blast them with paintball guns...
Sounds delightful. One girl said it hurt so much that she cried a little, which means they are undoubtedly shooting above 300 fps (maybe a lot more, who knows). Anyone who would enjoy playing this is a little disturbed.

Some more quotes to give you an idea of just how sick, sexist, and redneckish these people are:

You can actually hunt one of our Bambi sluts and shoot her with paintballs while we film the whole thing and tape it for your own home video.

With over 30 women ready to be chased down and shot like dogs

So if you are the ultimate sportsman and are seeking the ultimate adrenaline rush then come out to our ranch and shoot one of these nagging whinny *****es where it hurts and shut her the **** up. Then mount her like a "Real Man".

07-12-2003, 02:23 PM
.... Why am I not surprised?

That's just several missing eyes or deformed faces just waiting to happen.

07-12-2003, 02:29 PM
This defies any logical or rational reasoning that humans are capable of. The misogyny that pervades that website is disgusting and they are proud of it.

07-12-2003, 03:02 PM
I'm sorry but let it go people.

I realise this touches home because it's somewhat paintball related but lots of people do incredibly dumb things for money,things you'll never read about.

This company is LOOKING for publicity good or bad and is trying to be as outragous and as contriversal as possible to get it.

The more these kinds of people get emails,responses and hits on the website the more they will feed off of it.

Just let it die, it will..they all do eventually.


I might take $2500 to get shot in the butt.....but no where else


07-12-2003, 04:09 PM
I was going to tape it... but didn't. Oh well. Looks like the bambi site has the news vid...

I was pissed off when I saw that, I was almost inspired to write a letter... but I have classwork to do.

I don't like how they were relating this with the sport of paintball. To me, it's like taking a bat and hitting people... and relating this with the sport of baseball.

07-12-2003, 04:16 PM
sick and twisted.

07-12-2003, 04:41 PM
This is seroiusly F'ed up!

How can this be legal? Even in Vegas?

The danger to those dumb as* women is real! $2500 is not worth an eye!

Recon by Fire
07-12-2003, 04:48 PM
Just wait until one of those girls does lose an eye or suffer a serious injury, then they can sue the crap out of the promoter and the shooter!

07-12-2003, 04:49 PM
OMG! That makes me so angry. I'm emailing those people right now and I suggest others do the same.

07-12-2003, 04:52 PM
Makes me want to figure out where they're playing and give the hunters a taste of 20bps @ 400fps. :mad:

There's NO way that can be safe. PBs zigzag... what happens when you get that ball that curves where they weren't aiming? You can't aim for regions of a body from a distance... ridiculous.

Somebody is gonna get hurt...

SG Avenger
07-12-2003, 05:31 PM
Well after going over their site, the thing that makes it so expensive is that its not just shotting naked chicks with paintballs. It's prostitution as well, since you get to "mount" them after you manage to capture one.

All in all its about sex. [grin] that's one expensive 10,000$ bruised belly warmer.

07-12-2003, 07:04 PM
That is down right disturbing. I wrote an e-mail is a calm , respectful manner, but I think I should have followed up with a disgusting and rude one because I feel that these people deserve nothing but the dirt on my feet and a punch in the face. This is truely sick and disgusting and I completely goes against everything that I, as a paintballer and human, hold as respectful. Words cannot describe my anger and malintent.

07-12-2003, 07:06 PM
Jeezus H. Christ, this is just sickening, the way they treat women, the use of firearms at the close of range, the prostitution, and the way its all set-up, i cant believe it. I feel a LARGE part of my faith in humanity just died today..

07-12-2003, 07:38 PM
It's not gonna ruin the sport of paintball, its just scary that, men can attack woman, and actually pay to do it its just a sick and violent fantasy and these guys are freaking douchebags, who need some serious help, i mean if they wanted to go see naked woman, there are plenty of great stripclubs in vegas i think :rolleyes:

07-12-2003, 08:32 PM
this is the most utterly disgusting thing i have seen in a long while (i try not to remember the movie jeepers creepers). although it is extremely bad for the sport of paintball, it sickens me that a guy would go put welts on some hot chick. its not even fun. hell, i would die to see her run around naked any day, but when they shoot her, that is just wrong. and i cant beleive that they say that they keep saftey in mind. that is bs. holy crap. once one of those girls gets her pretty face ruined for the rest of her life, then theyll stop. and they might begin stopping paintball altogether. this is what wrecks a good, wholsome sport- idiots

Nick O time
07-12-2003, 09:19 PM
that is distrubing and very sick

SG Avenger
07-12-2003, 10:42 PM
Originally posted by smee
...and they might begin stopping paintball altogether. this is what wrecks a good, wholsome sport- idiots

Well I definatly don't agree with it, but I doubt it'll be the downfall of paintball. Or have any real bearing on the sport in general.

It would be like if someone setup a cage, with 2 tennis players in it, and changed the ball into steel ball berrings.. and they went started "X-TrEeMe!!! Battle Tennis in The Cage!!!"

It's missuse, but they aknowledge they are blatantly disreguarding mask saftey.

07-12-2003, 10:49 PM
I doubt the women who are dumb enough to sign up for it can sue the "business" if they get hurt, they probably had to sign some liability thing beforehand. The guys who own this so-called business, and its customers, are the type of people who get the crap kicked out of them in prison. Writing them e-mails will not do a damn thing, except venting our own anger. You think someone sick enough to create a business like that will suddenly think "oh, I seem to be getting flooded with e-mails from people telling me what I'm doing is wrong, so I will turn a new leaf!"? Get real, for them safety is obviously not an issue, and they have absolutely NO respect for women.

Something needs to be done, but what, exactly, is the question. I don't think e-mailing the "business" will work out too well... :mad:

07-12-2003, 10:54 PM
All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. - Edmund Burke

*edit* I couldn't remember who said the quote. So, I looked it up. :D

07-13-2003, 01:47 AM
IT made me sick to my stomache to hear about this. Forget the women think about paintball. Holy Crap! Not even a mask. I cant talk i really am sick to my stomache

Recon by Fire
07-13-2003, 08:51 AM
Originally posted by darklord
I doubt the women who are dumb enough to sign up for it can sue the "business" if they get hurt, they probably had to sign some liability thing beforehand. I don't think e-mailing the "business" will work out too well... :mad:

You cannot sign away your rights and negligence also cannot be waived! No, the emails will not make these scum bags turn over a new leaf, but it will help crash and clog their server so that prospective customers will not be able to contact them.

07-13-2003, 09:33 AM
i do say...that is very disturbing. Just a sign of the times...and a look at what our future is. And that one guy in the video looked like a rapist....soo i think this is going to attract the wrong crowd.

07-13-2003, 11:36 AM
Definatly sick of mind.

Recon by Fire
07-13-2003, 12:11 PM
The appeal of this cannot be justified by an attraction to naked women. It is in Las Vegas of all places! There are tons of naked women all over and brothels and escorts to boot. So this obviously appeals to a sick depraved mind that has fantasies about aggression against women. Prime candidates for future rapist and serial murderers. Maybe their Mommies just did not love them enough!

It would be nice to see some of these morons out on one of their hunts and get ambushed by a pack of vigilante paintballers with high end markers throwing massive amounts of paint! Not that I would endorse any usch illegal activities and such :)

07-13-2003, 12:29 PM
What nobody here is mentioning is that it's a precursor to sex. The $10,000 price tag includes, among other things, sex with the 'victim' you shoot. (Which they euphomistically call "Stuffing")

I don't agree with it myself, but in Vegas everyone has an angle. As long as the guy can get $10,000 a 'customer', and as long a women don't understand the risk they're putting themselves into, he'll have a buisness. No matter what we tell him, this guy won't change his mind. Money talks, and at $10,000 per customer, we can't persuade him elsewise short of legal action (Can we under some kind of 'endangerment' clause?)

BTW, they're talking about it over on p8ntballer.com as well (http://www.p8ntballer-forums.com/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=21129). It really, REALLY is stupid,yes. Welcome to Vegas.


Recon by Fire
07-13-2003, 04:54 PM
Originally posted by Tyger
What nobody here is mentioning is that it's a precursor to sex.

I doubt many of our main objection is that it involves sex. I care less who these women and men have sex with or wether they are paid/paying for that sex. I don't even care if these women are are taking part in a dangerous activity. I am all in favor of stupid people eliminating themselves off the face of the planet. But what I do mind is that in this case is that they chose to incorporate anything paintball into their stupidity. Though, as sateted prior, the male hunting women is a bit whacked. Leave the hunting for the dating venue!

07-13-2003, 05:19 PM
How much would it cost to hunt the owner and some of his clientele?;)

07-13-2003, 06:36 PM
I agree with all that this is a very bizarre idea and totally inappropriate. I believe if I was a maker of markers I would be looking into this to ensure my products weren't being used in this fashion. I would additionally tell the companies whose products are being used by this company and then sue them for improper use of my gear. eventhough my product would have "this is not a toy etc..." I would find every possible legal recourse available to me to stop this company from using my products knowing well that one idiot will shoot a woman in the face and at a minimum blind her let alone potentially kill her because of a point blank shot that enters the brain cavity through the eye socket. If anyone doesn't believe that could happen think of a 205MPH object hitting you in the eye. The chances are you could very well die from that. I am at a loss with this one but I would figure out a way to put this idiot out of business if not in jail. Just my 2 cents.:mad:

07-13-2003, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by Outlaw5
I agree with all that this is a very bizarre idea and totally inappropriate. I believe if I was a maker of markers I would be looking into this to ensure my products weren't being used in this fashion. I would additionally tell the companies whose products are being used by this company and then sue them for improper use of my gear. eventhough my product would have "this is not a toy etc..." I would find every possible legal recourse available to me to stop this company from using my products knowing well that one idiot will shoot a woman in the face and at a minimum blind her let alone potentially kill her because of a point blank shot that enters the brain cavity through the eye socket. If anyone doesn't believe that could happen think of a 205MPH object hitting you in the eye. The chances are you could very well die from that. I am at a loss with this one but I would figure out a way to put this idiot out of business if not in jail. Just my 2 cents.:mad:
Interesting, but highly unlikely. Then by the same standards when a handgun is used in a crime, S&W should sue the criminal for misuse of the product? How about if a car is used in a hit and run, or as a getaway vehicle? Will Ford then sue the people too? And top it off with the fact that no crimes have been committed (to my understanding) in THIS example of misuse. It involves willing participants.

While I agree that what these people are doing is dangerous, and may not make the sport look good to the general public, if the general public were to see this…. BUT, let’s be honest… the people who would watch this video are not likely to be the ones we need to worry about. And it is clear that shooting NAKED women is NOT part of the sport of Paintball.

Overall, I don’t think this will affect the sport one way or another. Heck, we see movies glorifying violence, and using equipment inappropriately all the time. Most intelligent people understand “entertainment”…. and they understand stupidity as well. I don’t see supermarkets getting all upset that “Jacka$$” uses shopping carts inappropriately in a good portion of their antics……..

(Added: And I wonder sometimes about paintball players that fail to realize that paintballs are designed to BREAK. ;) I see many arguments about “objects” traveling at XYZ speeds and the damage they can do, as if a paintball was the same as a golf ball, bullet, or any other solid object. Yes, they can do damage, but they are designed to break upon impact. We have heard of instances where paintballs have been accidentally shot and hit people directly in the eye… and none have gone through the eye cavity and into the brain…. And the suggestion of it simply makes me shake my head in pure amazemant.)

07-13-2003, 07:04 PM
The only 'good' thing about this in my opinion... is that I dont think this would hurt paintball's image at all... it is too bizarre and wrong for ANY crowd (any crowd that we care about), and no one except sick flicks would ever watch/do it.

Have you seen the preview on their website?


<font size="+12"><b>WTF

07-13-2003, 07:05 PM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye
How much would it cost to hunt the owner and some of his clientele?;)

Then you "mount/stuff" him!!! :D :D

07-13-2003, 09:04 PM
notice how in the article they say the paintballs are traveling @ over 200 miles per hour...hehe funny. just goes to show how much they know about paintballin....:rolleyes:

07-13-2003, 09:23 PM
Not only is it ridiculous and horrendous, but the creator is a jerk and the women are so foolish for particpating!:mad:

What until one of those ladies lose an eye...they won't be looking so cute afterwards.

07-13-2003, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by ~Backdraft~
notice how in the article they say the paintballs are traveling @ over 200 miles per hour...hehe funny. just goes to show how much they know about paintballin....:rolleyes:

rofl. Paintballs ARE traveling at over 200 mph. 300fps = about 200 mph

07-13-2003, 10:58 PM

This guy merits a brute force attack on his servers, anyone up for the chalenge? He's stupid to have a buiness like that he probably has a windows server without any firewall and plenty of open ports :p

07-14-2003, 02:05 AM
Originally posted by shartley

Interesting, but highly unlikely. Then by the same standards when a handgun is used in a crime, S&W should sue the criminal for misuse of the product? How about if a car is used in a hit and run, or as a getaway vehicle? Will Ford then sue the people too? And top it off with the fact that no crimes have been committed (to my understanding) in THIS example of misuse. It involves willing participants.

Why not, criminals sue property owners that shoot them in the commission of the crime. They also sue when injured during the commission of a crime. Why not turn the tables?

07-14-2003, 03:16 AM
Simply... idiotic. What's wrong with these people?

07-14-2003, 07:06 AM
Originally posted by Matt_mg

This guy merits a brute force attack on his servers, anyone up for the chalenge? He's stupid to have a buiness like that he probably has a windows server without any firewall and plenty of open ports :p

it appears as though this fella did the one smart thing he could have, and that was host off a linux/unix platform.

I have the nmap session I ran against the domain, if anyone is interested... not many ports open, but enough open to cause a disturbance in the force.. :)

07-14-2003, 07:27 AM
That is an incredible story or insanity. I'm stunned that people think it's a good idea.

What will be really terrible is when the girls start really getting hurt and the anti-gun lobby uses at an excuse to start campaigning against paintballers in general.

07-14-2003, 07:29 AM
Originally posted by LoveMyMagMoreThanYou

Why not, criminals sue property owners that shoot them in the commission of the crime. They also sue when injured during the commission of a crime. Why not turn the tables?
I am sure you really don’t want me to explain how your examples, and manufacturers suing owners of their products legally using the products (even if not properly), are totally different and thus would not even be close to “turning the tables”.

And those that are advocating any type of attack on his servers….. you DO know that what HE is doing is totally legal (if not idiotic) and what you are advocating is NOT, don’t you? ;) And you do know that his site although moronic is legal, and planning an illegal act on AO would not be. ;) And guess who would ALSO get in trouble if they let folks plan an illegal action using their resources (i.e. Forum)……… hmmmmm

Not to mention that what he has done has BEEN DONE. There is nothing anyone can do about it now. Want to prevent it from happening again? Make it unprofitable. Don’t buy the video. Don’t visit the site. Don’t help bring attention to these idiots.

Relax folks. This will not hurt the industry/sport. Actual paintball players do more harm to the sport every weekend by poor sportsmanship, overshooting, rudeness, and general bad behavior than this video could ever come close to doing. And I don’t see a single Paintball Marker Manufacturer lending a shred of credibility to these imbeciles by suing them… in fact they would probably WELCOME being sued. Can you imagine the attention and subsequent sales that would be generated?

Folks would be shocked to know how many of these types of “shock” videos are out there. The best way to deal with them is to ignore them.

07-14-2003, 07:38 AM
Actually, instead of (illegally) attacking their servers, everyone should send them e-mail saying only pansies would shoot them with paintballs. Real men would use rubber (non-lethal) bullets. Then they can continue their own crazy little game, WITHOUT having anything to do with our sport.

07-14-2003, 07:42 AM
Originally posted by shartley

And those that are advocating any type of attack on his servers….. you DO know that what HE is doing is totally legal (if not idiotic) and what you are advocating is NOT, don’t you? ;) And you do know that his site although moronic is legal, and planning an illegal act on AO would not be. ;) And guess who would ALSO get in trouble if they let folks plan an illegal action using their resources (i.e. Forum)……… hmmmmm

i advocate nothing. :)

i do not condone the attack on ANY type of webserver. believe me.. it sucks, happens more often that I would like here at work.. :mad:


have you considered changing your title to "the voice of reason?" :D

also, as outraged as all of us are, sam is right.. the best we can do is passively ignore this. dont bring any publicity to it, negative or otherwise.

you remember what happened with bum fights.. it had negative publicity, and it made money hand over fist.. lets just try to let it go, no matter how much it outrages us.. and i know it does all of us. If it concerns you that much, write a letter to your congressman... errr ummm.. something like that... ;)

07-14-2003, 07:46 AM
Originally posted by Albinonewt

What will be really terrible is when the girls start really getting hurt and the anti-gun lobby uses at an excuse to start campaigning against paintballers in general.
And did folks lobby against the auto industry when F2F came out? How about all the other violent movies out there? Look at all the movies that glorify violence and use handguns.

This movie while showing stupid and arguably dangerous behavior, is made using WILLING participants. They are not breaking any laws. And what folks seem to be ignoring is THEY ARE SHOOTING NAKED WOMEN. LOL This alone blows any rational argument out of the water. This movie is clearly about power and titillation… nothing more.

As for the girls getting hurt. Do folks know how often people get hurt making any movie? It is a risk they take, and are getting PAID for. :)

Come on people… this is not a Paintball Documentary being mass distributed to every video outlet in the country. It is a fringe movie designed to appeal to a segment of people out there. Look at all the people here on AO that LOVED “Jacka$$ the Movie”. It is okay to misuse OTHER equipment, just not Paintball Equipment, right? ;) (Even though they didn’t use paintball equipment correctly in THAT movie either.) And I have a feeling that if they put masks on the girls, quite a few AO members would be flocking to get the movie.

I honestly don’t think any anti-gun lobby could use this movie to start ANYTHING. LOL As I have stated before, paintball players themselves (that misuse the equipment) give anti-gun lobbyists more “ammo” than this movie could ever give. Everyone in this movie are willing participants and no crimes are being committed.

07-14-2003, 07:50 AM
Originally posted by Albinonewt
Actually, instead of (illegally) attacking their servers, everyone should send them e-mail saying only pansies would shoot them with paintballs. Real men would use rubber (non-lethal) bullets. Then they can continue their own crazy little game, WITHOUT having anything to do with our sport.
Or Airsoft? ;);)

Just kidding. :D

Hey, these folks would probably LOVE getting e-mail about the movie... good OR bad. Being seen is their goal, not being liked or not. ;)

07-14-2003, 07:57 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by shartley

And did folks lobby against the auto industry when F2F came out? How about all the other violent movies out there? Look at all the movies that glorify violence and use handguns.

Yeah, Shart, they do. The really radicals lobby against that stuff all the time. Although you, I, and every paintballer knows that this has nothing to do with our sport, there are people out there that HATE us and our sport simply because it's not what they are into. These people are the same kind of people that sue McDonalds because kids get fat. They bring enough suits of this kind out every year that sooner or later they're going to win one or two out of shear probability.

This movie while showing stupid and arguably dangerous behavior, is made using WILLING participants. They are not breaking any laws. And what folks seem to be ignoring is THEY ARE SHOOTING NAKED WOMEN. LOL This alone blows any rational argument out of the water. This movie is clearly about power and titillation… nothing more.

Smoking was willing. Eating fatty foods is willing. Never underestimate the ability of the people that HATE us to use something like this to attack our fair sport. I doubt their chances of going anywhere, but that's doesn't mean I like to invite challenges and threats of this nature.

As for the girls getting hurt. Do folks know how often people get hurt making any movie? It is a risk they take, and are getting PAID for. :)

Doesn't matter dude, and you know it. It just takes one of them to get blinded and then get an attorney who swears she didn't understand the risks.

Come on people… this is not a Paintball Documentary being mass distributed to every video outlet in the country. It is a fringe movie designed to appeal to a segment of people out there. Look at all the people here on AO that LOVED “Jacka$$ the Movie”. It is okay to misuse OTHER equipment, just not Paintball Equipment, right? ;) (Even though they didn’t use paintball equipment correctly in THAT movie either.) And I have a feeling that if they put masks on the girls, quite a few AO members would be flocking to get the movie.

I hated Jackass, and remember how many lawsuits came out of that. People, who willingly copied those stunts and got hurt then sued the movie maker (to my knowledge none were successful to date). Which gives me another idea, suppose someone decides to shoot their girlfriend because of this movie and the girlfriend sues this guy. Sure, I doubt it wins, but for a month there will be headlines about it and that drags paintball through the mud, which is never good.

I honestly don’t think any anti-gun lobby could use this movie to start ANYTHING. LOL As I have stated before, paintball players themselves (that misuse the equipment) give anti-gun lobbyists more “ammo” than this movie could ever give. Everyone in this movie are willing participants and no crimes are being committed.

You couldn't be more wrong. The Anti-Gun lobby HATES and Deplores all of us who use anything resembling a gun to do anything, and will stop at nothing to end our sport and make it more in line with they approve of. The do not differentiate between you, me, and the guys that shoot nude girls in the face for fun. To them, we're all the same. And they'll go after the nuts in order to get us.

07-14-2003, 08:02 AM
Originally posted by Albinonewt
[QUOTE]Originally posted by shartley

And did folks lobby against the auto industry when F2F came out? How about all the other violent movies out there? Look at all the movies that glorify violence and use handguns.

Yeah, Shart, they do. The really radicals lobby against that stuff all the time. Although you, I, and every paintballer knows that this has nothing to do with our sport, there are people out there that HATE us and our sport simply because it's not what they are into. These people are the same kind of people that sue McDonalds because kids get fat. They bring enough suits of this kind out every year that sooner or later they're going to win one or two out of shear probability.

This movie while showing stupid and arguably dangerous behavior, is made using WILLING participants. They are not breaking any laws. And what folks seem to be ignoring is THEY ARE SHOOTING NAKED WOMEN. LOL This alone blows any rational argument out of the water. This movie is clearly about power and titillation… nothing more.

Smoking was willing. Eating fatty foods is willing. Never underestimate the ability of the people that HATE us to use something like this to attack our fair sport. I doubt their chances of going anywhere, but that's doesn't mean I like to invite challenges and threats of this nature.

As for the girls getting hurt. Do folks know how often people get hurt making any movie? It is a risk they take, and are getting PAID for. :)

Doesn't matter dude, and you know it. It just takes one of them to get blinded and then get an attorney who swears she didn't understand the risks.

Come on people… this is not a Paintball Documentary being mass distributed to every video outlet in the country. It is a fringe movie designed to appeal to a segment of people out there. Look at all the people here on AO that LOVED “Jacka$$ the Movie”. It is okay to misuse OTHER equipment, just not Paintball Equipment, right? ;) (Even though they didn’t use paintball equipment correctly in THAT movie either.) And I have a feeling that if they put masks on the girls, quite a few AO members would be flocking to get the movie.

I hated Jackass, and remember how many lawsuits came out of that. People, who willingly copied those stunts and got hurt then sued the movie maker (to my knowledge none were successful to date). Which gives me another idea, suppose someone decides to shoot their girlfriend because of this movie and the girlfriend sues this guy. Sure, I doubt it wins, but for a month there will be headlines about it and that drags paintball through the mud, which is never good.

I honestly don’t think any anti-gun lobby could use this movie to start ANYTHING. LOL As I have stated before, paintball players themselves (that misuse the equipment) give anti-gun lobbyists more “ammo” than this movie could ever give. Everyone in this movie are willing participants and no crimes are being committed.

You couldn't be more wrong. The Anti-Gun lobby HATES and Deplores all of us who use anything resembling a gun to do anything, and will stop at nothing to end our sport and make it more in line with they approve of. The do not differentiate between you, me, and the guys that shoot nude girls in the face for fun. To them, we're all the same. And they'll go after the nuts in order to get us.
Although you bring up some good arguments… I disagree. And when/if they do use this against the sport of paintball, please come back and post about it. ;) I don’t think they will. And I am not going to argue further about it. :)

robert heatwole
07-14-2003, 08:37 AM
why?? that is sick!! why would u want to shoot women??

07-14-2003, 08:54 AM
Frankly, they should at least do what I do in the deadzone, and wear shatter proof shooting glasses. Some of them are pretty fashionable, and offer some measure of protection against an errat ball to the eye. You'll get a bruise where the lense pushes in, but no really damage (the single peice lenses are too big to go into the eye, and they really won't shatter unless something weird happens).

07-14-2003, 08:55 AM
Looks like Vegas lives up to the moniker of Sin City" once again.

Understand that I am in no way condoning this, but it can legal in the same way that boxing can be legal. One can give permission to be assaulted.

However, I do not think that this would exempt them from civil liability if one of the "bambis" was permanently injured.


Originally posted by 1stdeadeye
This is seroiusly F'ed up!

How can this be legal? Even in Vegas?

The danger to those dumb as* women is real! $2500 is not worth an eye!

07-14-2003, 10:11 AM
i do say...that is very disturbing. Just a sign of the times...and a look at what our future is.

This is the sign of all times. The rich have always thought of them selves as better, or more human, than the poor. And some of them have hunted these lesser beings.
I saw a video from the 70's that an artist allegedly found in Brazil. We had only the artist's word for the authenticity of it, but it sure as hell looked real to me. It showed Amazonian natives being hunted from a helicopter. Now that was truly disturbing.

The women here, although exploited, are doing this voluntarily.

07-14-2003, 10:34 AM
I'm not too concerned about this affecting paintball, I mean it's not a franchise or anything, but it's one of the most disturbing things I've seen in a while. I'm mostly worried that these rich sickos will get such a hard on from doing this that they might try other violent sexual acts, and those won't be supervised.
All I can say is, if they want a challenging hunt, come hunt me.

07-14-2003, 10:40 AM
Originally posted by einhander619

All I can say is, if they want a challenging hunt, come hunt me.

Yes, but if they bag you are you going to let them mount you too?:eek:

;) :p

07-14-2003, 11:04 AM
After reading this I had to do something. I looked up the Las Vegas Area OSHA office and I am going to give them a call. Feel free to do the same. Here's the info...

Occupational Safety and Health Enforcement Section (OSHES)
1301 N. Green Valley Parkway - Suite 200
Henderson, Nevada 89074
Tom Czehowski, Chief Administrative Officer
[Las Vegas] (702) 486-9020 / FAX (702) 990-0358

Since I'm sure the women participating in this are being paid for it (making them employees), then OSHA rules should apply. I could be wrong but it's worth a try. Also, maybe they need to be looked at as far as reporting income on the "excessive" amount of cash they get from customers and don't report. I'm sure the local IRS office could be persuaded to give them a look over. Here's the info...

Internal Revenue Service
4750 W. Oakey Blve.
Las Vegas, NV 89102
(702) 455-1016

Also, I am sure that the local news station that aired this story would be interested to run another story if enough representatives from the paintball industry (hint hint AGD) would voice their opposition to this business and the negative press it gives paintball. Here's their contact info as well...

3228 Channel 8 Drive
Las Vegas, Nevada 89109
Channel 8 Main Switchboard (702) 792-8888
News Hotline (702) 650-1960

Dick Fraim ([email protected]) President & General Manager
Bob Stoldal ([email protected])
Vice President of News Operations

Emily Neilson ([email protected])
Director of New Business & Programming

Melissa Cipriano ([email protected])
Community Affairs Director

The only way to have any shot at stopping this is to take action. Just voicing your opinion here isn't enough so TAKE ACTION!

07-14-2003, 02:54 PM

All of your ideas regarding how to put the screws to this business are fine, except for the last one.

I don't think that the local news agencies would be a good idea because A) the "counter story" to coin a phrase is not nearly as sensational and exciting as the first story and B) Another story would just give them that much more publicity.

However, having OSHA and the IRS (as well as any Nevada state taxing agencies) would not be a bad idea. Just remember, as far as the report to the tax man goes, some of the counties in Nevada have legalized prostitution (which is what this is), so I am sure the state has some method in place for taxing that rather cash heavy business.


07-14-2003, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by robert heatwole
why would u want to shoot women??

Hehe, I could think of a few reasons, but that doesn't mean you should do it!

07-14-2003, 03:30 PM
This was the most ridiculous thing I've read in a long time.. It is so f'ing dangerous.... I kinda blame the TV station as well for not educating its viewers on the dangers of what COULD happen if one of these women gets hit in the face with a shot... They said, the rules state you can't shoot above the chest but they don't always follow... I am flabbergasted..

07-14-2003, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by Maverick

Also, I am sure that the local news station that aired this story would be interested to run another story if enough representatives from the paintball industry (hint hint AGD) would voice their opposition to this business and the negative press it gives paintball.

They've been repeating it everyday. It's getting annoying. :)

07-14-2003, 06:10 PM
It will get shut down. Wonder what Jessica Sparks had to say when Tom related it to her! They can be sued even with the waiver signed. I find it very sad that any people would pay money to do this. You couldn't pay me to do it!

07-14-2003, 11:52 PM
This is stupidity at it's best!

I watched the video and no one is wearing protection. If they want to run around naked and degrade themselves like that, and there are men who are willing to pay that much money then to each their own. But they should at least use minimum protection and wear a mask. The minute someone loses an eye they're out of business, doesn't seem very profitable to me.

This story will probably reach a larger audience than the biggest paintball tournement/game ever will, which will give people the wrong impression of the sport. That's really sad.

07-14-2003, 11:59 PM
I love the explaination why.... When I'm going hunting, my deer doesn't have any protection so why should Bambi... SO ridiculous.

07-15-2003, 01:14 AM
here's the official petition against it. http://www.petitiononline.com/10442563/petition.html not looking for shut down, just for protection, and an apology.

07-15-2003, 07:31 AM
This is unfortunate. Apparently the national press has picked it up. The story ran briefly on CNN this morning. Not original reporting mind you, as they used the footage from the local Vegas stary, but nation wide nonetheless.

However, there is a silver lining to this cloud. The disdain of the CNN reporter (talking head) was apparent. Further, the next sequence in the program was apparently the national weather and the weather man chimed in on the story, stating that A) He plays paintball, B) He wheres many layers of clothing to protect himself when playing and C) the lack of face protection was not simply painful, but DANGEROUS.


07-15-2003, 07:39 AM
However, there is a silver lining to this cloud. The disdain of the CNN reporter (talking head) was apparent. Further, the next sequence in the program was apparently the national weather and the weather man chimed in on the story, stating that A) He plays paintball, B) He wheres many layers of clothing to protect himself when playing and C) the lack of face protection was not simply painful, but DANGEROUS.

Well,I applaud this guy for at least bringing this out in the open to a national audience... This is something that the Vegas channel should have done for its viewers as well...

07-15-2003, 07:41 AM
Originally posted by ogre55
This is unfortunate. Apparently the national press has picked it up. The story ran briefly on CNN this morning. Not original reporting mind you, as they used the footage from the local Vegas stary, but nation wide nonetheless.

However, there is a silver lining to this cloud. The disdain of the CNN reporter (talking head) was apparent. Further, the next sequence in the program was apparently the national weather and the weather man chimed in on the story, stating that A) He plays paintball, B) He wheres many layers of clothing to protect himself when playing and C) the lack of face protection was not simply painful, but DANGEROUS.

This is very true. Seems that this is NOT being spun as a bad thing for Paintball, but that these particular idiots are just that… idiots.

I just saw them talking about it on the IMUS show, and they didn’t even focus on Paintball, but about the woman/men who do this.

Again, I think Paintball as a sport and industry is pretty safe…….

07-15-2003, 07:45 AM
Originally posted by shartley

This is very true. Seems that this is NOT being spun as a bad thing for Paintball, but that these particular idiots are just that… idiots.

I just saw them talking about it on the IMUS show, and they didn’t even focus on Paintball, but about the woman/men who do this.

Again, I think Paintball as a sport and industry is pretty safe…….

Only time will tell. When it's morons doing stupid stuff without anyone getting hurt, that's one thing. Once a girl loses an eye (or God forbid something worse, like reproductive ability, or who knows what else) then it's an entirly different game.

Plus, it's still very early in the news cycle. If this stays in the news (which I doubt it will, the story really doesn't seem to have legs) then the anti people will come out.

Gee, I can hardly wait to see feminists AND antigun folks on a program both crying about this. Its enough to drive a man to drink....

....liquid C4.

07-15-2003, 07:56 AM
By the way, especially if after someone gets hurt they decide to sue the paintball gun company. Remember, in suits like that the goal isn't to win the suit, it's to make enough noise to scare legislators into regulating our fair sport...

07-15-2003, 07:57 AM
Originally posted by Albinonewt

Only time will tell. When it's morons doing stupid stuff without anyone getting hurt, that's one thing. Once a girl loses an eye (or God forbid something worse, like reproductive ability, or who knows what else) then it's an entirly different game.

Plus, it's still very early in the news cycle. If this stays in the news (which I doubt it will, the story really doesn't seem to have legs) then the anti people will come out.

Gee, I can hardly wait to see feminists AND antigun folks on a program both crying about this. Its enough to drive a man to drink....

....liquid C4.
I think we are both old enough to have seen that the News usually spins things in the worse possible way. They make money that way. ;) And being that the story is seeing a surprising lack of spin (note I said surprising ;) ) it is a good sign. I think if the media was going to cause this to be a major issue they would have done so… but they have not.

As for feminists… LOL We both know that they will use anything to push their agenda. And I think most folks know that as well. The folks on the extremes of any issue are not really the ones I worry about. It is when those in the center start complaining that folks need to really worry. People on the fringes and extremes have always been yelling about one thing or another. ;) And if the feminists grab a hold of this, I think it will not be a paintball issue, but one of degradation of women…. But heck, they have yelled about exotic dancing for AGES, but I don’t see that stopping any time soon either. :D

I think the time for worrying is over. I personally don’t see this as a slow fuse issue. The media had its chance… and let it pass. Thankfully. I agree with you, I don’t see this story having any legs.

07-15-2003, 08:01 AM
Originally posted by Albinonewt
By the way, especially if after someone gets hurt they decide to sue the paintball gun company. Remember, in suits like that the goal isn't to win the suit, it's to make enough noise to scare legislators into regulating our fair sport...
I can see your point, but you are forgetting one important factor….. they are not following the standard RULES of the sport in the first place. ;) How can you further regulate an industry that already tells its participants to wear all the appropriate safety gear, which includes eye protection?

Sure, folks can sue for just about anything. But I think if they tried to sue over someone getting hurt (and note that no one HAS gotten hurt yet) they would not get far. Folks are free to think otherwise….. but I will not lose a wink of sleep over it. :)

07-15-2003, 09:10 AM
Originally posted by shartley

I can see your point, but you are forgetting one important factor….. they are not following the standard RULES of the sport in the first place. ;) How can you further regulate an industry that already tells its participants to wear all the appropriate safety gear, which includes eye protection?

You're forgetting a terrific example of how meaningless following the rules are in suits like that. DO you remember a few years ago (it happened near me so I do) when a guy bought shotgun shells, stored the improperly, filled them improperly, and then blew his hand off when he used them in his improperly maintained shotgun? He sued the poweder manufacturer, gun manufacturer, and the shell manufacturer, and WON!

Point is, just because it doesn't make sense, doesn't mean it won't work. Guys like you and me don't sue for this sort of thing, because we know better. The argument is always that these people don't understand the rules, therefor the manufacturer needs to make sure that rule breakers don't get hurt. It asinine, but it's the way it works.

Sure, folks can sue for just about anything. But I think if they tried to sue over someone getting hurt (and note that no one HAS gotten hurt yet) they would not get far. Folks are free to think otherwise….. but I will not lose a wink of sleep over it. :)

Well, Above I mention why I think it could go far, but more importantly it doesn't have to. All they have to do is get legislators worried and then we are in trouble. Never underestimate the willingness of state and federal legislators to interfere in something they don't understand for "our own good"

Plus, sooner or later one of the girls will HAVE to get hurt. You just can't do that forever without someone getting hurt at some point. From a strict sense of probability it'll have to happen sometime or another.

And I know you're not losing sleep over it. In my humble opinion I think you think about things in a very short sighted manner. There's nothing wrong with it, but I feel its important to think about things in terms of long term affect and probabilities, not simply that because paintball didn't get indicted this morning then everything is ok.

07-15-2003, 09:16 AM
Just some idiots not knowing what they can do to other ppl.

Unfortunately this does affect paintball. I'm just basing this from my experience with a paintball club at university (which shall not be named) we had created a video of rec paintball at a field (Friendly Fire) several years back and mixed in some music. After our first showing of the video (as promo for the club's upcoming trip), we were told that our video was promoting violence (go figure). The video had be review and was eventually deemed acceptable. The club draws a lot of heat from some of the other student groups because of "promoting violence and war". I'm sure if those groups got a hold of this debacle of company's video it would be the end of the club.

07-15-2003, 10:48 AM
Originally posted by Albinonewt

And I know you're not losing sleep over it. In my humble opinion I think you think about things in a very short sighted manner. There's nothing wrong with it, but I feel its important to think about things in terms of long term affect and probabilities, not simply that because paintball didn't get indicted this morning then everything is ok.
I respect your views, and what you posted.

I will also point out that you show you don’t know much about me at all and whether I have short VS long sight about things. LOL I realize you are new here and probably don’t recall all the conversations about the sport and what is hurting it and what is not that have happened over the years here on AO (that I have been a VERY active participant in)…. So, I will just let you know that I am far from being short sighted about paintball issues. ;) In fact I tend to be one of the most vocal about things that I feel would negatively affect the sport.

I just happen to think THIS isn’t going to cause the problem you keep saying “may” happen. I have seen too much and heard too many similar arguments… that amounted to nothing. I have seen “save paintball from being banned in XYZ!” threads that amounted to virtually nothing, and participated in others that were in fact something to worry about. I take everything in context, and I happen to feel that “the sky is falling” approach to everything is not the best way to handle things. Far too often the sky is NOT falling, nor even close to doing so.

This is what I feel about this situation. I think this is an unfortunate thing, but has little chance of actually hurting paintball because it is so “out there”. You may feel otherwise and want to toss out your doomsday scenarios, and that is fine. But just because I don’t agree that these worse case scenarios will happen and choose not to sit and worry about it does not show I see things in a very short sighted manner. Quite the contrary. I think it shows that I have looked at paintball for quite some time and have seen these types of things before and the industry is still doing fine…. and in fact it is growing.

But like I have said time and time again… you are free to think what you want. And only time will tell who is correct. I have not been wrong yet on my predictions, and I hope stays the same.

07-15-2003, 11:14 AM
The difference between the way we look at things basically boils down to one thing. You appear to be willing to play the percentages while I plan based on the consequences of being wrong, not the likelyhood.

In both this and our previous arguement you base all of your assumptions and course of planning around what is likely. In the paintball nexk scenario your course of action was based on the fact that it was substantially more likely to survive the attack then to not survive, and you're right. There is a much better chance of suriving then not (I would say at least 100:1, if not more). And in this case you're take is on the assumption that there is a greater chance of nobody getting hurt, sueing, alerting legislators, and something happening to the sport then of that happening (I think you're right about that, but that the disparity isn't as large as the first scenario). However, the problem with that line of thinking is although you will be right more often then wrong, when you're wrong you're WRONG

I however, plan based on the consequences of what happens when unprepared for the reasonable worest case. In this case the reasonable worest case is likely something along the lines of a large cash settlement by a paintball marker manufacturer and possibly a legislated restriction on paintball gun sales (not the end of the sport or anything, simply an annoyance). As such, I like to anticipate the worest and hope for the best. You appear to anticipate the best. I think it's dangerous to do that, and that's were we differ.

I might be wrong a lot, but when I'm wrong all I did was overplan. When I'm right, I averted a disaster.

07-15-2003, 11:18 AM
Anyways, If I were AGD (or any other paintball manufactuer) I might want to draft a formal letter to the legislators, or possible Attorney General, of Nevada and make my objection known to this unsafe use of my product (or product related to my own). I would state very plainly that that is not what the markers are intended for and that is not the sport of paintball. This puts you firmly on record and clearly states your posistion prior to anything happening at that place that could be a headache in the future.

As for media, I don't really think I would bother. Until something bad happens (or until someone takes this up as a cause, which isn't likely until there's an injury) there's just nothing there that will make national news again.

And then I would sit back and wait for some moron to get hurt, then watch the fireworks.

07-15-2003, 11:35 AM
Shartley mentioned context and I think it would be helpful to all if we viewed the context in which this activity is being marketed. The context of this is that it is a hook to a brothel. I know it has been mentioned before on this thread, but it seems that the argument currently going in is ignoring this.

Albinonewt, you seem to be taking for more than it is. This is NOT paintball, but rather prostitution. It seems that this place is located in a county in the state of Nevada where prostitution is legal (it is actually not legal in Las Vegas proper). It seems that the proprietors (or pimps) of this particular brothel have added a rather demented twist to an already questionable line of endeavor. But the endeavor has nothing to do with paintball.

Shartley, as you may recall, I am a bit more alarmist than you when it comes to the possible dangers that can stem from these types of stunts, but I agree with you on this one. It is so far out there, that I don't think this will effect the sport in the short, or long term.


07-15-2003, 11:43 AM

You seem to be missing my points though.

First, that I know they are playing traditional paintball, or frnakly anything that even resembles it. I am fully aware, but it doesn't matter.

Second, I don't think the real danger is to the sport of paintball as much as it is to the people that produce paintball markers. They're the ones that will have to defend themselves against (baseless and insane) allegations when something happens. The sport of paintball may bu "put on trial", but more likely it will just be the paintball markers and their manufacturers that have to deal with it.

07-15-2003, 11:44 AM
Originally posted by Albinonewt
I would state very plainly that that is not what the markers are intended for and that is not the sport of paintball.

I just though I'd repost this, and give Ogre another chance to tell me I don't understand that they aren't playing the sport of paintball.

07-15-2003, 11:53 AM
I thought of a pretty good example that illustrates my point pretty well.

I'm sure you all remember a few years ago when the Columbine shooting happened (and actually whenever kids kill kids with guns in the midwest area) that there was a lot of talk about the "gun culture" and of the dangers of hunters owning guns. The new stories never really attacked the sport of hunting, but it sure did go after the fact that it was because of hunting that they had the guns and knew how to use them, and that there should be more resprections on acquiring huntering guns, because they weren't safe.

Now, there is no way to argue that those kids were practicing the sport of hunting when they killed classmates, yet the sport of hunting (to a lesser extent) and the "culture" of hunting did. This despite the fact none of the kids were actually hunters. IT doesn't matter if you're practicing the sport when something tragic (or in the case of the "Bambis" laughably stupid and kind of tragic) happens.

That's what I'm anticipating. That and really nothing else.

07-15-2003, 12:12 PM
makes ya wonder if the hookers make the guys use condoms?

Afterall, thats what they are.

07-15-2003, 12:23 PM
Another thing that just popped in my head.

We need to remember that not everyone views this story the same way we do. For us, we see that some hooker lost an eye and we think to ourselves that the moron should have had goggles and a mask on. But for some 15 year old's mom, paintball guns are now extremely dangereous and shoot out people's eyes. She knows this because she saw it on TV, and now her 15 year old can't go to the field as a rental anymore, and his friends' moms consider this when they book their 20 kid birthday part somewhere besides the local paintball field.

That's another way it has the potential to affect the sport.

07-15-2003, 12:25 PM
I think some folks are misinterpreting how I feel about things. I am KNOWN on AO for taking a hard line. I am KNOWN on AO for my extreme concern for our sport. LOL And when I take a situation in context and determine that it is not worth worrying about, I am suddenly someone who is short sighted, only prepares for the “good”, etc? LOL I am about the most pessimistic person on AO for crying out loud. LOL

Worse case scenarios are my forte. :D Does anyone actually think I didn’t consider the worse case scenario for this situation? Sure I did. I just took everything in context along with my actual knowledge and experience and determined for myself that it was not a thing that the industry should even be worried about. This does not show any shortsightedness on my part, nor lack of any “alarmist” attitude about things that I feel deserve it.

Simply put, I don’t think this merits any “alarm” on the part of the industry. So please folks, don’t assign attributes to me that simply don’t apply. ;)

And hunting still goes on and is a vibrant sport, in spit of school shootings. Just because someone may scream about something does not mean it constitutes a legitimate threat to an industry or sport.

Also, there is a huge difference between “anticipating” something and “preparing” for it. You don’t need to anticipate something to be prepared for it. Look at the terrorist threat levels…. Because folks didn’t stop their lives and sit in anticipation of an attack, does that mean they were not prepared? Does that mean they didn’t care? ;) Yes, be prepared, but I leave the anticipation to others. :D

And I don’t think this issue deserves a preemptive strike by the paintball industry. So that means that I advocate being prepared with FACTS if someone gets sued over things like this… but I don’t advocate going out of their way to address an issue that simply is at this point NOT an issue for the sport.

07-15-2003, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by Albinonewt
Another thing that just popped in my head.

We need to remember that not everyone views this story the same way we do. For us, we see that some hooker lost an eye and we think to ourselves that the moron should have had goggles and a mask on. But for some 15 year old's mom, paintball guns are now extremely dangereous and shoot out people's eyes. She knows this because she saw it on TV, and now her 15 year old can't go to the field as a rental anymore, and his friends' moms consider this when they book their 20 kid birthday part somewhere besides the local paintball field.

That's another way it has the potential to affect the sport.
I bet a paintball marker would do some serious damage if someone was to stick it up there rear and shoot a few shots too. But that too is not the proper use of the equipment.

If you are worried that misuse of the equipment will cause people to not play the sport, I am sure you can find much more common examples to be worried about than some naked hookers being shot.

I personally think you don’t give the general public nearly enough credit. There will ALWAYS be some people who think the sport is too dangerous for their child to play, no matter what you tell or show them. You will never get around that. And chances are, the mother you just talked about is one of those people. And honestly, THOSE people are not the people you should be worried about….. That 15 year old child WILL grow up and be able to decide for themselves whether to play the sport or not.

My point is, that this scenario already happens, there is no “potential” about it. ;)

07-15-2003, 02:13 PM
Figured I'd throw up this link... Not quite sure what good it will do, but ya never know.


07-15-2003, 02:34 PM
Today (7/15), I was listening to the radio (107.3 WAAF) at work and they had news of a new type of adult entertainment in Las Vegas.

There is a place that lets men pay LOTS of money to shoot paintballs at NAKED WOMEN! The game is somewhat like this: The guys have paintball guns while the naked girls run around trying to capture the flag away from the men. The girls DO NOT wear masks, ONLY SNEAKERS. They are also unarmed. If a girl gets shot, that girl gets $1000... thats right, 1G!!! When the game is over, any girl that was NOT shot get $2500!

Weird as it may seem, there are alot os ladies who want to do this, cuz they get paid ALOT! So they dont mind getting stripped down naked and get balls shot at them. There are actually more women wanting to get naked than men wanting to shoot them.

I thought this story was made up by the radio station but then I heard about it again on the TV news during lunch. They described the same thing as I said above. There was a lady they interviewed and she said "I like my men to be bad boys. It's exciting." (I thought that was hilarious)

On the radio, a bunch of people called in saying that it is illegal but what they dont understand is that in vegas (or nevada), many things that are illegal elsewhere could be legal in nevada or vegas. Like prostitution for example - its illegal in vegas but legal in some parts of nevada.

So what do you guys think? hurts paintball or what? Or do you think it'll be a new, fun, and eroctic thing to do when you're in vegas?


07-15-2003, 02:38 PM
I think we already had a post on this. And if I am not mistaken it ended up closed. So this one will be too I fear. I will let it run just a bit though till I scope it out more.

07-15-2003, 02:44 PM
Oh really? how come it just recnetly got on the news? I dont mean to offend anyone, I'm just telling people whats going on. I'm not encouraging or implying anything. I'm not trying to break a rule here.

Forgot to add that men have to pay $20,000 to play and the game is called, "Bunny Hunting" or "Hunting for Bambi."

I think they adjust the guns to shoot like 100fps.. not sure on that.

07-15-2003, 02:47 PM
Here is the first post about it.


07-15-2003, 02:48 PM
Seven threads now :)

07-15-2003, 02:57 PM
Go figure, a news story about paintball and naked women and it has the most excessive amount of threads created for it yet! lol.

I have heard more about this in the last three days than I have anytime else. Did it just open or has it been running for a while?

If we wanted to stop it, could OSHA be involved? I mean, if one gets shot in the eye they will lose it. That's really unsafe! The argument it promotes woman violence is weak but safety and insurance risks is valid.

SG Avenger
07-15-2003, 02:58 PM
Next one up get's a pod full of paintball sin their muffler!

07-15-2003, 02:58 PM
my bad, if i knew that it was posted already, i wouldnt have posted. But I dont have time to make a search for it on every forum. I'm just trying to spread the word, and look for other people's comments.

satin (not satan)
07-15-2003, 02:59 PM
baa, i just heard about this on the jim rome show all I can say is only in vegas

07-15-2003, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by shartley

If you are worried that misuse of the equipment will cause people to not play the sport, I am sure you can find much more common examples to be worried about than some naked hookers being shot.

Ya know Shart, you drive me nuts when you use that train of thought as an arguement, which you do a lot.

Becuase isolated incidents of misuse on a field that go completely unreported in the mass media don't drive away folks who don't know about them neither will a gross misuse of equipment that IS broadcast on cable news.

Right Shart, keep telling yourself they're the same.

07-15-2003, 03:02 PM
Ok well no harm no foul. I just merged them cause the other one was still open.

07-15-2003, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by Albinonewt
Ya know Shart, you drive me nuts when you use that train of thought as an arguement, which you do a lot.

Becuase isolated incidents of misuse on a field that go completely unreported in the mass media don't drive away folks who don't know about them neither will a gross misuse of equipment that IS broadcast on cable news.

Right Shart, keep telling yourself they're the same.
There you go… make this a Shartley issue. LOL

Think what you want. I have said that time and again. And I NEVER said they were the same. Heck, I never even said “misuse of the equipment on the field”…. I said misuse of the equipment by paintball players. I think we can easily find NATIONAL NEWS reported about paintball drive-by’s and even the thought that paintballs might have contributed to the DEATH of a man in CA (although it was shown later that was not the case).

You seem to want to put a lot of “thoughts” and “words” in my mouth. Please stick to the issue and stop focusing on what I think, or what you think I think. I am not doing anything wrong. THEY are. :)

I am also not saying folks can’t do what they want about this. Heck, folks can do anything they want.

I AM however stating that in spite of what some folks think (you being one of them), I don’t think this will not bring about the fall of paintball. I don’t think THIS activity will be the deciding factor of whether little “Johnny” is allowed to play paintball by his parents. I think most people (and those that matter, such as those making laws) can easily tell this is an issue separated from the sport…. it only uses its equipment… and in a way that is not endorsed and in fact discouraged by the industry.

More so, I don’t think THIS activity will affect whether anyone plays paintball or not….. at all. I think THIS activity is so far from the norm that it will be clear to the majority of people that it is not a true representation of the sport, nor could in any way be endorsed by the industry.

Again, you are free to think what you want about the situation. (How many times have I stated that?) But please stop misrepresenting what I am saying, or what I think. ;)

07-15-2003, 03:58 PM
How's this for a "New sport"
Put me and my mag against one of them fricking sick peverts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D :D :D :D

07-15-2003, 04:04 PM
Albinonewt - I don't always agree with Shartley. As a matter of fact we probably disagree more than we agree. I think, however, that he is stating his case clearly. His opinion is simply that this will not have a huge negative impact against paintball. Right or wrong it is just an opinion so there is no reason to "go nuts about it".

I understand where you are coming from. This activity concerns me more for the women involved than any impact on paintball (I don't think anyone should lose an eye for such a stupid reason (no matter their stupidity either)). I think Shartley is right that it won't have a negative impact as far as paintball is concerned. I think that it will probably be shut down and then this will all blow over. Just my opinion, however.

07-15-2003, 04:33 PM
where can I download the vid of the story the Las Vegas news did on this. I checked out the Bambi site but I can't find any kind of downloads section where I would find the news story for download.

07-15-2003, 04:50 PM
They just showed a model on TV "Playing paintball" With no gun, no cloths and no Goggles.

They had the usual Carp, Pallets, and spools. $10,000.

I think were all upset but I dont see how this can contine. The girls will get hurt, lose and eye. Lawsuit. End of "new Paintball sport."

Like why dont they just give the models shorts, kneepads, bra, goggles and a Xmag. Than charge $200 a day?

07-15-2003, 05:12 PM
Originally posted by shartley

I AM however stating that in spite of what some folks think (you being one of them), I don’t think this will not bring about the fall of paintball.

Who's putting words in who's mouth?

Since what I specifically said was:

Second, I don't think the real danger is to the sport of paintball as much as it is to the people that produce paintball markers. They're the ones that will have to defend themselves against (baseless and insane) allegations when something happens. The sport of paintball may bu "put on trial", but more likely it will just be the paintball markers and their manufacturers that have to deal with it

Sounds like the "Doom of Paintball", only the complete opposite.

07-15-2003, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by Albinonewt

Who's putting words in who's mouth?

Since what I specifically said was:
[QUOTE] Second, I don't think the real danger is to the sport of paintball as much as it is to the people that produce paintball markers. They're the ones that will have to defend themselves against (baseless and insane) allegations when something happens. The sport of paintball may bu "put on trial", but more likely it will just be the paintball markers and their manufacturers that have to deal with it/QUOTE]

Sounds like the "Doom of Paintball", only the complete opposite.
You just want to argue about something... ANYTHING.... don’t you? :rolleyes:

07-15-2003, 11:13 PM
i went to check the hunting for bambi site for the waiver that 'hunters' have to sign, just to read things over.

I am also interested in obtaining the waiver that women sign. If anyone has these readily available, please PM me and let me know..

but, moving right along.

it does appear now that the hunting for bambi site has been taken offline.

when navigating to the site, the message:

"This is not a public server. Go away."

meh. anyways. if anyone has those waivers, i would love to read over them.



07-16-2003, 12:20 AM
There is no waiver for the "huntes" to sign. Fork over $10 K, get what you went there for.

And the site is still online. I've just opened it in anoher window. But for some reason it's down to the DNS entry ( It's REALLY slow, I have a distinct feeling it's being flooded or pinged into nonexistance.

Not like I'd condone that kind of thing. :rolleyes:


07-19-2003, 11:55 AM
ok, in a small meaningless effort to try and make light of this situation.. i found a silly, but racy picture online that I came up with the caption of "bambi's fight back"

due to the racy content, you will have to PM me for the link to this picture.

07-19-2003, 12:54 PM
Thats not right. What kind of sisk people do that kind of stuff??? 5 grand to shoot a nakid chick running around the desert....hmmmmmmm they sound like real men:rolleyes:

07-19-2003, 02:48 PM
even nuns are up in arms about this!

go get 'em sisters!
