View Full Version : Which gun is best?

07-12-2003, 07:29 PM
I'm looking for a new electro gun. I'v been thinking about getting a Matrix LED or maybe an Impy. I'm wondering what the best electro gun is in that price range ($400 to about $750).

-Ryan F.

07-12-2003, 07:34 PM
save another 50 and get an mega and DO NOT LOOK BACK!!!
or jsut buy a used emag
you can't go wrong with that
if your not for mags go with a bushy

07-12-2003, 07:38 PM
Emags are kinda heavy though..well at least to me..and I must have forgotten about the Bushy..those things are sweet..oh and thanx for the input

-Ryan F.

07-12-2003, 08:17 PM
well i dont know about the new bushys, but my friend had a 2000 bushmaster and it sucked wanker. he bought it new, just to let u all know. it was fast, but when it broke a ball (he only used marbilizers), the bolt would jam halfway forward and get suck there. it would get paintball shell stuck inbetween the bolt and the inside of the feed neck and he had to degass the thing and remove the bolt (which was plastic for gods sake) and clean it out with his fingers. not fun. hell, i had a spyder pos, i mean AMG... and it was just as fast, a little heaiver, a little uglier, and had half the problems, for close to half the price. im just trying to say that bushys just didnt cut it back then... but i dont know about now.

buy a used emag, or get a impy

07-12-2003, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by PaintballSmurf13
Emags are kinda heavy though..well at least to me..and I must have forgotten about the Bushy..those things are sweet..oh and thanx for the input

-Ryan F.

If you get ULE stuff it's not. XMag definitely is not 'heavy'.

07-13-2003, 01:19 AM
I know about ULE this and that, but think about the price range. If I had the money, i'd buy an X-mag in a heart beat, I had a chance to hold one and it blew me away.Really light and compact. Once I think about it I have seen weird things wrong with Bushys...

-Ryan F.

07-13-2003, 01:27 AM
Bushys are inredible now.

And the bolts have been delrin for many years, not plastic. And it is the best bolt for the bushmaster by far.

Buy a bushy and dont look back. I had one, rocked. It was a sonic bushy and 900$. :) Coudln't afford it. :P

07-13-2003, 02:01 AM

i have a vapor bushy it is +-2 over the crono

with the SP mod you wont break a ball

i get about 1100 shots off a 68/30

out shoot my egg2

the only bad thing about a bushy is the tallness

07-13-2003, 02:04 AM
IMO a used Angel or E-Mag is your best bet. Both are reliable and proven guns. If you absolutely need to buy new, a 2K3 PDS Bushmaster should work well. Matrixes are insane, but you need upgrades that'll put you over $750 for it to have acceptable efficeincy and cycling pressure.

07-13-2003, 02:43 AM
Try a used viking. I just picked one up and it rips. Built like tanks very low operating psi and I got roughly a full case out of a 68/4500 fill. I got the gun(old board and noid), halo B and freak front & ss back for $650. But then again I'm also looking for a used e-mag to add to the collection:D

Good luck

07-13-2003, 02:06 PM
Thank you everyone for your input. It made me think a little differently..I am going to buy a new gun. A Bushy and Matrix is at the top of my list..

-Ryan F.

07-13-2003, 03:50 PM
Originally posted by PaintballSmurf13
Thank you everyone for your input. It made me think a little differently..I am going to buy a new gun. A Bushy and Matrix is at the top of my list..

-Ryan F.

I've heard good things about the BKO, and they seem pretty cheap too. Probably one of the best values nowadays.

It's too bad the BKO is like eight stories tall though.
Gotta love the engineering work AGD put into the mags.

Aside from AGD, ICD seems to be another company to have put a lot of thought into their products, although unfortunately they didn't put much into aesthetics.

07-13-2003, 04:44 PM
trixes are sweet and the are soo smooth and quiet. Just make sure you have a decent size tank if you get the trix. 68/4500 or bigger. mine had a bolt kit in it still sucked up the air. Other than breaking it down to lube the bolt (15-10 min) after each day of play, no complaints. Sold the trix to get my used viking. I like my viking so much better tho.

good luck in your choice