View Full Version : Will standard feed keep up?

07-12-2003, 07:53 PM
I have just traded my cocker for a standard feed mag with a single trigger frame. Right now I have enough money to buy lvl 10 and a powerfeed body, but I could also save up a little more and just buy an X valve, so I would not be paying for two lvl 10's like I would if I just bought the lvl 10 now and an X valve later. The only problem with this is if I buy the X valve I will not have enough for the powerfeed body anymore. Will the standard feed be too slow to take advantage of the benefits of an X valve?

07-12-2003, 08:34 PM

You might not be able to use your xvalve 'to its full potential' with just a stock trigger frame (or a benchy single, whichever you have) I'd say if you're not chopping right now, get powerfeed and intelliframe.

07-12-2003, 08:43 PM
If you're buying new, then skip the powerfeed alltogether and just buy a ULE body.

If you are in the used markert, Then look at a used powerfeed body. Many people have extras that they would be willing to part with (like me :) ).

The standard feed will not be "to slow" for the x-valve: at least not to the point that you will really be able to notice.

You are correct- - - buying the x-valve now would be better than buying a lvl 10 and then an x-valve later. You will wind up saving around 75-80 bux that way.

As was stated before, The biggest limit on how fast you can shoot will be the single trigger frame. As soon as you can, look into getting an I-frame. That's definitly the best way to go (except for maybe a Y-frame, but none of us really have any experience with those yet).

hope this helps,


07-12-2003, 09:04 PM
I say get an I frame and a ULE body, then wait and buy an X valve later.

07-12-2003, 09:18 PM
If your buying new, go ahead and get the ULE. Used powerfeed automag bodies go for 50-70 round here.

07-12-2003, 09:26 PM
Yeah I would do that, but that means I wont have level 10 with the intelli, wont that make it a lot more easy to chop?

07-12-2003, 09:38 PM
Id reccomend intelliframe first, no matter what you do next. Ive had level 7 intelliframe for a long time and ive never chopped ... its not like this horrible dreadful problem

07-13-2003, 01:20 AM
Buy my powerfeed body for 40 shipped, and I'm not sure who it was but someone was selling an intelliframe with no pics and slight scratches for 75, but he was a good trader...squid, was it you?

Anyways, do that and you'll probably have enough for LX too if you have a chopping problem. Also you can always sell your LX if you get an Xvalve, you'll only take a 10-20 dollar hit on it, not bad if it makes you chop free til then.

Mmmm, chop free paintball = priceless

07-13-2003, 01:25 AM
i didnt chop a ball in a case of paint on a lvl7 intelliframe mag. i just bought a lvl10 to be cool but havnt installed it yet :D

Animal Mother
07-13-2003, 01:34 AM
With the lvl X you don't need a PowerFeed. The older bolt would usually blast the ball stack with air and "bobble" them up and then they had to fall down, with the lvl X it eliminated this. Add that with a Halo loader and a powerfeed actually slows down the feed rate vs. a standard feed tube.

Buy a Halo B before anything else. That is an investment since you can use it on other guns. Think twice before you replace every part on your gun.

07-13-2003, 02:08 AM
I've heard many other people highly recommend the lvl 10 if you're going to be using a ULE or no-rise body. I'd follow their advice, and get the lvl 10 or X-valve w/ lvl 10 before the ULE body.

07-13-2003, 11:00 AM
i say i-frame and lvl 10 now and then ULE body then x-valve.
