View Full Version : Gas Up Shot???

07-13-2003, 12:45 AM
I was wondering if any of you have had the same happen to them: When I gas up my x-valve, I hold the trigger back. I read this somewhere on this forum about classic valves, Mayve the X-valves are different. Anyways, with the trigger back, when I screw in my tank, the gun cycles. I was thinking that this was because I have the trigger back, but I know for sure my classic valve never did this. Are you not supposed to gas up the X-valves and RT valves this way?

07-13-2003, 12:56 AM
I can do this on my RT Pro but when I try it on my friends XValve it will just cycle full auto. Which I find really weird.


07-13-2003, 01:03 AM
Why gas it up with the trigger pulled anyway? Are you supposed to do that for ANY gun?

07-13-2003, 01:09 AM
I could swear that I either saw it in the video that came with my classic, or read it in one of the tech forums. I don't know, but I know that It is something I have always done with my Mag, but I didn't notice it actually firing until I replaced the medium spring with the short one to try and get a little more reactivity.

07-13-2003, 03:50 AM
yeah my retro mag does that sometimes even if the trigger is not pulled.

07-13-2003, 04:43 AM
Originally posted by Tron
I can do this on my RT Pro but when I try it on my friends XValve it will just cycle full auto. Which I find really weird.


Tron, dude.... it went full auto on you once when we were oiling/testing it (ok ok twice)

Heh, havent gassed up my gun in a while (3weeks) but Im pretty sure mine does that too, thats why I usually dont gas up until im at the chrono with the barrel sock off and pointing toward the targets... just be careful

After that one shot everythings cherry :)

07-13-2003, 06:37 AM
yes, you are suposed to hold the trigger when you gas it up, it has something to do with that the reg is fully pressurized befor it tries to fill the air chamber. x-valves/retro-valves...all of em except the classic will do this. it's not really a problem, just make sure there's no paint in it and you have a barrel condom on so you don't shoot the person next to you. there's 2 things that i have found that work to stop it though. 1.)screw your tank on very slower, kinda let the air creap into the reg, then once it's all the way on release the trigger. 2.) which is actually the exact opposite of what i just said, use an on/off asa, and have a slide check (i have mine coming directly off the valve), the the slide check off, turn on the tank, so it just fills the hose, once you have the tank all the way on, move the slide check back, airing up the valve.