View Full Version : Anthropomorphic Critters / signature costumes in Paintball

07-13-2003, 04:11 AM
Big word, simple idea. Human-like animals like bugs bunny are "Anthromorphs". But let me explain why I bring it up.

Everyone knows about my "ears and tail" getup, right? Well, I was watching the SPPLAT attack video, and I caught a glimpse near the beginning of a guy on the Federation team. (About 17:04 into the vid, for those of you with the DVD...) The guy has a blue richochet, and big floppy 'dog' ears.

There was also the monkeys (cool bunch of kids, actually...), and the cow (PAIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!). I also know about a few other guys who have done cat ears too.

So I was wondering, is it just me? Or are there other people doing it as well? I know there's the signature shirtless look of "Weltman". Dave Youngblood used to wear a suit all the time. And Shatnerball there was that guy in the plastic red 'viking' helmet with the words (deleted by Tyger becasue I know full well that it'll never fly by the terms of service...) on the horns. Anyone know of a guy who plays at their field that has a kind of "signature" look / costume thing? Or, for that matter, anyone think of doing thier own 'thing'?

Just stirring up trouble....


07-13-2003, 07:26 AM
Originally posted by Tyger

Just stirring up trouble....

Wouldn't expect anything else. :p

07-13-2003, 07:41 AM
Where can I find a pic of Youngblood in the suit?
I have seen all the other costumes you mentioned but not dave.

07-13-2003, 12:07 PM
Well...there's a local team near me named the Thunder Chickens, and I have seen at least one picture of them in chicken suits :p

Strider can probably fill you in if he sees this thread.

07-13-2003, 01:23 PM
Besides your signature get-up tyger, there is also:

Meph as the black beast @ Quest
IHNI's Cow Jerseys
and some local guys who wear tutu's

07-13-2003, 01:34 PM
There have been a few pictures of Dave in the old PB mags (around 95, or so). I had one, now lost, that featured a profile of him while playing on Tour de Force, I believe. It featured a pic of him with his custom Carter milled and polished VM-68, wearing a sports-jacket, black pants, and a black mock turtle-neck shirt. Under the profile, it listed camo pattern, and his response was "never!"

I have played in some really nice (nice as in outlandish) break-dancing clothes. For Halloween, I have a cape, leather gloves, and a glow-in-the-dark t-shirt emblazoned with a cartoonish Frankentstein's monster, adorned with the phrase "It's Party Time!". I also have an 80's Swedish metal-head costume. Never a animal suit, though.

I keep trying, without any luck, to get together a cosutme-only game for Halloween. Regulation masks, of course. I was thinking zombies vs. aliens, or something stupid like that. Best costume wins a prize. None of my friends are willing, though.

07-13-2003, 01:49 PM
Don't forget the Fallen Angels and their signature uniform skirts.

07-13-2003, 02:08 PM
Mickey Mouse is a Xenomorph! Oh no!

07-13-2003, 04:01 PM
I've played as a pimp before, the big feather on my hat made it really hard to snap shoot!

07-13-2003, 05:45 PM
I personally like the pie suit.

07-13-2003, 06:16 PM
I have a 3.5 foot long stocking hat (brown, says aspen on it) that I got from a flea market for 50cents, I wear it at tourneys.

07-13-2003, 06:21 PM
i just got back from D-day at skirmish.. and there was this guy who had this alf thing going on.... it was either alf or an ardvark... anyway, he had one of those nose things attached to his mask and he had little ears too. i thought it was pretty funny.... the people there were giving away 98c to the people in the best costume.. so next year, my friends and i r gunna go as clowns

Doc Nickel
07-13-2003, 08:38 PM
The story on Youngblood (Dave DeHann) goes something like, he and some friends were out at a SoCal field, when a buddy shows up after a night of partying and carousing.

The friend was wearing a grey suit which had taken something of a beating during the night- drink stains, cigarrette burns, etc. The dude was going to toss it when Dave took it and wore it for the next round of games. (Recball, circa 1988 or so.)

He thought it was cool, and so began to wear it regularly, and later bought othger new and used suits- predominantly grey- to play in later. From then on, til the full-tilt tourney play of the mid-late '90s and up, he was always shown playing in a grey suit of some kind. It became as much a "signature" look as Tyger's bunny ears or antlers.

He then started "color coordinating" his markers and other equipment with the grey suits- in '90 he was featured in an I&I Sports ad with a silver 68 Special, prior to that he had a silver-annoed Carter Comp pump (sometimes with two Thermo-valved "California Air" 10-ounce tanks) and most people have seen his silver-annoed custom VM.

In an "Ironmen" video from '94, you see him with a mirror-polished all-silver 'Cocker with a bottomline 10-oz on a Carter L-stock, and in the St Louis Big Game video from the same year, he's seen with essentially the same gun, but in a Sniper-2 pump mode.

That same 'Cocker- or one much like it- was shown with a PMS FW71 air system in the '96 ESPN paintball events.


07-13-2003, 10:49 PM
if you pick up the sunday drivers dvd, watch the tribute to the old ironmen you can see dave in his suit and all of them playing in just jt whipper goggles with no mouth protection (becuasue everyone knows it is WAYYY better to be able to be heard clearly on the field )*HUGE SPINING SARCASM LIGHT, PLEASE DON'T TAKE YOUR MASKS APART:)

07-14-2003, 08:50 AM
Does this count?

I wore this costume for a recball tourney that the local paintball club put on last year. It's far too warm for regular play (originally designed for my little sister to wear for Halloween in north-central Alberta, think -20*C ), but it got lots of attention. Even had a couple of people come up and start petting my arm :D .

By the end of the day, I won an award for best dressed, and my team (keeping in mind we first met that morning) picked up a sportsmanship prize - a gift certificate for work by Punisher.

I suppose I could remove the ears and put them on my mask... they even match the colour pattern on my jersey :cool: ...

07-14-2003, 09:29 AM

07-14-2003, 12:01 PM
I dunno if this has to do with anything, but this guy Pat at Del sometimes gets on a whole kilt getup...with his Blue Impy...and him trying to bunker somebody (bad picture :eek: ) its pretty funny.

07-14-2003, 12:21 PM

hey did you make that or buy it?

07-14-2003, 04:49 PM
The team "The Pink Fluffy Bunnies"

07-14-2003, 04:54 PM
one more :)

07-14-2003, 05:07 PM
Pink Fluffy Bunnies isn't new, there was a team like that in the early 90's, but they only had a patch. Not cool jerseys. :) I ran across that when I was scaning stuff.

This is Youngblood from an I&I ad, with his 'grey' suit. No comments about mullettude, it was a '91 ad. Oh, and check the prices too....


07-14-2003, 05:12 PM
...and more vintage Youngblood, since we're picking on Dave. APG cover from 1991. I have a feeling it was taken AFTER teh I&I ad from above....

And, jsut so you all know, the JT mask was spray-painted. JT didn't offer a mirrored lens at that time. Nice idea... NO LAUGHING at the C/A rig!!!! California Constant Air ROCKS DUDE! :)


07-14-2003, 05:16 PM
One more of Dave, then I'm moving on to Oh. A cover from 1993, when he still played in the suit. Soon after this he went to all blacks.

Bonus points if you can heft the VM in his hands. :)


07-14-2003, 05:19 PM
One more, since it's on the computer. I was scanning all the old covers and found Oh PAwlack. He always played in plaids. And, oh yeah, that IS a mag. :)

-Tyger (Done for now)

07-14-2003, 07:38 PM
My mom made the pie suit for me to use at haloween last year :)

Doc Nickel
07-14-2003, 10:05 PM
Whatever happened to Oh? He was one of the "big names" five or six years ago, but he's all but dropped off the face of the earth. I haven't heard anything about him in many a moon.


07-14-2003, 10:44 PM
I wear a kilt. Both a cotton Utilikilt or the straight out Great Kilt (braveheart style).

No pics right now, but I'll look for some.

07-15-2003, 02:01 AM
Originally posted by Doc Nickel
Whatever happened to Oh?

I think after the ESPN incident he took a hit persona wise. (I'll explain if asked...) He should still be in So Cal, running Paintball Sam's out there....


Doc Nickel
07-15-2003, 03:55 AM
Consider me asking. I'd heard some vague rumour there was some dust-up or personality-clash in some team, field or store, but really, it was a matter of one day he's in all the ads and magazines, and the next day people are going "Oh who?"


07-15-2003, 05:11 AM
The ESPN incident, which there was a big flap about. Bad Company vs. Ironmen, fromthe '94 World Cup. Ohruns onto screen near the end of hte game with a VERY OBVIOUS splat on his goggles. A Myopic ewok could have seen it.

His mistake was doingit on camera. Next mistake was defending himself on rec.sport.paintball. This should take you to the google page. I hope. (http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&threadm=3ue6jf%24nie%40ixnews6.ix.netcom.com&rnum=30&prev=/groups%3Fq%3DESPN%2BBad%2BCompany%2Bgroup:*paintba ll*%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26ie%3DUTF-8%26scoring%3Dd%26selm%3D3ue6jf%2524nie%2540ixnews 6.ix.netcom.com%26rnum%3D30) And this should take you to Oh's response. (http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&selm=3tv5bf%24r7a%40newsbf02.news.aol.com)

It speaks for itself. The furor kinda buried a lot of credibility. Becasue like it or not, he was caught on camera with a splat on his goggles playing on. What happened, or dind't happen, is irrelavant.

Ahh well, that's showbuisness. Just wait 'till everyone gets thier wish of paintball on TV....


07-15-2003, 07:20 AM
I think I'll play in a chain mail jersey from now on....

yeah that'll get some attention.

07-15-2003, 12:39 PM
Oh Pawlak was running Paintball Sams in Sacramento CA. He also owns Predator Paintball (http://www.predator-paintball.com) if I recall Correctly. There was some bad blood between local fields after PB Sams repeatedly, purposely scheduled events on top of other local fields tourneys and big games. The Loacal PB community responded by not showing up to the field after it was so evident that PB sams was not willing to work with other fields and promoters. PB sams was slosed due to the land it was on being sold and developed, or so it is told.

A new field was started First Class Paintball (http://www.firstclasspaintball.com), but it was explicitly stated that Oh Pawluk was not envolved. However it has been strongly suggested that he is a silent partner. I personally have not been to his new park so I wont bother even posting rumors ive heard about it.

Either way, after seeing his behavior on the field, playing on and a general bad attitude, in person, I think it is better that he has slid into the shadows.

07-15-2003, 05:08 PM
Tyger, I made a futuristic paintball mask for spplat. Check your user CP. It took 8 hours.