View Full Version : Should I buy an Automag?

07-13-2003, 08:55 AM
Hello everyone,

I hope you can help me with my problem.

I have returned to playing paintball after several years out of the game and wow am I overwhelmed at all the new stuff available.

I bought a Tippmann M98C to get started and have been thinking about making some upgrades to it. The owner of my local field said that I should not put a lot of money into a Tippmann and just buy a differant marker. He suggested an Automag. But he was real vauge about why.

So here is my question. Why an Automag? (Simple huh?)

Here are the things I don't like about my Tippmann.
1. Inconsistant shots. Even on Nitro, there is still too much velocity flux from shot to shot, which makes for poor accuracy.
2. Rate of fire. There is not much I can do to the old Tippy to fix this and keep it legal for the fields around here. None of them allow the R/T. I am not looking for super fast full auto but I would like it to be a little faster.
3. The Tippy is just too long. It makes moving around up front and snap shooting a little tough.

So, is the automag the answer to my problems? In what ways will it address the issues I have with my Tippy? Any suggestions or advice would be appreciated.

Oh yea, I almost forgot. I am looking at the TKO Automag package on Paintballgear.com. Does anybody know much about that package? It says it comes with a barrel but does not say what kind. Does that look like a good deal or would I be better off to just build my own package?


07-13-2003, 09:07 AM
Why an Automag...

#1 like all tippmanns besides the m98, its built like a rock. It can take a significant beating and still be fine.

#2 consistancy, anything different from a spyder or tippmann will appear to be consistant, with the right care and setup, mags can be the most consistant

#3 lvl 10 bolt, had it for almost 6 months, never broken a single ball

#4 small, compact

Personally, I would check the classifieds here to get a mag. Make sure you do background checks on the people you are thinking of buying from, but you can get a very good setup 2nd hand and save yourself a lot money.

Accessories to look for, in order:

powerfeed (not really an acesorie)
lvl 10
ULE Crap (crap doesn't mean bad, its just the generic for all the light stuff they are coming out with)

You can find all of that for sub 450 easily and the ULE isn't neccessary (unless you are weakling ;))

07-13-2003, 09:11 AM



07-13-2003, 10:26 AM
everything that NJ said, and also, when you do them roght, they look so pretty!!!!

07-13-2003, 11:19 AM
ha i was in the same boat as you a few months ago. I have a tipppmann with a response and flatline. I hated the inconsistency and the length was wretched. Also refs always hassled me about the r/t even though it was turned off. I got into speedball but even without the flatline it was still too bulky and innacurate. I shopped around and almost bought an impy but the automag caught my eye. It was small and basic, accurate and reliable as a tippmann. Also it had lots of room for upgrades(which was why I bought a 98) to make it unique and the classic is actually very quite. I bought mine off ebay used and its still in perfect condition. Its perfect for speedball and has plenty of upgrades to put on it. I'm still customizing mine.

07-17-2003, 12:10 AM
Buy an automag and put a level 10 and hook up an i frame and get a total freak

07-17-2003, 02:51 AM
Originally posted by LittlePaintballBoy
...they look so pretty!!!!

For example, mine:

(I don't mean to be so vain, but... wait... yeah, I do...:rolleyes: :D )

07-17-2003, 03:05 AM
One interesting note that I was told by an old friend/paintshop manager: Guys who start with Tippmanns usually move on to 'mags because they are used to simple guns that work. Guys who start with spyders usually move on to 'cockers because they are used to busy markers that don't work.

Mind you, this was years ago.

I dropped out of paintball a few years ago when I really got into the import car scene. I recently came back to paintball and saw how far AGD has come, it is simply amazing... if I was just starting now, I would consider nothing other then an AGD marker for all-out performance.

(I did buy a 98C a couple months ago to screw around with, my old Prolite and Pro/Carbine wanted a new friend :))

07-20-2003, 05:48 PM

07-20-2003, 06:04 PM
Hey Everyone,

Snorkie, I'm not sure what your reply has to do with my question. You may be on the wrong site. The site you are obviously looking for is www.ijustcameoutofthecloset.com

Anyway, to all the mature people here, thanks so much for all your advice. I baught a 68 Automag Classic powerfeed with a gas thru, drop and an awsome hyperframe electronic trigger. Came with a 12v Revi and barrel.

I played with it this weekend and it was great. I will probably have to get a second job to pay for all the paint I will be shooting unless I learn to take my finger off the trigger a little more.

Thanks again everyone. You were great. To those of you who made offers to me I am sorry that it did not work out but I had to do what was best for me. It's always easier to buy from someone you know who can let you test it out than to buy over the mail.


Bryan :cool: