View Full Version : RTP Foregrip Extender?

07-13-2003, 03:47 PM
Does anyone know if there is a foregrip extender made for the RT Pro or E-mag? I just installed a Z-grip on my RTP and am having a hard time wrapping my arms around the Warp to get to the Foregrip. I don't like the look of the folding foregrip from Pro-team, as that attaches to the barrel.


07-13-2003, 03:51 PM
if you look at some pics.. there is a custom foregrip that screws inot the vert hole... it's aluminum one piece.. i forget where it was tho.. only thing i can think of

07-13-2003, 03:56 PM
I know KAPP has one that's discontinued and there are a couple of those floating around, but the RTP and E-mag don't have the vert foregrip hole on their rail. They have that sheetmetal stand-off. I suppose a hole or two could be drilled into the rail to accept the extender, but I'm not sure what that would do to the integrity of the rail.

Anyone have thoughts on the rail integrity?

Thanks again,

07-13-2003, 04:23 PM
All RTP rails and, up until recently, E-Mag rails have the counterbored hole for mounting a vertical ASA of some or a gas-thru grip that doesn't use an ASA, like the Benchmarks.

You cannot mount a KAPP foregrip extender to either of those rails because it is machined to fit the contour of the AM/MM rail.

The RTP foregrip is already "extended" in comparison to the AM/MM foregrip location, so your only real option is to machine a bracket to mount to the existing bracket and extend the mounting locating of the foregrip.

07-13-2003, 04:37 PM
Thanks for the info VCG, but what if I were to machine off the "wings" on the KAPP extender? I had to do the same thing to my Z-grip to get it to fit on my RTP. I looked at my rail and there does seem to be a dimple approx. where a foregrip could be added, if it were drilled and tapped.

If the wings were removed and holes in the frame drilled and tapped, would the KAPP then work?

07-13-2003, 04:46 PM
You'll have to measure the spacing inbetween the center of the mounting hole and the front of the rail on the RTP rail and an AM rail. If the AM rail has a shorter spacing you'll have to machine off more than the wings on the KAPP extender.

You'll need to get a counterbore to drill the hole properly for the mounting screw. It's a 10-24 screw with a thin flat head. You'll have to get that screw from AGD. You won't need to tap anything in the rail.

07-14-2003, 03:41 AM
Do not hack a KAPP foregrip extender they fit up nicely with wings.

07-14-2003, 02:07 PM
Taw, you don't need to shave off the wings? Don't they do hideous things to the finish and push the extender too far away from the rail?

Anyways, how is the spacing between the kick on the KAPP, the end of the RTP rail and the screw hole? Do they line up properly? I'd like to know before I drop $25 to $30 to pick one up and find out that it doesn't work.

Also, will the stock RTP foregrip work on the extender?

Thanks again,