View Full Version : ULE RTX Pics up! W/custom work!

06-29-2003, 08:45 PM
Well I played with my RT PROX today with my adjusted foregrip. (15 degrees, one screw). I cannot say more than it worked like a charm, it was so beautiful to snap shoot and much easier to grab in sticky situations. Anyway, I am planning on machining off the fins on the edges of the foregrip metal screw in part. Any suggestions or advice for doing so? I plan on getting the fins off because they are quite sharp and right next to my trigger finger now. Ill have pics when its finished, but just wanted to see if anybody has tips, ideas, comments, just lmk.

07-03-2003, 01:24 AM
Up it! I want some answers, cmon guys I know yous are just holding out cuz im a little punk kid. ;)

07-03-2003, 07:47 AM
Post some pictures. I shortened the distance between the frame and the grip on my pro. I cut off the pointed parts on the metal and slid the grip back more. Lets see some pics, that sounds cool.

07-13-2003, 11:37 PM
Hey guys, got to use my new ULE body today and whhhewwww man its sooo much better. Today at Del Hobbies was great, the team was just rocking so well. PbMegastore challenged us to a game before we left, we got em down to three guys, but I think the team still played it amazingly. Bunkered two guys. :D Well heres the pics of the RTX, I got machining work done so that I could put the grip at around 15 degrees, its beautiful how well it works. And I took the pics with a friends 2 piece J and J barrel, not bad. But my Black CP will be in soon. :D Ill also post a pic of me in the snake getting ready to bunker a guy, I ended up taking about 3 guys out after him from leaving the snake, all in all great day though!

07-13-2003, 11:40 PM
And finally the snake picture, I didnt get the pic of me bunkering the guy, but I like this one. Damn..im a small kid. Heh. :D

07-14-2003, 12:55 AM
Sorry bout the wait, heres the pics!

07-14-2003, 01:09 AM
I merged your 2 threads, saves having to read about the same thing over again!

07-14-2003, 11:47 AM
Lol, k thanks Army I forgot I made 2 nearly. Hope everyone likes the mag! LMK WHATCHA GUYS THINK! :cool:

07-14-2003, 11:52 AM
lol i was at del hobbies on sunday too. my team didnt play because we only had 4 guys, our other like 6 guys were on the way back from syracuse from the NY Cup, and they got lost ont he way to the field, so we went back to staten island to play at sipaintball instead. we were there for like 4 hours just watching games. i probably watched you play, but what field was that on? on the main field, i dont remember seeing a snake like that? the 50 was a big diamond, the near side had a 2 laydowns leading into a dorito, and the far side 50 was a ladder. was that on the other field?

07-14-2003, 12:10 PM
Ohh man that sucks that you guys didnt play did you see how many teams were there! Did yous even jump into recball or what? Well anyway, yea that was on field 2, field 1 we played like 3 games on all day. The team is Team Melee, were the guys with neon green jerseys, and fully packed out with Raven stuff cept for masks and packs. We also had that girl play for us that game, she was really good man! Oh and it matters what time you were there till, this was a late game, thats why it was our last but I was very satisfyed at the end of the day. :D

07-14-2003, 12:30 PM
nope, we didn't even play. we got there at like 10:30 AM, and sat around doing nothing until like 2 PM, then drove all the way back to staten island (2 hours) and had a team practice at our field. it really sucked driving for 4 hours to not even play. oh well, i had fun :)