View Full Version : 10 for Freedom, 10 for Justice

07-14-2003, 03:48 PM
I have returned from Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom. We fired 20 missiles into Iraq. Is war fun, no. But it is a nessessary evil. I do believe that there were WMDs there whether they find them or not, and even if they don't, 25 million people are now free. I have no desire to do it again, but if I have to, I wouldn't hesitate. So, what have I missed over the last 6 months being underwater?

07-14-2003, 04:04 PM
Welcome back!

07-14-2003, 04:48 PM
welcome back


07-14-2003, 04:52 PM
thanx! and WB!

07-14-2003, 05:13 PM
HOOAH for my Navy brethren! Job well done!

07-14-2003, 05:39 PM
So that's how you spell hooah huh? I always wondered that. So now, I have a relatively stock emag, anything new out I should look into? I have a standard body and warpfeed, any new body design I should look at? Will my exsisting barrels continue to work? Anything else?

07-14-2003, 06:04 PM
So that's how you spell hooah huh? I always wondered that. So now, I have a relatively stock emag, anything new out I should look into? I have a standard body and warpfeed, any new body design I should look at? Will my exsisting barrels continue to work? Anything else?

Look at AGD's Prototype Lab. There's has been some "interesting" developments that happened while you where in that " Steel Tube of Doom" :D . Funny how mag bodies are also nothing but steel tubes. :D

07-14-2003, 06:29 PM
Well there are a couple of new things,
X-Valve- its an retro valve but made of aluminum, and comes standard with a lvl 10
ULE Body- a vertical feed body made of alluminum, that takes cocker threads and comes in a variety of colors
ULE Trigger- decreases the weight of the mag trigger pull and is a new on/off
X-Mag- undescribable

07-14-2003, 06:48 PM
I don't understand, how do you "Know" that there are WMD in Iraq? I mean we know at one point they had them, the US CIA gave Iraq chemical weapons against the Kurds... But after all, you were underwater and even if you were on land they haven't found anything? Just an innocent question...

07-14-2003, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by NJPaint
I don't understand, how do you "Know" that there are WMD in Iraq? I mean we know at one point they had them, the US CIA gave Iraq chemical weapons against the Kurds... But after all, you were underwater and even if you were on land they haven't found anything? Just an innocent question...

ouch, this could hurt...

07-14-2003, 09:11 PM
Hey, I'm not trying to bash the armed forces, God knows that I have a huge respect for anyone in uniform. Your individual statement seems a bit off base though. It sounds like...

"Bush says its there, so even if we can't find it, it must be there"

"Allah says the west is evil, so they must be"

Somewhat similar?

I'm not doubting that there are Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, I am sure they are there. However, Bush claims "500 tons of bio and chemical weapons" and that they are an immeadiate threat to the US. Now he can't produce one ounce of that 500 tons, is there some knowlege that you have that we and obviously the President doesn't?

07-14-2003, 09:22 PM
If your speaking to me. I didn't give my viewpoint. On purpose.
I just think.... nothing.
This is way too political for me.:D

07-14-2003, 09:26 PM
As a matter of fact, yes I do have information that the general public does not. That is the nature of having a security clearance. I have been places, done things, and seen things, in the last 6 months that very few people know about, and even few will ever do themselves. Just because the public doesn't know, doesn't mean the government doesn't. The greatest complement you can pay the security apparatus is to underestimate it. "They can't know it because they screwed up, they're obvoiusly stupid."

07-14-2003, 09:58 PM
Oh, I see, the US government has found Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq and has decided to keep the knowlege to themselves because of why?

07-14-2003, 10:06 PM
That wasn't what I said. You're reading into it.

07-14-2003, 10:13 PM
I didn't say that you did... You said that you had access to stuff that we don't, understandible, thats why you are in the armed forces and I'm not, you are a qualified personel, and I'm not. All I'm trying to say is that the general public should at least know whether or not their commander and chief lied to them about facts.

07-14-2003, 10:13 PM
You'd think that if they do actually have proof, they would want to whip it out now before Bush's approval rating plummets any more.

S.S bandit AL
07-14-2003, 10:20 PM

07-14-2003, 10:22 PM
That is the nature of having a security clearance. I have been places, done things, and seen things, in the last 6 months that very few people know about, and even few will ever do themselves. Just because the public doesn't know, doesn't mean the government doesn't.

You know the law on transparency? If your government was actually holding back any information it'd be illegal for them to do so.

My only grief with this war is that they didn't call it the right way: "Operation Clear the F-Up" would have been better.

They put Saddam in power AND gave him biological weapons, THAT'S a major f-up... IT's all cleared now, millions of Iraqi died (during the Saddam era) BUT still kudos for going back and clearing the mess you made, even though the administration doesn't admit they made a mess.


Don't get me wrong I love my southern neighbors alas I don't like their government ;)

07-14-2003, 10:31 PM
Originally posted by Eagle
I do believe that there were WMDs there whether they find them or not

he never said they exist there, just that he believes that they do exist there. Now let me ask you this, do you know weather they have WMD or not? No you don't and right now none of the general public knows either. Are you willing to bet yours and millions of other human lifes accross the world on the off chance that they don't have them?

I am not willing to make that bet, i would rather be safe than sorry

07-14-2003, 10:34 PM
Hey, why don't we keep this on topic. Instead of hijacking the thread for political purposes. He has been out of paintball for 6 months and wants to find out what's new. Why don't we put our political differences aside and help him. Thanks.

07-14-2003, 10:44 PM
If there is one more comment other than thanking him for doing his job and welcoming him back I will heavily edit this thread and do some temp banning...

Welcome back and thank you Eagle.

07-14-2003, 10:46 PM
Thanks, Phil.

07-14-2003, 10:54 PM
Thank you very much.

You are a good man

07-14-2003, 11:01 PM
Good Googly Moogly.....

Eagle, thanks man..I got alot of friends in the 101st Airborne over there right now. What you guys have done and are doing is absolutly amazing!!!

Even though people are coming back, lets remember there are still troops over there in harm's way. In this last week or so, a guy on our team dad's humvee got RPGed, everyone got out okay with no injuries, but it brought it home to him and us, real quick!! The latest soldier to be killed in the 101st, my mom knew fromt he gym she works at.

Eagle, glad you came home safely, and what you did not oly freed a country, but also kept alot of my friends safe, and for that I thank you!!

Oh and cphilip, you rock man..peace

Chris Geiger

07-14-2003, 11:29 PM
hoorah squid ;) welcome home

07-15-2003, 01:08 PM
Any comrade in arms that makes it home deserves a heros welcome!!


the world needs more people like you that are willing to do what is right!! I stand and salute you.

USAF 1990-1998 and a Bosnia vet. ( I stayed state-side for the storm, but not by my choice :) )

07-15-2003, 01:51 PM
Eagle, glad you're out of harms way. Welcome back.

Originally posted by cphilip
If there is one more comment other than thanking him for doing his job and welcoming him back I will heavily edit this thread and do some temp banning...

So why isn't Eagle forced to use a non-political topic like "Glad to be Home?".

Well, I suppose once again we witness which political view points are acceptable and tolerated on AO and which aren't.

07-15-2003, 01:58 PM
Welcome home Eagle. Regardless of my beliefs about the war, I have the utmost respect for you and everyone else over there, and you have my thanks and support! Now get out on the field and play some paintball! :D

07-15-2003, 02:23 PM
hooray! welcome home! (AO and your house)

07-15-2003, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by SlartyBartFast
Eagle, glad you're out of harms way. Welcome back.

So why isn't Eagle forced to use a non-political topic like "Glad to be Home?".

Well, I suppose once again we witness which political view points are acceptable and tolerated on AO and which aren't.

I don't consider his statements or title to be "political" so much as personal and descriptive. And even if you do then I would think that a little lee way for someone who risked his life with your safety in mind (no matter what you might think) is certainly due. I am certain he would have rather sat home and played paintball and PS2 like you did. So lets be a little mature and try and overlook personal veiws to welcome one of your brothers home.

07-15-2003, 06:40 PM

Welcome home brother, from one SQUID(Submarine Qualified Until I Die)to another. Now to your question.

The ULE bodies are out, they are currently only vert feed. You have to remove the barrel detent from your rail. And yes they no longer use the twist lock. You will have to get a Cocker thread barrel.

There is talk about a ULE Trigger but no release yet. It is in this very thread somewhere.

Once again welcome home, dont listen to those land crabs. Just think about the Submarine song! lol

07-16-2003, 05:25 PM
We go up, we go down, we don't even mess around... hahaha