View Full Version : EMag...Viking...hmmm Choices

07-14-2003, 08:44 PM
I know you are all gonna say shoot them and see which you like, But the two stores around me don't carry Emags or Vikings. Could I have the pros and cons of each? Also, where can I get a Viking besides directly from AKA?

07-14-2003, 09:18 PM
"Dark Vikings" :


07-14-2003, 09:20 PM
hmmm that is pretty hard. i would choose the viking though.

viking: pros
light(depends on which one you get)
very very fast
has WAS eyes
very very fast again
really low pressure
wont chop

kinda ugly
no much upgrades(can be a good thing though)

light(depends on what mods you get)
pretty fast as well
no chops(lvl 10)
looks nice

emag: cons
pretty heavy stock
not as fast as viking
no eyes
can be hard on paint(from the high pressure)

i would suggest the dark viking because it comes with the WAS board stock, drilled for the WAS eyes, different milling options.

07-14-2003, 09:34 PM
no offense to AGD (hell, i even own a mag), but a viking blows an emag out of the water. heftylefty, you forgot one of the best things about a viking, they have AMAZING effeciency. they can get 2,000 shots out of a 68/45 fill, STOCK. the viking is all around the best gun ever made i would say, minus the uglyness.

07-14-2003, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by heftylefty

can be hard on paint(from the high pressure)

What do you mean?

07-14-2003, 09:52 PM
That dark viking...wow...it looks so nice...And its cheaper than the Emag I was lookin at too...hmmm..

07-14-2003, 09:54 PM

your making me want to sell my week old emag.

07-14-2003, 09:54 PM
well when i had my mag(with lvl 10) it shot well with severe standard(like blaze), but when i shot severe cyclone(like inferno) i got a lot of ball breaks compared to standard. maybe it was my lvl 10 wasnt "worked in" but it seemed that i got a lot of ball breaks from more fragile shells.

07-14-2003, 10:10 PM
This is how rumors get started.

07-14-2003, 10:13 PM
Originally posted by Stotic
This is how rumors get started.

about what? my post?

07-14-2003, 10:56 PM
Originally posted by heftylefty
well when i had my mag(with lvl 10) it shot well with severe standard(like blaze), but when i shot severe cyclone(like inferno) i got a lot of ball breaks compared to standard. maybe it was my lvl 10 wasnt "worked in" but it seemed that i got a lot of ball breaks from more fragile shells.
Was it breaking down the barrel? If so, that's not the LX's fault. Could be paintball/barrel match problems?

07-14-2003, 10:58 PM
i dont remember but i didnt have the most pleasent experiences with my mag when i had it. thats why i sold it.

07-14-2003, 11:05 PM
Sorry to hear that...but I hope you enjoy your GZ. :)

07-14-2003, 11:07 PM
ya me too, but the gz is what ive been wanting for a long time and i love it right now.

Jack & Coke
07-14-2003, 11:12 PM
Originally posted by heftylefty

can be hard on paint(from the high pressure)

What air pressure do you think is behind the ball when the gun is fired (MAG)? Just try to take a guess if you don't actually know...

07-14-2003, 11:13 PM
umm no clue. . . .120?

Jack & Coke
07-14-2003, 11:29 PM
Originally posted by heftylefty
umm no clue. . . .120?

You have "no clue"??? ...and yet, you list it as a "con"??? :rolleyes:

How logical is that?:confused:

Before I show you how much pressure is behind the ball when the mag is fired, what air pressure do you think the Angel, Cocker, Impulse, and Matrix put on the ball when fired?

Do you consider these guns to be "hard on paint" as well?

07-14-2003, 11:35 PM
matrix- around 80
angel- 200 i think
cocker- dont know
impulse- around 180

i do realize now that i was wrong about the "no clue. . .not logical thing" but im just going by from what i have read over the past couple of years that ive been paintballing. if all my info is wrong, then so be it and dont pay attention to anything i say. but im just trying to help someone out from my knowledge.

Jack & Coke
07-15-2003, 01:53 AM
Originally posted by heftylefty

matrix- around 80
angel- 200 i think
cocker- dont know
impulse- around 180


You're guesses are close to 100% incorrect.

From: http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=34429

matrix = around 45
angel = around 90
cocker = around 105
impulse = around 60
mag = around 55

Still think: "...[mag] can be hard on paint(from the high pressure)..."? ;)

Originally posted by heftylefty

i do realize now that i was wrong about the "no clue. . .not logical thing" but im just going by from what i have read over the past couple of years that ive been paintballing.

...now you know how myths, rumors, and misinformation about paintball mechanics and physics come to be. :eek:

Originally posted by heftylefty

if all my info is wrong, then so be it and dont pay attention to anything i say. but im just trying to help someone out from my knowledge.

I think it's great that you're trying to be helpful. :)

Unfortunately, like many myths and rumors about the mag, you're "information" is incorrect.:(

07-15-2003, 01:59 AM
wow, thanks a lot Jack & Coke! never realized it was that low. i think ill be a little bit more careful when i post info like that again. o well, good lesson learned.

Jack & Coke
07-15-2003, 02:03 AM
No worries... it happens. It's all good.

You were trying to be helpful... that's what counts.

Just be sure of what "facts" you spread next time... ;)http://www.automags.org/forums/images/icons/icon14.gif

07-15-2003, 02:05 AM
will do, thanks

i have a feeling that we went a little off topic;)

07-15-2003, 02:30 AM
Doesn't this thread make you all warm and fuzzy inside? I think this is a great example of how people should act when disagreements arise. No pride...No egos. Just pure open mindedness.

Okay, it's late and I realize I could be full of it..but hey, shoot me! :D

Jack & Coke
07-15-2003, 02:34 AM
Hey gibby, don't make me drive up the 110 fwy and give you a big hug.:p

07-15-2003, 02:36 AM
Originally posted by Jack & Coke
Hey gibby, don't make me drive up the 110 fwy and give you a big hug.:p
Hehe..save it for the SoCal AO meet...you're going right?

Jack & Coke
07-15-2003, 02:40 AM
Originally posted by gibby

Hehe..save it for the SoCal AO meet...you're going right?

I WISH!!!!!!!!

I have a wedding to attend that day... :(

I'm happy for my friend who will be married, but I'm bummed I won't be able to meet up with you guys.

Oh well, next time - I hope! :)http://www.automags.org/forums/images/icons/icon14.gif

07-15-2003, 02:44 AM
No worries...I'll keep you posted next time I play again. Actually, I still have some passes for California Paintball if you're interested. It's not for free...but you basically save $5 off for both admission and air. I might head up one of these weekends to play. Although, that's quite the drive from where you live.

lack of grace
07-15-2003, 10:45 AM
Viking - scm and eye covers available at iao

aside from the dark viking, get eyes, eye covers, wicked switch and a soda can mod for it.

07-15-2003, 01:42 PM
aka sucks

07-15-2003, 01:52 PM
If your goign to look at AKA, why not look at the Excalibur? I'd take one of those over a Viking.

lack of grace
07-15-2003, 01:55 PM
Originally posted by ~WarpedRT#2~
If your goign to look at AKA, why not look at the Excalibur? I'd take one of those over a Viking.

They cost several hundred more and are the same thing, just closed bolt.

07-15-2003, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by ~WarpedRT#2~
If your goign to look at AKA, why not look at the Excalibur? I'd take one of those over a Viking.

I don't really feel like spending $1000 on a gun when I'm not even playing amateur yet...

07-15-2003, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by ~WarpedRT#2~
If your goign to look at AKA, why not look at the Excalibur? I'd take one of those over a Viking.


I've owed both an Excal and a Viking, and three E-mags(Mircro, W/L, X). There are no noticable differences between the Viking and Excal during play. The Excal might be a little more efficient. But at the almost 500 dollar difference between the two, I don't think it is worth the money. So unless you beleve in close bolt gnomes, I can't think of any reason to get an Excal over a Viking.

As far as Viking vs. E-mag I really enjoyed both. I perfer the trigger on the E-mag, but other than that they are both very similar.

Put it this way, a Viking_+cash) is the only thing I can imagine trading my X-mag for

lack of grace
07-15-2003, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by headcase

As far as Viking vs. E-mag I really enjoyed both. I perfer the trigger on the E-mag, but other than that they are both very similar.

Emag and viking triggers are nothing alike imo.

07-15-2003, 02:16 PM
That came out wrong.

Besides the trigger, they are both similar.

Fairly Light
Both Basicly Bulletproof
Both have good companies behind them.

The E-mag is smaller(shorter)
The Viking is more efficient

07-16-2003, 07:46 PM
the excal is slow compared to the viking or the emag.
I personaly prefer the viking over the emag.
I found the marker to shoot a little better than the emag, but i must stress that is MY opinion, not the scientific crap. I lowered the pressure on my viking and found that i could play all day with out a single paint break. i did not have eyes or even a halo. i was shooting approx 15-18 bps.
On an 88/45 i could play for GAMES as a back player shooting 6-8 pods.
just my 2cp worth